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New PnR Moderator
(07-26-2015, 08:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  

I'm all about one personal attack a warning, 2nd personal attack suspension, 3rd personal attack banned.   

There wouldn't be anybody left, including yourself LOL
(07-26-2015, 08:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Passive moderation with a strict code of conduct that must be adhered to.

Folks already in this thread have admitted how they attempt to pull folks strings instead of debating the subject. I think the issue is that the Smack Talk thread got carried over to the PnR thread. This is why I nominated Lucie who/whatever he is he has never attacked anyone personally.  

I'm all about one personal attack a warning, 2nd personal attack suspension, 3rd personal attack banned. Given the forum will not be as popular; however, it will be more civil.  

Agree.  We already had to have a mod come in here so obviously we need a mod.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2015, 08:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Passive moderation with a strict code of conduct that must be adhered to.

Folks already in this thread have admitted how they attempt to pull folks strings instead of debating the subject. I think the issue is that the Smack Talk thread got carried over to the PnR thread. This is why I nominated Lucie who/whatever he is he has never attacked anyone personally.  

I'm all about one personal attack a warning, 2nd personal attack suspension, 3rd personal attack banned. Given the forum will not be as popular; however, it will be more civil.  

LOL, you're hilarious.  No one admitted to pulling strings instead of debating a subject.  Someone admitting to pulling someone's strings because they were over the top crazy.  If you need a mod to monitor your every move because you lose your temper over an internet argument then I'd suggest you're not adult enough to participate in the dicussion in the first place.  

(07-26-2015, 08:45 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: He also makes racist generalizations and uses derogatory words to refer to transgender people. 

You're wrong sir.  It's only racist or derogatory if you disagree with his racism and bigotry.  If you agree with him then it's completely fine.

(07-26-2015, 08:50 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Agree.  We already had to have a mod come in here so obviously we need a mod.

I love that the right wing posters, some of whom have complained in the past about the "nanny state" or government overreach in general, are the ones who aren't adult enough to not get butthurt over the internet.  An odd contradiction to be sure.  Waahh, someone called me an idiot, get the mods! Rolleyes
(07-26-2015, 08:50 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Agree.  We already had to have a mod come in here so obviously we need a mod.

We didn't have to have a mod come in here.  He just decided to.  There was nothing crazy going on....just a little off topic talk and some troll accusations.  This will happen on all message boards on a rather regular basis, whether it's moderated or not.

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(07-26-2015, 08:45 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: He also makes racist generalizations and uses derogatory words to refer to transgender people. 

Yes he has his opinions. Do you have any examples of him attacking anyone in the forum. Shoot I've heard words here used to refer to those against SSM. 
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(07-26-2015, 08:46 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: There wouldn't be anybody left, including yourself LOL

Folks (me included) would have nobody to blame for themselves.
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(07-26-2015, 08:56 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Waahh, someone called me an idiot, get the mods! Rolleyes

Do you call folks idiots in real life or just behind the privacy of your keyboard?
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(07-26-2015, 09:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Yes he has his opinions. Do you have any examples of him attacking anyone in the forum. Shoot I've heard words here used to refer to those against SSM. 

I just don't think anyone who is openly racist and throws around slurs is suitable to be a mod just because they don't insult individual members here, just whole groups of people. 
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(07-26-2015, 09:27 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Do you call folks idiots in real life or just behind the privacy of your keyboard?

If they're idiots and they deserve it absolutely.  However, in real life I tend to not associate with people I find disagreeable in that regard so that cuts down on the opportunities.  I do run into them at work all the time, but professionalism prevents me from being as blunt as I'd sometimes like.

(07-26-2015, 09:35 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I just don't think anyone who is openly racist and throws around slurs is suitable to be a mod just because they don't insult individual members here, just whole groups of people. 

No one does.  Well, no one rational anyways.  It's like saying, "I know he's openly racist towards blacks and hispanics, but he doesn't attack anyone personally". Rolleyes
(07-26-2015, 09:35 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I just don't think anyone who is openly racist and throws around slurs is suitable to be a mod just because they don't insult individual members here, just whole groups of people. 

The term racist is thrown around way too much. Your crusade on transexuals is quite known. Just because you decide a word is ok 1 month then a slur the next is not my problem or anyone else here. Part of a debate is both sides having flexibility. You asked me to not say one word and I used the word you asked me too. Then a month later there is another word because the word you told me to use wasnt ok.

If a word is used on the news or in the news i will use it here. If its pertinent to the topic being discussed. Which I believe is relevant and non threatening.

It just takes being adults and having some flexibility and patience . If a topic is too hot for anyone emotionally then I suggest they avoid that topic. Nothing here should drive anyone to be upset in their real life. It's just a bengals message board. And don't forget we agree on much more than you think...
(07-26-2015, 08:08 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: A thread concerning PnR moderation has devolved into a back and forth about who's "real", who's a "troll", etc.  Confused

The questioning of other member's character, authenticity or motives needs to stop. If the staff ever finds an issue with a member/account, we will address it.

The thread needs to return to the topic of moderation and how to best move forward with the PnR section.

(07-26-2015, 10:14 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: The term racist is thrown around way too much.  Your crusade on transexuals is quite known.   Just because you decide a word is ok 1 month then a slur the next is not my problem or anyone else here.    Part of a debate is both sides having flexibility.   You asked me to not say one word and I used the word you asked me too.   Then a month later there is another word because the word you told me to use wasnt ok.      

If a word is used on the news or in the news i will use it here.   If its pertinent to the topic being discussed.    Which I believe is relevant and non threatening.  

It just takes being adults and having some flexibility and patience .   If a topic is too hot for anyone emotionally then I suggest they avoid that topic.   Nothing here should drive anyone to be upset in their real life.    It's just a bengals message board.    And don't forget we agree on much more than you think...

I'm referring to your use of "*****". Also, repeatedly saying things like "black women get violent about their men" or "Black people do not like gay people" is racist. 

So, yea. You act like "Oh this is just a hot topic we all disagree on". No, this is unabashed racism and intolerance, not us arguing over tax rates. 
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(07-26-2015, 10:18 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:  "Black people do not like gay people" is racist. 

Pretty sure our current Mod did this and he was the best man for the job. 
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(07-26-2015, 10:18 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I'm referring to your use of "*****". Also, repeatedly saying things like "black women get violent about their men" or "Black people do not like gay people" is racist. 

So, yea. You act like "Oh this is just a hot topic we all disagree on". No, this is unabashed racism and intolerance, not us arguing over tax rates. 

Yeah you asked me to not use ***** and told me to use transexual . Which I did back on the old board.

As far as black women being tough in a fight and overall the black culture being anti gay. That's pretty well documented.

For example california SSM didn't pass due to increased african Amercian voter turnout. Voter turnout was higher due to obama running for president.

Now you may want to stay in fantasy land about these things but the proof is in the votes. Not sure why you think this is a negative or a positive. It is what it is ....

Now if your calling me a racist over that then that just shows how carelessly you throw that word around. Which is bad thing because you really add to a lot of the discussion when your not on your soapbox.
I suppose as long as no savages from savage nations want to post we'll be OK.

Or "thick women".

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-26-2015, 10:23 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Pretty sure our current Mod did this and he was the best man for the job. 

Pretty sure?
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(07-26-2015, 10:28 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: As far as black women being tough in a fight and overall the black culture being anti gay.    That's pretty well documented.  

lol, oh man. 
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(07-26-2015, 10:34 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Pretty sure?

Actually I'm quite sure if pressed; it just quickly turned to "the ones he knows".

SSF is not the only person on this board with the gift of recall. 

We all have opinions, we just take offense to the ones we don't agree with and some make it personal.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-26-2015, 10:35 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: lol, oh man. 

You can be weird sometimes.

But feel free to make another thread if you wish to discuss further. No need to derail this one.
In the beginning of the boards when we were choosing a moderator it was Matt in the front and everyone else was in the distance. The short life of P&R, and this thread, has proved that absolutely none of the regulars in this subforum merit being considered for moderator.

Frankly, leaving it to the team of moderators won't make this subforum any worse than its current state.

Let's thank Matt for helping get this subforum off the ground, and let 'em ride off into the sunset.

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