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Rubio: Life begins at conception
(08-11-2015, 09:53 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Are you in favor of imposing Sharia law in the US?

It sure didn't take long for Mr. Open-minded critical thinker to go strawman.  
(08-11-2015, 09:57 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I don't really care about deciding where life begins.  I think it's BS deflection, to be honest.  It's an impossible question to answer, because everyone has an opinion about it.  To me it's like asking "what happens when we die?"  Same thing.  It's a trap, and I've found that when discussing this in the past, the people know that it's an impossible to question to answer in certainty and ask that question for that very reason.  

I didn't ask you when life begins.  I asked what give you the right to impose your beliefs on others who might not share your beliefs.
(08-11-2015, 09:51 PM)GMDino Wrote: Are you anti-contraceptive also?

I'll sum up my political beliefs as briefly as possible:

I don't care what other people do, at all, provided that it doesn't infringe on the rights and liberties of others in any way.

Therefore, I am:

Pro-gun rights

In other words, no, I am not anti-contraceptive.  My beliefs on abortion have ZERO to do with religion btw, if that's what you were getting at.
(08-11-2015, 10:00 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I didn't ask you when life begins.  I asked what give you the right to impose your beliefs on others who might not share your beliefs.

When did I say that I had the right to tell anyone else what they can do?  

Unfortunately, people are free to murder their babies legally, and fortunately, I'm free to tell them what grotesque people I think they are for it.  
(08-11-2015, 10:02 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I'll sum up my political beliefs as briefly as possible:

I don't care what other people do, at all, provided that it doesn't infringe on the rights and liberties of others in any way.

Therefore, I am:

Pro-gun rights

In other words, no, I am not anti-contraceptive.  My beliefs on abortion have ZERO to do with religion btw, if that's what you were getting at.

No, not at all.  Just that you mentioned them along with abortion and "baby murder".  I wanted to be clear that contraception goes a long way toward preventing abortions.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-11-2015, 09:58 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: It sure didn't take long for Mr. Open-minded critical thinker to go strawman.  


No strawman.  Sharia law is a series of laws based upon Islam's religious teachings. Most, if not all, Christians oppose Sharia law because they don't want other's religious beliefs imposed upon them.  Most Christians in America oppose abortion based upon their religious beliefs.  So most Christians want to impose a Christian version of Sharia law upon others.  But, those types of Christians fail to see the irony.
(08-11-2015, 10:08 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: LOL

No strawman.  Sharia law is a series of laws based upon Islam's religious teachings. Most, if not all, Christians oppose Sharia law because they don't want other's religious beliefs imposed upon them.  Most Christians in America oppose abortion based upon their religious beliefs.  So most Christians want to impose a Christian version of Sharia law upon others.  But, those types of Christians fail to see the irony.

It is a strawman, because you posted that assuming that my abortion stance is based on the religious views that I don't have. 

I'd look up and post the definition of "strawman" for ya, but I'll assume that you're a smart enough guy and already knows what it means.   ThumbsUp
(08-11-2015, 10:07 PM)GMDino Wrote: No, not at all.  Just that you mentioned them along with abortion and "baby murder".  I wanted to be clear that contraception goes a long way toward preventing abortions.

The plethora of readily-available and highly effective and low-cost birth control available is another reason for me to further believe that there are way too many abortions that take place. 
(08-11-2015, 10:13 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: It is a strawman, because you posted that assuming that my abortion stance is based on the religious views that I don't have. 

I'd look up and post the definition of "strawman" for ya, but I'll assume that you're a smart enough guy and already knows what it means.   ThumbsUp

A strawman argument is one in which I claim you made a statement which you didn't and then disagree with the statement you never made.  Asking you a question isn't a strawman argument.
(08-11-2015, 10:02 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I'll sum up my political beliefs as briefly as possible:

I don't care what other people do, at all, provided that it doesn't infringe on the rights and liberties of others in any way.

Therefore, I am:

Pro-gun rights

In other words, no, I am not anti-contraceptive.  My beliefs on abortion have ZERO to do with religion btw, if that's what you were getting at.

Earlier, GMdino posted a court opinion regarding the rights of a fetus.  Can you tell me what was the court opinion regarding the rights of the fetus again?
(08-11-2015, 10:08 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: LOL

No strawman.  Sharia law is a series of laws based upon Islam's religious teachings. Most, if not all, Christians oppose Sharia law because they don't want other's religious beliefs imposed upon them.  Most Christians in America oppose abortion based upon their religious beliefs.  So most Christians want to impose a Christian version of Sharia law upon others.  But, those types of Christians fail to see the irony.

(08-11-2015, 10:21 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: A strawman argument is one in which I claim you made a statement which you didn't and then disagree with the statement you never made.  Asking you a question isn't a strawman argument.

So you decided to refer to Sharia Law and compare that to Christian's desire to impose their own will on others regarding abortion and other things to me, not knowing what my religious views were at all, and yet you're going to claim that's not a strawman?

You brought both Sharia Law and Christianity into our discussion. 

I'm glad you know what a strawman argument is.  Perhaps you'll avoid using one with me in the future.  
(08-11-2015, 10:24 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Earlier, GMdino posted a court opinion regarding the rights of a fetus.  Can you tell me what was the court opinion regarding the rights of the fetus again?

Once again, you're failing to grasp the concept here.  Obviously abortion is legal.  I'm not arguing the legality of it.  I'm arguing the morality of it. 

There is no court ruling anywhere that is going to change my belief that abortion is an immoral practice.

If SCOTUS ruled tomorrow that child pornography is protected by the 1st amendment, I certainly wouldn't change my opinion of that either. 
(08-11-2015, 10:26 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: So you decided to refer to Sharia Law and compare that to Christian's desire to impose their own will on others regarding abortion and other things to me, not knowing what my religious views were at all, and yet you're going to claim that's not a strawman?

You brought both Sharia Law and Christianity into our discussion. 

I'm glad you know what a strawman argument is.  Perhaps you'll avoid using one with me in the future.  

Did I falsely claim you made a statement which you didn't?  No.

Did I disagree with a statement you never made, but claimed you did?  No.

Since the answer to both of those questions are false, I didn't make a strawman argument.

Do you oppose Sharia law in the US?  If so, state why.  Do you favor Sharia law in the US?  Is so, state why.  It's not a strawman agrument.  I'm not trying to trick you.  I don't understand why you are so afraid to answer a question and explain your reasoning.
(08-11-2015, 10:06 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: When did I say that I had the right to tell anyone else what they can do?  

Unfortunately, people are free to murder their babies legally, and fortunately, I'm free to tell them what grotesque people I think they are for it.  

Oh, you don't want to change the law?  You just want to ***** about the law and call people names when they are faced with a difficult decision?
(08-12-2015, 12:15 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Do you oppose Sharia law in the US?  If so, state why.  Do you favor Sharia law in the US?  Is so, state why.  It's not a strawman agrument.  I'm not trying to trick you.  I don't understand why you are so afraid to answer a question and explain your reasoning.

I don't really see why this is relevant to a thread about abortion, but I'll play along.

As stated earlier, I'm a believer in freedom, and only believe that freedom should be limited by their infringement on the freedoms and liberties of others.

Having said that, yes, I do oppose Sharia Law in the US.  If people want to practice Sharia Law on their own, that's well within their rights, but I should not be forced to live under any doctrine that any religion places on me. 

Looking forward to your "gotcha" response.  
(08-11-2015, 10:29 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Once again, you're failing to grasp the concept here.  Obviously abortion is legal.  I'm not arguing the legality of it.  I'm arguing the morality of it. 

There is no court ruling anywhere that is going to change my belief that abortion is an immoral practice.

If SCOTUS ruled tomorrow that child pornography is protected by the 1st amendment, I certainly wouldn't change my opinion of that either. 

Why are your morals superior to someone else's morals?  What makes you right and others wrong?  Is it because you know what you know even though you can't define what you know?

If you aren't arguing the legality then why did you write you don't care what other people do "at all" as long as it doesn't infringe on other's rights and liberties?  That seems like a legal issue, not a moral issue.  Please make up your mind what you are arguing about.  If a fetus doesn't have rights which supersede the rights of the mother then why do you care if no one's rights or liberty is being infringed?  If this isn't a legal issue, but a moral issue, then why are you concerned about rights and liberties instead of the morality?
(08-12-2015, 12:17 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Oh, you don't want to change the law?  You just want to ***** about the law and call people names when they are faced with a difficult decision?

Of course I want to see the law changed.  I assumed that was obvious.

We weren't discussing what I wanted.  We were discussing the laws that are currently on the books, but keep moving the goal posts.
(08-12-2015, 12:30 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Why are your morals superior to someone else's morals?  What makes you right and others wrong?  Is it because you know what you know even though you can't define what you know?

If you aren't arguing the legality then why did you write you don't care what other people do "at all" as long as it doesn't infringe on other's rights and liberties?  That seems like a legal issue, not a moral issue.  Please make up your mind what you are arguing about.  If a fetus doesn't have rights which supersede the rights of the mother then why do you care if no one's rights or liberty is being infringed?  If this isn't a legal issue, but a moral issue, then why are you concerned about rights and liberties instead of the morality?

Because I don't speak or feel responsible for the morality of others.  People justify immorality all of the time.  Is robbing a bank any less of a crime if it was done because the guy had two starving kids at home? 

I'm arguing against it because that abortion infringes on the right and liberty of that baby to live. 

We can play this game and semantics as long as you like. 

You have your take.  I have mine.  Trust me when I tell you that there isn't a post that you can make that's going to change my mind on the subject.  You can call me "close-minded" or state that I'm incapable of critical thinking.  I don't really care. 

Abortion is a travesty.  A million a year, and you think that's a justifiable number?  

(08-10-2015, 09:33 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I'm not speaking of what's legal, of course.  I don't base my opinions of morality solely by what is legal or not.  

I believe that life is the most precious gift that we have, and the right to live is the most sacred right.  

I just don't get how anyone can advocate for this.  The very first and most important role that the government has is to protect the people, and people are turning their backs onto the innocent who cannot protect themselves, and do so largely for political reasons.  


Would a Buddhist believe the same as you?  Would a Buddhist impose their belief system upon you?
(08-12-2015, 12:30 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I don't really see why this is relevant to a thread about abortion, but I'll play along.

As stated earlier, I'm a believer in freedom, and only believe that freedom should be limited by their infringement on the freedoms and liberties of others.  

What did the Supreme Court say about the fetus' rights?  They don't supersede the rights of the mother.  But, even though you are discussing rights this isn't a legal matter to you it is a moral matter.

Quote:Having said that, yes, I do oppose Sharia Law in the US.  If people want to practice Sharia Law on their own, that's well within their rights, but I should not be forced to live under any doctrine that any religion places on me.  

Looking forward to your "gotcha" response.

But, you don't want to be subject to other's morals.  You prefer to be guided by your own conscience based upon your morals, values, and beliefs.

Did you ever consider others might want the same?  Especially in a moral dilemma?

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