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Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things

Quote:A strange thing is uniting Democrats and Republicans in Washington: the widespread disapproval of a meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac in Arizona.

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch speaks at a June 22 news conference in Washington.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton Met Amid Email Investigation
Lynch told reporters that the impromptu conversation on her government aircraft in Phoenix on Monday centered on social issues, from talk of grandchildren and Clinton's golf game to their recent travels. Nothing came up, the attorney general said, about any ongoing Justice Department investigations.

But the chat took place in the midst of an FBI investigation into the security of Hillary Clinton's private email server, which she used to conduct government business as secretary of state. And that's creating a major appearance problem for the presumptive Democratic nominee for the White House and the top federal prosecutor in the country.

You have to be a special kind of stupid.
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Yeah, sure they just "socialized".. Whatever
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Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(06-30-2016, 09:53 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Yeah, sure they just "socialized".. Whatever

"Hey Bill the Attorney General that is in charge on on-going investigations is on the tarmac on a private plan"

"Can I get on there and talk to her about Grandkids?"

"Sure, she'll see you"
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She probably told him that she's done all she could.
The heat is on and I wager she steps down, before the heavy stuff hits.

I was going to post about this last night, but was holding out for more leaked info.
Wikileaks should be letting a little more out from Guccifer.
(06-30-2016, 10:40 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: She probably told him that she's done all she could.
The heat is on and I wager she steps down, before the heavy stuff hits.

I was going to post about this last night, but was holding out for more leaked info.
Wikileaks should be letting a little more out from Guccifer.

Ehhh, I kind of figured a slap on the wrist, at most, and Slick Willy wanted a heads-up to spin and respond to whatever the outcome (including grandstanding and shaming Repubs if the outcome is nothing).

It's interesting, though.  Because every time Bill pops-up on the campaign trail he seems to do damage to Hillary.  You have to wonder if it's intentional sabotage or if he's starting to get a little senile.

What a crooked ass little family that is. And women will still flock to the polls to vote for Pig Woman and her plan to bankrupt America.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

Ok... maybe this was the discussion.
(07-01-2016, 06:34 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Ok... maybe this was the discussion.

The outgoing President and his cabinet actively aiding Pig Woman in her lifelong quest to be president?  Gee, there can't be anything wrong with that.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll


Quote:Attorney General Loretta Lynch will take a step back from the decision whether to charge anyone in the Hillary Clinton private email server probe, but is not fully recusing herself from the case.

let the drama begin...

I wonder if this came up when discussing "Grandkids" yesterday in private with Slick Willie?
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(07-01-2016, 11:34 AM)bfine32 Wrote:

let the drama begin...

I wonder if this came up when discussing "Grandkids" yesterday in private with Slick Willie?

LOL.  This was probably all orchestrated expressly to shield Lynch from scrutiny once the fix is in.  Rest assured, the person appointed will make the exact same decision, but now Lynch's integrity can't be impugned.

Bad for publicity.  Bill is usually better than that.

But does anyone think that even if no such meeting happened the right will complain about whatever charges come about and the left will complain if any charges come about?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-01-2016, 06:32 AM)McC Wrote: What a crooked ass little family that is.  And women will still flock to the polls to vote for Pig Woman and her plan to bankrupt America. prefer Trump? Popcorn
Lynch should have known better to do this, as the A.G. of the U.S.. Cant fault Bill as much though, he just a civilian nowadays. He wasnt the one in the meeting that has the current responsibility of the highest public lawyer office.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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I really think this was staged. Bill probably sat there waiting for reporters to show up so they would get "caught".

Reason being, if Lynch stepped back now, the speculation would be damaging to Hillary. This way it looks like Lynch is just stepping back to avoid any accusations of impropriety. And now when Hillary gets off clean, Lynch will be able to say "Hey, I stepped back - this was impartial determination of other prosecutors". Although I think it's interesting she didn't fully recuse herself, likely so she still controls the flow of information and the pressers.

They may have discussed the Foundation. But I doubt there's anything there - Clintons have always been too smart to leave non-organic trails. Supreme Court just ruled on, essentially, how difficult it is to establish quid-pro-quo with politicians in the McAuliffe case....theoretically the Clintons don't benefit personally from their foundation, so that seems like a big hurdle to prove any malfeasance.

(07-01-2016, 03:16 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I really think this was staged. Bill probably sat there waiting for reporters to show up so they would get "caught".

Reason being, if Lynch stepped back now, the speculation would be damaging to Hillary. This way it looks like Lynch is just stepping back to avoid any accusations of impropriety. And now when Hillary gets off clean, Lynch will be able to say "Hey, I stepped back - this was impartial determination of other prosecutors". Although I think it's interesting she didn't fully recuse herself, likely so she still controls the flow of information and the pressers.

They may have discussed the Foundation. But I doubt there's anything there - Clintons have always been too smart to leave non-organic trails. Supreme Court just ruled on, essentially, how difficult it is to establish quid-pro-quo with politicians in the McAuliffe case....theoretically the Clintons don't benefit personally from their foundation, so that seems like a big hurdle to prove any malfeasance.

I've wondered if it was planned, but mostly so lynch could step back and it buy more time. The further they push beyond November, the less likely anything significant comes of it. And the less voters care come November.
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(07-01-2016, 03:25 PM)Benton Wrote: I've wondered if it was planned, but mostly so lynch could step back and it buy more time. The further they push beyond November, the less likely anything significant comes of it. And the less voters care come November.

Hell, if Hillary gets elected she can just pardon herself.
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(07-01-2016, 03:25 PM)Benton Wrote: I've wondered if it was planned, but mostly so lynch could step back and it buy more time. The further they push beyond November, the less likely anything significant comes of it. And the less voters care come November.

Ehhhhh....I think it's too damaging and too much fodder for Trump if they let it continue to fester.

And if the outcome were going to be damaging or negative, they'd give themselves time to get Biden or Sanders the nomination.  They can't have her disqualified and then just sub in someone else at the last minute.

Lynch has probably controlled and manipulated every step of this process, and through that controlled what any independent observer could rule.  The fix is already in, and this is all just smoke-and-mirrors to make the determination look impartial.

Not that there is any there there...but, c'mon, if there were who honestly believed a Democratic administration would disqualify the nominee to carry the torch and preserve their legacy?

(07-01-2016, 03:35 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: .

And if the outcome were going to be damaging or negative, they'd give themselves time to get Biden or Sanders the nomination.  They can't have her disqualified and then just sub in someone else at the last minute.


Their abuses as president aren't a short list, going so far as to allegedly cover up a murder. I think they fully believe if it's going south, all they need to do is hold out until they get back in office.
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(07-01-2016, 03:42 PM)Benton Wrote: Their abuses as president aren't a short list, going so far as to allegedly cover up a murder. I think they fully believe if it's going south, all they need to do is hold out until they get back in office.

I keep going back to something I heard at the beginning of Obama's 2nd term. One of those forecasters said he (the system) would do something for him to become a 3-term President. I think I asked this before can Hillary name him as her VP? Or if she gets elected but before she takes office is indicted can they pastt a rule of law keeping him in place untill it is settled?
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(07-01-2016, 03:42 PM)Benton Wrote: Their abuses as president aren't a short list, going so far as to allegedly cover up a murder. I think they fully believe if it's going south, all they need to do is hold out until they get back in office.

Well, I suppose if it IS pushed until after the election, Obama could pardon her.  But if that was the intent, why not just clear her of all wrongdoing in the first place?

Really sad part is, Hillary probably is a lot better choice than Trump.

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