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Maybe Q was the friends we met along the way?
(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I'm sure there was some made for Hillary as well. 

Both of them put their own self-interests ahead of USC's on a regular basis and call it politics. 

Both of them have been stone-walling Covid relief for Millions of Americans in need. To me that is unacceptable. Making millions suffer from lack of unemployment relief for their own personal gains or butt hurt over who the current POTUS is and don't want to do anything that might make them look good, is Treason. Maybe the legal definition of treason is to hard to meet, so they are both traitors. Better??

LOL then she is a nut, but that doesn't make her representative of all R's. 

Anyways, it's just as I thought it would be in here now that Trump is out.

Not enough stage room for all the peacocks in here. Ya'll make Nancy proud.  ThumbsUp

No, pivoting from calling them treasonous to "traitors" in response to me posting about a congresswoman who has endorsed deadly violence against Nancy Pelosi is not "better". 

As I said in the post you quoted, the appropriate response is to denounce the person who is suggesting death is the right option for removing them, not try to find common ground with them. 

I never said MTG was representative of all Republicans, but this is a Q Anon thread and she's a dip shit  Q anon supporter, so I am posting stories about her being unfit for office. 
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(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: If they evidence was so damning, then why didn't it stick? Don't say because the R's fought it, If it was a good as you say, a way would have been found to dam Trump no matter what R's did.

Fuehrerprinzip?? Are you on crack? No one upholds this. People might have this as an Ideology, but it will never fly in the US. 

So you want to know why and at the same time exclude the apparent reason why. Yeah it was the R's letting him off the hook. There really wasn't any other avenue to persue. There's only impeachment. Even if Trump had shot someone as president, there'd only be impeachment. And impeachment is a public trial. Trump and the media outlets on his side persuaded half of the country that the impeachment was a hoax and a coup attempt, the majority of senators were beholden to him and the party, and that was that.

The evidence was damning. Even some Republican senators admitted as much. Trump held up military aid to Ukraine meant to fight Russian aggression and only would free the money if Ukraine announced an investigation into Joe Biden. There were multiple witnesses confirming that scheme, also text messages etc. There were some other tweaks like Trump wildly slandering an embassador (Rudy, this ethics-free weasel, did that through friendly media) and finally forcing her out for probably opposing that scheme and for being critical of Trump's reelection chances. Which is on tape. That deed alone should disgust everyone, especially within a party that makes such a big deal out of censorship. But that's already beside the main impeachment point.

If Biden would act that way and tried to pressure a country to produce dirt against Trump, you would sing a wholly different tune, that I am certain of.

Why Trump was let go was indeed a strong leader mentality within the republican party. It is probably a bad idea to call it Führerprinzip, for such references always distort debates; but it was indeed a line of thought to protect the leader, and the Republican party became quite leader-oriented these last few years.
And I find it particularly bad form to ask people you disagree with if they are on crack, but that's a sidenote.
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(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: If they evidence was so damning, then why didn't it stick? Don't say because the R's fought it, If it was a good as you say, a way would have been found to dam Trump no matter what R's did. 
It was much, much more of a partisan defense of Trump than it was of a partisan attack on Trump. Sadly it still continues to this day.

If I had to guess why they defend an obviously unqualified "leader" that was a lifelong Democrat until a black man was elected President, is because he has something on these people, probably Kompromat from Russia and they are terrified he'll release it. He knows about what it's like to have something on someone, just watch the Helsinki hostage tape.
Only users lose drugs.
(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote:

It's not to early to start... Dated Mar 2, 2016.

Trump was sworn in on Jan 20, 17 right? 

Is there a story to go with that editorial? I only get a headline and photo.

Also, is that the same as articles actually be field by the nutty republican?

(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: If they evidence was so damning, then why didn't it stick? Don't say because the R's fought it, If it was a good as you say, a way would have been found to dam Trump no matter what R's did. 

OJ Simpson approves this response.

(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Yea McConnell is an ass, just like Pelosi stonewalled all COVID relief efforts until Biden was named POTUS, now she's all aboard for the same things that Trump wanted and in the meantime, USC's suffered unnecessarily because? 

Pelosi and the House passed a bill that McConnell held from a vote for months. One man held it up.

Then when he wanted to "negotiate" and that's what got the last deal through. And that deal was what the POTUS at the time wanted...until he changed his mind at the end. And THEN Pelosi agreed to the higher numbers and McConnell refused.

Sometimes "whataboutism" just isn't there.

(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: LOL then she is a nut, but that doesn't make her representative of all R's. 

No, but the lack of pushback from the rest of the GOP toward her speaks volumes. They are willing to let her be out there, crazy, representing the party in the "media" so they can see "sane" by comparison when they say things like the crowd chanting "Hang Pence" wasn't really that bad.

(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Anyways, it's just as I thought it would be in here now that Trump is out.

Not enough stage room for all the peacocks in here. Ya'll make Nancy proud.  ThumbsUp

Ah, the projection of the right continues.

I have a couple friends on FB who keep posting the question "Where are all the Biden supporters?!?! Why aren't you talking about all the great things he's done?!?! Buyers remorse???!!!?!?"

And all I want to respond is: We're not in a cult. We don't have to post praise to Biden every day, all day. And we're able to criticize the things we disagree with. We didn't suddenly flip. The right just assumes everyone acts like them. That's why Trump fit it. He assumed everyone ELSE was cheating him because he cheated everyone else. It's funny...and sad.

I wanted to edit to add that if anyone has "flipped" its the folks who posted hard for four plus years to give Trump a chance, that he didn't say what he said, that even if he did say it we had to see what he did instead...and then completely ghosted after he lost. Just gone.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote:
It's not to early to start... Dated Mar 2, 2016.
Trump was sworn in on Jan 20, 17 right? 

Er, that was a piece of political humor, not an actual call for impeachment.

(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: If they evidence was so damning, then why didn't it stick? Don't say because the R's fought it, If it was a good as you say, a way would have been found to dam Trump no matter what R's did. 

Well you can't "find a way" if Trump's party controls the Senate and is determined to protect him no matter what.

Do you know how an impeachment trial works? There was no way to convict him "no matter what the Rs did."

They had to choose between Trump and rule of law.  They chose Trump. 

They will do so again.  And that doesn't prove that evidence wasn't "good." 

In a democracy, every citizen should be able to look at the criteria for impeachment and then look at what Trump did to see how "good" the evidence was, rather than just relying on the word of party leaders.

(01-29-2021, 01:49 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Fuehrerprinzip?? Are you on crack? No one upholds this. People might have this as an Ideology, but it will never fly in the US. 

I used to think most of your posts were fairly sound...

It is "flying" in the U.S. right now among a large minority of Americans.

That's why Trump's party cannot hold him accountable--not even for inciting a mob of fanatical and deluded followers, who place his will above the law, to sack the Capitol building. 

That is the import of the Fuehrerprinzip: it places the infallible leader's will above constitution and rule of law. When these conflict, followers go with the will of the leader. The law does not apply to him.

Fortunately, this "Prinzip" doesn't fly with majority of Americans, or Trump's would continue in office despite losing the election.
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(01-27-2021, 12:55 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Just because this Rep is a part of all this nonsense.

I mean, why use children? Maybe because that was who were shot at?

I'm old enough to remember when we all kind of agreed that harassing people on the streets was a bad thing.

Now there is silence from the right about how Greene has acted (and acts).
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Robert David Steele
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Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female, Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

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Sitting member of congress: Republican

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And silence from their leadership.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Finally get rid of Devoss and the GOP finds another completely unqualified nut job to try and ruin the educational system from within.

Quote:op Democrats in Congress on Thursday blasted congressional Republicans for assigning to the House education committee Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — who has identified with the QAnon cult and called deadly school shootings “false-flag” operations.

Greene, who has repeatedly made racist comments and repeated numerous conspiracy theories, tweeted about her new assignment, saying: “Very excited to join Ranking Member @virginiafoxx and others on the House Education and Labor Committee! Let’s get to work!” (She was referring to Rep. Virginia Foxx (N.C.), the ranking Republican on the committee who announced new members this week.)

On Wednesday morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) condemned the Republican leadership for giving her the committee assignment.

“What I am concerned about is the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives who is willing to overlook, ignore those statements,” she said. “Assigning her to the education committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at Sandy Hook Elementary school. When she has mocked the killing of teenagers in high school at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

“What could they be thinking — or is thinking too generous a word about what they might be doing. It’s absolutely appalling.”

The committee is headed by Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-Va.). He issued a statement on Thursday, saying that House Republican leadership is responsible for appointing members to the education committee who “reflect their commitment to serving students, parents and educators.”

He said:

Quote:House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who claimed that the killing of 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax.

House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who claimed that the killing of 14 students and three teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was staged.

House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who chased and berated a 17-year-old survivor of a mass school shooting, and then celebrated this behavior by posting it on social media.

House Republicans have appointed someone to this Committee who has publicly endorsed violence against elected officials.

House Republicans made this appointment and Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy must explain how someone with this background represents the Republican party on education issues. He is sending a clear message to students, parents, and educators about the views of the Republican party.”

McCarthy’s office did not respond to a query about why Republicans appointed her to the committee. Neither did the offices of other Republican congressional leaders, including Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference.

House Republicans are also assigning to the panel Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.). He addressed President Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 rally, falsely claiming that Trump had won the November elections, before a mob of Trump supporters staged an attempted insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Asked about her past comments about school shootings and QAnon, her press secretary, Nick Dyer, said in an email to Education Week, which first reported on the committee assignments, and then to The Washington Post:

“Congresswoman Greene is excited to join the House Education and Labor Committee. Rep. Greene is ready to get to work to reopen every school in America, expand school choice, protect homeschooling, champion religious freedom for student and teachers, and prevent men and boys from unfairly competing with women and girls in sports.”

Dyer did not respond to emails asking about Greene’s support for QAnon, a cult of people who allege that Trump has been secretly working to expose an elite cabal of child sexual abusers — including prominent political figures in Washington — that has been concealed by America’s intelligence agencies and other “deep state” actors.

Greene also expressed support for conspiracy theories about school shootings being fake and/or staged by gun-control advocates trying to drum up support for their cause. They include the deadly 2012 assault at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut — which left 26 people dead, including 20 children — and the 2018 attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida in 2018, which left 17 people dead.

According to this Post story, Greene interacted with a Facebook user after she posted a link to a piece published by the conspiracy theory-spreading site Gateway Pundit about former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. The story says:

Quote:Two years before she was elected to Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene hopped on Facebook to respond to a comment falsely claiming that the Parkland, Fla., school shooting was staged, according to screenshots posted by Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog group. Instead of rejecting the false claim surrounding the mass shooting that killed 17 people, Greene enthusiastically agreed with the conspiracy theory.

“Exactly!” she wrote in response.

Those comments, along with a number of other instances unearthed this week of Greene casting doubt on school shootings, sparked outrage among survivors and family members of those killed in two of the country’s deadliest mass shootings.
Three months later, Greene — who was then a right-wing media commentator — posted a news article about the Broward County sheriff’s deputy who failed to confront the shooter, Media Matters for America reported.

In the comments section, someone wrote: “It’s called a pay off to keep his mouth shut since it was a false flag planned shooting.” Greene replied: “Exactly!”

And there’s more: CNN reported that it had reviewed Greene’s Facebook activity, which repeatedly endorsed violence against Democratic leaders and federal agents.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
"Hillary Clinton killed JFK Jr to win the NY Senate race" and "a plane didn't hit the Pentagon 9/11"?


McCarthy still silent on this whack job
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(02-01-2021, 01:40 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: "Hillary Clinton killed JFK Jr to win the NY Senate race" and "a plane didn't hit the Pentagon 9/11"?


McCarthy still silent on this whack job

Hey, remember when a mid-level employee of a law firm doing work for PBS made headlines by saying he hoped more Republicans got covid?  And then he was removed?

Yeah, that was bad!

So what were you saying?   Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-01-2021, 02:11 PM)GMDino Wrote: Hey, remember when a mid-level employee of a law firm doing work for PBS made headlines by saying he hoped more Republicans got covid?  And then he was removed?

Yeah, that was bad!

So what were you saying?   Mellow

[Image: iB5xwIJ.gif]

how do you know all those shootings weren't fake? Or Hillary didn't kill people? Or giant Jewish space lasers aren't used to clear forests for democrats to build rail systems?

god... even just joking about how ***** stupid she is... what a sack of shit
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(02-01-2021, 02:20 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: how do you know all those shootings weren't fake? Or Hillary didn't kill people? Or giant Jewish space lasers aren't used to clear forests for democrats to build rail systems?

Well, yeah, we may never find out the truth. Can't trust the media, that is for sure.

I do know for sure, though, that Biden is planning to lower the age of consent to 8.

There will be no mainstream media coverage of this, so most people won't know.

But if the cops arrest Dem politicians for pedophilia, they won't be able to prosecute.

So keep watch over the next six months.

If you hear nothing about this in the MSM, that's proof I'm telling the truth.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-01-2021, 02:20 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: [Image: iB5xwIJ.gif]

how do you know all those shootings weren't fake? Or Hillary didn't kill people? Or giant Jewish space lasers aren't used to clear forests for democrats to build rail systems?

god... even just joking about how ***** stupid she is... what a sack of shit

Yet that lawyer "caught" by James LOLKeefe was seen as more of a threat from the right on social media.  It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

(02-01-2021, 08:02 PM)Dill Wrote: Well, yeah, we may never find out the truth. Can't trust the media, that is for sure.

I do know for sure, though, that Biden is planning to lower the age of consent to 8.

There will be no mainstream media coverage of this, so most people won't know.

But if the cops arrest Dem politicians for pedophilia, they won't be able to prosecute.

So keep watch over the next six months.

If you hear nothing about this in the MSM, that's proof I'm telling the truth.

Dill, you're close.

Honest to goodness my friends who are Trumpers have slid further and further into the deep end and it is disturbing to watch.  Even the ones I used to be able to have a conversation with are turning into the most conspiracy believing people.  

It's a little scary what they believe based of "sources" that can best be described as "looney".
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Might as well leave this here:

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-01-2021, 01:40 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: "Hillary Clinton killed JFK Jr to win the NY Senate race" and "a plane didn't hit the Pentagon 9/11"?


McCarthy still silent on this whack job

It's becoming apparent pretty quick that Trump is the true leader of the GOP.  They are all still petrified to rebuke him and are ready to show their bellies for his endorsement.  They will also cast out anyone that does not kowtow to anything other than Trump ball-licking.  

With this in mind, we all better get used to the idea of MTG becoming the eventual leader of the party.  They have a huge number of jilted MAGA types to keep in the fold, and a moderate has zero chance in an election without being perceived as ride-or-die with Trump and MTG.  GOP candidates will be begging for her endorsement in 2022.  

MGT is the new face of the GOP.  Hilarious.
(02-01-2021, 11:17 PM)samhain Wrote: It's becoming apparent pretty quick that Trump is the true leader of the GOP.  They are all still petrified to rebuke him and are ready to show their bellies for his endorsement.  They will also cast out anyone that does not kowtow to anything other than Trump ball-licking.  

With this in mind, we all better get used to the idea of MTG becoming the eventual leader of the party.  They have a huge number of jilted MAGA types to keep in the fold, and a moderate has zero chance in an election without being perceived as ride-or-die with Trump and MTG.  GOP candidates will be begging for her endorsement in 2022.  

MGT is the new face of the GOP.  Hilarious.

I don't know if it will get to that, but I do find it kind of amusing that after a couple years of "AOC and the Squad are going to drag the Democrats so far left" and whining about all the attention she got the GOP has the Greene lady and the leadership not only doesn't say anything but put her on committees like education.

Also, this...

[Image: EtJkK1hXUAIe3G3?format=jpg&name=medium]
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Mitch McConnell has called her a cancer to the there is that.
(02-02-2021, 09:17 AM)Au165 Wrote: Mitch McConnell has called her a cancer to the there is that.

Ah!  Strong words from the man without a soul!

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-01-2021, 11:58 PM)GMDino Wrote: I don't know if it will get to that, but I do find it kind of amusing that after a couple years of "AOC and the Squad are going to drag the Democrats so far left" and whining about all the attention she got the GOP has the Greene lady and the leadership not only doesn't say anything but put her on committees like education.

Also, this...

[Image: EtJkK1hXUAIe3G3?format=jpg&name=medium]

The fact that some of the highest ranking politicians are spending their time engaging in social media arguments, and that is a huge part of their brand mind you, is just the most awesomely awful thing ever. 
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