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(11-13-2015, 05:11 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why do you spend so much time chasing around someone who you think is a piece of crap?  I guess that says more about you than anyone you chase around.  

I am so tired of this whiney ass line of argument from you.  Listen very closely ONE MORE TIME.  You post on here NON ***** STOP.  In fact, 4.11% percent of the total posts on these boards, ARE FROM YOU (at time of this writing).  I know you're not a math guy, but that a significant % considering there are currently 967 members.  Now, stay with me here.  Couple the inordinate number of times you post, with the complete lack of deference and tact, and you're going to get people responding directly to you.  Its a message board.  Thats what the REPLY button is for.

I do appreciate, however, that this is the same pseudo-defense wielded so proudly by the micro-penis Zimmerman types.  You're so deeply ingrained in the "I'm the great white christian victim' narrative, that its oozing into your online presence.  How many times do you peep out the curtains to see if GBH, DJ or JB are outside?  

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
And how many posts of yours are chasing me around? Complaining about something I said..... That has to fun. Glad I could give you purpose.

If I was banned you would have nothing to post about... So be thankful that I am here and providing you purpose. You are welcome btw.
(11-13-2015, 07:00 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: And how many posts of yours are chasing me around?    Complaining about something I said.....    That has to fun.   Glad I could give you purpose.  

If I was banned you would have nothing to post about...   So be thankful that I am here and providing you purpose.   You are welcome btw.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-13-2015, 07:06 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Cry

Thanks for making my point.    And this gives you another chance to post again. You are welcome
Missouri student leader is tired of the 1st amendment on any college campus.

(11-13-2015, 06:56 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I am so tired of this whiney ass line of argument from you.  Listen very closely ONE MORE TIME.  You post on here NON ***** STOP.  In fact, 4.11% percent of the total posts on these boards, ARE FROM YOU (at time of this writing).  I know you're not a math guy, but that a significant % considering there are currently 967 members.  Now, stay with me here.  Couple the inordinate number of times you post, with the complete lack of deference and tact, and you're going to get people responding directly to you.  Its a message board.  Thats what the REPLY button is for.

I do appreciate, however, that this is the same pseudo-defense wielded so proudly by the micro-penis Zimmerman types.  You're so deeply ingrained in the "I'm the great white christian victim' narrative, that its oozing into your online presence.  How many times do you peep out the curtains to see if GBH, DJ or JB are outside?  


Legendary post.

White students asked to leave blacks only healing space ...... It's now come full circle. So I guess we can now lay to rest the racism debate.
(11-13-2015, 05:11 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why do you spend so much time chasing around someone who you think is a piece of crap?  I guess that says more about you than anyone you chase around.  

You have more posts and more threads than anyone else.  It's like swinging a dead cat.  The idea I'm "chasing" you around is just idiotic.  No one is that stupid.  I know you can't possibly be stupid enough to believe I'm "chasing" you so why do you pretend like you are?

Quote:I have opinions on plenty of people here but I have yet to chase them around the board to constantly confront them .... The best part is that you constantly choose the most disrespectful way possible.   As if that approach will get you anywhere lol.   

I think we have quite a few thin skinned people here but I have yet to chase them around to tell them that over and over.   

Now to stay on point .... As if you want to stay on any topic, but I am dumb enough to try I suppose....  I called them savages when we were talking about immigration policy.   I could have easily said I don't want uncivilized people here in mass.   Savage = uncivilized   I know it's hard for you to grasp that concept ... As it interferes with your soapbox.   there are places on this planet where they do not meet the standards of a civil society.    A western style civil society which we are and with which any immigrant is expected to assimilate.   When you are talking immigration policy you are being Judgemental because you only want the best of the best.   Not the ones who can't even be slightly civil.  

You are upset because you think it has to do with non white people.    It has nothing to do with color or skin.    But hey I am sure you will disregard any of this as I have said his multiple times yet you and your mates still want to push what you think I said.

Calling someone a savage is a judgment.  Calling someone a savage is disrespectful.  Your Lucie character has judged and been disrespectful to more people than all the other members combined.

You couldn't possibly lack the bare minimal amount of intelligence necessary to recognize that calling billions of people a savage is judgmental and disrespectful . . . exactly what you're complaining about.  I have so much respect for your intelligence I don't believe there is any possible way you could be that stupid.  Therefore, Lucie is obviously a lying, hypocritical, idiotic, POS character you are portraying.  The question is , "Why?"  
Ah yes let's post about me instead of on topic.

Just make a thread titled Lucie so you can just put all your nonsense in one place. And not derail threads. I get it ..... You don't like me or like the topics or how I post on those topics. I am not concerned one way or another, if my posting or posts bother you so much then put me on ignore. That's what it is there for .... When you can not mentally accept that someone else may have a different opinion on life and the world than yours.

Your posts usually consist of calling someone else a racist and/or a Bigot. Or trashing someone for not serving in the military.... Oh and when you told me that you didn't fight for freedom to say whatever We wanted. Only the freedom to parrot what you deem as legitimate speech.
(11-14-2015, 03:29 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

White students asked to leave blacks only healing space ......   It's now come full circle.    So I guess we can now lay to rest the racism debate.

Which racism debate, and what about it?

I'm not 100% sure what you're implying here so I'll let you answer that before I respond on your quote here.
(11-16-2015, 01:17 PM)djs7685 Wrote: Which racism debate, and what about it?

I'm not 100% sure what you're implying here so I'll let you answer that before I respond on your quote here.

The one you and others think that we are actually having..... The one that looks like 1950.

When blacks are segregating themselves now by force we should probably consider the race "war" over.
(11-16-2015, 01:41 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: The one you and others think that we are actually having..... The one that looks like 1950.  

When blacks are segregating themselves now by force we should probably consider the race "war" over.

Huh? If anything, this just proves the race war is alive and well and comes in many different forms.

There are plenty of racist white people, racist black people, and racist members of all other groups regardless of size, shape, and color.

I have zero idea how you could possibly think that a group of black people being racist proves that racism isn't an issue. WTF?
(11-16-2015, 01:48 PM)djs7685 Wrote: Huh? If anything, this just proves the race war is alive and well and comes in many different forms.

There are plenty of racist white people, racist black people, and racist members of all other groups regardless of size, shape, and color.

I have zero idea how you could possibly think that a group of black people being racist proves that racism isn't an issue. WTF?

Was the point of the civil right movement to make sure people segregated themselves or assimilated themselves to form a better nation?
(11-16-2015, 12:59 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Ah yes let's post about me instead of on topic.    

Who was just calling others judgmental?  Your character: Lucie.  This is almost as ridiculous as complaining people are chasing your character around.  Almost.

You were just posting about someone instead of the topic and now you're complaining about someone doing the same exact thing your character already did. I have too much respect for your intelligence to believe you aren't smart enough to recognized your own blatant hypocrisy. So the only possible explanation is you're pretendng to be that stupid. Why?

Quote:Just make a thread titled Lucie so you can just put all your nonsense in one place.   And not derail threads.    I get it ..... You don't like me or like the topics or how I post on those topics.    I am not concerned one way or another, if my posting or posts bother you so much then put me on ignore.   That's what it is there for .... When you can not mentally accept that someone else may have a different opinion on life and the world than yours. 

I'm not going to put anyone on ignore because I have been taught when you see something wrong you do what you can to correct it, you don't ignore it.

I accept you have a different opinion.  Your character needs to accept the consequences of expressing reprehensible opinions instead of running from them by telling others to ignore them.

Quote:Your posts usually consist of calling someone else a racist and/or a Bigot. 

Another lie in your long history of lies.

That is every post of mine which contains the word "racist" and "bigot."  Feel free to point out who I called a racist and/or bigot.

Quote:Or trashing someone for not serving in the military.... 

Seems like someone has a guilty conscience.  (Not to be confused with conscious.  I'm looking at you.)  If your character didn't pretend to be a super patriot I wouldn't mention his lack of military service.  I shame your character for a reason.  You shouldn't take it personally.  After all, Lucie is only a character.

Quote:Oh and when you told me that you didn't fight for freedom to say whatever We wanted.   Only the freedom to parrot what you deem as legitimate speech.

That is another lie which is twice in one response.  Good job!  I never wrote that and I know you are smart enough to understand I never did.  Why do you pretend to be a character who is so stupid in addition to being a habitual liar and hypocrite?  I'm genuinely curious.
(11-16-2015, 01:56 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Was the point of the civil right movement to make sure people segregated themselves or assimilated themselves to form a better nation?

Based upon the Rand Paul signature, your character wouldn't understand the point of the civil rights movement.
(11-16-2015, 01:56 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Was the point of the civil right movement to make sure people segregated themselves or assimilated themselves to form a better nation?

Neither. The point was the ensure that the civil rights of most minority groups (the handicapped and the gay community wasn't included) were protected. 

You don't need to have either segregation or assimilation. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Seriously, though. When you account for 1 out of every 25 posts on this message board, you can't accuse people of stalking you when they respond to you.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2015, 03:01 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Neither. The point was the ensure that the civil rights of most minority groups (the handicapped and the gay community wasn't included) were protected. 

You don't need to have either segregation or assimilation. 

That's something a lot of people miss. The issue with segregation was not the separation itself, it's that it was supposed to be equal, but it was not.
(11-16-2015, 03:07 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: That's something a lot of people miss. The issue with segregation was not the separation itself, it's that it was supposed to be equal, but it was not.

Well evidently white mizzou students could not heal with black students. Why couldn't they heal together?
(11-16-2015, 03:02 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Seriously, though. When you account for 1 out of every 25 posts on this message board, you can't accuse people of stalking you when they respond to you.

Don't mind responses to on topic discussion. It's the off topic nonsense that details any legitimate discussion.

You obviously know this and when you respond it's almost always on topic. Unless you are upset at me for something specific.

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