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Roe Vs Wade Overturned

So you think a rape victim should be forced to forced to have the baby?  Saving one life to ruin another, and then what happens to the baby after it's born? Most likely it ends up in a welfare social service situation, which you're against.  Folks like you want a right to birth, but not a right to life.  Did you think the 10-yr old who was raped in Ohio, and couldn't get an abortion so her parent took her to Indiana, should have not been allowed to abort the fetus of her attacker? Do you think the OBGYN in Indiana and her physician in Ohio should have been prosecuted for performing the abortion?

I know what you're really about and it's the extreme right-wing Neo Nazi theory of RAPEKRIEG.   White men engaging in the assault and rape of white women to populate the caucasian race.  A Neo-Nazi GOP extremist Trump supporter in Colorado is on trial, and when they searched his house they found the RAPEKRIEG manifesto. 

Here's the report:

Dude, you need to take it down from the 11 you're at right now to like a 4 at most.

Lets not call each other "all about" being Neo Nazis who love rape, no matter who you're talking to on here.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
Ah the tears of conservatives are ***** delicious tonight.

Lose a fair election and cry foul instead of trying for actual popular policies. ***** losers.

Get ******, GoP. Keep running your anti-abortion bullshit and choke on it.
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
(11-08-2023, 10:53 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Ah the tears of conservatives are ***** delicious tonight.

Lose a fair election and cry foul instead of trying for actual popular policies. ***** losers.

Get ******, GoP. Keep running your anti-abortion bullshit and choke on it.

While I too was happy to see the thumping the Repubs took, it really wasn't an inquisition on core repub policies, but a referendum on Trump and MAGA extremism.  The results and exit polls were very clear, that the nation as a whole is rejecting MAGA.  Let's not bucket all repub's with these extremists, just as it isn't fair to bucket all Dems with AOC and the far left.

Both sides need to come back to the center and friggin GOVERN the nation, which is what they are elected to do.  They aren't elected to WIN, beat their chests and laugh at the losers, which is exactly what you're doing here.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-09-2023, 10:24 AM)Stewy Wrote: While I too was happy to see the thumping the Repubs took, it really wasn't an inquisition on core repub policies, but a referendum on Trump and MAGA extremism.  The results and exit polls were very clear, that the nation as a whole is rejecting MAGA.  Let's not bucket all repub's with these extremists, just as it isn't fair to bucket all Dems with AOC and the far left.

Both sides need to come back to the center and friggin GOVERN the nation, which is what they are elected to do.  They aren't elected to WIN, beat their chests and laugh at the losers, which is exactly what you're doing here.

Nah - turn about being fair play, I'll always laugh at them when shit like Issue 1 passes. You wanna try and tell people what they can and can't do with their own bodies, you deserve every L you get handed and the lulz that get heaped on you.

I do agree that politicians need to govern, but until the extremism ends, I'll enjoy the giggles those losses provide me.
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
(11-09-2023, 10:35 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Nah - turn about being fair play, I'll always laugh at them when shit like Issue 1 passes. You wanna try and tell people what they can and can't do with their own bodies, you deserve every L you get handed and the lulz that get heaped on you.

I do agree that politicians need to govern, but until the extremism ends, I'll enjoy the giggles those losses provide me.

I see you are Biden 2, he too further divided the nation.

I was not bitter or complaining, not sure who is the forum was for you to take a shot at all conservatives.

Have a blessed day and step 1 for both sides to govern is to learn to compromises and work with each other with different views, not sharpen the knife and plant in the back of your opposition. 

I hope the liberal wins on Tuesday brings prosperity and peace to the US for EVERY AMERICAN, NOT JUST DEMOCRATS,
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(11-09-2023, 11:02 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I see you are Biden 2, he too further divided the nation.

Ah conservative projection at its finest. I'm enjoying a win for bodily autonomy and you're taking the L as a stake through the heart of the nation. Seems to me like being against the will of the people is the division you're so afraid of, as is attacking people's autonomy.

Quote:I was not bitter or complaining, not sure who is the forum was for you to take a shot at all conservatives.

And I wasn't taking a shot at anyone here unless they decided to jump out in front of it like you're doing here. I'm laughing at the conservative reaction to it passing which includes asking the governor to IGNORE THE RESULTS OF A FAIR ELECTION (where have we heard THAT before). 

Get on the losing side and enjoy the Ls.

Quote:Have a blessed day and step 1 for both sides to govern is to learn to compromises and work with each other with different views, not sharpen the knife and plant in the back of your opposition.

Rich, coming for the GoP schill who always ignores that the GoP's idea of governance since Obama was elected is to stonewall every damn bill that might help the average American while constantly licking the boots of their corporate donors. McConnell - longtime figurehead of the legislative GoP, has admitted to taking pleasure to letting bills die on his desk. Don't act like a victim when the party you constantly sing the praises of has done **** all for nearly two decades because a half-black dude won the PotUS.

Quote:I hope the liberal wins on Tuesday brings prosperity and peace to the US for EVERY AMERICAN, NOT JUST DEMOCRATS,

I doubt you mean a single word of that, and I'm sure you could barely type it with a straight face.

I hope the GoP takes the schillacking they took and remember to start serving the people instead of the mega-rich and their own interests. They won't, but you never know - some of them seem to actually have brains in their heads (or can act like they do on occassion).
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
(11-09-2023, 02:25 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Ah conservative projection at its finest. I'm enjoying a win for bodily autonomy and you're taking the L as a stake through the heart of the nation. Seems to me like being against the will of the people is the division you're so afraid of, as is attacking people's autonomy.

And I wasn't taking a shot at anyone here unless they decided to jump out in front of it like you're doing here. I'm laughing at the conservative reaction to it passing which includes asking the governor to IGNORE THE RESULTS OF A FAIR ELECTION (where have we heard THAT before). 

Get on the losing side and enjoy the Ls.

Rich, coming for the GoP schill who always ignores that the GoP's idea of governance since Obama was elected is to stonewall every damn bill that might help the average American while constantly licking the boots of their corporate donors. McConnell - longtime figurehead of the legislative GoP, has admitted to taking pleasure to letting bills die on his desk. Don't act like a victim when the party you constantly sing the praises of has done **** all for nearly two decades because a half-black dude won the PotUS.

I doubt you mean a single word of that, and I'm sure you could barely type it with a straight face.

I hope the GoP takes the schillacking they took and remember to start serving the people instead of the mega-rich and their own interests. They won't, but you never know - some of them seem to actually have brains in their heads (or can act like they do on occassion).

There is a difference between the 2 of us, you are filled with hatred beyond politics. I love our country, love people and pray all succeed and reach their dreams. Yes, I am pro life, but I am not immune from two people are impacted, the baby being and aborted and a mother making a tough decision (in majority of cases). I have empathy for those mothers, many who will regret their decision over time.

I am 100% against abortion up until birth peddled by you citing a woman's rights with disregard to a baby that feels pain and/or is viable and can become a living human being as early as 15 to 16 weeks.

As far as politics, I hoped and prayed Biden would be a good leader, I voted for Obama his first term, but not the second due to his policies. I have voted for Bill Clinton and Democratic governors over my lifetime. I don't hate anyone, but I do strongly disagree with the politics (policies0 of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

I would hope at some point we could figure out a way to compromise. I think conservatives have to swallow their principles on no abortion  and look more into what can be done to help these mothers who have an unexpected pregnancy and want to deliver the baby, but can't afford to lose their job while pregnant or can't afford to hire a baby sitter after birth and all of the other costs they will encounter. I think the father needs to held accountable and forced to assist any woman he gets pregnant up until birth if it decided to place baby in adoption or for 18 years if the woman makes the decision to keep the baby. They were partners bringing life into the world, so they need to partner and make decisions that are best for the BABY if the mother does not choose to abort her baby.

I think common sense tells us 3.5 to 4 months is plenty of time to make the decision of birth of a healthy mother and baby. I feel late term abortions for non medical reasons are murder.

Am I wrong you believe the baby in the womb has no rights? I hope not and I hope everyone can figure out a way to help pregnant women faced with tough decisions those first 3.5 to 4 months.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(11-09-2023, 04:04 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: There is a difference between the 2 of us, you are filled with hatred beyond politics. I love our country, love people and pray all succeed and reach their dreams. Yes, I am pro life, but I am not immune from two people are impacted, the baby being and aborted and a mother making a tough decision (in majority of cases). I have empathy for those mothers, many who will regret their decision over time.

I am 100% against abortion up until birth peddled by you citing a woman's rights with disregard to a baby that feels pain and/or is viable and can become a living human being as early as 15 to 16 weeks.

As far as politics, I hoped and prayed Biden would be a good leader, I voted for Obama his first term, but not the second due to his policies. I have voted for Bill Clinton and Democratic governors over my lifetime. I don't hate anyone, but I do strongly disagree with the politics (policies0 of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

I would hope at some point we could figure out a way to compromise. I think conservatives have to swallow their principles on no abortion  and look more into what can be done to help these mothers who have an unexpected pregnancy and want to deliver the baby, but can't afford to lose their job while pregnant or can't afford to hire a baby sitter after birth and all of the other costs they will encounter. I think the father needs to held accountable and forced to assist any woman he gets pregnant up until birth if it decided to place baby in adoption or for 18 years if the woman makes the decision to keep the baby. They were partners bringing life into the world, so they need to partner and make decisions that are best for the BABY if the mother does not choose to abort her baby.

I think common sense tells us 3.5 to 4 months is plenty of time to make the decision of birth of a healthy mother and baby. I feel late term abortions for non medical reasons are murder.

Am I wrong you believe the baby in the womb has no rights? I hope not and I hope everyone can figure out a way to help pregnant women faced with tough decisions those first 3.5 to 4 months.

Your armchair psychology is as laughable as your devotion to a political party that hasn't done anyone any favors since they were social progressives. That being said, let me clarify some things for you.

I hate one person and you ain't it. Nobody here is it. Trump ain't it. I don't waste the energy hating anyone except one dude on this entire planet with 8 billion folks I could hate. I'm probably one of the happy-go-lucky and friendly folks you could meet.

I don't give a good damn about Joe Biden - it was either him or Sweet Potato Moron and Biden is doing better than Trump, despite whatever nonsense Faux News is spouting. He's doing so much better because Trump set the bar painfully low; so low that it's costing the GoP literal gimme elections because they'd rather pander to the frothing lunatics of the party support system than the laymen because hey - it worked once.

The problem with the GoP is they think screaming 'pRo LiFe' wins them support instead of ACTUALLY being pro life. If they were pro life, they'd do shit that would help struggling families with children and overhaul social safety nets. Instead what they - and their supporters - are is pro birth and anti women. They want an overabundant and undereducated work force because that's what their donors want. They're consistently working to dismantle unions, worker's rights, affordable medical care, fair pricing, and livable wages so that they can have their slave caste of worker bees making them and their friends richer while surviving on the meagerest scraps that fall. The saddest part is that fear based propaganda works because they've been at it unimpeded so long that education has fallen off a damn cliff in this country.

And don't give me that bullshit about father's rights when it comes to abortions - if men could get pregnant, they'd be able to get an abortion at an ATM.

The only acceptable compromise is people go back to minding their own ***** business. I don't have to report it if I go and get a broken finger set because it's my medical issue - not yours. It's the same with any woman and her pre-natal care and how she chooses to handle (or doesn't handle) the stresses of child bearing.
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
(11-09-2023, 04:25 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Your armchair psychology is as laughable as your devotion to a political party that hasn't done anyone any favors since they were social progressives. That being said, let me clarify some things for you.

I hate one person and you ain't it. Nobody here is it. Trump ain't it. I don't waste the energy hating anyone except one dude on this entire planet with 8 billion folks I could hate. I'm probably one of the happy-go-lucky and friendly folks you could meet.

I don't give a good damn about Joe Biden - it was either him or Sweet Potato Moron and Biden is doing better than Trump, despite whatever nonsense Faux News is spouting. He's doing so much better because Trump set the bar painfully low; so low that it's costing the GoP literal gimme elections because they'd rather pander to the frothing lunatics of the party support system than the laymen because hey - it worked once.

The problem with the GoP is they think screaming 'pRo LiFe' wins them support instead of ACTUALLY being pro life. If they were pro life, they'd do shit that would help struggling families with children and overhaul social safety nets. Instead what they - and their supporters - are is pro birth and anti women. They want an overabundant and undereducated work force because that's what their donors want. They're consistently working to dismantle unions, worker's rights, affordable medical care, fair pricing, and livable wages so that they can have their slave caste of worker bees making them and their friends richer while surviving on the meagerest scraps that fall. The saddest part is that fear based propaganda works because they've been at it unimpeded so long that education has fallen off a damn cliff in this country.

And don't give me that bullshit about father's rights when it comes to abortions - if men could get pregnant, they'd be able to get an abortion at an ATM.

The only acceptable compromise is people go back to minding their own ***** business. I don't have to report it if I go and get a broken finger set because it's my medical issue - not yours. It's the same with any woman and her pre-natal care and how she chooses to handle (or doesn't handle) the stresses of child bearing.

I keep hearing hatred in everything you write, the more you write, the more it comes out. You may be a great guy, maybe not. You may have created over 10,000 jobs with over 40% of those jobs that paid enough in salary and benefits to support families for over 20 years. I am not sure why people hate conservative business owners, we are certainly not the enemy and we do help support SS, Medicare, Medicaid, city, property (schools), state and federal unemployment taxes. We also support many causes through donations in our communities.

I see a lot of liberals who do for themselves first and foremost, then complain about it is the conservatives killing the economy. Sorry, sick of the distorted views against conservatives, maybe you also help others.

Why is it BS the father should be held accountable for fathering a child? To me, that is common sense for it to be mandated unless the woman signs off on no help from the father of the child.

Based on your post, it is obvious you have no desire to have an adult discussion so maybe we just agree to disagree on the issues we face in our country.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(11-09-2023, 05:56 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I keep hearing hatred in everything you write, the more you write, the more it comes out. You may be a great guy, maybe not. You may have created over 10,000 jobs with over 40% of those jobs that paid enough in salary and benefits to support families for over 20 years. I am not sure why people hate conservative business owners, we are certainly not the enemy and we do help support SS, Medicare, Medicaid, city, property (schools), state and federal unemployment taxes. We also support many causes through donations in our communities.

I see a lot of liberals who do for themselves first and foremost, then complain about it is the conservatives killing the economy. Sorry, sick of the distorted views against conservatives, maybe you also help others.

Why is it BS the father should be held accountable for fathering a child? To me, that is common sense for it to be mandated unless the woman signs off on no help from the father of the child.

Based on your post, it is obvious you have no desire to have an adult discussion so maybe we just agree to disagree on the issues we face in our country.

So you can hear writing? Interesting. And where'd you get your doctorate in online psychology, I wonder? You projecting your hatred and biases on me may seem like a good idea, but I've gotta be honest it's a bit desperate. But as I've always said, I cannot be held liable for how one takes my written word, only what I write. If passion is being construed as vitriol, perhaps you should take a step back and wonder why you think I'm spewing hatred.

Conservative business owners may put things into the community (although I like how you're implying that liberal business owners don't, but whatever), however everything you mentioned gets paid for by every American who pays taxes. The difference between what they pay and what I pay is the GoP cuts their tax rate and raises mine to make up the difference. Or am I mistaken when the GoP is always calling for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations? Not that anyone who votes for them would read a study on the subject, but trickle down economics don't ***** work, no matter how much they're pushed. So congrats on doing the absolute minimum in paying your legally required amount of taxes as a business owner - take a gold star.

Edit: I should also mention that even though - as a tax payer - you may always be paying into education, Medicare, whatever; but your words that you do it out of altruism ring hollow when you're constantly voting for people who actively work to gut all of those programs.

If you want to fix what you think are distorted views on conservatives, maybe do things that fix that distortion. Instead you're on here every few hours regurgitating the same nonsense I actively ignore on Faux News when I'm at my in-law's house. Btw, most of what Fox News reports is nonsense by their own admission - I'm sure you've been told that, but it's worth reiterating. You also let your anti-Democratic party rhetoric poison everything any one of them does - you literally posted a shit piece on Biden calling for a cease fire in Israel to evacuate civilians. Once again, grade A projection on your part.

I'm not against a man taking responsibility for his child - if the child is to be kept. But since he ain't carrying it, he don't get a choice in the matter.

I'm not against having an adult discussion. Just let me know when you want to act like an adult and you decide to stop trying to psychoanalyze me through text you're wholly responsible for interpreting.
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
Man, who could have thought such things were going to be proposed?!?!  Mellow

Quote:Another government funding bill from Republicans was pulled on Thursday morning after many leaders refused to back several pieces of the bill, including one aimed at overturning a law that barred companies from discriminating against employees who use birth control.

The birth control plank was just one of dozens of amendments that were added to the bill from Republican lawmakers, as House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) pledged to pass the budget by the Nov. 17 shutdown deadline.

According to Politico, there were more than 100 amendments proposed in all, including some that drew rebukes from swing-district Republicans.

Rep. Max Miller (R- OH) called it “embarrassing" and "incredibly upsetting” that House GOP leadership had to pull the final passage of the funding bill, reported CNN's Annie Grayer. He went on to bash his colleagues for hyper-partisan amendments to bills that must pass to keep the government open.

The law being targeted by the House GOP is a local Washington, D.C. ordinance that prevents any employer from discriminating against a worker who seeks contraception or family planning services. The GOP bill would block that from taking effect.

In an interview Sunday, Johnson was asked by Fox's Shannon Bream about some of his extreme opinions and bills regarding birth control.

"I really don't remember any of those measures," he told her.

Speaker Johnson agreed to sponsor HR 431, which would ban birth control using the idea of "personhood," giving full legal rights to fertilized eggs. It would ban IUDs and other forms of birth control.

After the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision, activists warned that birth control would be targeted, with far-right leaders seeking to block coverage of it or ban it entirely

They can not govern.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Hey look! They don't care about votes.

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[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-10-2023, 09:36 PM)GMDino Wrote: Hey look! They don't care about votes.

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[Image: F-lntAlXkAA214w?format=jpg&name=large]

what I found amazing is the claim they will get input from legal experts on both sides.   One of their plans is to make it illegal for the judiciary to have a say on the legality of their actions concerning "interpretations" of Issue 1

Thank goodness Ohio's constitution gives us the ability to fight back against our corrupt politicians.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

I think this helps turn Ohio blue in the future. The young generation getting to see the GOPs repeated attempts to over turn the will of the people should be something that sticks with impressionable voters. Especially ones who just came out to vote for this and then instantly see politicians on the right working to undo what was just voted on.

If you were on the fence in the presidential race and voted for issue 1. Then see one of the parties go right to work undermining your vote….
A woman in Texas 20 weeks pregnant with a fetus with a fatal anomaly went to court for permission to get an abortion. She was granted a court order allowing the procedure to go forward.

Texas AG is threatening the doctors and hospitals with criminal charges


 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(12-07-2023, 11:03 PM)pally Wrote: A woman in Texas 20 weeks pregnant with a fetus with a fatal anomaly went to court for permission to get an abortion.  She was granted a court order allowing the procedure to go forward.

Texas AG is threatening the doctors and hospitals with criminal charges

Why does the judge get off scot free?  They could have a speedy trial and have the doctors, the judge, and the woman all in front of a firing squad as soon as she gives birth.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-07-2023, 11:03 PM)pally Wrote: A woman in Texas 20 weeks pregnant with a fetus with a fatal anomaly went to court for permission to get an abortion. She was granted a court order allowing the procedure to go forward.

Texas AG is threatening the doctors and hospitals with criminal charges

There’s two problems here:

1) The woman is claiming her health is at risk but can produce no medical evidence of it.

2) The woman is claiming it is a certainty the baby will die immediately after birth. While likely, it’s still possible the baby lives. What % is morally ok to just give up on life? If you’re on life support after a car wreck and only have a 1% chance to wake up….are you like “nah bro let em die”?

These are things that cannot be blurry in interpretation.

Without knowing all details (most media outlets only report the woman’s side) I stil think she should be granted the abortion….assuming everything coming out of her camp is true.
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(12-09-2023, 08:47 AM)basballguy Wrote: There’s two problems here:

1) The woman is claiming her health is at risk but can produce no medical evidence of it.  

2) The woman is claiming it is a certainty the baby will die immediately after birth.  While likely, it’s still possible the baby lives.  What % is morally ok to just give up on life?  If you’re on life support after a car wreck and only have a 1% chance to wake up….are you like “nah bro let em die”?

These are things that cannot be blurry in interpretation.  

Without knowing all details (most media outlets only report the woman’s side) I stil think she should be granted the abortion….assuming everything coming out of her camp is true.

Are you suggesting her doctors are lying just so she can get an abortion?

Or are you suggesting the judge was so stupid they allowed the woman to get the abortion with no "medical evidence"?

Typical.  Everyone is lying except the people YOU want to believe.

And they can't say with 100% certainty?  Well!  I hope you remember that when you need life saving surgery.  I mean you might live without it!  Who knows?!?!

Luckily the men in charge of Texas know better than any doctor or woman about her own body!

Quote:Texas Supreme Court temporarily halts ruling allowing Dallas woman to get an abortion
After a Travis County district judge cleared the way for Kate Cox, 31, to terminate her pregnancy, Ken Paxton petitioned the state’s highest court to halt the ruling.


[Image: Texas%20Supreme%20Court%20MG%20TT%2015.jpg]
The Texas Supreme Court on Jan. 15, 2020. Credit: Miguel Gutierrez Jr./The Texas Tribune

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has asked the state Supreme Court to intervene and stop a Dallas woman from having an abortion.
Paxton’s office petitioned the high court just before midnight Thursday, after a Travis County district judge granted a temporary restraining order allowing Kate Cox, 31, to terminate her nonviable pregnancy. Paxton also sent a letter to three hospitals, threatening legal action if they allowed the abortion to be performed at their facility.

On Friday evening, the state Supreme Court temporarily halted the lower court's order but did not rule on the merits of the case. The court said it would rule on the temporary restraining order, but did not specify when.

“While we still hope that the Court ultimately rejects the state’s request and does so quickly, in this case we fear that justice delayed will be justice denied,” said Cox’s lawyer, Molly Duane, in a Friday evening statement.

This is the first time an actively pregnant adult woman has gone to court to get an abortion since before Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. A similar case was filed in Kentucky on Friday.

In the petition, Paxton asked the Texas Supreme Court to rule quickly, saying that “each hour [the temporary restraining order] remains in place is an hour that Plaintiffs believe themselves free to perform and procure an elective abortion.”

“Nothing can restore the unborn child’s life that will be lost as a result,” the filing said. “Post hoc enforcement is no substitute, so time is of the essence.”
The Texas Supreme Court is currently also considering a similar case, Zurawski v. Texas, in which 20 women claim they were denied medically necessary abortions for their complicated pregnancies due to the state’s new laws. The state has argued those women do not have standing to sue because, unlike Cox, they are not currently seeking abortions.

In the initial lawsuit, Cox’s attorneys with the Center for Reproductive Rights argued she cannot wait the weeks or months it might take the Texas Supreme Court to rule.

Now, the high court must consider many of the same arguments as those in Zurawski v. Texas, but on a much tighter timeline.

The central question is whether a lethal fetal anomaly qualifies a pregnant patient for an abortion under the narrow medical exception to the state’s near-total abortion ban. Cox’s lawyers argue that continuing this nonviable pregnancy poses a threat to her life and future fertility, thus necessitating an abortion.
Travis County District Judge Maya Guerra Gamble agreed, saying it would be a “miscarriage of justice” to force Cox to continue the pregnancy. The state disagreed, telling the Supreme Court that Guerra Gamble’s ruling “opens the floodgates to pregnant mothers procuring an abortion” beyond the scope of the medical exception.

Separately, Duane sent a letter to Guerra Gamble, asking her to bring Paxton in for a hearing on his letter threatening legal action against hospitals that allow Cox to have an abortion.

“The repeated misrepresentations of the Court’s [order], coupled with explicit threats of criminal and civil enforcement and penalties, serve only to cow the hospitals from providing Ms. Cox with the healthcare that she desperately needs,” Duane wrote. “Plaintiffs respectfully request the Court hold a hearing so Defendant Paxton can explain to Your Honor why he should not be sanctioned.”

Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, on behalf of President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, condemned Paxton’s comments Friday.

“A Texas woman was just forced to beg for life-saving health care in court and now any doctor who provides her the care she urgently needs is being threatened with punishment including a lifetime prison sentence,” Escobar said in a statement. “This story is shocking, it’s horrifying, and it’s heartbreaking.”

My only question is how many illegal abortions were performed during the course of this trial because a woman couldn't afford to fight all the way to the Texas SC to be allowed to make her own decisions?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-09-2023, 09:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: Are you suggesting her doctors are lying just so she can get an abortion?

Or are you suggesting the judge was so stupid they allowed the woman to get the abortion with no "medical evidence"?

Typical.  Everyone is lying except the people YOU want to believe.

And they can't say with 100% certainty?  Well!  I hope you remember that when you need life saving surgery.  I mean you might live without it!  Who knows?!?!

You’re mixing facts with opinion dude. The only opinion I provided is one that was FOR her getting the abortion.

I didn’t say she anyone was lying. I said she has not provided evidence supporting her claim. She’s hasn’t. That’s a fact. It’s also a fact the child may survive.

Whether you like it or not, laws are in place to prevent malicious abortions. They need to be followed.
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(12-09-2023, 10:01 AM)basballguy Wrote: You’re mixing facts with opinion dude.  The only opinion I provided is one that was FOR her getting the abortion.

I didn’t say she anyone was lying.  I said she has not provided evidence supporting her claim.  She’s hasn’t.  That’s a fact.  It’s also a fact the child may survive.  

Whether you like it or not, laws are in place to prevent malicious abortions.  They need to be followed.

Again you believe the judge allowed her to win the case with no evidence?

This is what the fetus was diagnosed with:

This has to be a heart wrenching decision by the mother...THE MOTHER...but the state wants to threaten her with jail on top of it.  And throw in they will provide exactly zero social support for the child once born.  All they care about is the birth so their god doesn't throw another hurricane at them.

It's not matter if I like's a matter of the guys who lost the case didn't like that a doctor, a judge and a (gasp) woman decided what was best for HER instead of them.
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