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Opinion: DeSantis 2024?
(08-06-2021, 11:30 AM)GMDino Wrote: Gonna be hard for him to get elected when he keeps getting his citizens killed.

Even admitting that covid cases are actually increasing seems like a legitimate rejection of current GOP principles and practices.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-06-2021, 11:30 AM)GMDino Wrote: Gonna be hard for him to get elected when he keeps getting his citizens killed.



I like how the quote says that DeSanis has essentially "banned" mitigation measures..  Lol!

He hasn't banned any measures, people are still free to wear masks, socially distance, and avoid all human contact if they elect to do so.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(08-06-2021, 02:43 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I like how the quote says that DeSanis has essentially "banned" mitigation measures..  Lol!

He hasn't banned any measures, people are still free to wear masks, socially distance, and avoid all human contact if they elect to do so.

He was anti-vaccine...or at least he said people were just making "choices" the anti-vaxxers don't like him since he kinda changed his mind.

He is taking funding away from school districts that have mask mandates. (Small government my ass.)

He's against masks, been pushing for opening since last year and he's tried to shift the focus to the border(?) while his hospitals get overran...again.

In fact he's so screwed up (my opinion) that he has wanted to keep local governments from handling things so he can "let people make their own choices" by forcing his choices on the state.

Simple fact is he's a Trump Republican: "I'm right.  I know more.  I'll tell you what to do." no matter what the facts are.  Much like DJT said it go away like a miracle multiple times and when people listen to that BS people get sick and die.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-06-2021, 03:25 PM)GMDino Wrote: He was anti-vaccine...or at least he said people were just making "choices" the anti-vaxxers don't like him since he kinda changed his mind.

He is taking funding away from school districts that have mask mandates. (Small government my ass.)

He's against masks, been pushing for opening since last year and he's tried to shift the focus to the border(?) while his hospitals get overran...again.

In fact he's so screwed up (my opinion) that he has wanted to keep local governments from handling things so he can "let people make their own choices" by forcing his choices on the state.

Simple fact is he's a Trump Republican: "I'm right.  I know more.  I'll tell you what to do." no matter what the facts are.  Much like DJT said it go away like a miracle multiple times and when people listen to that BS people get sick and die.

Actually, he's doing the exact opposite, by telling municipal governments to stop telling people what to do, and allow them to make their own choices based upon all of the information at their disposal.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(08-06-2021, 04:14 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Actually, he's doing the exact opposite, by telling municipal governments to stop telling people what to do, and allow them to make their own choices based upon all of the information at their disposal.  

See both things are true:

People have an individual right to make dumb choices and put themselves and others at risk.  Of course most times there are consequences like fines or jail if one does something like driving drunk for example.

He is literally against mitigation methods. Using his power to try and force school districts and towns to NOT do something because he doesn't like it. 

When he comes out against seatbelts I'll buy that he cares about allowing people to "make their own choices".  This is just him trying to be Trump-lite, without the prepackaged media face DJT had after 30 years and no personality short of looking constipated.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Florida hospitals are struggling to get oxygen due to a rise in Covid-19 cases attributable to the delta variant and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s decision not to declare another state of emergency.

A shortage of drivers who are qualified to transport oxygen, as well as restrictions around how long truck drivers can be on the road—which went back into effect following the expiration of the public health emergency in the state—means that the supply isn’t getting to the hospitals that need it most.

There is “plenty of oxygen, just not in the right area,” Brig. Gen. David Sanford, a member of the Health and Human Services Department Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response targeting team, said in an interview. The targeting team, which was created in January, works on health care industrial base expansion projects.

The fastest way to help hospitals that are running low on oxygen supply would be to move it from somewhere else in the state, Sanford said. Another solution could be asking industry participants to reallocate their own supplies in the state.

But absent certain transportation waivers, “hospitals are fighting with a hand tied behind their back and don’t have the same chance that they did when states had the public health emergencies declared,” said Soumi Saha, vice president of advocacy for hospital supply purchasing group Premier Inc.

Florida currently has 11,515 Covid-19 patients who are hospitalized, taking up 21% of intensive care unit beds as of Aug. 3, according to the Florida Hospital Association. Covid-19 can damage patients’ lungs, which means doctors need to deliver higher oxygen concentrations to get their breathing to adequate levels. Doctors and nurses also need more supplies to deliver oxygen to the high numbers of Covid-19 patients in their hospitals.

The Florida Division of Emergency Management is working with the Florida Departments of Transportation and Motor Vehicles to get transportation waivers around weight and driving hour requirements, spokesperson Samantha Bequer told Bloomberg Law. The Emergency Management division has also sent a request to the Biden administration to provide those waivers federally, Bequer said.

Saha said the U.S. Strategic National Stockpile has also run into the same transportation problems getting oxygen from its suppliers to hospitals in need.

DeSantis’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Miami-based Memorial Healthcare System sounded the alarm to the White House on the transportation issue Wednesday when it thought it was going to run out. However, it was resupplied Wednesday morning.

Sanford said he plans to work with Matheson Tri-Gas Inc. and the Florida Division of Emergency Management to address these issues.

To contact the reporter on this story: Shira Stein in Washington at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Fawn Johnson at; Alexis Kramer at

(Updates with detail on HHS targeting team. Earlier version corrected Sanford title.)
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I think he's significantly misstepped with his handling of covid. Florida is a mess.

He's requested 300 ventilators from Biden today which highlights his failure to protect Floridian as hospitals get overrun and cases reach April of 2020 numbers.

This after last week they requested all non essential surgeries to be canceled so they could use the beds. I know people will still vote for him (people who have lost loved ones to COVID still claim it's a Dem hoax so politics runs deeper then it ever has now that people are willing to die to "own a lib") because people just care more about their political party then their lives.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
If only there was a cheaper/free way to get people, what's the word....vaccinated.


He will do anything except admit that the vaccine and masks are the way to go.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-13-2021, 10:30 AM)GMDino Wrote: If only there was a cheaper/free way to get people, what's the word....vaccinated.


He will do anything except admit that the vaccine and masks are the way to go.

This is from 3 weeks ago....

"These vacines are saving lives"

In his most direct effort to encourage people to get vaccinated, Governor Ron DeSantis said 95% of the new COVID cases are those who are not vaccinated.
— Greg Angel (@NewsGuyGreg) July 21, 2021 " />
Here's the problem with the Repub's who continue to support Trump and act like Trump.......the problem is they aren't Trump. None of them have his rock star charisma, his innate believability when they lie, and if Trump doesn't run himself, I just don't see whomever he supports (if he supports anyone because if he doesn't get the nomination, I have a hard time believing he'll give his support to whomever the GoP chooses over him) being able to pull off being like HIM.

At some point the many of the middle of the road Repub's are going to see their candidates for what they are and be dismayed. What will they do? Switch parties like me? Or just not vote. Regardless, I think the Repub's are heading for disaster in 2024 however they paint it unless they cleanly and officially divorce themselves from Trump.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Obviously everyone knows Florida has been hit hard lately with Covid.  That's deserving of some conversation (why is it happening, what can they do better, are the specific policies to blame, etc.)

My question is, how come it seems so few are talking about Louisiana when it comes to conversations about Covid right now?  Fwiw, I understand that this particular thread is specifically related to Desantis so I understand why it's occuring here.  But what about everywhere else?  It seems like the larger conversation for many often finds itself revolving strictly around Flordia.

Fwiw, here are some interesting numbers...

-Louisiana has a higher daily case rate (Per 100,000).  (99 to 96)
-Louisiana has a higher rate of hospitalizations. (68 to 54)
-Louisiana has a higher death rate. (.92% to .75%)
-Louisiana has a higher amount of unvaccinated.  (66% to 50%)
-Louisana and Florida are near equal in percentage increases over the last 2 weeks. (48% to 50%)

*Look up the "hot spots" by state.  Louisiana is a sea of red.  It appears to be worse than Florida.

Is it just me or are we not talking about the failures of Louisiana as much as we ought to?  What can their Governor do to improve his performance, which is arguably the worst in the entire country?  Why aren't some focusing on him as much as Desantis?
(08-13-2021, 12:19 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Obviously everyone knows Florida has been hit hard lately with Covid.  That's deserving of some conversation (why is it happening, what can they do better, are the specific policies to blame, etc.)

My question is, how come it seems so few are talking about Louisiana when it comes to conversations about Covid right now?  Fwiw, I understand that this particular thread is specifically related to Desantis so I understand why it's occuring here.  But what about everywhere else?  It seems like the larger conversation for many often finds itself revolving strictly around Flordia.

Fwiw, here are some interesting numbers...

-Louisiana has a higher daily case rate (Per 100,000).  (99 to 96)
-Louisiana has a higher rate of hospitalizations. (68 to 54)
-Louisiana has a higher death rate. (.92% to .75%)
-Louisiana has a higher amount of unvaccinated.  (66% to 50%)
-Louisana and Florida are near equal in percentage increases over the last 2 weeks. (48% to 50%)

*Look up the "hot spots" by state.  Louisiana is a sea of red.  It appears to be worse than Florida.

Is it just me or are we not talking about the failures of Louisiana as much as we ought to?  What can their Governor do to improve his performance, which is arguably the worst in the entire country?  Why aren't some focusing on him as much as Desantis?

You know why. Because he isn't a conservative. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2021, 12:36 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: You know why. Because he isn't a conservative. 

In all fairness, Louisiana isn't a huge swing state like Florida has been in the past 20 years, either.  Between Florida's importance to presidential elections (the only elections most people look into) and the popularity of meme-driven "Florida is the most insane place there is" stuff, I can see why America's wang getting all red and infected carries more weight in the news.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2021, 11:50 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: This is from 3 weeks ago....

"These vacines are saving lives"

In his most direct effort to encourage people to get vaccinated, Governor Ron DeSantis said 95% of the new COVID cases are those who are not vaccinated.
— Greg Angel (@NewsGuyGreg) July 21, 2021  " />

I'm aware he's paid lip service to it.  He also has a PAC that supports him that sells "Don't Fauci my State" shirts.

If he truly wanted to get a handle on this he'd support the masks and stop whining about "the border" when he's asked about Covid then what I shared in that Tweet wouldn't be necessary.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-13-2021, 12:11 PM)Stewy Wrote: Here's the problem with the Repub's who continue to support Trump and act like Trump.......the problem is they aren't Trump.  None of them have his rock star charisma, his innate believability when they lie, and if Trump doesn't run himself, I just don't see whomever he supports (if he supports anyone because if he doesn't get the nomination, I have a hard time believing he'll give his support to whomever the GoP chooses over him) being able to pull off being like HIM.  

At some point the many of the middle of the road Repub's are going to see their candidates for what they are and be dismayed.  What will they do?  Switch parties like me?  Or just not vote.  Regardless, I think the Repub's are heading for disaster in 2024 however they paint it unless they cleanly and officially divorce themselves from Trump.

I think the Trump stuff is going to be like a shooting star, where it is very present for a relatively short amount of time.  I say this because right now we see politicians who are beholden to towing the MAGA lines and validating the MAGA conspiracies but when you look at republicans who aren't beholden to Trump and his fanbase at the moment, such as the SC nominees, they are voting against the election being rigged and mask mandates being communism, etc. 

The thing with Trump is that he isn't exactly a symmetrical force, that is that candidates he endorses aren't necessarily going to get the full-force support Trump would get just because he endorsed them...yet if you don't parrot his specific conspiracy stuff you'll almost certainly lose or get removed.

So I see it less as the party of Trump and more like the party where at the moment you have to agree with what Trump is selling people, unless you aren't in a position where you are up for reelection in which case you can speak and rule as you see fit and it doesn't matter if they call you a communist.  Trump and his fanbase keep calling out his SC nominees for refusing to back his nonsense, but what can they do about it?  Eventually Trump isn't going to be able to have this stranglehold on the party...eeeeventually. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2021, 02:48 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I think the Trump stuff is going to be like a shooting star, where it is very present for a relatively short amount of time.  I say this because right now we see politicians who are beholden to towing the MAGA lines and validating the MAGA conspiracies but when you look at republicans who aren't beholden to Trump and his fanbase at the moment, such as the SC nominees, they are voting against the election being rigged and mask mandates being communism, etc. 

The thing with Trump is that he isn't exactly a symmetrical force, that is that candidates he endorses aren't necessarily going to get the full-force support Trump would get just because he endorsed them...yet if you don't parrot his specific conspiracy stuff you'll almost certainly lose or get removed.

So I see it less as the party of Trump and more like the party where at the moment you have to agree with what Trump is selling people, unless you aren't in a position where you are up for reelection in which case you can speak and rule as you see fit and it doesn't matter if they call you a communist.  Trump and his fanbase keep calling out his SC nominees for refusing to back his nonsense, but what can they do about it?  Eventually Trump isn't going to be able to have this stranglehold on the party...eeeeventually. 

yeah the bolded part is more or less what I was trying to say.  You said it more succinctly.

As for the rest.  i agree.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2021, 02:48 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I think the Trump stuff is going to be like a shooting star, where it is very present for a relatively short amount of time.  I say this because right now we see politicians who are beholden to towing the MAGA lines and validating the MAGA conspiracies but when you look at republicans who aren't beholden to Trump and his fanbase at the moment, such as the SC nominees, they are voting against the election being rigged and mask mandates being communism, etc. 

The thing with Trump is that he isn't exactly a symmetrical force, that is that candidates he endorses aren't necessarily going to get the full-force support Trump would get just because he endorsed them...yet if you don't parrot his specific conspiracy stuff you'll almost certainly lose or get removed.

So I see it less as the party of Trump and more like the party where at the moment you have to agree with what Trump is selling people, unless you aren't in a position where you are up for reelection in which case you can speak and rule as you see fit and it doesn't matter if they call you a communist.  Trump and his fanbase keep calling out his SC nominees for refusing to back his nonsense, but what can they do about it?  Eventually Trump isn't going to be able to have this stranglehold on the party...eeeeventually. 

Trump is basically an unkillable political force to his base.  He could admit to screwing teenage girls and get a swastika tattooed on his forehead at the same time on live TV and the faithful would only love him more for it.  Unfotunately for his sycophants, he's not proven to be overly great at helping other Republican candidates get elected.  In fact, he managed to lose more than he won in both his only midterm and second general cycles.  He then helped torpedo the Georgia Senate runoffs, which seemed pretty unlikely even after he lost the election.  He feels zero obligation to return the loyalty that his elected backers are forced to give him by the base.  

He's a far-right lib smashing meth and crack cocktail that gets chased with PCP when it starts to wear off.  A seeming golden age for the base in the beginning has become a really complex problem as time wears on.  They can hold the Dems off legislatively for awhile, and the high court as his major accomplishment will help as well.  The tough part for the right comes when you need to find his replacement.  A person for that job doesn't exist, but Trump still requires fealty to keep from crashing primaries for GOP candidates.  They made a deal with a con man, and he won't let go of their party until he's dead and gone.  Have fun with MJT and Co being the face of the GOP for the foreseeable future.
(08-13-2021, 12:19 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Obviously everyone knows Florida has been hit hard lately with Covid.  That's deserving of some conversation (why is it happening, what can they do better, are the specific policies to blame, etc.)

My question is, how come it seems so few are talking about Louisiana when it comes to conversations about Covid right now?  Fwiw, I understand that this particular thread is specifically related to Desantis so I understand why it's occuring here.  But what about everywhere else?  It seems like the larger conversation for many often finds itself revolving strictly around Flordia.

Fwiw, here are some interesting numbers...

-Louisiana has a higher daily case rate (Per 100,000).  (99 to 96)
-Louisiana has a higher rate of hospitalizations. (68 to 54)
-Louisiana has a higher death rate. (.92% to .75%)
-Louisiana has a higher amount of unvaccinated.  (66% to 50%)
-Louisana and Florida are near equal in percentage increases over the last 2 weeks. (48% to 50%)

*Look up the "hot spots" by state.  Louisiana is a sea of red.  It appears to be worse than Florida.

Is it just me or are we not talking about the failures of Louisiana as much as we ought to?  What can their Governor do to improve his performance, which is arguably the worst in the entire country?  Why aren't some focusing on him as much as Desantis?
For one, their governor is not the anointed heir to Trump and DeSantis is.  People spent months talking about how his lax approach to shutdowns and COVID restrictions was a stroke of genius compared to all the lib governors who were more cautious.  This all went down as the pandemic seemed to abate, and DeSeantis' star continued to rise as it seemed that the virus was a thing of 2020 and not 2021.  He had no problem riding that wave on the way to being the party golden boy.  I guess what I'm getting at is, if you're going to build your reputation on being a guy that was playing 3d pandemic chess while other governors were losing at checkers, you'd better be ready for a hard fall when you can't stake your reputation to such a claim any longer.  

What exactly is Ron DeSantis if he's not the guy who thumbed his nose at COVID restrictions and came out smelling like a rose?  He's just another MAGA ball licker.  Nothing more, nothing less.  The one trick pony doesn't even have the trick to fall back on anymore.
(08-14-2021, 02:22 PM)samhain Wrote: For one, their governor is not the anointed heir to Trump and DeSantis is.  People spent months talking about how his lax approach to shutdowns and COVID restrictions was a stroke of genius compared to all the lib governors who were more cautious.  This all went down as the pandemic seemed to abate, and DeSeantis' star continued to rise as it seemed that the virus was a thing of 2020 and not 2021.  He had no problem riding that wave on the way to being the party golden boy.  I guess what I'm getting at is, if you're going to build your reputation on being a guy that was playing 3d pandemic chess while other governors were losing at checkers, you'd better be ready for a hard fall when you can't stake your reputation to such a claim any longer.  

What exactly is Ron DeSantis if he's not the guy who thumbed his nose at COVID restrictions and came out smelling like a rose?  He's just another MAGA ball licker.  Nothing more, nothing less.  The one trick pony doesn't even have the trick to fall back on anymore.

DeSantis is pretty much the poster boy for lying politicians as he wants to put in bold type on the front page FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, STAY OUT OF FLORIDA'S FREEEEEEDOM while asking for federal aid for covid in small print.  If I may put on my liberal nut hat, it's typical "red state" stuff where they preach about federal government overreach and state independence while continuously draining federal resources...this time it isn't a natural disaster costing the federal government, but DeSantis' own willingness to get people killed to further his BS narrative.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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