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Number 22
(07-03-2019, 03:43 PM)GMDino Wrote: So does a lot of stuff that you say "so what" about.

I hope you don't have anyone in your life that has a "so what" in there life.

Someone getting their butt squeezed or kissed does not create serious mental issues.
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(07-03-2019, 03:52 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Someone getting their butt squeezed or kissed does not create serious mental issues.

Of course not!   Sarcasm

And certainly when it's against their will! Mellow

"so what" indeed. Whatever
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-03-2019, 08:59 AM)Aquapod770 Wrote: Did you watch the CNN clip?  Mellow

(07-03-2019, 10:29 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: OK but did you read where she said she wasn't Traumatized by the event? So it makes no sense.

It does make sense if she was traumatized and in denial. The sense I got from what she has written and said is that her personality is "broken."  She is holding contradictory beliefs and feelings she cannot manage well.  One sentence she says she is totally fine and not affected; in another she has kept a dress untouched for decades and fears seeing/confronting Trump.

At the time of the alleged rape, she was advised by one woman to come forward and another to keep silent (the kind of advice that enables rapists).  She seems to be acting on both advisements at the same time. She wants to feel strong and independent; but she cannot hide her fear.

She wants to tell the truth about what happened, cathartically get out what she has held in all these years, and hopefully get some support; but she fears the backlash and of admitting fear and weakness "strong" women are not supposed to have nowadays.  

Feminists say women who come forward are brave and help bring into the light and correct a tacitly accepted social norm that favors sexual abusers in the courts and public opinion. So Carroll wants to be brave. But feminists are misleading when they say that social norms have changed to the point that now courts and public opinion listen to the accuser.  Many people, especially males, still think harassment is basically harmless, on the one hand, and on the other, that it is very common for women to have "second thoughts" after consensual sex and accuse innocent men after the fact.  Waiting years to finally accuse is taken, not as a sign of trauma and fear, but of ulterior motives (Why NOW, after all this time?).

If you think of Carroll as an older woman whose personality was formed in the days women were taught to see themselves as causes of sexual violence and to bear responsibility for men's bad behavior, but now living the aftermath of a rape in a time when women are praised (by feminists at least) for challenging that norm and coming forward to accuse powerful men, that might explain the schizo character of her behavior.

(One thinks here of the extreme difficulties Florida authorities had in prosecuting Trump's friend, Jeffrey Epstein, for scores of rape counts involving minors.  Trump's second rape accuser was allegedly one of those minors and named Epstein as well as Trump in her civil suit against Trump, which has twice been brought forward.  That accuser failed to show up at a press conference in 2016 and reportedly dropped the lawsuit afterwards.)
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Look the judge said he's a "good kid" with a "bright future".

He's not even sure it counts as rape.

"so what"

And the second case in the story? Pffft.  The 12 year old "just lost her virginity" there would be no "further mental or emotional injuries."

"so what"

Quote:The 16-year-old girl was visibly intoxicated, her speech slurred, when a drunk 16-year-old boy sexually assaulted her in a dark basement during an alcohol-fueled pajama party in New Jersey, prosecutors said.

The boy filmed himself penetrating her from behind, her torso exposed, her head hanging down, prosecutors said. He later shared the cellphone video among friends, investigators said, and sent a text that said, “When your first time having sex was rape.”

But a family court judge said it wasn’t rape. Instead, he wondered aloud if it was sexual assault, defining rape as something reserved for an attack at gunpoint by strangers.

He also said the young man came from a good family, attended an excellent school, had terrific grades and was an Eagle scout. Prosecutors, the judge said, should have explained to the girl and her family that pressing charges would destroy the boy’s life.

So he denied prosecutors’ motion to try the 16-year-old as an adult. “He is clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college,” Judge James Troiano of Superior Court said last year in a two-hour decision while sitting in Monmouth County.

Now the judge has been sharply rebuked by an appeals court in a scathing 14-page ruling that warned the judge against showing bias toward privileged teenagers.

In doing so, the appeals court cleared the way for the case to be moved from family court to a grand jury, where the teenager, identified only as G.M.C. in court documents, will be treated as an adult. New Jersey law allows juveniles as young as 15 to be tried as adults when accused of serious crimes, and the grand jury will weigh whether to indict him on the sexual assault accusation.

In recent years, judges across the country have come under fire for the way they have handled sexual abuse cases. One of the most notorious was in 2016, when a judge in California sentenced a Stanford 
University student to six months in jail after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman. 
After an intense public backlash, California voters recalled the judge.

Judge Troiano, who is roughly 70, was one of two family court judges whom appeals courts in New Jersey have criticized in recent weeks over relatively similar issues.

In the other case, the appellate division reversed another judge’s decision not to try a 16-year-old boy as an adult after he was accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl in 2017.

The second family court judge, Marcia Silva, sitting in Middlesex County, denied a motion to try the teenager as an adult and said that “beyond losing her virginity, the State did not claim that the victim suffered any further injuries, either physical, mental or emotional.”

The appellate judges also upbraided Judge Silva, overturning her decision and noting that the teenager could be culpable because the 12-year-old was not old enough to provide consent in the first place.

More at the link, but "so what".
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-04-2019, 10:01 AM)GMDino Wrote: Look the judge said he's a "good kid" with a "bright future".
He's not even sure it counts as rape.
"so what"

And the second case in the story? Pffft.  The 12 year old "just lost her virginity" there would be no "further mental or emotional injuries."

"so what"

More at the link, but "so what".

You are accepting the liberal press version.  They don't tell you what that 12-year-old was wearing, do they? Why did she let a teenage boy force his way into her bedroom?

The court--a female judge--recognized there was clearly no injury beyond loss of virginity.  As opposed to "serious harm."

"Consideration should be given to the family court's expertise, common sense, and experience in handling such matters" (10).

These court decisions send a message to Pelosi and all those trying to destroy Trump: Women accusing the president for political purposes--especially ugly women--have virtually no chance of ruining a good man's life in today's America.

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(06-21-2019, 11:33 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Yes your numbers were all assuming he did what he is accused of (very open-minded). I was just curious why there was no consideration of maybe he didn't do it.

He was accused all last election cycle of harassing women and then crickets until less than a week after he announced he was running again. 

Is it just cowinkydink? 

Didn't he say himself that he grabbed women by their genitals ?

How do you call this ? 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Apparently there are ways to avoid such accusations:

Quote:A Mississippi Republican running for governor and a female reporter seeking to spend a day with him on the campaign trail squared off Thursday morning on CNN over his refusal to be alone with her.
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Is this #23 where Trump commits Battery by forcibly kissing the woman on the lips:
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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So whatever happened to the congressional slush fund using tax payers money. I would like to see the names regardless of party affiliation.
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Can you imagine all the Debauchery that has/is going in in Washington that we never hear about?
(07-11-2019, 08:57 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Is this #23 where Trump commits Battery by forcibly kissing the woman on the lips:

If I'm a Trump supporter, I WANT that one in the news.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-11-2019, 10:25 PM)Goalpost Wrote: So whatever happened to the congressional slush fund using tax payers money. I would like to see the names regardless of party affiliation.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-11-2019, 06:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Apparently there are ways to avoid such accusations:

But, he is okay being alone with the men?
(07-11-2019, 06:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Apparently there are ways to avoid such accusations:

"men" like this are so funny they're stupid.

(07-12-2019, 05:51 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: But, he is okay being alone with the men?

Exactly.  What if a MAN accuses him?!?!

He sounds like another guy who can't trust himself.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-12-2019, 10:34 PM)GMDino Wrote: "men" like this are so funny they're stupid.

Yeah, poor Kamela Harris wouldn't have a job.  Ninja
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