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Israel/Hamas War Superthread
(04-11-2024, 05:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Hamas caused their deaths.  They are responsible for their murder.  it's not that complicated.
Got it?
Absolutely.  How would it not be?

Say a person takes a hostage.  A police sniper is given the order to take out the hostage taker.  The shot is fired, hits the hostage taker, but a fragment of the bullet splits off and kills the hostage.  Did the sniper kill the hostage or did the hostage taker cause their death?

Also, good to see your buddy finds the deaths of hostages a source of amusement though.  This thread has really shed a light on what passes for the values of some of our left leaning posters.  Rather abhorrent.

Say two hostages get free in Gaza, take off their shirts to show they have no weapons, and carry a white flag towards the IDF. 

An IDF sniper, seeing the flag and no weapons, shoots them anyway. One is wounded and crawls into a building. 

An IDF officer gives the order to finish off the unarmed, wounded man. Did the sniper kill the hostage? Well, maybe not the second one.

Family members think it's complicated. It was not a ricochet which killed either hostage.  Not ok if they "didn't know who they were." 

Two unarmed people carrying a white flag died because the IDF didn't take the requisite care for civilian life. That's "too complicated."

And looks like that's the routine.  Were it not routine, two hostages would have been recovered. Even if Hamas is "ultimately responsible."

(04-11-2024, 05:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Oh, I'm quite certain they all hold Hamas ultimately responsible.  They may take issue with Netanyahu's attempts to retrieve their loved ones, but I can rather safely say none of them hold anyone more responsible for their loved one's deaths than the animals in Hamas.

It's not complicated for Netanyahu. That's why the parents "take issue."

(04-11-2024, 05:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The "occupiers"?!?  Gaza was not occupied by anyone but the Palestinians and their elected Hamas overlords until Hamas declared war on Israel with a cowardly sneak attack on civilians.

Right. Gaza was like a sovereign state. Then the Hamas cowards decided to attack the most powerful country in the ME. 

The less you know, the simpler this gets.  Got it? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-11-2024, 06:01 PM)Dill Wrote: Say two hostages get free in Gaza, take off their shirts to show they have no weapons, and carry a white flag towards the IDF. 

An IDF sniper, seeing the flag and no weapons, shoots them anyway. One is wounded and crawls into a building. 

An IDF officer gives the order to finish off the unarmed, wounded man. Did the sniper kill the hostage? Well, maybe not the second one.

Family members think it's complicated. It was not a ricochet which killed either hostage.  Not ok if they "didn't know who they were." 

Two unarmed people carrying a white flag died because the IDF didn't take the requisite care for civilian life. That's "too complicated."

And looks like that's the routine.  Were it not routine, two hostages would have been recovered. Even if Hamas is "ultimately responsible."

Let's say I give your apologist, oversimplified take on this 100% accuracy.  It's still two hostages out of how many?  Oh yeah, 253.

Quote:It's not complicated for Netanyahu. That's why the parents "take issue."

Yeah, I get why they'd be upset.  You wanna bet they still blame Hamas more than anyone else?  I sure would.

Quote:Right. Gaza was like a sovereign state. Then the Hamas cowards decided to attack the most powerful country in the ME. 

Yes, Gaza was "like" a sovereign state.  Yes, then the terrorist animals of Hamas, the elected government of said state decided to attack Israel.   Why, because they have the backing of Iran (still waiting for you to enlighten everyone about Al Quds day btw), who desperately didn't want to see further normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab nations.  

Quote:The less you know, the simpler this gets.  Got it? 

Or, in your case, the more you know the more pontificating overly verbose drivel you post and the more you mitigate the actions of terrorists.

Got it?

Fascinating btw, how quickly you attempt to deflect away from the news that Hamas doesn't even have forty living hostages left to return.

Iran planning attack in response to Israel's attack.

Is that self defense by Iran and therefore acceptable, or was it self defense from Israel initially and therefore the cycle continue until we are all dead?

Israel DID strike an embassy and not a military installation.  Seven people were killed. One they were trying to kill. But civilians will die in a war, I guess.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-12-2024, 10:25 AM)GMDino Wrote: Iran planning attack in response to Israel's attack.

Is that self defense by Iran and therefore acceptable, or was it self defense from Israel initially and therefore the cycle continue until we are all dead?

Israel DID strike an embassy and not a military installation.  Seven people were killed.  One they were trying to kill.  But civilians will die in a war, I guess.

No, Iran struck first through their proxies in Hamas.  It is an established fact that Iran funds and supports Hamas both financially and militarily.  I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Israel for Iran being the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world though.

(04-12-2024, 11:54 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: No, Iran struck first through their proxies in Hamas.  It is an established fact that Iran funds and supports Hamas both financially and militarily.  I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Israel for Iran being the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world though.

Okay, but using that logic Netanyahu allowed/encouraged the funding of Hamas also.  Should he be considered a supporter of terrorism also?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-12-2024, 12:06 PM)GMDino Wrote: Okay, but Netanyahu allowed/encouraged the funding of Hamas also.  Should he be considered a supporter of terrorism also?

Ahahaha, your attempts at a logic trap are always good for a laugh.  Did Netanyahu directly provide them funding?  Did he provide them with weaponry?  Did he provide them with military personnel to train them?  What he did was tacitly allow them to continue to exist because they are/were politically expedient for him.  A poor idea, to be sure, but not quite on the same level as the myriad ways Iran funds and supports Hamas.  I would hope you actually knew that and were just using this opportunity for one of your ham fisted gotcha attempts.

It is fascinating how every post you make tries to ascribe the blame to Israel.  Why is that, Dino?  Why is every single one of your posts in this thread about Israel, and not a single one on the actions of Iran or Hamas?  That kind of extreme one sidedness just seems odd to me, especially when the side you're ignoring is one of the most vile organizations on the planet.  It does make one wonder.

(04-12-2024, 12:11 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ahahaha, your attempts at a logic trap are always good for a laugh.  Did Netanyahu directly provide them funding?  Did he provide them with weaponry?  Did he provide them with military personnel to train them?  What he did was tacitly allow them to continue to exist because they are/were politically expedient for him.  A poor idea, to be sure, but not quite on the same level as the myriad ways Iran funds and supports Hamas.  I would hope you actually knew that and were just using this opportunity for one of your ham fisted gotcha attempts.

It is fascinating how every post you make tries to ascribe the blame to Israel.  Why is that, Dino?  Why is every single one of your posts in this thread about Israel, and not a single one on the actions of Iran or Hamas?  That kind of extreme one sidedness just seems odd to me, especially when the side you're ignoring is one of the most vile organizations on the planet.  It does make one wonder.

We know that he encouraged the funding of Hamas.  He didn't fund them directly from his own coffers, but he wanted Hamas there so he had an enemy to rally against.

That's just a fact.

I don't blame Israel for Hamas other than when you continually oppress people eventually a group will rise out of them that will fight back like terrorists do.

Then again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.  Or so I've heard.

The situation there is complicated and wound up in history and politics.  You, quite convincingly, have campaigned that Israel does nothing wrong when it comes to their attacks on Hamas and that every bad thing that happens to the people in the strip is because of Hamas.  I can't/won't argue that Hamas is bad.  I will discuss how Israel handles them in regards to allowing them to remain in power and then using their eventual attacks as justification to take more and more land...and kill more and more people.

That is "why" SSF.  Unless you wish to label me something too?'d never do that. Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-12-2024, 01:14 PM)GMDino Wrote: We know that he encouraged the funding of Hamas.  He didn't fund them directly from his own coffers, but he wanted Hamas there so he had an enemy to rally against.

That's just a fact.

See, this is why I know you either don't read what is written or you can't comprehend what you read.  Because this is exactly what I said in the post you responded to.

Quote:I don't blame Israel for Hamas other than when you continually oppress people eventually a group will rise out of them that will fight back like terrorists do.

Then again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.  Or so I've heard.

Indeed?  Are you arguing that Hamas are "freedom fighters"?  Clear it up for us.  Are they freedom fighters or terrorists?  Not sure gang rape and murdering children really jives with being a freedom fighter, but hey, you might.

Quote:The situation there is complicated and wound up in history and politics.  You, quite convincingly, have campaigned that Israel does nothing wrong when it comes to their attacks on Hamas and that every bad thing that happens to the people in the strip is because of Hamas. 

And again, you either don't read what I actually right or you don't comprehend it.  I have, numerous times, stated I have issues with how Israel conducts itself.  In both this and other threads.  What I won't do is equate them to Hamas as Dill does when he compares Hamas to the far right in Israeli politics.  What I won't do is equate the IDF as equally bad actors as Hamas, as Dill does.  Or rather Dill says the IDF is worse because they engage in greater violence more frequently.  If you can't see the extreme difference in those positions, being able to criticize Israel but refusing to compare them to terrorist scum like Hamas, then nothing anyone says on a message board will get through to you.

Quote:I can't/won't argue that Hamas is bad.  I will discuss how Israel handles them in regards to allowing them to remain in power and then using their eventual attacks as justification to take more and more land...and kill more and more people.

Justified criticism, sure.  Just wondering though, as you haven't addressed this, how does one comment on this conflict and throughout this entire thread every single one of your posts is about Israeli actions?  Not a single post about the actions of Hamas.  Not a single one.  Odd that a person who acknowledges that Hamas is "bad" would have such an overwhelmingly lopsided posting history in this regard.

Quote:That is "why" SSF.  Unless you wish to label me something too?'d never do that. Mellow

Dude, I don't think any labels need to be applied by me.  If you deserve any your posting history on this subject will speak for itself.

(04-12-2024, 03:12 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: See, this is why I know you either don't read what is written or you can't comprehend what you read.  Because this is exactly what I said in the post you responded to.

Yes, that was me agreeing with what you wrote and clarifying my statement that I never implied he paid Hamas just allowed it to continue. "Comprehension" and all that.

(04-12-2024, 03:12 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Indeed?  Are you arguing that Hamas are "freedom fighters"?  Clear it up for us.  Are they freedom fighters or terrorists?  Not sure gang rape and murdering children really jives with being a freedom fighter, but hey, you might.

You're adorable. I'm pointing out that when you oppress a group people long enough they will fight back. To many of the oppressed people they may be free fighters. But you just can't resist the itch to try and make it like *I* said they were. So cute.

(04-12-2024, 03:12 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: And again, you either don't read what I actually right or you don't comprehend it.  I have, numerous times, stated I have issues with how Israel conducts itself.  In both this and other threads.  What I won't do is equate them to Hamas as Dill does when he compares Hamas to the far right in Israeli politics.  What I won't do is equate the IDF as equally bad actors as Hamas, as Dill does.  Or rather Dill says the IDF is worse because they engage in greater violence more frequently.  If you can't see the extreme difference in those positions, being able to criticize Israel but refusing to compare them to terrorist scum like Hamas, then nothing anyone says on a message board will get through to you.

Good for you! Not sure what Dill has to do with what I said though.

(04-12-2024, 03:12 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Justified criticism, sure.  Just wondering though, as you haven't addressed this, how does one comment on this conflict and throughout this entire thread every single one of your posts is about Israeli actions?  Not a single post about the actions of Hamas.  Not a single one.  Odd that a person who acknowledges that Hamas is "bad" would have such an overwhelmingly lopsided posting history in this regard.

Odd that you go through every post of mine to make sure I'm being fair to both sides. I haven't gone through every post in the thread but I wonder how often you have shown any thoughts and prayers for the innocent children killed in the name of self defense. I have stated, repeatedly, that I am against all of this...from both sides. It needs to end for the sake of the innocent lives being taken. You blame Hamas for ALL of it.

I can see you take it all very personally. I suggest you don't and may step back for a while.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-12-2024, 03:30 PM)GMDino Wrote: Yes, that was me agreeing with what you wrote and clarifying my statement that I never implied he paid Hamas just allowed it to continue.  "Comprehension" and all that.

Yeah, your response absolutely does not read this way.   Poor deflection effort.

Quote:You're adorable. I'm pointing out that when you oppress a group people long enough they will fight back.  To many of the oppressed people they may be free fighters.  But you just can't resist the itch to try and make it like *I* said they were.  So cute.

I can't resist reiterating my question.  Do you think Hamas are "freedom fighters" or terrorists?

Quote:Good for you!  Not sure what Dill has to do with what I said though.

It is good for me.  It also directly refutes your claim that I cannot criticize Israel, or tolerate those who do.  Dill's positions illustrate when I have a problem with criticism of Israel, when it is illegitimate or when it involves a direct comparison between Hamas and the Israeli government, or a direct comparison between Hamas and the IDF.  I thought that was rather clear.  Another reading comprehension fail from you.

Quote:Odd that you go through every post of mine to make sure I'm being fair to both sides. I haven't gone through every post in the thread but I wonder how often you have shown any thoughts and prayers for the innocent children killed in the name of self defense.  I have stated, repeatedly, that I am against all of this...from both sides.  It needs to end for the sake of the innocent lives being taken. You blame Hamas for ALL of it.

Not just you, you and everyone on your side of the aisle.  It struck me that I hadn't seen a single post from you or your buddy that wasn't about Israeli actions.  Which seemed kind of odd considering there are two sides to this conflict and one of them is a terrorist organization.  A less than two minute search confirmed this.  I do blame Hamas for all of the deaths in the current conflict.  Did you forget they started this war with a cowardly sneak attack involving the rape, murder and kidnapping of civilians, including infants, toddlers and the elderly?  Oh, did you miss the posts in which I contradicted the claim that the Palestinian people were responsible for this because they voted for Hamas?  Maybe you should have taken the time to actually review past posts before commenting?

Unlike you I actually say what I mean.  

Quote:I can see you take it all very personally.  I suggest you don't and may step back for a while.

Bless your heart for your concern.  I'm quite fine.

How about actually answering the questions you're dodging?  Do you consider Hamas a terrorist organization or "freedom fighters?"  Why have you not posted a single time about the actions of Hamas, why so one sided against Israel?  Looking forward to your next deflection and thank you in advance.

Just reading through this thread, Let's substitute Proud Boys or Antifa with Hamas in Dino's examples given. These groups feel oppressed in the US. (I disagree, but it is how they feel0.

It appears Dino and others feel far right and left activists have a right to call a cease fire, then during the cease fire rape, kill and burn innocent people to death. Take hundreds hostage including elderly, woman, children and babies.

It amazes me how anyone dismissed Hamas's actions on October 7th and defends them. I denounce them or any extreme group who kills anyone for power.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(04-13-2024, 12:12 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Just reading through this thread, Let's substitute Proud Boys or Antifa with Hamas in Dino's examples given. These groups feel oppressed in the US. (I disagree, but it is how they feel0.

It appears Dino and others feel far right and left activists have a right to call a cease fire, then during the cease fire rape, kill and burn innocent people to death. Take hundreds hostage including elderly, woman, children and babies.

It amazes me how anyone dismissed Hamas's actions on October 7th and defends them. I denounce them or any extreme group who kills anyone for power.

If you can show where I said that I'll send you a shiny new dime.

If you can't you stop posting for a
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-11-2024, 06:22 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Let's say I give your apologist, oversimplified take on this 100% accuracy.  It's still two hostages out of how many?  Oh yeah, 253.
Yeah, I get why they'd be upset.  You wanna bet they still blame Hamas more than anyone else?  I sure would.
Yes, Gaza was "like" a sovereign state.  Yes, then the terrorist animals of Hamas, the elected government of said state decided to attack Israel.   Why, because they have the backing of Iran (still waiting for you to enlighten everyone about Al Quds day btw), who desperately didn't want to see further normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab nations.  

Or, in your case, the more you know the more pontificating overly verbose drivel you post and the more you mitigate the actions of terrorists.
Got it?

Only "two" confirmed killed by IDF snipers. Israeli Air Force is off the hook. 

Elected animals in the sovereign state of Gaza don't fight fair. That'sccording to Iran's plan. (See Al Quds day.) 

LOL That's the alternative to my "oversimplified" mitigating drivel. Less we know, the better. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-13-2024, 12:12 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Just reading through this thread, Let's substitute Proud Boys or Antifa with Hamas in Dino's examples given. These groups feel oppressed in the US. (I disagree, but it is how they feel0.

It appears Dino and others feel far right and left activists have a right to call a cease fire, then during the cease fire rape, kill and burn innocent people to death. Take hundreds hostage including elderly, woman, children and babies.

It amazes me how anyone dismissed Hamas's actions on October 7th and defends them. I denounce them or any extreme group who kills anyone for power.

The bolded--that's what I heard Dino say! 

But your analogy between Hamas and US groups who have full citizenship/rights and haven't lived under 
brutal military occupation for three generations has exposed the flaw in his thinking. 

(04-13-2024, 12:12 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I denounce them or any extreme group who kills anyone for power.

Mightn't Dino take it a step further and even denounce sovereign states that kill anyone for power?

Wouldn't put it past him and others of his ilk.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-12-2024, 03:30 PM)GMDino Wrote: Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:[url=][/url]And again, you either don't read what I actually right or you don't comprehend it.  I have, numerous times, stated I have issues with how Israel conducts itself.  In both this and other threads.  What I won't do is equate them to Hamas as Dill does when he compares Hamas to the far right in Israeli politics.  What I won't do is equate the IDF as equally bad actors as Hamas, as Dill does.  Or rather Dill says the IDF is worse because they engage in greater violence more frequently.  If you can't see the extreme difference in those positions, being able to criticize Israel but refusing to compare them to terrorist scum like Hamas, then nothing anyone says on a message board will get through to you.

Good for you!  Not sure what Dill has to do with what I said though.

Time you started paying attention then.  

If SSF says it is illegitimate to acknowledge Israeli war crimes because that would "equate" Israel with Hamas, 
while repeatedly claiming he has vague, never-specified "issues with how Israel conducts itself,"  

but Dill criticizes Israel for actual war crimes anyway, a history of war crimes in fact with its own Wikipedia page, 

and you still can't see the difference between SSF''s fair criticism and Dill's apologism, that proves you don't read what he actually says,
which is a big problem in this forum and to leads black/white thinking and dogmatic positions that deny facts. No grey areas.

To repeat: SSF says acknowledging/criticizing actual Israeli war crimes is antisemitism. 

Ok to criticize other "issues" though. The dispossession could be better managed. 

I forget how that connects you to Dill. Probably you defended him in the past on some issue. Close enough.
(Maybe it is time you stopped posting about all those thousands of women and children killed with US support,
and put up some bad stuff about Hamas, for balance.) 

Just read what SSF actually writes instead of always "deflecting." Unlike you he says what he means.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I know, I know.

Either Hamas was hiding in there or it was a mistake.  Again.

Quote:Several journalists among those wounded in Israeli attack on refugee camp in central Gaza

From Mohammad Al-Sawalhi in Gaza and CNN’s Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder and Zeena Saifi in Jerusalem

[Image: 2773cf34-240f-4b1a-b732-9db305dd57a2.jpg]People run with their belongings following a strike in Nuseirat on Friday. CNN

Israeli forces surrounded and attacked the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza on Friday, wounding several journalists and at least one other person.

Turkish state broadcaster TRT accused Israeli tanks of launching a “targeted attack” on the journalists, including TRT Arabi cameraman Sami Shehada, who lost a leg, and correspondent Sami Barhoum, who suffered minor injuries. CNN stringer Mohammad Al-Sawalhi was also among those hurt.

The TRT statement called the assault "a deliberate attack against media professionals, marked clearly with 'PRESS' on their jackets" and said it was "part of a broader pattern of violence" against journalists in Gaza. As of Friday, at least 95 media workers have been killed covering the war, according to preliminary figures from the Committee to Protect Journalists.
CNN video shows Shehada's right leg was severed.

“We were filming in a safe place, I was wearing my flak jacket and my helmet — even the car I was in had a 'PRESS' and 'TV' sign marked on it. It was clear that I was a civilian and a journalist. We were targeted,” he told CNN from his operating bed.

Quote:“It will not stop me from working, even if I have to walk on crutches. I will show the whole world the crimes of the Israeli occupation against civilians, people and journalists. I am one of them and I will not leave my camera even if I die,” he told Al-Sawalhi.

CNN has reached out to the Israel Defense Forces for comment on the attack and allegations that journalists were targeted at the camp. 

Video from the scene: Footage filmed by Al-Sawalhi shows people — including children, women and the elderly — taking cover in shops and running away in panic as repeated artillery fire and gunshots can be heard in the near distance.

CNN spoke to an elderly man named Saleh, who said he was trying to flee the area after Israeli tanks surrounded the camp and that he'd been hit by shrapnel.
Moments later, Saleh could be seen crossing the street when intense artillery fire struck the road a few meters from where Al-Sawalhi was filming. The journalist was hit by shrapnel, slightly injuring his right hand.

Graphic footage of the aftermath shows the elderly man severely wounded, with a bloody head injury. Saleh, Al-Sawalhi, and a number of other journalists were taken to Al-Awda Hospital for treatment, CNN footage shows.

Recent attacks: Nuseirat camp, located north of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza, has been the target of several Israeli airstrikes in recent days, including one that killed 14 people Tuesday, according to the spokesperson for Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-13-2024, 10:40 AM)Dill Wrote: To repeat: SSF says acknowledging/criticizing actual Israeli war crimes is antisemitism. 

Ahh, I see we've run out of deflection and all that is left in the bag is outright lying.  

[Image: starship-troopers-paul-verhoeven.gif]

(04-13-2024, 10:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: I know, I know.

Either Hamas was hiding in there or it was a mistake.  Again.

How about actually answering the questions you're dodging?  Do you consider Hamas a terrorist organization or "freedom fighters?"  Why have you not posted a single time about the actions of Hamas, why so one sided against Israel?  Looking forward to your next deflection and thank you in advance.

A rather apropos time to reiterate this.   

(04-13-2024, 08:23 AM)GMDino Wrote: If you can show where I said that I'll send you a shiny new dime.

If you can't you stop posting for a

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