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(11-20-2021, 04:33 PM)Sled21 Wrote: It's not BS, is is easily fact checked with his campaign contributions.

Seriously, turn the channel and see what is going on in the world that MSNBC and CNN are not telling you. Here's just another example...

It's called lying by omission.


"His money has supported African-American and Hispanic candidates for these powerful local roles, all of whom ran on platforms sharing major goals of Soros’, like reducing racial disparities in sentencing and directing some drug offenders to diversion programs instead of to trial. "

Right... what part scares you the most?

I don't like big money in any of our elections. Thank republican supreme court justices for that.

Seriously. Get off the right wing main stream media brain washing machine.
(11-20-2021, 04:51 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Facepalm

"His money has supported African-American and Hispanic candidates for these powerful local roles, all of whom ran on platforms sharing major goals of Soros’, like reducing racial disparities in sentencing and directing some drug offenders to diversion programs instead of to trial. "

Right... what part scares you the most?

I don't like big money in any of our elections. Thank republican supreme court justices for that.

Seriously. Get off the right wing main stream media brain washing machine.

The part where as long as you support a certain political party, multiple people can be arrested for riot, arson, assault, etc and have the charges dropped en mass. The courtroom is not the place for politics. 
(11-20-2021, 04:30 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: funny you are telling people to turn off MSNBC and then spewing this bullshit.

He's actually not wrong.  The piece of shit we have in LA is a Soros backed candidate, as is the DA in St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland and others.  It's not hard to fact check this.
(11-20-2021, 04:29 PM)Sled21 Wrote: What we are seeing across the country is George Soros funded Prosecutors he paid to put in place. This is why we have riots with no arrests, assaults and arson with no arrests, but someone defending themselves was facing life without parole.

(11-20-2021, 04:57 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: He's actually not wrong.  The piece of shit we have in LA is a Soros backed candidate, as is the DA in St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland and others.  It's not hard to fact check this.


jeeze guys this is super scary stuff

So Soros is personally responsible for "why we have riots with no arrests, assaults and arson with no arrests" in many major cities across the country. This isn't biting hook line and sinker into right wing main stream media fear mongering or anything. Just pure rational thinking.

Let's not look at the root cause, you know the broken justice system with large racial discrepancies, which pisses people off and causes them to riot, and makes billionaire donors try to intervene and reform said broken system.

Let's just go with big bad soros since that is who faux tells me is bad.
(11-20-2021, 05:26 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Facepalm

jeeze guys this is super scary stuff

So Soros is personally responsible for "why we have riots with no arrests, assaults and arson with no arrests" in many major cities across the country. This isn't biting hook line and sinker into right wing main stream media fear mongering or anything. Just pure rational thinking.

Uh, no one said that, at all.  What was said, and is factual, is that these Soros backed DA's have consistently used their office for political purposes.  Instead of enforcing the law they are choosing what laws they feel are important Home Town Buffet style.  I have first hand experience with this.  Please don't bother telling me I'm not seeing what I'm seeing with my own eyes on a daily basis.

Quote:Let's not look at the root cause, you know the broken justice system with large racial discrepancies, which pisses people off and causes them to riot, and makes billionaire donors try to intervene and reform said broken system.

What "large racial discrepancies" are you referring to?

Quote:Let's just go with big bad soros since that is who faux tells me is bad.

Here's a few facts.  There are several "progressive" DA's who were elected with the financial backing of Soros.  They have consistently used their office for political and "social justice" purposes instead of actually enforcing the penal code as written, by their own words.  These are facts.  If you have facts that contradict this please feel free to share them.
(11-20-2021, 05:32 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Uh, no one said that, at all.  What was said, and is factual, is that these Soros backed DA's have consistently used their office for political purposes.  Instead of enforcing the law they are choosing what laws they feel are important Home Town Buffet style.  I have first hand experience with this.  Please don't bother telling me I'm not seeing what I'm seeing with my own eyes on a daily basis.

What "large racial discrepancies" are you referring to?

Here's a few facts.  There are several "progressive" DA's who were elected with the financial backing of Soros.  They have consistently used their office for political and "social justice" purposes instead of actually enforcing the penal code as written, by their own words.  These are facts.  If you have facts that contradict this please feel free to share them.

i literally quoted what he said.

apparently there are none?

Any facts soros made them do it.
(11-20-2021, 05:48 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: i literally quoted what he said.

He, who?

Quote:apparently there are none?

I'm sure there are, can you actually delineate any?

Quote:Any facts soros made them do it.

Any quote in which I said he did?  Correctly pointing out that a candidate received financial backing from Soros is no different than pointing out a candidate was financially backed by the Koch brothers.  In this instance it just so happens that the Soros backed DA's appear to all share a similar trait of selectively enforcing the penal code and bringing their own theories of "racial equity" to the application of said penal code.

Again, if you have any facts that contradict this please share them. 
(11-20-2021, 05:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: He, who?

I'm sure there are, can you actually delineate any?

Any quote in which I said he did?  Correctly pointing out that a candidate received financial backing from Soros is no different than pointing out a candidate was financially backed by the Koch brothers.  In this instance it just so happens that the Soros backed DA's appear to all share a similar trait of selectively enforcing the penal code and bringing their own theories of "racial equity" to the application of said penal code.

Again, if you have any facts that contradict this please share them. 

come on buddy

I thought all these riots and unrest in recent years were because of lethal force used against white men. No?

Blaming a guy for nationwide unrest and crime because he provided financial backing to the campaigns for some DAs whose platform was reforming the system is laughable. But that is what you get when you follow the right wing main stream media boogey man theory.
(11-20-2021, 06:51 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: come on buddy

I thought all these riots and unrest in recent years were because of lethal force used against white men. No?

So, you think all the riots were justified?  Do you think every time a black person is killed by police (a rare occurrence btw) this is an example of a racist justice system?  Is thee no situation in which a black person can be justifiably shot by law enforcement?

Quote:Blaming a guy for nationwide unrest and crime because he provided financial backing to the campaigns for some DAs whose platform was reforming the system is laughable.

I'd agree.  Please point out where I said this.  

Quote:But that is what you get when you follow the right wing main stream media boogey man theory.

I could counter with the same point, but I don't engage in such senseless hyperbole.
Folks act like there are no other political donations outside of Soros. No Koch's no one else donating millions.

At least Sled and others have no shame about being far right. I can respect that. Others have clearly been hiding their truth just to claim in all debates that one side is always right. Even if it's obvious they are wrong as there are right wing donors that do the same thing Soros does if they want to say Soros runs the country (the big bad Boodyman of the far right). Yet they join in the small lie and act like he is the only one just to support someone sharing their politics talking down and dismissing posters who are actually the ones telling the truth when they highlight Soros is NOT the only billionair donor, and in fact the GOP has their SOROS and others with equal influence accorss the country.

I've learned so much returning to the forum about folks who I used to think were close enough to fair and balanced. Unfortunately they have shown their true colors.

But yea. Soros runs the country and anyone who highlights that there are others including big GOP donors and act as tho Republicans fought hard and sued and went to the Supreme court to allow Soros to do so (we can only figure that's what they mean by ignorinig GOP donors and thier influence) is the truth we have to accept.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(11-20-2021, 07:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:  Do you think every time a black person is killed by police (a rare occurrence btw) this is an example of a racist justice system?  Is thee no situation in which a black person can be justifiably shot by law enforcement?

Not when compared to the number of unarmed white men and teens killed by police. Which really rarely happens (like 1 in 10 years rare). 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(11-20-2021, 08:54 PM)jj22 Wrote: Not when compared to the number of unarmed white men and teens killed by police. Which really rarely happens (like 1 in 10 years rare). 

If you really believe that..... Sad
(11-20-2021, 11:08 PM)Sled21 Wrote: If you really believe that..... Sad

When was the last time an unarmed white teenage boy got shot and killed by the police? I wouldn't have such a hard time proving my point. Then we can move on to unarmed white men compared to unarmed black men. Again, it wont be too hard for me to provide examples.

There's a reason people don't trust the legal system. It isn't about laws being laws as this one was, it is about laws not being for everyone.

If as Socio flabergastically asked is there any reason police can kill black men? Sure, as long as they kill everyone equally. And they don't, and until they do then the answer is that standard is one they set and must be fair in order to be accepted.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(11-20-2021, 08:54 PM)jj22 Wrote: Not when compared to the number of unarmed white men and teens killed by police. Which really rarely happens (like 1 in 10 years rare). 

I just got home and for some reason came here.  I can't imagine that you're not completely bullshitting me here.  There's absolutely no way you're this delusional, right?
(11-21-2021, 12:48 AM)jj22 Wrote: If as Socio flabergastically asked is there any reason police can kill black men? Sure, as long as they kill everyone equally.

That makes little sense. For one, the crime rates, and more relevant the violent crime rates, are not distributed equally either.

I mean, I can certainly grasp the point/problem of inherent bias, unequal treatment and a black person automatically being seen as a more grave threat just by his being black. But this point is a bit too simplistic for my taste.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-21-2021, 12:48 AM)jj22 Wrote: When was the last time an unarmed white teenage boy got shot and killed by the police? I wouldn't have such a hard time proving my point. Then we can move on to unarmed white men compared to unarmed black men. Again, it wont be too hard for me to provide examples.

There's a reason people don't trust the legal system. It isn't about laws being laws as this one was, it is about laws not being for everyone.

If as Socio flabergastically asked is there any reason police can kill black men? Sure, as long as they kill everyone equally. And they don't, and until they do then the answer is that standard is one they set and must be fair in order to be accepted.

Those stats are out there, look them up and educate yourself instead of spewing drivel. Black males are killed at a disproportionate rate in relation to their percentage of the public, but there are more white males killed overall. Did you know black police officers kill black males at a higher rate than white police officers? When a black male is killed by police, do you ever factor in that person's behavior, or do you just go with the old "he was killed because he was black" narrative? I'm not saying there are no bad police shootings, there are, and those cops should go to jail. But they are rare.
(11-21-2021, 10:47 AM)Sled21 Wrote: Those stats are out there, look them up and educate yourself instead of spewing drivel. Black males are killed at a disproportionate rate in relation to their percentage of the public, but there are more white males killed overall. Did you know black police officers kill black males at a higher rate than white police officers? When a black male is killed by police, do you ever factor in that person's behavior, or do you just go with the old "he was killed because he was black" narrative? I'm not saying there are no bad police shootings, there are, and those cops should go to jail. But they are rare.

**unarmed. That is what you guys leave out when you talk just black males (and teens) killed vs white males killed. Yes the numbers are close when going with armed people. I'm not disagreeing with any of that.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(11-21-2021, 02:06 PM)jj22 Wrote: **unarmed. That is what you guys leave out when you talk just black males (and teens) killed vs white males killed. Yes the numbers are close when going with armed people. I'm not disagreeing with any of that.

You haven't cited any numbers whatsoever.  Also, the term "unarmed" is thrown around like it means you automatically should not have been shot.  An unarmed man who grapples a LEO and attempts to choke them out or otherwise incapacitate them is "unarmed" but damn sure deserves to be shot.  People equate unarmed =/= no threat, which is patently absurd.  Significantly more people are killed every year with fists and feet than with rifles of any kind.  But don't take my word for it, read the FBI's UCR.

Since 2015 3,346 have been killed with hands/feet.  In that same time period 1,573 were killed with rifles (including AR's) of any type.  The year the numbers were closest, 2019, hands and feet still were used to kill 236 more people than rifles of any kind.

Now, am I saying a person armed with a rifle is less of a potential deadly threat than an "unarmed" person?  Absolutely not, that's stupid and I despair that I even have to point that out.  But it does show that unarmed is not analogous to no lethal threat.  But you don't have to take my word for it, the numbers don't lie.
(11-21-2021, 02:59 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You haven't cited any numbers whatsoever.  Also, the term "unarmed" is thrown around like it means you automatically should not have been shot.  An unarmed man who grapples a LEO and attempts to choke them out or otherwise incapacitate them is "unarmed" but damn sure deserves to be shot.  People equate unarmed =/= no threat, which is patently absurd.  Significantly more people are killed every year with fists and feet than with rifles of any kind.  But don't take my word for it, read the FBI's UCR.

Since 2015 3,346 have been killed with hands/feet.  In that same time period 1,573 were killed with rifles (including AR's) of any type.  The year the numbers were closest, 2019, hands and feet still were used to kill 236 more people than rifles of any kind.

Now, am I saying a person armed with a rifle is less of a potential deadly threat than an "unarmed" person?  Absolutely not, that's stupid and I despair that I even have to point that out.  But it does show that unarmed is not analogous to no lethal threat.  But you don't have to take my word for it, the numbers don't lie.

Right. The dude in Ferguson was unarmed, until he climbed into the cops cruiser and tried to take his gun. But look at the narrative that came out of that with the hands up don't shoot bs.
(11-20-2021, 08:40 PM)jj22 Wrote: Folks act like there are no other political donations outside of Soros. No Koch's no one else donating millions.

That's always the funny one to me. People ignore the Kochs, yet this whole nationwide uproar over CRT is an absolute astro-turf job by them. The issue is that the right and left use different tactics. About a decade ago, a study found a correlation in the difference of the brains of conservatives and liberals. Right leaning folks responded more to fear motivation, left leaning more to morality. This is why the right always has to create a boogey man for their base. It's what they rally to.

Note, this is correlation, not causation. This doesn't entirely determine your political ideology, and it may not determine anything, but the two parties strategize their messaging based on this sort of thing.
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