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Marco Rubio: the first robotic candidate
Electronic voice & pre-programmed, repetitive response. ..... I'm convinced.

End result of interaction with automaton ?

Man defeats machine.

[Image: 1454840822854_zps7tzarvfu.jpg]
[Image: ?]

Robots followed Rubio around today in NH
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
See !
I was right !
I have to say it was odd seeing Rubio attacking Obama while everyone else attacks him.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I was laughing at that while I watched it and was surprised when I came on that no one had started a thread about it before the debate even ended,

I thought Cruz sucked pretty bad, too, and was just bullshitting answers that had no real content.

Carson did ok, but I think he was in the background too much, and Trump just strengthened my belief that he can get this nation back on track and be even better because he's not worried about being politically correct.
(02-10-2016, 02:21 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Trump just strengthened my belief that he can get this nation back on track and be even better because he's not worried about being politically correct.

That's really the best way to tell if a guy can run the country in your opinion?  Like, if Bernie Sanders started calling Hillary the C-word you'd vote for him?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-10-2016, 02:21 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: I was laughing at that while I watched it and was surprised when I came on that no one had started a thread about it before the debate even ended,

I thought Cruz sucked pretty bad, too, and was just bullshitting answers that had no real content.

Carson did ok, but I think he was in the background too much, and Trump just strengthened my belief that he can get this nation back on track and be even better because he's not worried about being politically correct.

The vast majority of people who complain about political correctness are the assholes who can't handle being insulted for insulting someone else.  Trump is among the worst of these types of people. 
(02-10-2016, 02:47 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: The vast majority of people who complain about political correctness are the assholes who can't handle being insulted for insulting someone else.  Trump is among the worst of these types of people. 

Let's not forget that Trump doesn't have to be politically correct because he was born rich, not because he's some awesome badass.  Also, I think the right to be offensive is yet another thing people imagine is "under attack."  Last I checked even if you couldn't tell rape/dead baby/sex offender/racist jokes at work you can still do it at home with your friends.

Of all the things to praise a guy about...the fact that he offends people?  Why not just make Howard Stern president, or something?  Hell, why don't I start going around telling disgusting jokes about everyone's underaged daughters, wives, and mothers and watch the votes roll in!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-10-2016, 02:47 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: The vast majority of people who complain about political correctness are the assholes who can't handle being insulted for insulting someone else.  Trump is among the worst of these types of people. 

What evidence do you have that there is a correlation between PC and insults and that the "vast majority" behave in the way you describe? Never heard of such bullshit.

Seems to me that most of those who complain about PC bullshit are conservative leaning, while those that can't handle insults after insulting others are liberals such as yourself.
(02-10-2016, 03:36 AM)Vlad Wrote: What evidence do you have that there is a correlation between PC and insults and that the "vast majority" behave in the way you describe? Never heard of such bullshit.

Exhibit A:  Donald Trump

Quote:Seems to me that most of those who complain about PC bullshit are conservative leaning

Yes.  "Conservative leaning" individuals are upset it isn't the 1850s any more and they are offended people hold them personally responsible when they use demeaning or derogatory terms to describe others.

Quote:while those that can't handle insults after insulting others are liberals such as yourself.

The very first time you addressed me was with an insult.  Unlike other "conservative leaning" individuals here, I've never complained about being insulted.

I've asked you before and you failed to answer, what makes me a liberal?  Is it because I'm a military veteran?  Is it because because I'm a gun owner and hunt?  Is it because I grew up poor, white trash?  Is it because I live in the South?  Is it because I can change my mind based upon new information?  Is it because I have both liberal and conservative opinions?  Or is it because deep down you're a "self-loathing" "dick" who realizes I'm just a better person than you?
(02-10-2016, 04:15 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I've asked you before and you failed to answer, what makes me a liberal?  Is it because I'm a military veteran?  Is it because because I'm a gun owner and hunt?  Is it because I grew up poor, white trash?  Is it because I live in the South?  Is it because I can change my mind based upon new information?  Is it because I have both liberal and conservative opinions?  Or is it because deep down you're a "self-loathing" "dick" who realizes I'm just a better person than you?

I'm a card-carrying Libertarian who would rather see Trump win than Hillary, but he decided I was a rabid Hillary supporter because I asked why Jeb Bush doesn't sound like he's from Texas.  Nothing better than painting everyone who questions one thing about Republicans as being dangerously and delusionally liberal.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-10-2016, 02:27 AM)Nately120 Wrote: That's really the best way to tell if a guy can run the country in your opinion?  Like, if Bernie Sanders started calling Hillary the C-word you'd vote for him?

Not at all, but it's his entire outlook that will get us back on track.

An example is the wall that he wants to build on the Mexican boarder and control immigration, which will do amazing things for this country, and a lot of people are quick to just jump on him as racist and hating Hispanic people.
(02-10-2016, 06:13 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Not at all, but it's his entire outlook that will get us back on track.

An example is the wall that he wants to build on the Mexican boarder and control immigration, which will do amazing things for this country, and a lot of people are quick to just jump on him as racist and hating Hispanic people.

So Trump will fix America by spending a trillion bucks we don't have on a plan that makes no logical sense, might take decades to build, AND he isn't afraid to offend entire groups of people with off-base remarks?  Neat.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-10-2016, 06:24 PM)Nately120 Wrote: So Trump will fix America by spending a trillion bucks we don't have on a plan that makes no logical sense, might take decades to build, AND he isn't afraid to offend entire groups of people with off-base remarks?  Neat.

Trump's wall will cost 8 billion to build, which is a fraction of a trillion, and illegal immigrants cost the US 100 trillion every year,, so the wall only needs to stop a tenth of the illegal immigration and it pays for itself in one year.

He's offending who?  People who want to come here illegally or who are here illegally?  We should coddle those people?  

(02-10-2016, 06:36 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Trump's wall will cost 8 billion to build, which is a fraction of a trillion, and illegal immigrants cost the US 100 trillion every year,, so the wall only needs to stop a tenth of the illegal immigration and it pays for itself in one year.

He's offending who?  People who want to come here illegally or who are here illegally?  We should coddle those people?  


Nothing like trusting the government and a guy who has a history of declaring bankruptcy to do something on time and on budget.  Believe me, I hope Trump isn't awful if he wins, but I'm not holding my breath.

And I keep telling you, I don't CARE if Trump offends people, I just don't see offending people as some sort of key to productivity like you do.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-10-2016, 06:39 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Nothing like trusting the government and a guy who has a history of declaring bankruptcy to do something on time and on budget.  Believe me, I hope Trump isn't awful if he wins, but I'm not holding my breath.

And I keep telling you, I don't CARE if Trump offends people, I just don't see offending people as some sort of key to productivity like you do.

It's not the key to productivity, but this country was founded because we didn't want to be oppressed and go with the flow, and then it became great because we wanted to do great things and reach for the stars.

Now, the Democrat way, and even some Republicans' way, way is more "our country is good enough.  Let's make sure everyone is equal and we don't have to strive for more.

That's why I don't think offending people is the key to productivity, but it's necessary if we want to strive to be great.  It's not even that it's intended or required, but it's a byproduct and will happen in our attempt to be great.
(02-10-2016, 06:36 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Trump's wall will cost 8 billion to build, which is a fraction of a trillion, and illegal immigrants cost the US 100 trillion every year,, so the wall only needs to stop a tenth of the illegal immigration and it pays for itself in one year.

He's offending who?  People who want to come here illegally or who are here illegally?  We should coddle those people?  


How do you document the cost of undocumented, illegal immigrants?
(02-10-2016, 07:11 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: How do you document the cost of undocumented, illegal immigrants?

Jail costs, when they apply for their children to be in schools, medical expenses, welfare.

Pretty easy because, even though a lot of these places can't ask whether someone is a citizen, if a person doesn't have a Social Security number, birth certificate, or any number of other documents, then guess what?  They're illegal, and all those cases are documented.
(02-10-2016, 07:32 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Jail costs, when they apply for their children to be in schools, medical expenses, welfare.

Pretty easy because, even though a lot of these places can't ask whether someone is a citizen, if a person doesn't have a Social Security number, birth certificate, or any number of other documents, then guess what?  They're illegal, and all those cases are documented.

How does an illegal immigrant get welfare when I thought they were barred from receiving welfare?  Who isn't allowed to ask someone if they are in America legally?

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