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Is it Biden or bust for Democratic Nominee?
I have said for a long time I thought Biden if polling was bad would be dumped in favor of Kamala or another candidate? I may be wrong as we are now 2 months away from states getting a candidate on the ballot. Most states have deadlines and states with early voting like Pa. could be an issue if the Democrats attempt to replace Biden as the nominee.

Do liberals like their chances with Biden? Do conservatives like their chances with Trump?

As a conservative, I love Trump's policies.

Abortion a state issue now versus a federal one
Foreign Policy

It appears today the D.C. G.O.P. elite members of Congress put their full support behind Trump, even McConnel who liberals loved when he said he would not support him 3 years ago. Scary, even Romney now supports Trump, never thought i would say that in 2024.

What has Biden done for liberals to get their vote other than just being a Democrat?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-13-2024, 11:37 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I have said for a long time I thought Biden if polling was bad would be dumped in favor of Kamala or another candidate? I may be wrong as we are now 2 months away from states getting a candidate on the ballot. Most states have deadlines and states with early voting like Pa. could be an issue if the Democrats attempt to replace Biden as the nominee.

Do liberals like their chances with Biden? Do conservatives like their chances with Trump?

As a conservative, I love Trump's policies.

Abortion a state issue now versus a federal one
Foreign Policy

It appears today the D.C. G.O.P. elite members of Congress put their full support behind Trump, even McConnel who liberals loved when he said he would not support him 3 years ago. Scary, even Romney now supports Trump, never thought i would say that in 2024.

What has Biden done for liberals to get their vote other than just being a Democrat?

You listed words.

What about the economy? Is he going to fire the federal reserve chair and install someone who cuts interest rates? More tax cuts for the rich?

What is he going to do about inflation?

We had a border deal he killed. What’s his plan?

Crime… commit more I guess?

Foreign policy. Kiss ass with authoritarians and destabilize our allies. What else?

We have the Fed operating independently and allowed to do their job. High interest rates have appeared to work and inflation has normalized.

Unemployment is low and wages are rising.

We got an infrastructure deal with big projects in progress around the country.

There have been major investments in chips and science which are crucial to national security.

We are investing in renewable energy and producing more gas and oil than anyone else in the world. Some would call it energy dominance.

We are supporting our allies in Israel and Ukraine while refraining from sending our young men and women in to combat.

Zero toilet paper shortages. I haven’t seen people lined up to get into the grocery store at 6am. No empty store shelves. POTUS not on tv every night telling me to inject bleach, stick a light bulb up my ass, and take horse dewormer. Things have been pretty calm unless you are on a college campus or out front at former potus criminal trial.
Couple stories from that meeting the GOP had with the felon.

Surprise surprise. Ukraine would be screwed.

And his tax ideas are stupid and would crush the lower and middle class and help the rich.

Turn our back on an ally so an authoritarian leader can crush a democracy. Any Trump supporters want to tell me how letting a European ally get annihilated by an authoritarian leader who interferes in our elections is in our best interest?

Screw the lower and middle class. Any Trump supporters want to tell me how eliminating income tax and making the cost of goods more expensive effects the poors compared to the rich?

Wow. When you look deeper than just one word. His policies are shit. Who would have thunk it? I guess not the people blindly following Epstein’s old friend.
(06-14-2024, 03:47 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Couple stories from that meeting the GOP had with the felon.

Surprise surprise. Ukraine would be screwed.

And his tax ideas are stupid and would crush the lower and middle class and help the rich.

Turn our back on an ally so an authoritarian leader can crush a democracy. Any Trump supporters want to tell me how letting a European ally get annihilated by an authoritarian leader who interferes in our elections is in our best interest?

Screw the lower and middle class. Any Trump supporters want to tell me how eliminating income tax and making the cost of goods more expensive effects the poors compared to the rich?

Wow. When you look deeper than just one word. His policies are shit. Who would have thunk it? I guess not the people blindly following Epstein’s old friend.

Don’t forget about his ruinous plan to round up and deport undocumented people. A sudden jump in unemployment numbers coupled with a decimated agriculture sector will send inflation surging.

His entire inflation plan is “drill baby drill” like we already aren’t producing more oil and gas than ever. It shows a simplistic lack of understanding of all the inflationary factors hurting the economy

The worst year for crime in decades came under Trump in 2020. It has been dropping since then and 1st QTR 2024 has seen a huge drop. There was a 15.2% drop in violent crime.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

I think that the possibility of Biden being replaced as the nominee is growing stronger by the day.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(06-14-2024, 12:30 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: You listed words.

What about the economy? Is he going to fire the federal reserve chair and install someone who cuts interest rates? More tax cuts for the rich?

What is he going to do about inflation?

We had a border deal he killed. What’s his plan?

Crime… commit more I guess?

Foreign policy. Kiss ass with authoritarians and destabilize our allies. What else?

We have the Fed operating independently and allowed to do their job. High interest rates have appeared to work and inflation has normalized.

Unemployment is low and wages are rising.

We got an infrastructure deal with big projects in progress around the country.

There have been major investments in chips and science which are crucial to national security.

We are investing in renewable energy and producing more gas and oil than anyone else in the world. Some would call it energy dominance.

We are supporting our allies in Israel and Ukraine while refraining from sending our young men and women in to combat.

Zero toilet paper shortages. I haven’t seen people lined up to get into the grocery store at 6am. No empty store shelves. POTUS not on tv every night telling me to inject bleach, stick a light bulb up my ass, and take horse dewormer. Things have been pretty calm unless you are on a college campus or out front at former potus criminal trial.

Economy - in 4 years Trump had only a little over 5% year over year inflation. Biden has had 21%. Trump's wage growth outpaced inflation. Biden's inflation outpaced wage growth. This is why people were great under Trump's economy and having trouble buying food or paying the rent under Biden. It is why Trump kills Biden in polling on the economy and inflation.

The Trump tax cuts, and energy independence fueled best economy in the world in 2017 and 2018. Those tax cuts expire in 2025, Trump promises to keep them, Biden promises to let them expire creating huge tax increases in 2025 and beyond for the middle class. Biden's plan is to raise taxes in addition to letting the Trump tax cuts expire. Trump also will attempt to not tax tips for workers.

Yes, he will use the natural resources we have to drill and frack. He will get rid of red tape to make it happen. 

The border is a mess. Over 10 million people have entered the US since Biden took office. Trump will put an end to allowing illegal immigrants to enter and STAY IN THE US AWAITING ASYLUM HEARINGS. HE WILL PUT AN END TO PEOPLE FROM CHINA, SYRIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES WHO WANT TO KILL US ENTER THE COUNTRY.

Interest rates are killing the American dream. Biden's 20% inflation forced the feds to raise interest rates. Anyone thinking high interest rates with 20% inflation is a good thing is delusional. The 17% in higher wages throws people in a higher tax bracket, so not only do people suffer with the high costs, but they also pay the government more money creating a bigger gap between wage growth and inflation.

The states with the 5 highest crimes reported are all run by Democrats. Biden's AG Garland has sat by and watched these states and large cities like NY and Chicago catch and release criminals. One in NY was an illegal immigrant who butchered Laken Riley after NY released him. It is just a matter of time until we are terrorized from within on American soil due to Biden's and Democrats open border policies. Just look around, Democrats far left sympathizers with Hamas and staging violent protests all around the US. Jews are no longer safe, all on the Democratic party and AG of the US by not putting an end to it.


Trump got us in no wars. He did not get us into World War 3 as many suggested. He could be trusted with the nuclear codes in contrast what liberals fear mongered about. He did not throw anyone in jail, that would be the left and Joe Biden with attempts to bankrupt and put their main rival in November in jail. Pure 3rd world country crap the left say TRUMP WILL DO, BUT BIDEN AND GARLAND AND LIBERAL DA'S HAVE ALREADY DONE. BIDEN IS DESTROYING DEMOCRACY; TRUMP WILL RESTORE IT. TRUMP WILL NOT SEEK REVENGE; HE WILL ATTEMPT TO UNITE THE COUNTRY.

I could go on and on as the contrast of Trump policies and results versus the Biden policies are easily debated.

In a short time (less than 5 months), we will see America's choice. I will accept it and pray for either candidate who wins to help us get our country united and on track for a much better future for retirees and our young people be able to work hard and get ahead.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
I could see them moving on from Joe Biden. There are more concerns over his cognitive functions, he looks like a walker from The Walking Dead, he is linked into the Hunter Biden escapades (legit or not, he still gets dragged in), and the public has him on the hook for the economy, inflation, gas prices, rampant crime, the open border, and weaponizing the DOJ.

Not everything is his fault, but that is not the view the common man has.

Factor in the 10% who would not have voted for him in the 2020 election if they knew the laptop was real, and DJT has a win. Then factor in those who are now "Never Biden" voters, like the "Never Trump" crowd, and there's a bigger lead.

Joe's bouts of stuttering, presenting as dementia or early onset Parkinson's, are becoming even more frequent, and such spells will only increase with time. He makes the USA look weak and incompetent on the world stage.

I think they are letting Joe show his cards more so they can move on. I believe my current theory is Joe is put out to pasture, Gavin Newsome steps up to the plate as the Democrat pick, and Kamala gets to be Governor of California as a consolation prize.

VP would be Ralphael Warnock, Georgia Senator, giving them a better chance to retain Georgia in the election.

But that's just my theory...
(06-14-2024, 12:30 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: You listed words.

What about the economy? Is he going to fire the federal reserve chair and install someone who cuts interest rates? More tax cuts for the rich?

What is he going to do about inflation?

So now Presidents are responsible for this?  
As far as Tax Cuts go? He will likely extend the ones out there or make some slightly better ones for all groups. 
Now as far as going after the wealthy? That's the IRS's job to make sure they are paying and not trying to use illegal loop holes. Let's get those things first, then we can actually see what the $$ is. As it stands, the money isn't all that much in the overall of things in regards to taxing the rich, they know the game and how to play it to minimize their cuts. Just look at Buffet, same annual salary of $100k/year for the 40 years?? You think he cares if they raise it based on income? 

(06-14-2024, 12:30 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: We had a border deal he killed. What’s his plan?

Crime… commit more I guess?

Foreign policy. Kiss ass with authoritarians and destabilize our allies. What else?

What Border Deal? The one that's let about 6.7 Million cross over the Southern Border since he became POTUS? What ever border deal that is definitely needs to be killed.

No idea about that, but doubt we get into another war. I mean really Russia sure wasn't scared about Biden being POTUS. Hamas went after Israel on his term as well, almost have a second war down there. You think foreign policy is better? or what foreign countries think of our POUTS? 

(06-14-2024, 12:30 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: We have the Fed operating independently and allowed to do their job. High interest rates have appeared to work and inflation has normalized.

That's a bit of a stretch, but go ahead and post a link where some Economics guy is forecasting that. 
I think it's not done yet. It's going to get worse in September when the Feds don't cut the rates like it's being projected they will. 

(06-14-2024, 12:30 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Unemployment is low and wages are rising.

We got an infrastructure deal with big projects in progress around the country.

There have been major investments in chips and science which are crucial to national security.

After so many jobs were forced to end during the COVID Pandemic, it really had no where to go but up. 

Yes we are doing well there.

(06-14-2024, 12:30 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: There have been major investments in chips and science which are crucial to national security.

We are investing in renewable energy and producing more gas and oil than anyone else in the world. Some would call it energy dominance.

Chips is necessary but glad we are doing that.

Stop, Oil and Gas production is not because of Biden's policies, he's completely against those things. 

(06-14-2024, 12:30 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: We are supporting our allies in Israel and Ukraine while refraining from sending our young men and women in to combat.

Zero toilet paper shortages. I haven’t seen people lined up to get into the grocery store at 6am. No empty store shelves. POTUS not on tv every night telling me to inject bleach, stick a light bulb up my ass, and take horse dewormer. Things have been pretty calm unless you are on a college campus or out front at former potus criminal trial.

Doesn't really look like we are supporting Israel, Looks more like we have been trying to control them. 

There's now a shortage of TP in my house after reading all of that... It'd be easier to take your seriously if you didn't shovel all that Trump hate in with every post.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-14-2024, 08:40 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I think that the possibility of Biden being replaced as the nominee is growing stronger by the day.

Like from 0.0000001% chance to 0.000001%?
(06-14-2024, 06:05 PM)CJD Wrote: Like from 0.0000001% chance to 0.000001%?

I would think the boots on the ground voters would be chomping at the bit for a different/better nominee?

The question that nobody is asking is who is pulling Biden's strings cause he struggles to open a pudding cup, walk around sandbags, and shake hands with people who are present.

The fact the lockstep left are not clamoring, pushing for some else is very telling.
(06-14-2024, 03:47 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Couple stories from that meeting the GOP had with the felon.

Surprise surprise. Ukraine would be screwed.

And his tax ideas are stupid and would crush the lower and middle class and help the rich.

Turn our back on an ally so an authoritarian leader can crush a democracy. Any Trump supporters want to tell me how letting a European ally get annihilated by an authoritarian leader who interferes in our elections is in our best interest?

Screw the lower and middle class. Any Trump supporters want to tell me how eliminating income tax and making the cost of goods more expensive effects the poors compared to the rich?

Wow. When you look deeper than just one word. His policies are shit. Who would have thunk it? I guess not the people blindly following Epstein’s old friend.

Surprise Surprise, Ukraine thing taken out of context. Trump thinks it's an EU problem to address, not the US. 

Not sure what it would do, we'd need to have a good Bi-Partisan company make a few projections first. 

It's a EU problem, they should be the ones stepping up and taking care of it. 

We would need to see the WHOLE picture before passing judgement.

Ah you remembered to toss in Epstein in there, so your post is now nothing more than a rant.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-14-2024, 06:10 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: The question that nobody is asking is who is pulling Biden's strings

LOL someone once asked me "Do you know what Jill Biden does?"  
And I said "I think she runs the country" Hilarious

(06-14-2024, 07:51 AM)pally Wrote: Don’t forget about his ruinous plan to round up and deport undocumented people. A sudden jump in unemployment numbers coupled with a decimated agriculture sector will send inflation surging.

His entire inflation plan is “drill baby drill” like we already aren’t producing more oil and gas than ever. It shows a simplistic lack of understanding of all the inflationary factors hurting the economy

The worst year for crime in decades came under Trump in 2020.  It has been dropping since then and 1st QTR 2024 has seen a huge drop.  There was a 15.2% drop in violent crime.

Lock her up, err no wait new slogan, "get them out!"  
It's not going to hurt the agriculture sector they can pull from a giant pool of LEGAL immigrants that want to come here for seasonal work then return home.

I'm sure there's more to his inflation plan than that. And isn't it Trumps policies that have helped to keep the Gas prices down at the pumps thus far? Cause you know, Biden wants everyone to be driving Electric cars that they can't even figure out how to regulate enough to make uniform charging stations.  Those few $1B stations really don't help inflation at all. 

2020 the year of the Pandemic? When masses of people were losing their jobs? Besides, which kind of Crime are we talking (Violent, destruction of property?) Links please. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-14-2024, 06:27 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: LOL someone once asked me "Do you know what Jill Biden does?"  
And I said "I think she runs the country" Hilarious

Jill is complicit in elderly abuse, imo.

Someone told me they Photoshop out the sticks and strings making him  "move"

It' has been clear three out of his four years in office.

An embarrassment now.
(06-14-2024, 06:10 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I would think the boots on the ground voters would be chomping at the bit for a different/better nominee?

The question that nobody is asking is who is pulling Biden's strings cause he struggles to open a pudding cup, walk around sandbags, and shake hands with people who are present.

The fact the lockstep left are not clamoring, pushing for some else is very telling.

If they were going to replace him, they would have done it by now. The election is in less than 5 months. That's not enough time for a brand new campaign to get started and gain familiarity and trust with the undecided voters. It would be the equivalent of handing 20 to 30% of the electorate to Trump that would otherwise, theoretically, be up for grabs. Plus, throwing away the incumbent advantage would be silly at this stage of the race.

As far as "who is pulling the strings," the truth is it doesn't matter. Biden as a president is what he is at this point. You either like what he and/or his string pullers did enough to vote for him,  or you don't.  Whether he personally is making the decisions or not makes no material difference.

It very telling, I agree. There is no Obama (young,  charismatic. Intelligent, likeable politician) in the democratic party right now. 
(06-14-2024, 08:40 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I think that the possibility of Biden being replaced as the nominee is growing stronger by the day.

Try not to get duped by right wing media so much.
Sounds like Trump shit the bed in front of those CEOs. Hope he was wearing one of those diapers.
““Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” said one CEO who was in the room, according to a person who heard the executive speaking. The CEO also said Trump did not explain how he planned to accomplish any of his policy proposals, that person said.

Several CEOs “said that [Trump] was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought [and] was all over the map,” CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin reported Friday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.””
(06-14-2024, 11:38 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Economy - in 4 years Trump had only a little over 5% year over year inflation. Biden has had 21%. Trump's wage growth outpaced inflation. Biden's inflation outpaced wage growth. This is why people were great under Trump's economy and having trouble buying food or paying the rent under Biden. It is why Trump kills Biden in polling on the economy and inflation.

The Trump tax cuts, and energy independence fueled best economy in the world in 2017 and 2018. Those tax cuts expire in 2025, Trump promises to keep them, Biden promises to let them expire creating huge tax increases in 2025 and beyond for the middle class. Biden's plan is to raise taxes in addition to letting the Trump tax cuts expire. Trump also will attempt to not tax tips for workers.

Yes, he will use the natural resources we have to drill and frack. He will get rid of red tape to make it happen. 

The border is a mess. Over 10 million people have entered the US since Biden took office. Trump will put an end to allowing illegal immigrants to enter and STAY IN THE US AWAITING ASYLUM HEARINGS. HE WILL PUT AN END TO PEOPLE FROM CHINA, SYRIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES WHO WANT TO KILL US ENTER THE COUNTRY.

Interest rates are killing the American dream. Biden's 20% inflation forced the feds to raise interest rates. Anyone thinking high interest rates with 20% inflation is a good thing is delusional. The 17% in higher wages throws people in a higher tax bracket, so not only do people suffer with the high costs, but they also pay the government more money creating a bigger gap between wage growth and inflation.

The states with the 5 highest crimes reported are all run by Democrats. Biden's AG Garland has sat by and watched these states and large cities like NY and Chicago catch and release criminals. One in NY was an illegal immigrant who butchered Laken Riley after NY released him. It is just a matter of time until we are terrorized from within on American soil due to Biden's and Democrats open border policies. Just look around, Democrats far left sympathizers with Hamas and staging violent protests all around the US. Jews are no longer safe, all on the Democratic party and AG of the US by not putting an end to it.


Trump got us in no wars. He did not get us into World War 3 as many suggested. He could be trusted with the nuclear codes in contrast what liberals fear mongered about. He did not throw anyone in jail, that would be the left and Joe Biden with attempts to bankrupt and put their main rival in November in jail. Pure 3rd world country crap the left say TRUMP WILL DO, BUT BIDEN AND GARLAND AND LIBERAL DA'S HAVE ALREADY DONE. BIDEN IS DESTROYING DEMOCRACY; TRUMP WILL RESTORE IT. TRUMP WILL NOT SEEK REVENGE; HE WILL ATTEMPT TO UNITE THE COUNTRY.

I could go on and on as the contrast of Trump policies and results versus the Biden policies are easily debated.

In a short time (less than 5 months), we will see America's choice. I will accept it and pray for either candidate who wins to help us get our country united and on track for a much better future for retirees and our young people be able to work hard and get ahead.

All of that and he still managed to lose in 2020. You want to talk about the economy Trump was handed in 2017 vs the one he handed Biden in 2021?

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-14-2024, 06:27 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: LOL someone once asked me "Do you know what Jill Biden does?"  
And I said "I think she runs the country" Hilarious

You could control the country too, just rent an Easter Bunny costume and grab a couple ice cream cones...

[Image: Biden-Easter-Bunny.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]

[Image: joe-biden-ice-cream-DO-NOT-REUSE.jpg?q=6...1&fit=crop]
(06-14-2024, 08:40 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I think that the possibility of Biden being replaced as the nominee is growing stronger by the day.

A photo that was manipulated cropping out the parachutist who had just landed that Joe was walking toward to give the thumbs up to.

Even Howard Kurtz of Fox News called out this deceptive report

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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