Poll: Are you in favor of mass deportation?
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Mass deportation gaining Americans support
The question of "how" can 10 million be deported if Trump ins in November. Legal experts are saying the 1st thing the Trump DHS would do is ask for volunteers to leave the country until their asylum hearing or for good? The DHS would fly them back to their home country.

The Trump DHS would also on day 1 close the border and put in place stay in Mexico or apply legally to enter the US in their home country. Those seeking asylum would have to prove valid reason to seek asylum in the US from their country as a part of the application process. Asylum seeking is not valid to get a better job.

Once the probationary period ends for leaving the US on their own, the DHS would work with ICE and local authorities to round up illegal immigrants starting with anyone who has been arrested in the US. The DHS would need Congress, but the plan of the GOP is banning sanctuary cities. If they do not denounce their sanctuary city status, all federal funds to that city or state would be suspended immediately.

There are almost 500K kids missing that entered under Biden. These kids are obviously victims and would be a priority to find and get to safety.

There will not be a door to search for illegal immigrants (asylum seekers), but they will be put on notice they are not in the country legally and thus can be deported if caught immediately.

It took years for the 10+ million under Biden to come into the country, it will take years to get them out as well.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-24-2024, 05:24 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Is step one to round them up and put them in camps?

No clue. But if I broke into another country and was arrested, what would happen to me? Would I be deported? And what would they do with me while they were in the process of deporting me? I think you're trying to attach the Hitler thing around this. But it's not even close. If Trump is elected and they fear deportation, they will have a few months to leave before that takes place. Then they can try to do it the legal way instead of the criminal way. And, before you start screaming asylum seekers, Most are not (in the legal sense). This whole thing has been a joke and it's fun, yet rather sad, to see people defending Biden come up with excuse after excuse. 

The big liberal cities are done with this already. It's draining them of resources. The people are unhappy. The voters are pissed. The minorities have been second-classed by the left. So tell me again why it's a bad thing? This is one of the party F-Ups that could hurt them for several decades with their base.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2024, 06:13 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: No clue. But if I broke into another country and was arrested, what would happen to me? Would I be deported? And what would they do with me while they were in the process of deporting me? I think you're trying to attach the Hitler thing around this. But it's not even close. If Trump is elected and they fear deportation, they will have a few months to leave before that takes place. Then they can try to do it the legal way instead of the criminal way. And, before you start screaming asylum seekers, Most are not (in the legal sense). This whole thing has been a joke and it's fun, yet rather sad, to see people defending Biden come up with excuse after excuse. 

The big liberal cities are done with this already. It's draining them of resources. The people are unhappy. The voters are pissed. The minorities have been second-classed by the left. So tell me again why it's a bad thing? This is one of the party F-Ups that could hurt them for several decades with their base.

It’s pretty close. Dude gets on stage and rants about how terrible life is because of a certain group of people, die hard followers get on board with the message, and the solution is to round them up and get rid of them.

We had a bipartisan bill that would have tried to address some of the main issues with our broken immigration system. IE more resources for immigration processing, speed up the slow system. Your guy killed it.

Oh you want a better future for your family? You’re poor, starving, and homeless and just want to work and provide for your family? Well here start by waiting in this line for 5 years. That’s not feasible for someone who just walked across a continent to get here.

I’ve posted video proof of it before. Every single one of the presidents who have served in my adult life complaining about our broken immigration system. Which to me is the main reason we have so many illegal crossings.

We are the melting pot of the world, a nation made up of immigrants. Do you think the Statue of Liberty represents American values? I don’t see how it’s a party F-up to stand by one of the fundamental aspects on which our country was built. Ever heard the saying we are a nation built by immigrants?

Do you think life has been harder or easier for most people around the world since Covid? Do you think this would increase the number of people wanting to flee their homeland to seek the American Dream?
(06-24-2024, 06:13 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: No clue. But if I broke into another country and was arrested, what would happen to me? Would I be deported? And what would they do with me while they were in the process of deporting me? I think you're trying to attach the Hitler thing around this. But it's not even close. If Trump is elected and they fear deportation, they will have a few months to leave before that takes place. Then they can try to do it the legal way instead of the criminal way. And, before you start screaming asylum seekers, Most are not (in the legal sense). This whole thing has been a joke and it's fun, yet rather sad, to see people defending Biden come up with excuse after excuse. 

The big liberal cities are done with this already. It's draining them of resources. The people are unhappy. The voters are pissed. The minorities have been second-classed by the left. So tell me again why it's a bad thing? This is one of the party F-Ups that could hurt them for several decades with their base.

It is bizarro world...
(06-24-2024, 07:05 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: It’s pretty close. Dude gets on stage and rants about how terrible life is because of a certain group of people, die hard followers get on board with the message, and the solution is to round them up and get rid of them.

We had a bipartisan bill that would have tried to address some of the main issues with our broken immigration system. IE more resources for immigration processing, speed up the slow system. Your guy killed it.

Oh you want a better future for your family? You’re poor, starving, and homeless and just want to work and provide for your family? Well here start by waiting in this line for 5 years. That’s not feasible for someone who just walked across a continent to get here.

I’ve posted video proof of it before. Every single one of the presidents who have served in my adult life complaining about our broken immigration system. Which to me is the main reason we have so many illegal crossings.

We are the melting pot of the world, a nation made up of immigrants. Do you think the Statue of Liberty represents American values? I don’t see how it’s a party F-up to stand by one of the fundamental aspects on which our country was built. Ever heard the saying we are a nation built by immigrants?

Do you think life has been harder or easier for most people around the world since Covid? Do you think this would increase the number of people wanting to flee their homeland to seek the American Dream?
Seek asylum in the first country you come to. Isn't that the rules?

Check the post about Obama talking about illegal aliens skipping the line, which all the Dems and liberals were on border with back then, but not so now...

Then using covid,  right out of rules for radicals, and all the lies Faucci is being held accountable for now, and how it boned the trust in the health department.

Strike three
(06-24-2024, 05:24 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Is step one to round them up and put them in camps?

No, you fool! Step one is to put the unacompanied kids in cages, like Obama did...
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(06-24-2024, 07:05 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: It’s pretty close. Dude gets on stage and rants about how terrible life is because of a certain group of people, die hard followers get on board with the message, and the solution is to round them up and get rid of them.

How do you even get this perception? Why is it doing the legal way is such a problem for you. 
Quote:We had a bipartisan bill that would have tried to address some of the main issues with our broken immigration system. IE more resources for immigration processing, speed up the slow system. Your guy killed it.

That Bipartisan bill was loaded with BS and everyone knows it. 
Quote:Oh you want a better future for your family? You’re poor, starving, and homeless and just want to work and provide for your family? Well here start by waiting in this line for 5 years. That’s not feasible for someone who just walked across a continent to get here.

First of all, they came because there was an open invitation. My poor and my starving are also your poor and starving. I think you got the story of Robin Hood backwards. I'm curious where you live and how YOU are effected by this immigration crisis. Your thoughts are too lockstep with left policy and don't make sense.
Quote:I’ve posted video proof of it before. Every single one of the presidents who have served in my adult life complaining about our broken immigration system. Which to me is the main reason we have so many illegal crossings.

Dude. You act like Biden didn't do all this. He screwed this country in a bad way, and for what? Votes? Well, it's backfiring and now he's attempting to blame the right.
Quote:We are the melting pot of the world, a nation made up of immigrants. Do you think the Statue of Liberty represents American values? I don’t see how it’s a party F-up to stand by one of the fundamental aspects on which our country was built. Ever heard the saying we are a nation built by immigrants?

The Statue of Liberty is a statue. Yes, we are the melting pot and immigrants made this country by doing things legally. What a wonderful hope we have that people entering our country illegally, will be law-abiding citizens when they cross. Geezus, are you serious? Also, this is the weakest argument I've seen you post in awhile.
Quote:Do you think life has been harder or easier for most people around the world since Covid? Do you think this would increase the number of people wanting to flee their homeland to seek the American Dream?

What does Covid have anything to do with the American dream? If they were fleeing here for medical care, get treated, go home. If you want to stay, do it legally. Don't stay and kill cops, rape children, beat up people or try to abuse the kindness of our country? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2024, 05:00 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Mass deportation humor isn't really a thing.  I guess I'm out of my element.  I just figured once we get rid of all the illegals someone is going to have to "get the hell out" next. 

The more serious points I always touch on are how the major shift on illegals from the bush to Trump era is how we were told that they went from being here to do jobs spoiled union democrats wouldn't do for a reasonable wage to just being here to commit crimes and leech off of the system.

Add in that there is never talk of upping the penalties on Americans who hire them, and that St Reagan probably went the amnesty route for a reason. Also I don't expect our federal government to actually pull off mass deportations in a way that isn't an expensive and bloated mess.

It just seemed easier to make a crappy non joke than to point this out yet again.

You have no idea how much they actually cost us do you? You been swallowing that leftie kool-aid to long
We could fund a wall, an in less than 3-5 years the wall would be paying for itself vs spending on Illegals. 

I also agree your joke was in poor taste, big difference between Legals and non-legals. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I continue to see the same propaganda spewed by liberals. Trump came down the elevator in 2015, said we need to secure our border. They are not sending their best, they are sending rapists, gang, drugs and murderers. Yet, he won in 2016, not one follower tracked an illegal immigrant down and killed them. The garbage lie did not work then and an even weaker case in 2025.

Please read the bill worked on by 1 Republican with a bunch of Democrats for immigration. Show us of all the money they were asking, how were they going to stop 1 illegal immigrant (asylum seeker) to enter the US. You won't find it because it said at 5000 illegals a day, then the POTUS may stop them from coming in so as others have pointed out, a bogus bill that would not curtail immigrants trying to enter our country illegally.

As for cost, I suggest you google sanctuary cities like NY, Boston, Chicago, SF and many others. They said it is killing their budget. California's budget is a massive issue under Newsome and sanctuary cities.

As the actual low-income voters who live in those cities if they feel safer now or safer under Trump? Do they get more benefits under Biden or Trump? Do illegal immigrants get money ear marked for taxpayers (voters)?

I was state this now. Day 1 Trump will attempt to stop/deter asylum seekers attempting to enter our border illegally. We have an immigration bill, but Biden refuses to enforce it and send them back to the last safe country they entered prior to attempting to crash our border, in most cases that is Mexico.

Democrats will fight at every turn to not only let these here awaiting asylum stay, but they will also fight every step of the wall to stop building the wall. I can't imagine our country in 4 years if Biden's immigrtion policy stays the same. We could have a population living amongst us that are 20% illegal and are not US patriots. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
You can deport a criminal individual but collective deportation, it has bad vibes out there in Europe so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't vote for any of it because every one is different and there is no such thing as a migrant archetype.

It's just aiming at the weakest.

The biggest crimes are committed by white collars ( speaking of the shirt not the skin ).

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-24-2024, 05:24 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Is step one to round them up and put them in camps?

Round them up, then put them in deportation centers. send the ones back to their home country where their country will accept them back, for those that don't? well longer stay in detention til we get something with their home country or another one to accept them. 

Don't see what the problem is, what do you think happens to Americans that enter Mexico illegally?  Eff any country for that matter? We have to follow the rules to get into another country just like they do otherwise we are detained at the border and not allowed to enter til the paperwork is cleared up. Have you ever been out side of the US? 

Being poor and trying to claim asylum because  you are in poverty in your home country is not even close to what asylum is supposed to be about. 
Being poor is a social economic disadvantage. Every country has poor people.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2024, 08:10 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: Seek asylum in the first country you come to. Isn't that the rules?

Check the post about Obama talking about illegal aliens skipping the line, which all the Dems and liberals were on border with back then, but not so now...

Then using covid,  right out of rules for radicals, and all the lies Faucci is being held accountable for now, and how it boned the trust in the health department.

Strike three

Don't think so. People have the freedom to choose where they are going to try to survive.

Who disagrees with it now? The goal is to fix the broken system. Not obstruct and do nothing but cry about it.

Covid had a global impact. You talking about Fauci lies and health department mistrust shows its definitely hit you.
(06-25-2024, 12:54 AM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: You can deport a criminal individual but collective deportation, it has bad vibes out there in Europe so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't vote for any of it because every one is different and there is no such thing as a migrant archetype.

It's just aiming at the weakest.

The biggest crimes are committed by white collars ( speaking of the shirt not the skin ).

And those "big" crimes make up a very small % of the amount of crimes that gangs from the Latin counties commit daily. 

At least you are allowing for removal of the Criminal element from the Illegals, your Leftist mates can't even give that. It's like Abortion all over again, all or none. No trying to meet in the middle.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2024, 08:26 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: How do you even get this perception? Why is it doing the legal way is such a problem for you. 

That Bipartisan bill was loaded with BS and everyone knows it. 

First of all, they came because there was an open invitation. My poor and my starving are also your poor and starving. I think you got the story of Robin Hood backwards. I'm curious where you live and how YOU are effected by this immigration crisis. Your thoughts are too lockstep with left policy and don't make sense.

Dude. You act like Biden didn't do all this. He screwed this country in a bad way, and for what? Votes? Well, it's backfiring and now he's attempting to blame the right.

The Statue of Liberty is a statue. Yes, we are the melting pot and immigrants made this country by doing things legally. What a wonderful hope we have that people entering our country illegally, will be law-abiding citizens when they cross. Geezus, are you serious? Also, this is the weakest argument I've seen you post in awhile.

What does Covid have anything to do with the American dream? If they were fleeing here for medical care, get treated, go home. If you want to stay, do it legally. Don't stay and kill cops, rape children, beat up people or try to abuse the kindness of our country? 

I want it done the legal way.

Like what?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Do those two messages differ?

We haven't had comprehensive immigration legislation in something like 30 years. So no I don't think he did do all of it. But I know who to blame for the recent bipartisan bill that was torpedoed to help a certain someones presidential campaign.

Sick  the old American values is my weakest argument lately? Shocked  you guys are railing against some bedrock principles. Its wild.

My bad. Thought it would be easy to understand. Covid made life harder for people around the world. When that happens I can imagine more people look to the beacon of hope and have the American dream. Thus more people showing up at your door.
(06-25-2024, 01:39 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Don't think so. People have the freedom to choose where they are going to try to survive.

Who disagrees with it now? The goal is to fix the broken system. Not obstruct and do nothing but cry about it.

Covid had a global impact. You talking about Fauci lies and health department mistrust shows its definitely hit you.

Covid did impact my job, as I work in public health. The position we were put in burned a lot of the trust and good will that the health department had established with the public. Luckily, we have built much of it back, but have not forgotten the lies, arbitrary rules, and misinformation presented as fact, by a trusted source.

If asylum seekers had to seek asylum in the first safe country, they entered, it would impact the number coming into the USA. I thought I read that it was the part of the process, but in reading, I was wrong, but think the idea is a sound one. Then once safe, the former asylum seeker can legally apply to become a US citizen while living in that safe country. Seems like an easy solution.

Turn away everyone until the system is fixed.

Catch up on processing/handling the current overload of legal and illegal immigrants.
(06-25-2024, 12:08 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You have no idea how much they actually cost us do you? You been swallowing that leftie kool-aid to long
We could fund a wall, an in less than 3-5 years the wall would be paying for itself vs spending on Illegals. 

I also agree your joke was in poor taste, big difference between Legals and non-legals. 

Then why didn’t Trump accomplish building a wall.? Granted he promised that Mexico was going to pay for it but even still …4 years later there was no completed wall.

This was the biggest promise of Trump’s 2016 campaign and he failed

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-25-2024, 08:00 AM)pally Wrote: Then why didn’t Trump accomplish building a wall.?  Granted he promised that Mexico was going to pay for it but even still …4 years later there was no completed wall.

This was the biggest promise of Trump’s 2016 campaign and he failed

Unlike Biden, Trump was fighting for that money in his first year, rather than waiting til the last 6 months. 
He was denied multiple times. Then finally strong armed the money via EO's. 
And 11 R's also joined the D's in blocking it, so it wasn't just a D thing, some of the R's had trouble with it too, wonder what way they would have voted had they known we'd be in this current situation? Think they'd vote for it now?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-25-2024, 12:08 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You have no idea how much they actually cost us do you? You been swallowing that leftie kool-aid to long
We could fund a wall, an in less than 3-5 years the wall would be paying for itself vs spending on Illegals. 

I also agree your joke was in poor taste, big difference between Legals and non-legals. 

I don't see how me doubting the federal government can successfully pull off anything of this scale is lefty Kool aid. As for the joke, well I miss the days when people went such easily offended snowflakes.  Eat a peach. 
(06-25-2024, 11:32 AM)Nately120 Wrote: I don't see how me doubting the federal government can successfully pull off anything of this scale is lefty Kool aid. As for the joke, well I miss the days when people went such easily offended snowflakes.  Eat a peach. 

HAHA. Now this is fresh.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-24-2024, 05:24 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Is step one to round them up and put them in camps?

Don't care. As long as the end result is that they are all removed from the USA I couldn't care less.  Break into a foreign country illegally and you may win some fun prizes.

If by some miracle Trump wins, I hope the mass deportations start immediately and go on every day, 24/7, for all 4 years.

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