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Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands Space Lasers To Combat Migrants

She is very respected in congress. You guys should listen to the words coming out of your leaders mouth
(04-18-2024, 01:35 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote:

She is very respected in congress. You guys should listen to the words coming out of your leaders mouth

He just wants to Grab her by the ...... 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-18-2024, 01:35 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote:

She is very respected in congress. You guys should listen to the words coming out of your leaders mouth

Oh, so Trump's words hold deep meaning to you now?  Interesting.

(04-18-2024, 11:59 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I think you'll find that a large percentage of people who would define themselves as conservative find this woman as ridiculous as you do. She doesn't represent the GOP as a whole any more than Jamar Bowman represents the Dems as a whole.

(04-18-2024, 01:47 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Oh, so Trump's words hold deep meaning to you now?  Interesting.

No not really. I just think it’s funny/horrifying how many on the right try to downplay her presence when she is one of the leaders favorite goons and she would become an even more prominent voice if he wins re election.

It is the prequel to Idiocracy and you guys are leading us right into it.
(04-18-2024, 01:31 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: Sharks with freakin laser beams is still the better option

Coming to a theater near you starring Kaley Cuoco.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-18-2024, 04:11 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: No not really. I just think it’s funny/horrifying how many on the right try to downplay her presence when she is one of the leaders favorite goons and she would become an even more prominent voice if he wins re election.

It is the prequel to Idiocracy and you guys are leading us right into it.

Lol, "you guys".  Trump likes anyone who kisses his arse.  She's one Congressperson out of hundreds.  If Trump makes her Secretary of State then we'll revisit this topic.  Until then, you're being hysterical.

(04-18-2024, 04:11 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: No not really. I just think it’s funny/horrifying how many on the right try to downplay her presence when she is one of the leaders favorite goons and she would become an even more prominent voice if he wins re election.

It is the prequel to Idiocracy and you guys are leading us right into it.

This is where the attempts at comparing MTG to the "squad" lose me. 

No doubt that both sides have their share of loonies in the house. But one side's loony is a darling of the party's de facto leader and is getting offered advisory positions to the GOP's top congressman. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-18-2024, 05:14 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Lol, "you guys".  Trump likes anyone who kisses his arse.  She's one Congressperson out of hundreds.  If Trump makes her Secretary of State then we'll revisit this topic.  Until then, you're being hysterical.

You’re right. Could be hundreds of different of people. But it’s not. Marjorie is a prominent figure in today’s GOP. Often seen right next to the leader of the party.

Just your party mixing some raw sewage into the swamp, too bad do gooders like yourself choose to be blind to what’s happening in front of your face.
(04-18-2024, 06:57 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: You’re right. Could be hundreds of different of people. But it’s not. Marjorie is a prominent figure in today’s GOP. Often seen right next to the leader of the party.

Just your party mixing some raw sewage into the swamp, too bad do gooders like yourself choose to be blind to what’s happening in front of your face.

My party, LOL.  The funny thing is you can't find a single MTG defender in this thread and you're still frothing at the mouth.  

(04-18-2024, 06:59 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: My party, LOL.  The funny thing is you can't find a single MTG defender in this thread and you're still frothing at the mouth.  

Not frothing at the mouth.

Just trying to explain to all the conservatives who jumped in to claim she was a nobody that they don’t know what they are talking about. And she is a part of our life now because of your party leader.
(04-18-2024, 01:31 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: Sharks with freakin laser beams is still the better option

Only will cost one MILLION dollars.....
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
MTG is the most disgusting form of human being we have living today. Those who support are the same. She's is sacrificing governing and EVERYONE'S welfare for her own ambition. I don't give a flying fuk, which party she is in.....she is an absolute embarrassment to this country and represents everything wrong with American politics.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-18-2024, 07:05 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Not frothing at the mouth.

Just trying to explain to all the conservatives who jumped in to claim she was a nobody that they don’t know what they are talking about. And she is a part of our life now because of your party leader.

No one claimed she was a nobody.  She's a member of Congress, that automatically makes her "somebody."  What was said is that she doesn't represent the GOP anymore than the most extreme Dems represent the Democratic party.  And, yeah you are frothing at the mouth.  I like you but when it comes to Trump you become all sorts of unhinged.

(04-18-2024, 08:12 PM)Stewy Wrote: MTG is the most disgusting form of human being we have living today.  Those who support are the same.  She's is sacrificing governing and EVERYONE'S welfare for her own ambition.  I don't give a flying fuk, which party she is in.....she is an absolute embarrassment to this country and represents everything wrong with American politics.

Yup, she sucks.  I think the GOP is starting to tire of her as well.  I remember when I was young and there were Congressmen like Jessie Helms and Strom Thurman.  When they left office I recall thinking that we'd never see people like that in Congress again.  I could not have been more wrong, it just took some time.

(04-18-2024, 06:59 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: My party, LOL.  The funny thing is you can't find a single MTG defender in this thread and you're still frothing at the mouth.  

Nati is confused by your "centrism."  I'm not.  

This forum isn't the House, where MTG has enough defenders to disrupt all efforts at stable governance,

and hold up aid to the Ukraine. 

But here is a recent Fox article that follows you in separating Greene from the rest of the GOP.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is an idiot. She is trying to wreck the GOP

It’s high time someone in the Republican Party told Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats, and stop trying to defeat her own party. 

The Georgia Republican, who famously displayed sexually explicit photos of Hunter Biden during a committee hearing and called fellow Rep. Lauren Boebert a ***** on the House floor, is known for wild antics and equally harebrained conspiracy theories.  ... 

Currently, she is threatening to oust Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson. The Louisiana representative, with a five-vote majority in the House, is attempting to keep his caucus intact as he navigates treacherous issues including funding Ukraine, which has become unpopular with some conservatives, and reauthorizing the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. He also struggled to pass a funding bill, which required relying on Democrats to get another big spending package over the threshold.

Last October, other GOP malcontents ejected Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership of the House. It was not a smart or productive move; several House Republicans have since resigned, disgusted by the rancor and self-aggrandizement of those who threw the chamber into convulsions. As a result, what had been a slim majority is now on life support, making governing that much more difficult.  

The ouster of the popular McCarthy also torched the public’s view of the GOP. In May 2023, registered voters were evenly split between approving and disapproving of the Republican Party. Today, there is a 25-point gap, with 61% disapproval and 36% approving. That will not help win elections. 

The internal squabbles of the party need to stop. If Marjorie Taylor Greene and others want to oppose aid to Ukraine or the FISA bill, they can vote against it. That’s how democracy works. 

The future of the U.S. is on the line. Former President Donald Trump, who very much wants to kick Biden out of office, knows how dangerous the tumult in the House can be. He recently met with Mike Johnson in Florida and gave him an important and well-deserved vote of confidence. "I stand with the speaker," Trump declared; he also said he thinks Johnson is "doing a very good job –—he's doing about as good as you're going to do."
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Christian Nationalist MTG draws on Bush and Trump lies to create her own new and unique style:

“Biolabs” and “persecution of Christians”: GOP Congresswoman spreads Russian propaganda to oppose Ukraine aid bill

Marjorie Taylor Greene, US Republican Congresswoman, introduced several amendments to the latest bill on aid to Ukraine, echoing Russian propaganda narratives about “biolabs in Ukraine” and “persecution of Christians in Ukraine.”

These amendments are part of Greene’s ongoing opposition to providing further funding to Ukraine in its war against Russia. At the same time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy underlined that Ukraine may face defeat without US military support.

Specifically, Greene proposed prohibiting funding for Ukraine’s assistance “until Ukraine holds free and fair elections,” “until Ukraine stops persecuting Christians,” and “until Ukraine closes all bio-laboratories.”

LOL the bill should require a task force in Ukraine to insure that the persecution of Christianity in the country has stopped!
Not surprisingly, MTG is as well received as Trump on Russian television.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-18-2024, 07:05 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Not frothing at the mouth.

Just trying to explain to all the conservatives who jumped in to claim she was a nobody that they don’t know what they are talking about. And she is a part of our life now because of your party leader.

LOL, you've got some nerve, Nati.

Trump supporters will want to know how you get off pushing a fringe rep like MTG as some kind of GOP leader.

As if all or a majority of the GOP would even tolerate someone who constantly lies, feeds conspiracy theories, and defends Putin, 

let alone place someone like that in a position of ultimate party leadership. Let's stop the hysteria right now. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-18-2024, 05:22 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: This is where the attempts at comparing MTG to the "squad" lose me. 

No doubt that both sides have their share of loonies in the house. But one side's loony is a darling of the party's de facto leader and is getting offered advisory positions to the GOP's top congressman. 

Yes, and I don't even buy the "loony" equation. 

"Italian satellites" and "persecution of Christians in Ukraine" is loony. 

Pushing for green energy and Palestinian rights may be unpopular, but its not loony. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-18-2024, 11:38 PM)Dill Wrote: Yes, and I don't even buy the "loony" equation. 

"Italian satellites" and "persecution of Christians in Ukraine" is loony. 

Pushing for green energy and Palestinian rights may be unpopular, but its not loony. 

Using genocidal chants would certainly fall under the category of looney, would it not?  Although given what we've seen from the far left o late maybe it's more the norm?

(04-18-2024, 11:48 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Using genocidal chants would certainly fall under the category of looney, would it not?  Although given what we've seen from the far left o late maybe it's more the norm?

Oh jeezus. Spare me what you've projected onto "the far left."  It's the kind of innuendo that gets quickly sorted under cross examination.

Unlike Likud members who also use the phrase "from the river to sea," Tlaib wasn't using it as a "genocidal chant." 
She fell afoul of a definition of "antisemitism"  weaponized by the current GOP. 

To repeat, defending the human rights of people under brutal military occupation is not "loony." 

"Jewish space lasers" is loony.   Trump power depends on masses of people not being able to tell the difference.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-19-2024, 12:00 AM)Dill Wrote: Oh jeezus. Spare me what you've projected onto "the far left."  It's the kind of innuendo that gets quickly sorted under cross examination.

Unlike Likud members who also use the phrase "from the river to sea," Tlaib wasn't using it as a "genocidal chant." 
She fell afoul of a definition of "antisemitism"  weaponized by the current GOP. 

To repeat, defending the human rights of people under brutal military occupation is not "loony." 

"Jewish space lasers" is loony.   Trump power depends on masses of people not being able to tell the difference.

I recall when the OK symbol was suddenly a sign of "white supremacy".  Interestingly, the idea was started as a joke by /pol, to see if they could get the "normies" to believe something stupid, so they started the concept.  Sure enough, it took off and even when it was revealed as a joke it was then claimed that white supremacist groups had actually started using it as such, hence it was now a white supremacist symbol.  People lost their jobs doing it.  People were suspended from school for doing it.  

The point of this being, maybe "from the river to the sea" was once a chant simply calling for peaceful "liberation" of the Palestinians.  But it has been coopted by Hamas, who quite clearly state that it means the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people.  So, exactly like your side claiming that using the OK hand gesture was a white supremacist symbol, despite it starting as a complete joke, if you use that phrase you do so knowing what it means to millions of people, that being genocide.

So, I'm sorry to report that if you use it, if you're ok with using it, then you are advocating for genocide whether you personally mean it that way or not.

Sort that out under cross examination.


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