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Rachel Dolezal
(06-24-2015, 06:51 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: It only takes one StLucie on a jury to eff up the verdict.  You argued religious unaffiliated decreased by more than 50% after reading a chart titled "Unaffiliated Make Big Gains" and showed a net gain > 13% for cryin' out loud!

I'm just going to address the bold. Let me get this straight.  Trayvon should have told his girlfriend not to tell him something he didn't know she was going to tell him until after she told him so after she told him he would need to travel back in time to tell his girlfriend not to tell him the thing she hadn't told him yet?  Did I read that abortion of a sentence correctly?

they were too busy being anti gay . Maybe some tolerance should be learned there ... lord knows she wasn't learning anything in school.

They were both idiots then add in GZ being paranoid .... We have what happened.

If your talking to your wife are you going to tell her the man following her is probably going to rape her.... Or are you gonna say something productive.

Trayvon and his gf are idiots. Both their idiot actions led to his death. Had they not been such morons it would not ever gotten to GZ shooting him.

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