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Liberal Elitists
Fred's post about what does "radical" mean must have turned in my brain as I woke up this morning thinking about how the right always complains about "liberal elitists" and how that word doesn't mean the same thing to me that (I think) it does to them.

Obama was a liberal elitist.  Every liberal in hollywood is a liberal elitist.  Etc.

And, to me (not looking up the dictionary definition...sorry bfine) "elitist" means someone with power/money who believes they are above everyone else.  Like a king or a billionaire who spends his time actively trying to get more money from everyone but especially the poorest. 

I never thought Obama fit the elitist label.  I don't think MOST people on either side fit that label.

I think the right TRIES to imply that it's these rich-hollywood-type but they also apply it to anyone who teaches at a college who is liberal.

Almost like disagreeing with a liberal isn't enough.  They need another word to describe them and make they "worse" somehow.  To make the liberal "different" from you and me.

Then today I got to thinking about it and more and more I think people like Carson and Hannity and Limbaugh and the right-wing mouth pieces threw that label and anyone who was educated.  People who spoke well, liked to read and learn.  People who speak above a grade school level.

Obama fit that bill. 

Lots of people fit that bill though.

Is that what they are getting at?  That "elite" means...educated?  Able to talk beyond what you'd hear in 5th grade?

If that's the case why do they hate people who wanted to learn, who read, you educated themselves?  And what is wrong with that?

I could understand it if the accused were talking down to people all the time...but that doesn't seem to be their argument.  The right seems to imply that anyone who is a schooled is an elitist because they can't understand the "common man".

Just a random thought this morning.  Maybe I'm interpreting the right wing noise machine's message wrong?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I always associated elitist with being intellectually arrogant. (Or rather being perceived that way, at times just for knowing stuff.)

Then Trump taught me it means having better boats.
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(06-05-2019, 10:13 AM)hollodero Wrote: I always associated elitist with being intellectually arrogant. (Or rather being perceived that way, at times just for knowing stuff.)

Then Trump taught me it means having better boats.

I think that is what they are going for...but they applying it only to liberals.

I'd go with "arrogant" over "elite" in that regard probably.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-05-2019, 10:21 AM)GMDino Wrote: I think that is what they are going for...but they applying it only to liberals.

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(06-05-2019, 10:21 AM)GMDino Wrote: I think that is what they are going for...but they applying it only to liberals.

I'd go with "arrogant" over "elite" in that regard probably.

Because they like to ignore the libertarian crowd. Those madlads can be rather interesting to hear from.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-05-2019, 10:25 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Because they like to ignore the libertarian crowd. Those madlads can be rather interesting to hear from.

Doesn't everybody?  Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-05-2019, 10:08 AM)GMDin Wrote: Is that what they are getting at?  That "elite" means...educated?  Able to talk beyond what you'd hear in 5th grade?

Just a random thought this morning.  Maybe I'm interpreting the right wing noise machine's message wrong?

Yes. THAT'S elitism.  Not this.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife, Louise Linton, was being blasted by social media users on Monday night for posting a picture of herself exiting a government plane in designer clothes — which she flaunted using hashtags.

While it was mostly lighthearted, the online outrage seemed to get to the Scottish actress — seeing how she scolded a woman who called her out on Instagram.

Glad we could pay for your little getaway,” the user said.

To which Linton replied, “Cute! Aw!!! Did you think this was a personal trip?! Adorable! Do you think the US govt paid for our honeymoon or personal travel?! Lololol. Have you given more to the economy than me and my husband? Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country? I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day ‘trip’ than you did. Pretty sure the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot more than you’d be willing to sacrifice if the choice was yours. You’re adorably out of touch. Thanks for the passive aggressive nasty comment. Your kids look very cute. Your life looks cute. I know you’re mad but deep down you’re really nice and so am I. Sending me passive aggressive Instagram comments isn’t going to make life feel better. Maybe a nice message [sic], one filled with wisdom and hunanity [sic] would get more traction. Have a pleasant evening. Go chill out and watch the new game of thrones. It’s fab!” . . . .
While the treasury secretary, 54, tends to keep things business-casual, Linton is famous for her over-the-top outfits and ensembles — many of which cost well over $10,000 when counting clothes and accessories.
The actress made sure to tag all the brands she was wearing on Monday for day trip to the Bluegrass State. They included #rolandmouret, #tomford, #hermesscarf, and #valnetinorockstudheels.

The people who run our country pay way more in taxes than we do. But elitist liberals go ballistic if they get just a little of that back by using gov. jets for day trips.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I usually find Liberal is the only term I need to describe someone; no need to add the Elitist. And to be fair I've never really heard the term. Maybe it applies to those that got their kids into schools by making up stuff such as being on the Crew team.
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(06-05-2019, 01:19 PM)Dill Wrote: Yes. THAT'S elitism.  Not this.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife, Louise Linton, was being blasted by social media users on Monday night for posting a picture of herself exiting a government plane in designer clothes — which she flaunted using hashtags.

While it was mostly lighthearted, the online outrage seemed to get to the Scottish actress — seeing how she scolded a woman who called her out on Instagram.

Glad we could pay for your little getaway,” the user said.

To which Linton replied, “Cute! Aw!!! Did you think this was a personal trip?! Adorable! Do you think the US govt paid for our honeymoon or personal travel?! Lololol. Have you given more to the economy than me and my husband? Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country? I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day ‘trip’ than you did. Pretty sure the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot more than you’d be willing to sacrifice if the choice was yours. You’re adorably out of touch. Thanks for the passive aggressive nasty comment. Your kids look very cute. Your life looks cute. I know you’re mad but deep down you’re really nice and so am I. Sending me passive aggressive Instagram comments isn’t going to make life feel better. Maybe a nice message [sic], one filled with wisdom and hunanity [sic] would get more traction. Have a pleasant evening. Go chill out and watch the new game of thrones. It’s fab!” . . . .
While the treasury secretary, 54, tends to keep things business-casual, Linton is famous for her over-the-top outfits and ensembles — many of which cost well over $10,000 when counting clothes and accessories.
The actress made sure to tag all the brands she was wearing on Monday for day trip to the Bluegrass State. They included #rolandmouret, #tomford, #hermesscarf, and #valnetinorockstudheels.

The people who run our country pay way more in taxes than we do. But elitist liberals go ballistic if they get just a little of that back by using gov. jets for day trips.  

That's just an incredibly classy woman. Not like this one...

Isn’t Michelle Obama adorable? She actually thinks she is a typical woman in the United States, and that she can speak for all of us. Michelle says she has no interest in running for president, trying to shatter what Hillary Clinton called the “highest and hardest glass ceiling,” but she might consider bursting out of that elitist, condescending Beltway Bubble.

Speaking recently at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, Obama pushed women to speak up for themselves in the workplace. “Don’t waste your seat at the table,” she said. “If you are scared to use your voice, then you’ve got to get up and give it to someone who isn’t afraid to use the spot.” Such good advice, coming from someone whose idea of hardship was graduating from Princeton University and Harvard Law School, and whose husband has always been there to provide for her.

Michele Obama is an elitist who has never known what it's like to be a normal person. She's only the daughter of a working class father and homemaker mom who earned her way into Princeton and Harvard before working multiple prestigious jobs prior to her's husband's political career (which the oped will later suggest was the only reason she had jobs). 

How dare she try to advocate for women to break barriers in society.
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Ahh good ol' neo-cons. They love a self-made man but hate a guy who, according to them, was born in a mud hut in Kenya and became president while constantly lauding people who were born into billionaire families.

Also, the same people who throw terms like liberal elitist around want me to just admit they are right and not argue with them because they are older than me.
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Giving more thought to the OP and admitting it's not a phrase I heard used much. I believe this is what I'g call Liberal Elite:

Photo credit: Instagram / Miley Cyrus

It has very little to do with education level in my definition. So granted my definition differs from the OP's
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My take is the elitist term applies to people who believe the rules don't apply to them. I would say it's applied to wealthy liberals who are seen to talk the talk but not walk the walk. Al Gore flying on a private jet. Ed Begley walks the walk so he wouldn't be called one. And the reason it only applies to liberals is because in this instance its conservatives doing the name calling. It's the sides thing. Like you wondering about this, and not wondering why conservatives are called fascists because when disagree with them.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Some Conservatives view Liberalism almost as a conspiracy.

They imply that it's bad that so many teachers and professors are liberal because they teach liberal thinking to children and young adults. And that makes them liberal elitists for thinking their liberal viewpoints/policies are better than conservative viewpoints. And yet they don't think sayings like "liberalism is a disease" are not equally elitist, somehow.

It makes me wonder why so many people who teach just happen to also be liberal. And, more importantly, if this is a systemic issue that is worth discussing.
(06-06-2019, 09:18 AM)michaelsean Wrote: My take is the elitist term applies to people who believe the rules don't apply to them.  I would say it's applied to wealthy liberals who are seen to talk the talk but not walk the walk.  Al Gore flying on a private jet.  Ed Begley walks the walk so he wouldn't be called one.  And the reason it only applies to liberals is because in this instance its conservatives doing the name calling.  It's the sides thing.  Like you wondering about this, and not wondering why conservatives are called fascists because when disagree with them.

I do wonder about being called a fascist, I just was wondering about this one yesterday.  I wonder about A LOT of stuff.  Usually I'm not sitting at the computer and posting about

As an aside I think there was a post this week where the different connotations like fascism were discussed here.  I know there was a discussion about what is "liberal" here versus Europe.

I'm glad we have those kinds of conversations.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-06-2019, 09:39 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Some Conservatives view Liberalism almost as a conspiracy.

They imply that it's bad that so many teachers and professors are liberal because they teach liberal thinking to children and young adults. And that makes them liberal elitists for thinking their liberal viewpoints/policies are better than conservative viewpoints. And yet they don't think sayings like "liberalism is a disease" are not equally elitist, somehow.

It makes me wonder why so many people who teach just happen to also be liberal. And, more importantly, if this is a systemic issue that is worth discussing.

My guess, knowing more than few teachers (many of whom I graduated or went to school with) is that they actually see and interact with such a cross section of society they get a better feel for what PEOPLE actually want and how they are.

Most of them work in public schools.  The areas/states vary wildly from local to California to Virginia and lots of places in between but I'd say the vast majority are liberal in the sense that they want policies that take care of the least among us and supports people rather than pushes them further down economically and socially.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-06-2019, 09:39 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Some Conservatives view Liberalism almost as a conspiracy.

They imply that it's bad that so many teachers and professors are liberal because they teach liberal thinking to children and young adults. And that makes them liberal elitists for thinking their liberal viewpoints/policies are better than conservative viewpoints. And yet they don't think sayings like "liberalism is a disease" are not equally elitist, somehow.

It makes me wonder why so many people who teach just happen to also be liberal. And, more importantly, if this is a systemic issue that is worth discussing.

They like teaching because they don't have to apply their crazy theories to the real world.   Ninja

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“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(06-05-2019, 06:57 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:
Isn’t Michelle Obama adorable? She actually thinks she is a typical woman in the United States, and that she can speak for all of us. Michelle says she has no interest in running for president, trying to shatter what Hillary Clinton called the “highest and hardest glass ceiling,” but she might consider bursting out of that elitist, condescending Beltway Bubble.

Speaking recently at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, Obama pushed women to speak up for themselves in the workplace. “Don’t waste your seat at the table,” she said. “If you are scared to use your voice, then you’ve got to get up and give it to someone who isn’t afraid to use the spot.” Such good advice, coming from someone whose idea of hardship was graduating from Princeton University and Harvard Law School, and whose husband has always been there to provide for her.

Michele Obama is an elitist who has never known what it's like to be a normal person. She's only the daughter of a working class father and homemaker mom who earned her way into Princeton and Harvard before working multiple prestigious jobs prior to her's husband's political career (which the oped will later suggest was the only reason she had jobs). 

How dare she try to advocate for women to break barriers in society.

Like getting into Princeton and Harvard, and then graduating, is easy.  If MSNBC were really simply the mirror counter image of Fox, they would be all over this writer for denigrating mom/wives in traditional relationships who don't work.  

This is a good example of how affect is manipulated by Fox in their target demographics.

Free floating anger with a range of causes (some real, like loss of manufacturing jobs; some spurious, like the browning of America) is focused and condensed around university-educated liberals who "look down" on flyover America.

These are the people who "look down their noses" at the man-child Trump--and those "deplorables" who vote for him.

What better way to get back at these snobs and their Wall Street cronies than to cheer misogynist Trump tweets and threaten to primary any Congressman who doesn't back his policies?

[Image: trump1-landscape-3-x-2.jpg?strip=all&w=7...500&crop=1]
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-06-2019, 10:44 AM)Dill Wrote: Like getting into Princeton and Harvard, and then graduating, is easy.  If MSNBC were really simply the mirror counter image of Fox, they would be all over this writer for denigrating mom/wives in traditional relationships who don't work.  

This is a good example of how affect is manipulated by Fox in their target demographics.

Free floating anger with a range of causes (some real, like loss of manufacturing jobs; some spurious, like the browning of America) is focused and condensed around university-educated liberals who "look down" on flyover America.

These are the people who "look down their noses" at the man-child Trump--and those "deplorables" who vote for him.

What better way to get back at these snobs and their Wall Street cronies than to cheer misogynist Trump tweets and threaten to primary any Congressman who doesn't back his policies?

[Image: trump1-landscape-3-x-2.jpg?strip=all&w=7...500&crop=1]

Well we were told how dumb Bush was despite graduating from Yale and getting an MBA from Harvard.  Have those become impressive accomplishments again?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(06-06-2019, 10:41 AM)michaelsean Wrote: They like teaching because they don't have to apply their crazy theories to the real world.   Ninja

Some of them do.

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(06-06-2019, 10:52 AM)Dill Wrote: Some of them do.

[Image: lead_720_405.jpg?mod=1533692228]

[Image: Salk-Dr-Jonas-19xx.jpg]
[Image: vpavic_190529_3458_0003.0.jpg]

“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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