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Johnson/Weld Ad
(09-07-2016, 08:15 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I don't know why Romney is being so gutless.  He's not a politician any more, so why does he feel the need to be so allegiant?

I bet, even know, if Romney and the Koch brothers made a big push for Gary Johnson he could get to 15% and make the debate stage.

That tweet is almost the laziest thing Romney can do, if he really wants to see Gary Johnson on the debate stage.

Romney...pfft.  If he had any substance or guts or nuts, he could have won his own election. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(09-07-2016, 08:20 PM)PhilHos Wrote: I gotta say, I've seen some videos of Johnson interviews, and I'm not liking what I'm seeing. I don't want to vote Trump OR Hillary, but the more I research Johnson, the more I find things that I disagree with.

So unless Castle (who I do like) gets on the ballot here in CT, I may end up voting Trump or, more likely, not voting at all.
There are a couple of things that I don't really get behind, but I think he's the best choice for the current climate.
We REALLY need to get our fiscal house in order.
I would also like to see a message sent to Washington.

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(09-07-2016, 09:37 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: There are a couple of things that I don't really get behind, but I think he's the best choice for the current climate.
We REALLY need to get our fiscal house in order.
I would also like to see a message sent to Washington.

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This is where I sit. No candidate ever has 100% of what I want/agree with, but Trump and Clinton are at like 5%, and Johnson is at like 75%.

I'll take that 75% and a country that's no longer hemorrhaging money into ever greater debt.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
[Image: cnn%20poll%20numbers_zpsdonhnjub.jpg]
(09-07-2016, 09:37 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: There are a couple of things that I don't really get behind, but I think he's the best choice for the current climate.
We REALLY need to get our fiscal house in order.
I would also like to see a message sent to Washington.

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True. Let me re-research GJ focusing on his economic policies.

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[Image: giphy.gif]
(09-08-2016, 02:50 PM)PhilHos Wrote: True. Let me re-research GJ focusing on his economic policies.

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He took NM from a deficit to a billion dollar surplus.
Granted that was a state, in eight years, and a different financial climate, but it's still a fact.

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I had meant to put this here earlier, for Dino.

I'm only providing the link, since apparently a word is not allowed on this forum.

Gary Johnson calls Trump a p♡ss ¥....

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(09-14-2016, 01:28 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: I had meant to put this here earlier, for Dino.

I'm only providing the link, since apparently a word is not allowed on this forum.

Gary Johnson calls Trump a p♡ss ¥....

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I saw that before and when he was asked about it I think he said something like "I shouldn't have said that, but, uh, he IS a P*****."

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Good article.

Quote:Do Gary Johnson’s endorsements matter?

Quote:By Jennifer Rubin
Right Turnopinion
September 13

Following the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the editorial board of another prominent regional paper, the Winston-Salem Journal, has endorsed former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson for president. The editorial board members, confessing that they “surprised even ourselves,” wrote:

Quote:For months, we here at the Journal editorial board wrestled with this endorsement. For most of that time, we looked at Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump. But as the weekly revelations ripped away any hopes we held for finding the “better angels of their nature,” confirming our belief that neither is fit to be president of our still-great land of Lincoln, we began to look harder at Johnson. We refused to let the powerful party behind either Clinton or Trump push us into a bad choice simply because the parties could do no better.
It is noteworthy that the editorial board announced its decision in order to influence polling that might put Johnson past the 15 percent support required for the presidential debates.
On the issues, the editorial board does not sound altogether thrilled with Johnson. (“On public education, he supports more local control. We agree, although we object to his emphasis on eliminating the federal Department of Education and Common Core. . . . We like his emphasis on criminal-justice reform, especially on draconian and unequal drug laws, although we are not with him yet on the legalization of recreational marijuana.”) Conceding Johnson has “much to learn on foreign policy,” the board gives him lavish praise for “defending our civil liberties against big government, especially on our Fourth Amendment guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure.”
Mostly, this sounds like a plea to let him into the debates. (“This Libertarian ticket has the potential to transform this race from one about insults and scandals to one about issues and honor.”) We are not sure Johnson would have such a dramatic effect on the tone of the race, but we are certain he would knock down Donald Trump’s nonsense on immigration, go after Hillary Clinton for ignoring the entitlement crisis and, most of all, challenge their shabby ethics and insistence on denying voters access to information critical to their decision-making.
We remain skeptical that Johnson can win any states, but we are equally enthusiastic about his participation in the debates. He has qualified for the ballot in all 50 states, which should count for something. The Commission on Presidential Debates is really the Commission on Democratic-Republican Debates, intent on maintaining the two-party duopoly. Nevertheless, the commission may be foiled by poll respondents who would also like to hear from Johnson. If the commission does not let Johnson in, he surely should debate Green Party nominee Jill Stein and independent conservative Evan McMullin. If they are wise, they will spend not a moment attacking one another and instead aim their fire at the two main candidates.

There are two philosophies about voting. One says pick the least bad of the choices, making certain the country is protected from grave harm. The other says everyone has the right and even the obligation to cast a vote for the person who would best serve the country. Even a losing candidate can accumulate impressive vote totals and thereby affect the political landscape.
Newspaper editorials are not going to decide the election. However, if enough editorial boards follow the Winston-Salem Journal and the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Johnson’s name ID will go up and his chances for participation in the debates will go up. That would be a rare good news story in a race many Americans find the most distressing of their lives.

On the ballot in all 50 states.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Hah !!!

I've never seen this before.
Johnson can be hilarious.

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No Gary Johnson sub-forum !?!?

Darn establishment Mods/Admins !

Fight the power !!

(The author of this post understands that there is very little to complain about when it comes to Gary Johnson and a sub-forum is unnecessary.)

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Correct The Record trolls are in overdrive, now.
Trolls on Johnson related forums have increased 10 fold.

They must be scared.
(09-29-2016, 09:00 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Correct The Record trolls are in overdrive, now.
Trolls on Johnson related forums have increased 10 fold.

They must be scared.

He's polling 8-10% in most states....Repubs and Dems are seeing stealing those votes as potentially decisive.

(09-29-2016, 10:33 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: He's polling 8-10% in most states....Repubs and Dems are seeing stealing those votes as potentially decisive.
I think he'll have NM and Utah in the bag.

I've been hitting my firearms pals about Trump and him supporting the No Fly List = Gun Ban (along with his past support of banning "assault" weapons).
I think they are speechless, regarding the NRA supporting Trump.
They have started "liking" my Johnson FaceBook posts.
I think I'm getting

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Here's a video of Johnson on CSPAN tonight.

Start at 9:30 and watch his facial responses to the woman calling from Ohio.

Show me another candidate that cares so much and is so humble that an everyday voter's admiration can nearly make his eyes tear-up (totally not weed related, pricks).

Gary Johnson: He actually gives a shit !

How refreshing to have an actual human being running.

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New Mexico ranks 49th in education - Johnson promised reform but failed to deliver.

New Mexico does not have legal marijuana - Johnson promised it but failed to deliver.

Johnson had no vision for the state aside from better schools and weed flowing like sweet honey from the rock. As noted above, he failed on both of those issues. As governor Johnson pretty much only did one thing: he vetoed scores of bills. One way to look at that is he "stood up to big government." Another way to look at it is NM residents elected dozens of representatives to work together and find solutions to NM problems. And hundreds of times when they came together and developed solutions to NM problems one person kept the people's business done, one person impeded the people's progress, one person kept new ideas from being tried and new solutions from being implemented to improve the lives of NM citizens. That one person standing in the way of the people's servants and the people's progress was Gary Johnson.

New Mexico did get to a budget surplus - way to go Gary. But this was achieved in part by firing 1,200 state employees. In a state with unemployment 1-2 points above the national average many economists would point out that eliminating those jobs was not good for the people of New Mexico.

Regarding that budget surplus, many citizens confuse a surplus with "profit," which may be part of the problem with having a "business person" in political office. Having a bunch of money laying around and not doing anything to improve schools, healthcare, law enforcement, or infrastructure is not necessarily a good thing. "Share holders" aren't cheering that the state "made money." Tax payers are wondering why their tax money isn't being put to work solving problems - like unemployment. If some of that money was used to pay salaries - or paid to private contractors if you want to insist they are more efficient - then more capital would be circulating in the NM economy, rather than sitting in state coffers.

Johnson, according to Wikipedia, would rather talk about his workout routine than policy details when meeting with staff to discuss NM policy. That may or may not be true, but I've seen him interviewed repeatedly and it is a fact he is unable to answer the most basic policy questions. Sure, as someone pointed out, "he cares." So does the homeless woman sitting with her shopping bag at the bus stop near the park where she sleeps at night. So does the bus driver who will pick her up in a few minutes. They both care about average Americans. They really do. But, they know very little about governing, and thus I don't want either of them serving as President. I don't want Johnson for the same reason.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(10-12-2016, 08:53 AM)xxlt Wrote: New Mexico ranks 49th in education - Johnson promised reform but failed to deliver.

New Mexico does not have legal marijuana - Johnson promised it but failed to deliver.

Johnson had no vision for the state aside from better schools and weed flowing like sweet honey from the rock. As noted above, he failed on both of those issues. As governor Johnson pretty much only did one thing: he vetoed scores of bills. One way to look at that is he "stood up to big government." Another way to look at it is NM residents elected dozens of representatives to work together and find solutions to NM problems. And hundreds of times when they came together and developed solutions to NM problems one person kept the people's business done, one person impeded the people's progress, one person kept new ideas from being tried and new solutions from being implemented to improve the lives of NM citizens. That one person standing in the way of the people's servants and the people's progress was Gary Johnson.

New Mexico did get to a budget surplus - way to go Gary. But this was achieved in part by firing 1,200 state employees. In a state with unemployment 1-2 points above the national average many economists would point out that eliminating those jobs was not good for the people of New Mexico.

Regarding that budget surplus, many citizens confuse a surplus with "profit," which may be part of the problem with having a "business person" in political office. Having a bunch of money laying around and not doing anything to improve schools, healthcare, law enforcement, or infrastructure is not necessarily a good thing. "Share holders" aren't cheering that the state "made money." Tax payers are wondering why their tax money isn't being put to work solving problems - like unemployment. If some of that money was used to pay salaries - or paid to private contractors if you want to insist they are more efficient - then more capital would be circulating in the NM economy, rather than sitting in state coffers.

Johnson, according to Wikipedia, would rather talk about his workout routine than policy details when meeting with staff to discuss NM policy. That may or may not be true, but I've seen him interviewed repeatedly and it is a fact he is unable to answer the most basic policy questions. Sure, as someone pointed out, "he cares." So does the homeless woman sitting with her shopping bag at the bus stop near the park where she sleeps at night. So does the bus driver who will pick her up in a few minutes. They both care about average Americans. They really do. But, they know very little about governing, and thus I don't want either of them serving as President. I don't want Johnson for the same reason.
As far as the education goes, you do realize that there are 23 Native-American tribes in NM (including Navajo Nation, Pueblo,and Apache) that control their own education, but are counted in those numbers, right ?

Johnson actually pushed and finally won for their rights to have gaming tables and build casinos.
I had been on the Reservations, in the early 90's.
It was far worse than any inner city housing projects.
The only thing they could do was make Native items to sell tourists and plop down a blanket in Old Town Albuquerque square to attempt to sell to passers by.
By proxy, the casinos help generate money for small business owners and pumps tourism.

Johnson also got roads, bridges, and new schools built. I had read somewhere that he had a bit done to state parks, but I've yet to come across it again.

A lot of the bills he vetoed had attachments for pet projects. I appreciate the attempt to eliminate the "if you want this, you'll have to give me this on the same bill" B.S..

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BTW, xxlt..... thank you for bringing up fine points of debate and not parroting such things as the Aleppo moment.

I really do appreciate it.

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