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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-24-2016, 07:10 PM)fredtoast Wrote: But doesn't that mean that there will be a wave of sexual assaults by homosexual men in men's bathrooms?

Again the leaping is impressive.
(02-24-2016, 07:23 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Again the leaping is impressive.

Not as impressive as your refusal to answer a question that directly contradicts the claims you are trying to make.
(02-24-2016, 08:05 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Not as impressive as your refusal to answer a question that directly contradicts the claims you are trying to make.


You think I am refusing to answer your question because it contradicts my claims?

Why would I do that?

Your question is hyperbole and not even worth answering. 

Your question is an insult to basic logic and reason.

Your question just further gives credence that you may not be the lawyer you tell everyone you are. 

I find it very difficult to take you seriously.

If I didn't find you so hilariously clueless and out of touch, I would probably put you on ignore.  However you do amuse me and I truly do enjoy your superman like leaps in logic that you display on such a routine basis.  Your use of exaggeration is so misplaced and done so often that it loses it's ability to make any of your points valid.

So please continue to dance for me Fred.  I think I shall go with "10 Fred's a leaping".
(02-25-2016, 12:00 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Fred.

You think I am refusing to answer your question because it contradicts my claims?

Why would I do that?

Gee, I don't know.  that is a pretty tough question, but I am going to guess...TO AVOID ADMITTING HOW WRONG YOU ARE

(02-25-2016, 12:00 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Your question just further gives credence that you may not be the lawyer you tell everyone you are. 

My name is Jim Deaton.  You can watch me work in the Blount County Criminal courts almost any day.

Now tell me who you are.

Unless you are too scared. Cool
(02-25-2016, 12:29 AM)fredtoast Wrote: My name is Jim Deaton.  You can watch me work in the Blount County Criminal courts almost any day.

Now tell me who you are.

Unless you are too scared. Cool

(02-25-2016, 12:27 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Gee, I don't know.  that is a pretty tough question, but I am going to guess...TO AVOID ADMITTING HOW WRONG YOU ARE


Nope.  Wrong again.

The rest of the post is pretty self evidence Jimmy.  Your question is an insult and straight hyperbole.

You ask if I think Gays are degenerate.  I said yes.

Your next questions is this.... Well, couldn't Gays rape men?

Yes they could Jimmy.  A gay man could rape another man.

How you go from are they degenerate to could they rape is beyond exaggeration.  It isn't a question to be taken seriously.

However Jimmy, you somehow think you proved a point.  Which is why I think you are completely divorced from reality.
(02-25-2016, 01:27 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Nope.  Wrong again.

The rest of the post is pretty self evidence Jimmy.  Your question is an insult and straight hyperbole.

You ask if I think Gays are degenerate.  I said yes.

Your next questions is this.... Well, couldn't Gays rape men?

Yes they could Jimmy.  A gay man could rape another man.

How you go from are they degenerate to could they rape is beyond exaggeration.  It isn't a question to be taken seriously.

However Jimmy, you somehow think you proved a point.  Which is why I think you are completely divorced from reality.

I have proven a point.

All this squealing about bathroom rape is nothing but fear mongering with no basis in reality.

According to you we have been using the same bathroom as all these "degenerates" forever and there have been no problem with rape.

And what is up with all this "Jimmy" stuff?
(02-25-2016, 01:22 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Batman!

Why did you edit this, Steve?

Why would such a "self reliant" tough guy like you be so afraid of me?
(02-25-2016, 01:44 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I have proven a point.

All this squealing about bathroom rape is nothing but fear mongering with no basis in reality.

According to you we have been using the same bathroom as all these "degenerates" forever and there have been no problem with rape.

And what is up with all this "Jimmy" stuff?

Would you rather me not use your name, Jimmy?

I will stop.  I have no problem complying on that request.

I just thought we were getting more acquainted.

As to your point, where in my post that you responded to did I say anything about rape?  My post was about how people have come to accept degeneracy as normal.

As to it being fear mongering.  Facts:  Some men rape women, these men will not care if they are allowed to use a woman's bathroom or not to commit the crime of rape.  However, some men are perverts and just want to "show off" and they flash women.  This has been happening for a long time.  With the new laws in place, these men can in fact go into a woman's bathroom and disrobe right in front of the women and even young girls.  The law allows them to do this.

If a man wearing a trench coat (and only a trench coat) and flashes a woman, he can be brought up on charges.  However if he is just using the facilities and just so happens to flash the woman in the process, well he can't be brought up on charges now can he?

The question is intent.  A transgender man is probably not intending to flash the woman.  However the other degenerate man, is probably intending to flash the woman. 
(02-25-2016, 01:47 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Why did you edit this, Steve?

Why would such a "self reliant" tough guy like you be so afraid of me?

I liked Batman better.

I thought it would be more fun.

So are we going to use real names Jimmy?
(02-25-2016, 01:58 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So are we going to use real names Jimmy?

The only people who call me Jimmy are the girls who suck my dick.  It is a little game I play.  But you can do whatever you want.  It doesn't matter to me.  I am so "self reliant" that I am not scared of things like that. 

Since you are so afraid of people knowing your real name I won't do it anymore.  And I promise not to tell anyone your last name.  
(02-25-2016, 02:02 AM)fredtoast Wrote: The only people who call me Jimmy are the girls who suck my dick.  It is a little game I play.  But you can do whatever you want.  It doesn't matter to me.  

Since you are so afraid of people knowing your real name I won't do it anymore.  And I promise not to tell anyone your last name.  

I don't care if you use my real name, Jimmy.

I can promise you that I am not interested in your dick.

Again, I liked the response batman better, I only thought of it after the fact.  Thought I would try to change it, but if you caught it anyway then, meh.

Good for you, Jimmy
(02-25-2016, 02:09 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Again, I liked the response batman better, I only thought of it after the fact. 

When you got scared.
(02-25-2016, 02:29 AM)fredtoast Wrote: When you got scared.

About what?
(02-25-2016, 02:45 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: About what?

That you are an unemployed loser with a twitter feed that has links to multiple white supremist organizations.
(02-25-2016, 02:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: That you are an unemployed loser with a twitter feed that has links to multiple white supremist organizations.

Funny.  I have 2 jobs.  Where do you get the notion I am unemployed?
(02-25-2016, 02:52 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Funny.  I have 2 jobs.  Where do you get the notion I am unemployed?

Where do you work Steve?  Your facebook does not list an employer, and you are on linkdin looking for work.

A big tough self-reliant guy like you shouldn't be afraid to tell me.
(02-25-2016, 03:00 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Where do you work Steve? 

A big tough self-reliant guy like you shouldn't be afraid to tell me.

South Tryon Square and CHS.
(02-25-2016, 03:04 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: South Tryon Square  and CHS.


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