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New PnR Moderator
(07-26-2015, 07:18 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: As to whether you're a troll account or genuine, I don't really care.  I do know that the "revelation" contained a lot of truth.

So tell me then, if you don't care, why you brought up this "revelation" about me?  You are the one who brought it up here and someone immediately saw that and wanted to know what the "revelation" about me was.   It is an attack because if people think I'm not real they won't listen to what I have to say.  I've  dealt with this before and I thought it was over.  Now you've brought it up again to question my character.  Don't tell me you don't care when you are the one who brought it up.  And like I said I'm happy to prove to anyone that I am a real person.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 07:49 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: So tell me then, if you don't care, why you brought up this "revelation?"  You are the one who brought it up here and someone immediately saw that and wanted to know what the "revelation" about me was.   It is an attack because if people think I'm not real they won't listen to what I have to say.  I've  dealt with this before and I thought it was over.  Now you've brought it up again to question my character.  Don't tell me you don't care when you are the one who brought it up.  And like I said I'm happy to prove to anyone that I am a real person.  

Allow me to repeat, I don't care.  You obviously care, but I don't.  Based on your posts people shouldn't be listening to what you have to say regardless of whether you're real or not.
(07-26-2015, 07:50 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Allow me to repeat, I don't care.  You obviously care, but I don't.  Based on your posts people shouldn't be listening to what you have to say regardless of whether you're real or not.

You will not answer the question.  You will not tell me why you brought this topic up.  You say you don't care but you brought it up.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 07:49 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You have been a stand up guy JC.  A real credit to the board.   I enjoy when you weigh in on topics even when it's most likely we don't see eye to eye.  

Any of us can take a jab now and again.  That's part of being a man.

Ha...a stand up guy who is a credit to the board?  Now you're trolling.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

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(07-26-2015, 07:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I love that you pretend to be ignorant of why I've labeled you a troll.  Even if you aren't the person who mysteriously disappeared after posting numerous racist pictures literally the day before you started to post in P&R for the first time ever you're still a troll.  You've been flat out proven wrong, with citations and sources, on certain issues and continue to repeat the same drivel.  This equals troll.  I could go on but I don't honestly care enough to bother.

Lastly, calling names is uncivil, it's not necessarily trolling.  I trolled the hell out of dabo, which led to his getting banned, without using a single word of profanity.

Well since your down to bragging how you bullied someone into behavior that would get them banned. That's shows your focus I suppose.

There is always a better way to handle someone you don't agree with politically. Tryng to bully into submission or forcing them to act irrationally isn't right. And this board community is better than that... At least from my expierence
(07-26-2015, 07:56 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Ha...a stand up guy who is a credit to the board?  Now you're trolling.

Haha ok your a pain the arse who talks a lot of jibba jabba.
(07-26-2015, 07:51 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: You will not answer the question.  You will not tell me why you brought this topic up.  You say you don't care but you brought it up.

By that logic if I bring up Pokemon then I, "gotta catch 'em all"?

There's a lump of matter in your skull, put it to use and try and discern why that "revelation" would get brought up during a discussion about trolls.
(07-26-2015, 07:57 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: By that logic if I bring up Pokemon then I, "gotta catch 'em all"?

There's a lump of matter in your skull, put it to use and try and discern why that "revelation" would get brought up during a discussion about trolls.

So you do care about the topic, whiich is why you brought it up.  All this claiming that you don't care is b.s. You wanted to stir all this up.   And like I said, I can prove that I'm real anytime.  I'll be in Cincy next month and I'm running in a race there in November as well.  So anyone who wants proof can have it.  If you really think that guy made 5000 posts for me plus ran my BonnieBengal Twitter account and my Facebook page, plus created 30 some other people, there's a bridge I want to sell you.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 07:56 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Well since your down to bragging how you bullied someone into behavior that would get them banned.   That's shows your focus I suppose.

There is always a better way to handle someone you don't agree with politically.   Tryng to bully into submission or forcing them to act irrationally  isn't right.  And this board community is better than that...   At least from my expierence

I didn't bully him, I merely tweaked the foibles of an unstable person.  People like that are begging to be trolled.  As to your second point, your attempt at flipping the script is as laughable as it is transparent.  I've had numerous, civil, disagreements with the vast majority of posters.  I condescend to people who deserve it for reasons already stated.  You are more amusing over here though, maybe you thought you had a fresh start and all.

(07-26-2015, 08:01 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: So you do care about the topic, whiich is why you brought it up.  All this claiming that you don't care is b.s. You wanted to stir all this up.   And like I said, I can prove that I'm real anytime.  I'll be in Cincy next month and I'm running in a race there in November as well.  So anyone who wants proof can have it.  If you really think that guy made 5000 posts for me plus ran my BonnieBengal Twitter account and my Facebook page, plus created 30 some other people, there's a bridge I want to sell you.  

I care, a little, about the topic.  I don't care about you at all.
A thread concerning PnR moderation has devolved into a back and forth about who's "real", who's a "troll", etc. Confused

The questioning of other member's character, authenticity or motives needs to stop. If the staff ever finds an issue with a member/account, we will address it.

The thread needs to return to the topic of moderation and how to best move forward with the PnR section.
(07-26-2015, 07:18 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Pretty much this.  I always found it amusing when bfine, dabo and others would try and hurt my internet feeling by claiming I was lying about working in law enforcement.  Why would anyone care if some random they'll never meet believes them or not? 

Not sure that I've ever questioned whether or not you work in Law Enforcement and I am unsure how suggesting so would be an attempt to hurt internet feelings. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 08:08 PM)Bengalholic Wrote:

The thread needs to return to the topic of moderation and how to best move forward with the PnR section.

It's really up to the mod team. I would suggest that we are mature enough to report any real problems to a general mod. No one needs to be a dedicated mod here. We get sassy with each other, sure, but we aren't that bad. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(07-26-2015, 08:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Not sure that I've ever questioned whether or not you work in Law Enforcement and I am unsure how suggesting so would be an attempt to hurt internet feelings. 

You did.  You woodley and dabo (great company btw) had a little circle J and were accusing me of being a security guard, posting pictures of fat security guards, etc...  This was not the only time either.  As stated, I couldn't care less.  Now, I'm sure the genius grant recipient among us will accuse me of caring about this because I remembered it, because we all know having a memory means you care.  It means you care a lot.
(07-26-2015, 08:15 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: It's really up to the mod team. I would suggest that we are mature enough to report any real problems to a general mod. No one needs to be a dedicated mod here. We get sassy with each other, sure, but we aren't that bad. 

This.  I suggest letting Shake, Benton, Eoxyod, and Bengal Dude take care of it when things get out of control.  I don't see why the usual mod team cannot take care of it.

When the board first began, I thought that a dedicated moderator would be necessity, given that this forum is open to the public and had a higher chance of being trolled.  I haven't seen an issue though, so I don't see why we can't handle it as adults and report things that may get out of control, and let the mod team take it from there.

The other issue is, like bfine and others have pointed out, it might be best to have an outsider moderate it, and I don't want to banish any posters from posting here.  I don't think liberal/conservative or religious/non-religious would be an issue, as I trust most people to act like adults even if they disagree with someone, but I can see why others would not want that.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 08:19 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You did.  You woodley and dabo (great company btw) had a little circle J and were accusing me of being a security guard, posting pictures of fat security guards, etc...  This was not the only time either.  As stated, I couldn't care less.  Now, I'm sure the genius grant recipient among us will accuse me of caring about this because I remembered it, because we all know having a memory means you care.  It means you care a lot.

My bad. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I think this PnR forum has run itself very smoothly. I think we learned many lessons on the old board and are reaping the benefits of those lessons here. I think we do a really good job now of debating without attacking....or at least over the top attacking....each other. I would be fine with this forum being moderated by the general moderators.

If we have to have a dedicated moderator, I nominate Bradfritz.
(07-26-2015, 08:08 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: A thread concerning PnR moderation has devolved into a back and forth about who's "real", who's a "troll", etc.  Confused

The questioning of other member's character, authenticity or motives needs to stop. If the staff ever finds an issue with a member/account, we will address it.

The thread needs to return to the topic of moderation and how to best move forward with the PnR section.

(07-26-2015, 08:15 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: It's really up to the mod team. I would suggest that we are mature enough to report any real problems to a general mod. No one needs to be a dedicated mod here. We get sassy with each other, sure, but we aren't that bad. 

Pretty much agree here.  I may disagree with quite a few and roll my eyes, doesn't really mean I dislike anybody here.  And yeah we get mouthy a bit, but such is the nature of PnR.  I think we'll be fine without a dedicated mod. 
(07-26-2015, 08:35 PM)Beaker Wrote: I think this PnR forum has run itself very smoothly. I think we learned many lessons on the old board and are reaping the benefits of those lessons here. I think we do a really good job now of debating without attacking....or at least over the top attacking....each other. I would be fine with this forum being moderated by the general moderators.

If we have to have a dedicated moderator, I nominate Bradfritz.

Well I'm ******. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 08:08 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: A thread concerning PnR moderation has devolved into a back and forth about who's "real", who's a "troll", etc.  Confused

The questioning of other member's character, authenticity or motives needs to stop. If the staff ever finds an issue with a member/account, we will address it.

The thread needs to return to the topic of moderation and how to best move forward with the PnR section.

Passive moderation with a strict code of conduct that must be adhered to.

Folks already in this thread have admitted how they attempt to pull folks strings instead of debating the subject. I think the issue is that the Smack Talk thread got carried over to the PnR thread. This is why I nominated Lucie who/whatever he is he has never attacked anyone personally.  

I'm all about one personal attack a warning, 2nd personal attack suspension, 3rd personal attack banned. Given the forum will not be as popular; however, it will be more civil.  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-26-2015, 08:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This is why I nominated Lucie who/whatever he is he has never attacked anyone personally.  

He also makes racist generalizations and uses derogatory words to refer to transgender people. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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