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Need to Vent (Both extreme sides of the political climate are nuts)
Ok, so I just need to vent a little here. I'm still quite worked up over what I can best describe as an encounter with a left-wing nut.

A little background first: I work part-time, and I mean very part-time at a local store just right up from my house. I have a full-time job, but I go in here for a couple hours a week, just for some extra cash. The owner of the store is a pretty big conservative and has Trump signs in front of his business, and he has them to giveaway inside the store. (Note: Yes, I realize how bad of a business move this is)

So, I don't always agree with the guy, and I question some of his logic, but all in all, as a boss goes he treats me well and it's an easy gig. It's perfect for me in that I can just walk in there and work as much or as little as I like. And not that matters, but I can always use the money these days, as I make nowhere near what I used to. I don't have any personal issues with my boss. In fact, despite our differing opinions on a lot of things, I think he's a pretty decent guy. That's all I really care about as far as work is concerned. And part time gigs, where you can work 3-5 hours a week are hard to come by.

I'm working there today, just for a couple hours to help with the Saturday rush. I'll make basically enough to pay for food for the day. So in walks this customer, who I was perfectly nice to. "Hey, how's it going, man?" You need any help with anything?" To which he replied he knew what he was looking for and off he went. A couple minutes go by and I'm helping another customer and he stops me to ask about the Trump signs. Here's the exchange:

Me - "Hey, did you need some help?"
Him - "How much are these Trump signs?"
Me - "I think he is giving them away for free, and you can take 1 or 2, but let me check."
Him - "Where is the owner?" (He's knows I'm not the owner)
Me - "He's right over here, I can just grab..." (Cuts me off)
Him - "Actually will just tell him something for me? Tell him I said to **** off. **** him. And **** you too, you piece of shit."

I just kind of stood there, didn't say anything. He immediately turned around and walked out. I might add that when he went off on his little F bomb filled complaint, there was a dad with his kids an aisle over. That's always a classy move. Two moves once can make for me to make up my mind about your level of asshole-ishness: Cursing in public in front of kids, and not putting you grocery cart back in the coral make you an automatic dick.

So the owner overheard what happened and went to see what the guys problem was, or to tell him not to come back or something. I was left in the store helping people for another 15 minutes, before my shift was up. And of course, as time went by, I was more and more dumbfounded at how this guy acted.

As I'm walking out to leave, to tell my boss that I'm heading out, he's still standing there talking with this guy. I couldn't help myself, and went over to tell this guy that I didn't appreciate how he spoke to me. I walk over and say "Hey, man what's the problem?"

His reply? "Sir, there's no need to raise your voice at me." This right after he just walked up to me, never met me, and knowing that I'm just the help, tells me to **** off. He has the gall to lecture me about my tone after that exchange. And honestly I wasn't even yelling at that point, although I'm sure he could tell I was pissed. So of course, once he tells me to lower my voice I do start yelling.

I just told him that he doesn't know me at all, why would you come up to me like that? Dude, you don't even know me, you tell me to **** off and then you immediately resort to acting like I'm the one who is overreacting? So I reiterate that he doesn't know me, and I don't appreciate him speaking to me that way. He proceeds to say "Well, I know you're a racist and a xenophobe!"

Wtf? What the actual ****? He already knows it's not my store. So now he's managed to walk up to a complete stranger, tell them to **** off, and then accuse of them of being a racist. Someone remind me again how one side more tolerant than the other?

Anyways, that's really it. I'm sure this is way too wordy, like many of my posts. But it was just such an unfortunate encounter. I really don't understand a lot of what is going on with people these days. And that goes for both sides. I've never seen so much division.

The fact is, I hate Donald Trump. Can't stand him. I think he's a total clown. I also dislike Hillary for what it's worth. All I am is a guy is try to earn a few extra bucks, who despite my disagreements on here, is pretty easy going and friendly. I get that the guys signs are bound to ruffle some feathers. I even get that some might feel the need to come in and share their opinion. But he does have a right to have them, and I'm not sure how is political sign is any more offensive than any others in nature. What I don't understand is just randomly going into a place and doing what this guy did.

Go speak to the owner. Have a discussion or a point to your visit to air out your displeasure. Just throwing a fit and yelling **** you and **** you is borderline insane. And then when called out for being a prick, doubling down and saying someone you've never met is racist is bannanaland.

Ok, I'll cut it off here. Hope I didn't bore anyone to death.
These last couple of election cycles have been some of the most toxic environments I've ever experienced.

This election in particular seems to have brought out the worst in most people, rather than the best. Sorry about your experience.
I'm sorry to hear that man. Tbh it is hard to respect anyone who calls themselves a Democrat or a Republican these days. People let the rhetoric get them foaming at the mouth and they forget that we all want the same basic things. People makes fun of Donald Trump supporters (it is kind of difficult not to) but Hillary supporters are just as disillusioned. The rest of us are just sitting here trying to figure out how to minimize the damage of the "will of the masses". Eventually you just have to realize most people don't put in the effort to critically think about the world they live in. We have to cope with their ignorance until we can figure out how to fix this charade pretending to be democratic governance.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-24-2016, 11:05 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: These last couple of election cycles have been some of the most toxic environments I've ever experienced.

This election in particular seems to have brought out the worst in most people, rather than the best. Sorry about your experience.

Thanks, appreciate it.  Yeah, it pretty much ruined my day.

It's really unbelievable to me.  I guess, even though I've seen a lot of it, being a part of one of these exchanges was a real eye opener.  I don't want to overreact and simply say he attacked me or something like that.  But I do feel he attacked my character, without knowing anything about me whatsoever.  And I just find it repulsive that one would feel compelled to behave that way.

The thing is, I get that everyone is judging or prejudging, pick your word-choice, everyone at almost all times, knowingly or not.  And it's not always in the often talked about context of race or religion.  I might look at someone who resembles Guy Fieri and think that guy is probably a douche.  Or someone's music preference, or shoes, or occupation might lead me to form an opinion about them, without knowing them.  And I'm well aware that by working in that store that some might think that I agree with the views or am a part of it.  I'm not so naive to think that opinions aren't being formed about me, simply by my work association.

But at the end of the day, briefly thinking something in your head and actually going up to someone you don't know to share that thought with them are two completely different things.  What gives someone, anyone, the right to talk to a stranger that way? 

The funny thing is I even have joked with some of my friends, kiddingly, that I hope the customers don't think I'm part of that (the signs).  I even had one of the owners friends, who dislikes Trump, ask me if I was with the owner on all the Trump love.  I said "Don't bring me into this, I'm just here for the check."  And I meant it.

I'm clearly not the owner, just a guy working a bs job like most people.  And this guy feels it's ok to come into a place of business and talk to me like that about something I have no control.  Then to double down and call me a racist after I made it pretty clear that he doesn't know me...  Give me a break.

People need to calm the hell down, and learn some to have some basic respect for one another.  The division and hatred for one another is really getting scary.
Fwiw, the whole exchange made me feel like Dane Cook's character in Waiting, when Mitch just randomly calls him a piece of shit and he replies completely dumbfounded: Me? What the **** did I do you, man?

If anyone doesn't want to read my wall of words or wants the cliff notes, just watch this clip from 1:10 on for pretty much exactly how it all went down. lol

(09-24-2016, 11:24 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Thanks, appreciate it.  Yeah, it pretty much ruined my day.

It's really unbelievable to me.  I guess, even though I've seen a lot of it, being a part of one of these exchanges was a real eye opener.  I don't want to overreact and simply say he attacked me or something like that.  But I do feel he attacked my character, without knowing anything about me whatsoever.  And I just find it repulsive that one would feel compelled to behave that way.

The thing is, I get that everyone is judging or prejudging, pick your word-choice, everyone at almost all times, knowingly or not.  And it's not always in the often talked about context of race or religion.  I might look at someone who resembles Guy Fieri and think that guy is probably a douche.  Or someone's music preference, or shoes, or occupation might lead me to form an opinion about them, without knowing them.  And I'm well aware that by working in that store that some might think that I agree with the views or am a part of it.  I'm not so naive to think that opinions aren't being formed about me, simply by my work association.

But at the end of the day, briefly thinking something in your head and actually going up to someone you don't know to share that thought with them are two completely different things.  What gives someone, anyone, the right to talk to a stranger that way? 

The funny thing is I even have joked with some of my friends, kiddingly, that I hope the customers don't think I'm part of that (the signs).  I even had one of the owners friends, who dislikes Trump, ask me if I was with the owner on all the Trump love.  I said "Don't bring me into this, I'm just here for the check."  And I meant it.

I'm clearly not the owner, just a guy working a bs job like most people.  And this guy feels it's ok to come into a place of business and talk to me like that about something I have no control.  Then to double down and call me a racist after I made it pretty clear that he doesn't know me...  Give me a break.

People need to calm the hell down, and learn some to have some basic respect for one another.  The division and hatred for one another is really getting scary.

I've not had the same experience you unfortunately had, but I certainly agree that this election cycle is one of the most decisive I've seen in my memory.  Because of it, I usually try to steer clear of the issue (I understand you had no choice in this matter).  However I have been confronted about who I plan to vote for by Trump supporters (uhhg it was my parents).  Thankfully no F-bombs were dropped, actually we listened to each other on why we were voting the way we were and in the end agreed to disagree (I still hope to turn them to the dark side though Ninja ).   At the end of the day though we've all pretty much made up our mind.  I will say this,  nobody really likes either candidate and it's going to be a one and done deal.  Whomever wins the election they will probably not win a re-election.  And I'm hoping we nominate better candidates the next round.   As much as I dislike Trump and Hillary, I don't think the nation will fall apart.

To make a long story shorter, that dude was a liberal D-bag and should've chilled the **** out...and yes I consider myself pretty liberal.
You should have just left it at:

"So I assume you're voting for Hillary? Stay classy...."

And I had to chuckle at "1 or 2 for free"....because the owner knows otherwise a Drumpf hater would just take all the signs.

(09-25-2016, 07:59 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: And I had to chuckle at "1 or 2 for free"....because the owner knows otherwise a Drumpf hater would just take all the signs.

>implying the average anti-Trump protester wouldn't just steal the whole stacks of signs and light the building on fire anyway
[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]
I have an uncle who worked in the unemployment office for 40 years.  When I was growing up he always said "I hate people".

I am now in my 40's (approaching 50) and fully understand.  The more people you interact with the more aholes you meet.

Just have to not let it ruin your day.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-25-2016, 07:59 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: And I had to chuckle at "1 or 2 for free"....because the owner knows otherwise a Drumpf hater would just take all the signs.

the last prohibition vote here, churches were handing out free vote no signs. There was a group getting them by the dozen and painting "yes" over the "no" with a stencil. Dont know if they saved money versus the time spent, but was funny.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-25-2016, 10:00 AM)GMDino Wrote: I have an uncle who worked in the unemployment office for 40 years.  When I was growing up he always said "I hate people".

I am now in my 40's (approaching 50) and fully understand.  The more people you interact with the more aholes you meet.

Just have to not let it ruin your day.

My daughter thinks I am the most anti-social person in the world because I've decided I know enough people.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Agreed that is crummy. Also reminds me why community and getting to know people is important, instead of just assuming and then attacking them. We're only here on this Earth for a short time and if all we do is attack each other, what's even the point? Anyways, sorry that happened to you Wes.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Eh I just had a cousin burn his end of the bridge with me over politics (police shootings mostly) because he and one of his clients decided to talk to me like I'm a child (admittedly my cousin is nearly 20 years my senior and has known me since I was born) and I when I fought back, he accused me and my sister of being belligerent towards him and his clientele. 

I don't know if it's the poison these candidates are spewing or people just getting angrier over dumb shit, but this country isn't in a good place and no candidate is helping with that.

Sorry you ran into a psycho. If it's any consolation, you handled it better than I would've. 
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
It's politics as usual right now (Pandering and name calling), there's extra things going on in the background that is currently making it appear worse than it is.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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