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Proof of Rona Being Created In A Lab?
The Chinese claim it came from a wet market from people eating bats.

Haven’t the Chinese always eaten bats, meaning that someone would have already gotten it before the pandemic if it really did come from bats?

Doesn’t that prove that it had to have been created in a lab?
Tell me you don't know anything about virology without telling me you don't know anything about virology.
(11-25-2021, 08:44 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Tell me you don't know anything about virology without telling me you don't know anything about virology.

Why are you ALWAYS an asshole in response to my posts?

Explain how I’m wrong.
(11-25-2021, 08:26 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: The Chinese claim it came from a wet market from people eating bats.

Haven’t the Chinese always eaten bats, meaning that someone would have already gotten it before the pandemic if it really did come from bats?

Doesn’t that prove that it had to have been created in a lab?

No. Coronavirus has been around for decades, originating in the 1960’s in humans but first identified in animals back in the 1920’s. There have been other coronavirus outbreaks in humans, several of them also originating from bats as well. They just never got to this level. The following coronavirus strains have had human outbreaks and originated from bats…



(11-25-2021, 09:35 PM)KillerGoose Wrote: No. Coronavirus has been around for decades, originating in the 1960’s in humans but first identified in animals back in the 1920’s. There have been other coronavirus outbreaks in humans, several of them also originating from bats as well. They just never got to this level. The following coronavirus strains have had human outbreaks and originated from bats…




I know about the history of the Coronavirus but I mean this specific strand of SARS that caused this pandemic. 
(11-25-2021, 11:24 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I know about the history of the Coronavirus but I mean this specific strand of SARS that caused this pandemic. 

I think you're answering your own question if you already know the history. Novel coronaviruses have been around for quite some time, but they do mutate. This is called SARS-CoV-2, but there is also a SARS-CoV-1 and the current strain is the successor to SARS-CoV-1. It's just another mutation of the coronavirus.
Covid was created by a lab in China and the president we elected to keep China from harming us talked us into letting it run rampant and kill a buttload of people. So it goes.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-25-2021, 08:50 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Why are you ALWAYS an asshole in response to my posts?

Explain how I’m wrong.

Why don't you ever bother reading up on things instead of taking some Fox News talking point and running with it?

Fine - you want a real answer? 

In order for a virus to survive, it's constantly mutating. Now, lots of viruses only affect certain kinds of animals and lots of viruses only affect humans. Occasionally, a virus will mutate in a way that it can affect both animals and humans (see also: mad cow, H1N1). Now when that happens, it's usually because of a novel mutation in a virus strand. Coronavirus has been around forever - the common cold, for instance, is a strand of coronavirus. The Covid-19 pandemic was caused by a strand of coronavirus that was able to jump species. This has been confirmed by scientists who actually do this kind of research for a living (as opposed to Tucker Carlson, who knows he's spewing bullshit but idiots just love to watch him because those sweet, sweet rage boners aren't going to cause themselves).

Now, if you'd like more information, might I suggest actual scientific papers and actual research notes instead of whatever news station you get your "InFoRmAtIoN" from.

Now that I typed all of that, you owe me the 96 seconds it took me to type since I know you're gonna read about a third of it and give up and try and say something snarky that completely ignores everything I've said.
(11-25-2021, 08:50 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Why are you ALWAYS an asshole in response to my posts?

Explain how I’m wrong.

Why would he do that ? Because at the end of the day even if he's right, you'll end up telling him he's clueless ?

Waste of time.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(11-26-2021, 02:15 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Why don't you ever bother reading up on things instead of taking some Fox News talking point and running with it?

Fine - you want a real answer? 

In order for a virus to survive, it's constantly mutating. Now, lots of viruses only affect certain kinds of animals and lots of viruses only affect humans. Occasionally, a virus will mutate in a way that it can affect both animals and humans (see also: mad cow, H1N1). Now when that happens, it's usually because of a novel mutation in a virus strand. Coronavirus has been around forever - the common cold, for instance, is a strand of coronavirus. The Covid-19 pandemic was caused by a strand of coronavirus that was able to jump species. This has been confirmed by scientists who actually do this kind of research for a living (as opposed to Tucker Carlson, who knows he's spewing bullshit but idiots just love to watch him because those sweet, sweet rage boners aren't going to cause themselves).

Now, if you'd like more information, might I suggest actual scientific papers and actual research notes instead of whatever news station you get your "InFoRmAtIoN" from.

Now that I typed all of that, you owe me the 96 seconds it took me to type since I know you're gonna read about a third of it and give up and try and say something snarky that completely ignores everything I've said.

You typed all that in 96 seconds? I’m impressed.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-26-2021, 10:05 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: You typed all that in 96 seconds? I’m impressed.

I know, right? I'm still typing a response to SLS from 2015. Hilarious
I used to be jmccracky. Or Cracky for short.
(11-26-2021, 10:05 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: You typed all that in 96 seconds? I’m impressed.

More or less; speed typing is just one of the things I'm actually still pretty good at (the list is getting smaller with every passing year).
(11-26-2021, 10:28 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: More or less; speed typing is just one of the things I'm actually still pretty good at (the list is getting smaller with every passing year).

It's not getting smaller, your stomach is just getting bigger. Errr....wait......
I used to be jmccracky. Or Cracky for short.
(11-26-2021, 10:28 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: More or less; speed typing is just one of the things I'm actually still pretty good at (the list is getting smaller with every passing year).

Liar you have all your responses pre written and ready to copy paste at a moments notice.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-26-2021, 02:04 PM)jmccracky Wrote: It's not getting smaller, your stomach is just getting bigger. Errr....wait......

Fun fact; I'm down 120 pounds from my heaviest.

(11-26-2021, 04:13 PM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: Liar you have all your responses pre written and ready to copy paste at a moments notice.

While it could be possible given how tired the responses are from certain posters, I usually save my insults as opposed to my long 'I'm actually trying here' posts.
(11-26-2021, 02:15 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Why don't you ever bother reading up on things instead of taking some Fox News talking point and running with it?

Fine - you want a real answer? 

In order for a virus to survive, it's constantly mutating. Now, lots of viruses only affect certain kinds of animals and lots of viruses only affect humans. Occasionally, a virus will mutate in a way that it can affect both animals and humans (see also: mad cow, H1N1). Now when that happens, it's usually because of a novel mutation in a virus strand. Coronavirus has been around forever - the common cold, for instance, is a strand of coronavirus. The Covid-19 pandemic was caused by a strand of coronavirus that was able to jump species. This has been confirmed by scientists who actually do this kind of research for a living (as opposed to Tucker Carlson, who knows he's spewing bullshit but idiots just love to watch him because those sweet, sweet rage boners aren't going to cause themselves).

Now, if you'd like more information, might I suggest actual scientific papers and actual research notes instead of whatever news station you get your "InFoRmAtIoN" from.

Now that I typed all of that, you owe me the 96 seconds it took me to type since I know you're gonna read about a third of it and give up and try and say something snarky that completely ignores everything I've said.

So a virus mutated from causing no damage to causing a global pandemic without any in-between or anything? 

I decided to do my own research since you're throwing out insults like you're the smartest person alive and it looks like you're full of shit and not as smart as you think. You're masking your false information with insults so I won't respond, but it's just not working out.

This is also only a month old.

From The New Yorker:

Quote:This new virus, however, was spreading far more quickly, reaching at least twenty-six countries by the end of the month. “It seemed to be locked and loaded for causing the pandemic,” Andersen told me. Most viruses circulating in the wild, though some can be deadly, are not very good at transmission. They are still animal viruses. “This, almost from Day One,” Andersen said, “appeared like a human virus.”

Not sharing usual characteristics of coronaviruses........


Quote:This new virus, however, was spreading far more quickly, reaching at least twenty-six countries by the end of the month. “It seemed to be locked and loaded for causing the pandemic,” Andersen told me. Most viruses circulating in the wild, though some can be deadly, are not very good at transmission. They are still animal viruses. “This, almost from Day One,” Andersen said, “appeared like a human virus.”

Andersen, who is originally from Denmark, is wiry and clean cut, with a cleft chin and clipped enunciation. He was working at the post office in Aarhus when he decided he might study molecular biology, and went on to become the first person in his family to attend university. His career took off with investigations into the emergence of West Nile virus, Ebola, and Zika. After the pandemic began, he was among the scientists whom Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, consulted regarding the origins of the virus. On January 31, 2020, according to an e-mail obtained by BuzzFeed News, Andersen wrote to Fauci and others that the sars-CoV-2 genome seemed “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.”

Andersen noted that “a really small part” of sars-CoV-2’s genome had “unusual features.” Its spike—the crucial bit of surface protein that a coronavirus uses to invade a cell—appeared able to bind tightly to a human-cell receptor known as ace2. This, Andersen told me, “means that it’s more effective at infecting human cells.” The other significant trait, a rare insertion in the genome of twelve nucleotides, called a furin cleavage site, might also increase the virus’s transmissibility, and lower the species barrier, allowing the virus to jump more easily to humans. “One has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered,” he wrote. There was much more data to analyze, he continued, “so those opinions could still change.”

You called me stupid for "not understanding how viruses mutate," but that says that Covid didn't evolve and jump like a virus usually does.......


Quote:A day later, Andersen joined a conference call with a group of prominent virologists and government officials, including Fauci and Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health. Andersen presented a summary of the notable features of the sars-CoV-2 genome, and asked the group, “Do we think this is unusual?” Fauci recalled that, among the participants, opinions were divided. “Knowledgeable people were saying, It does look like it could be something that might be engineered, because it’s not something you usually see,” he told me. “Then you have somebody else equally as knowledgeable say, Oh, nonsense, you can see that in other situations.”

Opinons were divided, but a lot of knowledgable people think that it could have been engineered.


Quote:As the pandemic progressed, not everyone was convinced by the natural-origin explanation. A zoonotic spillover would likely require an intermediate animal between bats and humans, but no such species has yet been identified.

So a natural jump from bats to humans seems unlikely...........

(11-27-2021, 06:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: So a virus mutated from causing no damage to causing a global pandemic without any in-between or anything? 

I decided to do my own research since you're throwing out insults like you're the smartest person alive and it looks like you're full of shit and not as smart as you think. You're masking your false information with insults so I won't respond, but it's just not working out.

This is also only a month old.

From The New Yorker:

Not sharing usual characteristics of coronaviruses........


You called me stupid for "not understanding how viruses mutate," but that says that Covid didn't evolve and jump like a virus usually does.......


Opinons were divided, but a lot of knowledgable people think that it could have been engineered.


So a natural jump from bats to humans seems unlikely...........


Not sharing normal characteristics of coronaviruses...because it's mutated.

Of course it doesn't change and jump like a coronavirus usually does...which is why is why it's such a pain in the ass for the world. You know, that whole pandemic thing people have been denying the last 2 years?

A lot of people also think the moon landing was fake and that JFK Jr. is coming back. But the consensus is that it was a fluke mutation.

Unlikely =/= impossible.

Critical thinking and listening to people much smarter than you; it's kind of important. 
(11-27-2021, 06:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Opinons were divided, but a lot of knowledgable people think that it could have been engineered.


So a natural jump from bats to humans seems unlikely...........


There are also a lot of knowledgeable people who believe that it wasn't engineered. Also, there are some folks that believe pangolins could have been the carrier instead of bats. 

I guess from my perspective, there is no proof that it was engineered. That doesn't 100% mean that it wasn't because absence of proof doesn't necessarily equate to proof of something in all cases, but it is probably unlikely that it was engineered until proven otherwise. 
(11-27-2021, 11:30 AM)KillerGoose Wrote: There are also a lot of knowledgeable people who believe that it wasn't engineered. Also, there are some folks that believe pangolins could have been the carrier instead of bats. 

I guess from my perspective, there is no proof that it was engineered. That doesn't 100% mean that it wasn't because absence of proof doesn't necessarily equate to proof of something in all cases, but it is probably unlikely that it was engineered until proven otherwise. 

Occam's razor
(11-27-2021, 11:45 AM)Au165 Wrote: Occam's razor

I never knew that there was a name for this. Cool stuff, thanks for sharing. Yes, I agree. There are several assumptions to be made if it is to be believed that COVID-19 was engineered in a lab.

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