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Planned Parenthood: New Video
(08-22-2015, 03:10 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: If it isn't human then what is it?

It's sperm
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(08-22-2015, 12:12 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I don't watch any of that crap.  The only political talk show I watch or listen to is Brian Thomas, the libertarian guy that's on 55KRC in the morning. 

The rest of them are blowhards. 

They get viewers because they pander to their audience.  As I said before, both sides are guilty here.  The idiots that watch MSNBC are right on par with the idiots that watch FNC.  These guys know what gets that crowd fired up and they play to it.  They are the fringe voters of both sides.  

I agree they pander to their audience. The line between news and opinion almost doesn't exist. There is more emphasis placed on fake tans, veneers, hair, and make up than on the actual news. And that's just the men.
(08-22-2015, 03:15 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: It's sperm

It's human sperm. Part of the human reproductive life cycle. That makes it_______.

(Hint: the correct answer rhymes with human.)
(08-22-2015, 02:25 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: Sperm is not human though. If it only has half the DNA of a human there is no way that it could be a human then.

I agree. I was not commenting on that particular part of your back and forth with him, just the misconception that it had identical DNA. 
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(08-22-2015, 03:21 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: It's human sperm. Part of the human reproductive life cycle. That makes it_______.

(Hint: the correct answer rhymes with human.)

It's not a human. It doesn't have the full DNA of a human. At best it's a human part.
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Quote:Anti-abortion extremists who are releasing heavily edited, deceptive videos about Planned Parenthood have acknowledged that their latest video included false and misleading information. They posted a clarification to their YouTube page yesterday that an image they suggested was from an abortion was actually a photo of a stillborn fetus.

The image was used in a video released Wednesday (the seventh video released by anti-abortion activists over the last month) in which a woman who claims she used to work at a medical research organization makes a number of outrageous assertions about Planned Parenthood’s practices – none of which is substantiated in any way. While she talks about a fetus she claimed to have seen after an abortion in the course of her work, an image of a fetus is shown on screen. In fact, that image is of a Pennsylvania woman’s stillborn son; it was taken two years ago and used in this week’s video without her permission. In a Facebook post yesterday, the woman (whose name Planned Parenthood is not publishing, to protect her privacy) confirmed that the photo was her son, that it was used without her permission, that she believes it is an illegal use of the image, and that she plans to take no action about it. By the end of the day yesterday, the anti-abortion group that released the video posted a note on its YouTube page saying that the video includes an image of the woman’s son and linking to a media article with the image.

“It’s been clear all along that these videos are unreliable and deceptive, and now even the extremist group releasing them has acknowledged that their latest video includes false information,” said Eric Ferrero, Vice President for Communications at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “These videos are a fraud, intended to deceive the public in order to advance an extreme political agenda. This is just one of many deceptive edits and false claims in these discredited videos.”

“This fraudulent smear campaign is falling apart on closer inspection,” Ferrero said. “These anti-abortion extremists apparently violated multiple laws to perpetrate this fraud. They weren’t documenting wrongdoing – they set out to create wrongdoing and catch it on tape, and when they couldn’t even do that, they edited videos to try to mislead and deceive the public.”

Several states have launched investigations or inquiries into Planned Parenthood’s practices as a result of the videos — and not one investigation has shown any wrongdoing. Today, Pennsylvania became the fifth state in two weeks to conclude an investigation and announce that there is no evidence that Planned Parenthood has engaged in wrongdoing.

- See more at:
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
It shocks me how many of you are ok with all this .... And for those willing to stand up against this behavior I commend you.

A whole lot of adopted people who made it past the meat grinder of you guys favorite pastime are happy today.. Just imagine how many brilliant people have died.
(08-23-2015, 01:42 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It shocks me how many of you are ok with all this ....  And for those willing to stand up against this behavior I commend you.

A whole lot of adopted people who made it past the meat grinder of you guys favorite pastime are happy today..   Just imagine how many brilliant people have died.

There is a whole lot of hyperbole going on here.
(08-23-2015, 01:42 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It shocks me how many of you are ok with all this ....  And for those willing to stand up against this behavior I commend you.

A whole lot of adopted people who made it past the meat grinder of you guys favorite pastime are happy today..   Just imagine how many brilliant people have died.

I think of this often.  We most likely have killed great leaders and scientists.  Maybe the cure for cancer died with an aborted baby.  55 million people.  16 million African Americans, just since 1973.  I guess the racist Margaret Sanger got her way.
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(08-22-2015, 10:59 PM)GMDino Wrote: - See more at:

I can't find a video on youtube with an apology from center for medical progress.  I'm not saying it's not there, but I'm not just going to take the word of a planned parenthood website.  Also, they say they won't release the name of the mother of the baby they are claiming was stillborn, but the mother does not want to take any action against center for medical progress, so that seems convenient.  Will have to look into this further.  Funny they have bolded out certain sections of this article where they make claims, making it appear as if they linked to proof, but there are no links to any proof.
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(08-23-2015, 07:41 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote:  I guess the racist Margaret Sanger got her way.

I heard this the other day, and I guess this is good enough place as any to put it (I mean, I COULD start ANOTHER PP thread, but one new topic a day is enough.... Ninja 
) Anyway, the radio program Here & Now had a segment with historian Ester Katz titled "Was Margaret Sanger Out To ‘Control’ The Black Population?". Some highlights from the story:

Quote:On Ben Carson’s characterization of Sanger as a eugenicist

“I think Mr. Carson should get to know Mrs. Sanger a little better, since he obviously doesn’t know either much about Mrs. Sanger or eugenics. The eugenics was a very broad movement. Some people believed that selective breeding could be used to improve the human race; other people just thought you could improve the human race by being careful about who reproduced so that those with inherited conditions would be discouraged from reproducing – those with biological or mental problems, again, that were genetic, should be discouraged from reproducing. Sanger came into the eugenics movement from the left. She never wanted to encourage any group to produce more people or any other group to produce less. She thought everybody should have fewer children… By defectives she meant those with mental or physical ailments – that is, they could be passed on. She meant biological defectives. In that way it’s an unfortunate term that she used. She never used that term in terms of black people or any other class of people.”

Quote:On Sanger’s relationship with the black community

“Planned Parenthood locations were placed wherever they could get them. What Sanger understood was that birth control, until she came into the movement, was primarily class based. If you had the money you could get the doctor who would give you the knowledge or the contraception to allow you to decide when or whether to have children. If you were poor, you didn’t have the access. What she wanted to do was make access and make opportunity equal. If that meant going into poor neighborhoods or black neighborhoods, she was perfectly willing to do that. In fact, she started a bureau up in Harlem in 1930 with the support of leaders of the black community who were asking for this assistance.

“Leaders of the black community certainly admired Sanger and wanted her help. Everyone from W.E.B. Du Bois to Martin Luther King Jr. all asked for her help and she worked closely with leaders in the black community to provide the resources that the black community needed to allow women there to control the number of children that they had. And if they didn’t have access to it, she was anxious to provide that access, that education. She also understood that there would be some in the black community that would be uncomfortable discussing these things with white nurses and physicians, and so she encouraged black nurses and black physicians to provide this very intimate information.”

It's a pretty interesting listen, and at about 10 minutes long it isn't all that time consuming.
(08-23-2015, 01:42 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It shocks me how many of you are ok with all this ....  And for those willing to stand up against this behavior I commend you.

A whole lot of adopted people who made it past the meat grinder of you guys favorite pastime are happy today..   Just imagine how many brilliant people have died.

No one is OK with it....just no one believes they stuff that was made up in the video and in your every increasingly exaggerated posts.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-23-2015, 07:41 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: I think of this often.  We most likely have killed great leaders and scientists.  Maybe the cure for cancer died with an aborted baby.  55 million people.  16 million African Americans, just since 1973.  I guess the racist Margaret Sanger got her way.

Yea, but we probably killed some Hitlers and Charles Mansons too, so it evens out. 
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(08-23-2015, 09:49 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Yea, but we probably killed some Hitlers and Charles Mansons too, so it evens out. 

I'm prochoice and have a 15yo son, he really needs to put down the ***** video games like the other normal 15yo boys, and get his ass working on cancer or working on his presidential campaign. :snark:
(08-23-2015, 09:19 AM)Donnyho Wrote: I heard this the other day, and I guess this is good enough place as any to put it (I mean, I COULD start ANOTHER PP thread, but one new topic a day is enough.... Ninja 
) Anyway, the radio program Here & Now had a segment with historian Ester Katz titled "Was Margaret Sanger Out To ‘Control’ The Black Population?". Some highlights from the story:

It's a pretty interesting listen, and at about 10 minutes long it isn't all that time consuming.

That was interesting for sure.  I would like to read more about her.
(08-20-2015, 10:12 PM)bfine32 Wrote: First of all the example of a female being repeatedly raped by ISIS is going to the utmost extreme and speaks to grasping for straws. It is akin to saying “Hitler was born so abortion can’t be a bad thing”.
Secondly many think those that never knew Jesus will simply cease to exist. To ask why a person of faith would not want a child to be born and have the opportunity to know Jesus speaks to ignorance.
Finally, how do you know being dead is not that bad?

(08-23-2015, 09:49 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Yea, but we probably killed some Hitlers and Charles Mansons too, so it evens out. 

Damn I'm good.
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(08-23-2015, 09:19 AM)Donnyho Wrote: I heard this the other day, and I guess this is good enough place as any to put it (I mean, I COULD start ANOTHER PP thread, but one new topic a day is enough.... Ninja 
) Anyway, the radio program Here & Now had a segment with historian Ester Katz titled "Was Margaret Sanger Out To ‘Control’ The Black Population?". Some highlights from the story:

It's a pretty interesting listen, and at about 10 minutes long it isn't all that time consuming.

Planned Parenthood is currently trying to clean up the image of Margaret Sanger, but here is a direct quote, straight from Sanger:  Quoth Sanger: “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
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(08-23-2015, 12:11 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Damn I'm good.

I figured Hitler was the opposite of curing cancer. I'm glad you enjoyed that facetious comment. 
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(08-23-2015, 12:14 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Planned Parenthood is currently trying to clean up the image of Margaret Sanger, but here is a direct quote, straight from Sanger:  Quoth Sanger: “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Yes. It is a quote taken out of context if I recall correctly. In context you can see that she was attempting to quell attacks on her work that were lying about her motives. I doubt she would realize that the words used would be used in the same way.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-23-2015, 12:14 PM)BonnieBengal Wrote: Planned Parenthood is currently trying to clean up the image of Margaret Sanger, but here is a direct quote, straight from Sanger:  Quoth Sanger: “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

She didn't want the word to get out that she was trying to eliminate the negro race because she was not trying to eliminate the negro race.

Makes sense to me.

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