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Rumor has it we're working on a deal to trade Burfict.
Burfict is great and a leader on defense. Yet he is a target of refs and the concussions are mounting.

Everything is for sale to me if the price is right. Yet do not see them giving what is necessary to get the deal done.

Would need to be a 1st and 2nd or possibly a 1st and 3rd.

He will not be around much longer the way he hits with his concussion problem.

Know he will not be traded, but still need to start searching for his replacement now.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

The water tastes funny when you're far from your home,
yet it's only the thirsty that hunger to roam. 
          Roam the Jungle !
Like most, I don’t see him going anywhere. Unlike most, I’m fine if he does. He’s obviously a good player but he’s averaged 9 games a yr. over the last 4 years. He’s very good but not dependable. To me, this lessens his value to the team quite a bit. I’d doubt very much that he’s in the league longer than another 2-3 years. Continuous concussions are no joke. I love how hard he plays, I just disagree on his value to the team because of how many games a year he’s not on the field.
I can't read through all this, but I'm sure by now you all saw my tweet(s) [or Katherine's] saying this was bullsh--.

I know I'm not supposed to rip on CJ or places like that but I have to here. But first - I don't know why the guy from an Alabama television station tweeted that. None. I'm sure, being that he's employed, someone he felt knew a thing, told him a thing, and he just trusted it and tweeted it. I talked to about a half dozen people from both teams within minutes of this being brought to my attention and got a collective WTF. Now, the core problem is the "report" itself. No doubt. It is / was incorrect. ((At the end of the day, nearly every player in the league can be "traded for" so if Burfict is ever dealt down the line, it's not a validation of this))

But CJ, PFT, all these places that just racked "REPORT: ..." assuming something... to get clicks ... ugh. It's just irresponsible journalism aggregation. In my opinion you can't just take something from a place like that and be like, oh yeah, it's solid enough to just send everywhere.

I feel I'm pretty connected. But I don't break every story. But I know I can get to the bottom of it within 15 minutes. And not a soul locally or nationally was on this. Say what you want about the ESPN and NFLN or what's left of the CBS and FOX reporters ... but none of them or the Oakland beat hacks even touched this. There's something to be said for that.

Anyway, sorry for the rant - but stuff like this and the way it's then blown out of proportion just because is mind numbing and a pain in the a--. I get aggregators are easy to find and they sort stuff for you as a fan in one spot...but there are dangers there. After all, it's the internet. 
Beat writer for & The Enquirer. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Periscope.
(03-15-2018, 02:58 AM)jowczarski Wrote: I can't read through all this, but I'm sure by now you all saw my tweet(s) [or Katherine's] saying this was bullsh--.

I know I'm not supposed to rip on CJ or places like that but I have to here. But first - I don't know why the guy from an Alabama television station tweeted that. None. I'm sure, being that he's employed, someone he felt knew a thing, told him a thing, and he just trusted it and tweeted it. I talked to about a half dozen people from both teams within minutes of this being brought to my attention and got a collective WTF. Now, the core problem is the "report" itself. No doubt. It is / was incorrect. ((At the end of the day, nearly every player in the league can be "traded for" so if Burfict is ever dealt down the line, it's not a validation of this))

But CJ, PFT, all these places that just racked "REPORT: ..." assuming something... to get clicks ... ugh. It's just irresponsible journalism aggregation. In my opinion you can't just take something from a place like that and be like, oh yeah, it's solid enough to just send everywhere.

I feel I'm pretty connected. But I don't break every story. But I know I can get to the bottom of it within 15 minutes. And not a soul locally or nationally was on this. Say what you want about the ESPN and NFLN or what's left of the CBS and FOX reporters ... but none of them or the Oakland beat hacks even touched this. There's something to be said for that.

Anyway, sorry for the rant - but stuff like this and the way it's then blown out of proportion just because is mind numbing and a pain in the a--. I get aggregators are easy to find and they sort stuff for you as a fan in one spot...but there are dangers there. After all, it's the internet. 

So you mean that I could tweet out that you're going to be the announcer for the next 20 super bowls and there are going to be some fools going OMG OMG OMG! JIM WILL BE ANNOUNCING THE SUPER BOWL!? 

Now don't go raining on my parade right away if I do this...

Nah.. I'd never do that to you unless it was true (or unless someone paid me a gajillion bucks to do it ) lol

And by the way thanks for alleviating our fears. You know how panic grips us all and turns us into a bunch of psychotic ninnies..  lol
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
This better be just hogwash. Burfict is the heart of our defense. I would be pisst to the extreme no matter the trade value.We know what we are with Burfict on the field. A draft pick is a crap shoot.You never know what you are getting.
I wonder if Oakland even inquired.
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Good thing to read this morning. I must admit I was worried.
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reuben.ahmed Wrote:Gruden wants to come to Cincy? I would take J. Gruden and 1st round pick the next 3 years for V. Burfict.

I guess Gruden for Marvin straight up would be too much to ask.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-14-2018, 09:08 PM)BengalChris Wrote: I don't see why we'd need to do that to make space for Atkins and Dunlap.

Atkin's current contract pays him $9.5M this year. Dunlap is currently $7.3M. There is no deadcap money for either one of them.

The team has about $13M in cap space after taking off the rookie pool, so there's room to extend these guys.

If they both Atkins and Dunlap got $2M more per year there would still $9M left, which can be used for injuries, rollover, extending Dennard (which I believe would be relatively inexpensive this year compared with him hitting the open market next year).

We could save $5M+ by cutting MJ to make more room.

You're right. They should have plenty even if they get slight raises. I've already chalked up this rumor as bunk. 
The training, nutrition, medicine, fitness, playbooks and rules evolve. The athlete does not.
(03-15-2018, 02:58 AM)jowczarski Wrote: I can't read through all this, but I'm sure by now you all saw my tweet(s) [or Katherine's] saying this was bullsh--.

I know I'm not supposed to rip on CJ or places like that but I have to here. But first - I don't know why the guy from an Alabama television station tweeted that. None. I'm sure, being that he's employed, someone he felt knew a thing, told him a thing, and he just trusted it and tweeted it. I talked to about a half dozen people from both teams within minutes of this being brought to my attention and got a collective WTF. Now, the core problem is the "report" itself. No doubt. It is / was incorrect. ((At the end of the day, nearly every player in the league can be "traded for" so if Burfict is ever dealt down the line, it's not a validation of this))

But CJ, PFT, all these places that just racked "REPORT: ..." assuming something... to get clicks ... ugh. It's just irresponsible journalism aggregation. In my opinion you can't just take something from a place like that and be like, oh yeah, it's solid enough to just send everywhere.

I feel I'm pretty connected. But I don't break every story. But I know I can get to the bottom of it within 15 minutes. And not a soul locally or nationally was on this. Say what you want about the ESPN and NFLN or what's left of the CBS and FOX reporters ... but none of them or the Oakland beat hacks even touched this. There's something to be said for that.

Anyway, sorry for the rant - but stuff like this and the way it's then blown out of proportion just because is mind numbing and a pain in the a--. I get aggregators are easy to find and they sort stuff for you as a fan in one spot...but there are dangers there. After all, it's the internet. 

Thanks Jim, i liked your rant. People should be accountable for this BS man.

Dirty sumbitches. Whatever
(03-14-2018, 04:59 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Our defense sucks without Burfict.

And I can't believe there would be many teams willing to give up a lot of value for a guy with so many concussions and so many suspensions.

^ This.

But i honestly wouldn't be upset if it happened. Four straight years of 11 or less games and 1 bad decision (suspension) or 1 tackle (concussion) away from missing significant time again. 

If i could wave a magic wand and make him smarter when it comes to snap decisions or less apt to sustain a concussion, i wouldn't trade him for anyone, anytime. 

Unfortunately, there's just too much "if" involved with him for the past few years and going forward.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
(03-15-2018, 02:58 AM)jowczarski Wrote: I can't read through all this, but I'm sure by now you all saw my tweet(s) [or Katherine's] saying this was bullsh--.

I know I'm not supposed to rip on CJ or places like that but I have to here. But first - I don't know why the guy from an Alabama television station tweeted that. None. I'm sure, being that he's employed, someone he felt knew a thing, told him a thing, and he just trusted it and tweeted it. I talked to about a half dozen people from both teams within minutes of this being brought to my attention and got a collective WTF. Now, the core problem is the "report" itself. No doubt. It is / was incorrect. ((At the end of the day, nearly every player in the league can be "traded for" so if Burfict is ever dealt down the line, it's not a validation of this))

But CJ, PFT, all these places that just racked "REPORT: ..." assuming something... to get clicks ... ugh. It's just irresponsible journalism aggregation. In my opinion you can't just take something from a place like that and be like, oh yeah, it's solid enough to just send everywhere.

I feel I'm pretty connected. But I don't break every story. But I know I can get to the bottom of it within 15 minutes. And not a soul locally or nationally was on this. Say what you want about the ESPN and NFLN or what's left of the CBS and FOX reporters ... but none of them or the Oakland beat hacks even touched this. There's something to be said for that.

Anyway, sorry for the rant - but stuff like this and the way it's then blown out of proportion just because is mind numbing and a pain in the a--. I get aggregators are easy to find and they sort stuff for you as a fan in one spot...but there are dangers there. After all, it's the internet. 

with all fairness to PFT  they do call it the rumor mill....

cincy jungle is written by bloggers. So yeah take their post as such

its risky to keep burfict but we don't have anyone close to being able to replace him either.
(03-14-2018, 06:52 PM)Quantum Bengal Wrote: I'm assuming your joking?

Since Crabtree just got cut, the trade is hopefully off

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I really wish this were true. I love Burfict's fire and intensity, but I hate all the stupid bullshit he does. Burfict brought his reputation on himself. There's no conspiracy and it's not because he's a Bengal. Burfict has been a personal foul machine since high school. It's who he is. He misses a ton of time, gets unnecessary penalties, and does stupid shit. People want to talk about the defense playing better and him being the heart and soul of the defense, but he's only played in 36 of 64 games since 2014. You can count on him to miss 5-6 games a season.

Yes, he's one of the best LBs to ever wear stripes, but how much longer before he's suspended an entire season?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-15-2018, 04:52 PM)muskiesfan Wrote: I really wish this were true. I love Burfict's fire and intensity, but I hate all the stupid bullshit he does. Burfict brought his reputation on himself. There's no conspiracy and it's not because he's a Bengal. Burfict has been a personal foul machine since high school. It's who he is. He misses a ton of time, gets unnecessary penalties, and does stupid shit. People want to talk about the defense playing better and him being the heart and soul of the defense, but he's only played in 36 of 64 games since 2014. You can count on him to miss 5-6 games a season.

Yes, he's one of the best LBs to ever wear stripes, but how much longer before he's suspended an entire season?

Yep. All excellent points and exactly why I'm kinda bummed these rumors are false...

One thing though: I guarantee you if Burfict played for the steelers, he wouldn't be as wjdely hated as he is nor would he receive penalties/suspensions for how he plays. True, he's had his dirty moments... But that stuff is rewarded and celebrated in Pittsburgh. He'd probably be the leagues top selling jersey if he were a steeler  Whatever
(03-15-2018, 05:03 PM)Pat5775 Wrote: Yep. All excellent points and exactly why I'm kinda bummed these rumors are false...

One thing though: I guarantee you if Burfict played for the steelers, he wouldn't be as wjdely hated as he is nor would he receive penalties/suspensions for how he plays. True, he's had his dirty moments... But that stuff is rewarded and celebrated in Pittsburgh. He'd probably be the leagues top selling jersey if he were a steeler  Whatever

I agree that if he played for the Steelers, Patriots, either NY team, Seattle, Green Bay, or a couple of other darling teams and he wouldn't be viewed the same. I'm just saying this has been an issue with him in high school, college, and now the NFL. It's just who he is.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Im actually all for this. Trade him, get a first round pick and draft a stud linebacker in the first round.

Burfict is injury prone, a head case, and makes a lot of money. Let him be someone elses problem.

Use the money saved to upgrade another position as well.
[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-02-154836.png]
The boys are just talkin' ball, babyyyy
(03-15-2018, 05:06 PM)muskiesfan Wrote: I agree that if he played for the Steelers, Patriots, either NY team, Seattle, Green Bay, or a couple of other darling teams and he wouldn't be viewed the same. I'm just saying this has been an issue with him in high school, college, and now the NFL. It's just who he is.

Yep, very true. It's exactly why he wasn't drafted. But he has gotten better these past couple of years. He had one personal foul in 2016, that suspension he got last preseason was complete bullshit, and don't even get me started on that "contact with an official" incident  Whatever 

The league has had it out for Burfict since that hit on AB in the playoffs made him the most hated football player in America. The perfect whipping boy for the league to constantly make an example out of. We'll undoubtedly be without him thanks to a suspension at some point (if another concussion doesn't take him out first). It's a shame we couldn't trade that inevitability away for something.
(03-15-2018, 05:13 PM)Pat5775 Wrote: Yep, very true. It's exactly why he wasn't drafted. But he has gotten better these past couple of years. He had one personal foul in 2016, that suspension he got last preseason was complete bullshit, and don't even get me started on that "contact with an official" incident  Whatever 

The league has had it out for Burfict since that hit on AB in the playoffs made him the most hated football player in America. The perfect whipping boy for the league to constantly make an example out of. We'll undoubtedly be without him thanks to a suspension at some point (if another concussion doesn't take him out first). It's a shame we couldn't trade that inevitability away for something.

I don't think it's a league thing so much as the darling Steelers ownership down to Ben's latest mushroom stamp victim cry and complain about Burfict non-stop. Don't forget a Steelers player threatened to shoot Burfict and nothing happened. Burfict makes a legal tackle that blew out Bell's knee and people went ape shit about how he "intentionally" hurt Bell.

I don't get into a lot of the NFL conspiracies, but the Steelers do get their own set of rules.
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(03-14-2018, 07:59 PM)jj22 Wrote: Hobs already shutting things down to save 6 round comp picks.

My God this dude cant write. Read this: 

 "Another report that the Bengals and Raiders were talking about a trade involving Cincy linebacker Vontaze Burfict wasn’t holding any water late Wednesday afternoon. Word was there was nothing to the report out of a Birmingham, Ala., TV station."

[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-02-154836.png]
The boys are just talkin' ball, babyyyy

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