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Jurror May have violated Duties in Trump NY case
The judge sent a letter to the Trump team and prosecutors after finding a post on Facebook from a person claiming to be a cousin of one of the jurors. The post said on day before jury decision, Trump was found guilty. It has to be investigated, may be true or may not be true. But if true, conviction may be vacated, and Bragg would have to retry the case or not.

It is against the rules to discuss the case with family members as it could create bias.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
The story has already been debunked. A self-identified troll posted it

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-08-2024, 12:04 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: The judge sent a letter to the Trump team and prosecutors after finding a post on Facebook from a person claiming to be a cousin of one of the jurors. The post said on day before jury decision, Trump was found guilty. It has to be investigated, may be true or may not be true. But if true, conviction may be vacated, and Bragg would have to retry the case or not.

It is against the rules to discuss the case with family members as it could create bias.

I highly, highly doubt anything is going to come of this. This is a highly divided case and the likelihood of that comment having any validity to it is low. I'd bet hard money it was someone trolling or goofing around hoping to get some kind of reaction. The profile and comment have since been deleted. Hell, the comment was posted on May 20th, before the jury was even sent for deliberation. 

I've probably already spent more energy on this than necessary, but very high chance that the comment was fake. Investigate it to confirm that and let's keep moving on. 
(06-08-2024, 12:29 PM)KillerGoose Wrote: I highly, highly doubt anything is going to come of this. This is a highly divided case and the likelihood of that comment having any validity to it is low. I'd bet hard money it was someone trolling or goofing around hoping to get some kind of reaction. The profile and comment have since been deleted. Hell, the comment was posted on May 20th, before the jury was even sent for deliberation. 

I've probably already spent more energy on this than necessary, but very high chance that the comment was fake. Investigate it to confirm that and let's keep moving on. 

The post was made by a well-known and self-identfying troll.  It was a hoax

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-08-2024, 12:24 PM)pally Wrote: The story has already been debunked. A self-identified troll posted it

Could you provide the link? Why did the judge send the letter and not say it was debunked.

As I said, maybe true and maybe not but sure seems like a very quick investigation and result.

You do realize the man could be a troll and also a relative of a juror. But please show us the link the man was determined to not be a relative of a juror.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-08-2024, 12:31 PM)pally Wrote: The post was made by a well-known and self-identfying troll.  It was a hoax

How does one self-identify as a troll? 

Does he post, I am a troll. Help me understand.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-08-2024, 01:15 PM)pally Wrote:

Since when did a professional poster get turned into a troll?

Didn't you debunk or attempt to validate the following?

Hunter Laptop being authentic. You said laptop FBI had in 2019 was possibly tampered with by Russians????

HRC was not behind the Russian Dossier.

Joe Biden never knew about any business dealings about HB.

My point is simple, why would a judge issue a letter to defense and prosecution if had 0 chance of being true. You say it was debunked in less than 24 hours. A juror can have a professional poster. It does not mean it was debunked yet.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
Come on man ... You need help.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-08-2024, 01:15 PM)pally Wrote:

NO offense, but kinda hard to believe 2 left leaning media sites. 

I mean you complain about Fox news, so i think it's fair to complain about your selections as well. 

MTN home page has 8/11 negative headlines about trump, 2 positive ones about Biden and 1 Other.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I keep being told that Trump being found guilty made him a shoe-in to win by a landslide, yet the same people keep trying to get the verdict vacated via appeal or retried and they keep saying that the other cases against Trump should be thrown out or stopped.  I don't get it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-08-2024, 05:39 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Since when did a professional poster get turned into a troll?

Didn't you debunk or attempt to validate the following?

Hunter Laptop being authentic. You said laptop FBI had in 2019 was possibly tampered with by Russians????

HRC was not behind the Russian Dossier.

Joe Biden never knew about any business dealings about HB.

My point is simple, why would a judge issue a letter to defense and prosecution if had 0 chance of being true. You say it was debunked in less than 24 hours. A juror can have a professional poster. It does not mean it was debunked yet.

what does any of that have to do with your original post?

The poster himself call himself a s***poster

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

This is the guy lol. I'm pretty sure if I have shown him a week ago, some people would have get their crucifix out.

[Image: GPkWCbZaUAAPTw0?format=jpg&name=medium]

Definitely worth my trust lol.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-08-2024, 06:45 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: NO offense, but kinda hard to believe 2 left leaning media sites. 

I mean you complain about Fox news, so i think it's fair to complain about your selections as well. 

MTN home page has 8/11 negative headlines about trump, 2 positive ones about Biden and 1 Other.

Here is a point I have been regularly making of late: 

                                people should not substitute knee jerk evaluation of sources for evaluation of an article itself.

They should read the article accurately and check it against other information, other sources.

People rightly distrust Fox news because, when all is said and done, they frequently prove to be a source of disinformation. 

Think of their reporting on Trump's "Big Lie."  Knowing it was a lie, they platformed ridiculously false narratives to keep their audience share.
They are most responsible for grooming millions of Americans to distrust and ignore more accurate news sources.
I.e., legitimizing immediate dismissal of news based on source. 

It is not, and won't be, fair to complain about Pally's selections unless they can be shown to have engaged in Fox-level misinformation. 
There's a reason why WaPo has won over 70 Pulitzer prizes and Fox has won none. No Peabody awards either. It does not
invest in investigative journalism.

If there is something wrong with the information in those links, you should be able to demonstrate that.
And even then, each article still has to be evaluated on its own method. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-08-2024, 08:00 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: This is the guy lol. I'm pretty sure if I have shown him a week ago, some people would have get their crucifix out.

[Image: GPkWCbZaUAAPTw0?format=jpg&name=medium]

Definitely worth my trust lol.

(06-10-2024, 02:49 PM)Dill Wrote: Here is a point I have been regularly making of late: 

                                people should not substitute knee jerk evaluation of sources for evaluation of an article itself.

They should read the article accurately and check it against other information, other sources.

People rightly distrust Fox news because, when all is said and done, they frequently prove to be a source of disinformation. 

Think of their reporting on Trump's "Big Lie."  Knowing it was a lie, they platformed ridiculously false narratives to keep their audience share.
They are most responsible for grooming millions of Americans to distrust and ignore more accurate news sources.
I.e., legitimizing immediate dismissal of news based on source. 

It is not, and won't be, fair to complain about Pally's selections unless they can be shown to have engaged in Fox-level misinformation. 
There's a reason why WaPo has won over 70 Pulitzer prizes and Fox has won none. No Peabody awards either. It does not
invest in investigative journalism.

If there is something wrong with the information in those links, you should be able to demonstrate that.
And even then, each article still has to be evaluated on its own method. 

So were you led to believe this is a picture of the guy behind the postings? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-08-2024, 05:39 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Since when did a professional poster get turned into a troll?
Didn't you debunk or attempt to validate the following?
Hunter Laptop being authentic. You said laptop FBI had in 2019 was possibly tampered with by Russians????
HRC was not behind the Russian Dossier.
Joe Biden never knew about any business dealings about HB.
My point is simple, why would a judge issue a letter to defense and prosecution if had 0 chance of being true. You say it was debunked in less than 24 hours. A juror can have a professional poster. It does not mean it was debunked yet.

Where to start? I've never seen so many errors of judgment and fact concentrated in one post like that.

Maybe start with the bolded. A judge would issue such a letter because  true or false, such social media posts can have a legal and political effect,
as this thread shows. Just as Trump doxxing the judge's daughter can have an effect. If the judge doesn't issue that letter, he is derelict in duty.

The source has been found, and without further evidence, there is no reason to assume he could be a "professional poster" for one of the jurors
--unless one is just DESPARATE to rescue Trump from accountability.

Every intel analyst who raised suspicious about HB's Laptop was following evidence, precedent and protocol. 
HRC did not create the Steele Dossier. that's why it's not called the HRC dossier. 
Joe Biden knew his son HAD business dealings, and that's about all that can be proven.

Every one of the items you list has been subject to the same expansive, hyperbolic spin as you are attempting to generate about
the judge's letter, or another thread Biden's supposed stumbles in Normandy.  You rush to post before checking your sources.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-10-2024, 03:15 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So were you led to believe this is a picture of the guy behind the postings? 

You've not been following my many posts about the process of vetting information.

The account was found and the picture with it. 

That doesn't mean it is a picture of the actual guy behind the postings, 
or that the account belongs to a "guy" or even one person.

A "professional shit-poster" could pick any picture he wanted for the account. 

The issue here is that, once again, Luvnit has fallen for hoax bait, increasing its circulation. 

My message to you is still don't substitute snap judgment of sources for evaluation of news articles,
whether from Fox or legitimate news sources.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-10-2024, 03:15 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So were you led to believe this is a picture of the guy behind the postings? 

You've not been following my many posts about the process of vetting information.

The account was found and the picture with it. 

That doesn't mean it is a picture of the actual guy behind the postings, 
or that the account belongs to a "guy" or even one person.

A "professional shit-poster" could pick any picture he wanted for the account. 

The issue here is that, once again, Luvnit has fallen for hoax bait, increasing its circulation. 

My message to you is still don't substitute snap judgment of sources for evaluation of news articles,
whether from Fox or legitimate news sources.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-10-2024, 03:27 PM)Dill Wrote: You've not been following my many posts about the process of vetting information.

The account was found and the picture with it. 

That doesn't mean it is a picture of the actual guy behind the postings, 
or that the account belongs to a "guy" or even one person.

A "professional shit-poster" could pick any picture he wanted for the account. 

The issue here is that, once again, Luvnit has fallen for hoax bait, increasing its circulation. 

My message to you is still don't substitute snap judgment of sources for evaluation of news articles,
whether from Fox or legitimate news sources.
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, apparently i wasn't the only one that thought they were trying to pass that guy off as the poster. 
That's a picture of a punk rocker, so i knew that the site was "not being honest". 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-10-2024, 03:15 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So were you led to believe this is a picture of the guy behind the postings? 

This is on his account. You know, I tend to think he posted it himself. 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.


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