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ISS time lapse of earth
A breathtaking video.

I considered tucking this away in the 'flat earth' thread but decided it's such a phenomenal view that it deserves its own thread.

I'm gonna embed it as well as link it because sometimes my embed attempts fail.

I do hope you enjoy. It's a beautiful video and blows the 'flat earth' theory clear outta the water.

-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-
That is ridiculous.
That's really cool. Thanks for sharing
yeah I could watch those storms for hours.

One thing that gets me is when we see the moon from earth we don't see it rotate because it does so at the same speed earth does. But as we see the moon pass in the video, it's not rotating. Wouldn't we see it rotate since the space station isn't fixed to the earth?
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-

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