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Shadow Government/ Deep State
Ok,yeah....sketchy source, but I've seen this pop up a few places.
I've even seen former Dems supporting Trump, over his tiff with the intelligence community.
Conspiracy nuts, or something to it ?

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(02-20-2017, 01:28 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Ok,yeah....sketchy source, but I've seen this pop up a few places.

Really, that's too bad.
How often did unvetted flying objects pop up?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
#3, just no.

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(02-20-2017, 09:48 AM)Au165 Wrote:, just no.

Hey, who needs to read books and learn about history when you can know everything about everything and explain why with three word sentences? 

Between what is indisputably known about the Church Committee Hearings and Operation Condor, it is not very difficult to make the case that people within US intelligence agencies are capable of operating outside of the rule of law. 

As to whether Trump is actually doing anything to curtail such behavior, I can't pretend to know, but it would help to explain some recent happenings. 
(02-20-2017, 11:40 AM)Rotobeast Wrote:

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Politics makes strange bedfellows. And, wow, it doesn't get much stranger than Trump and Kucinich. Interestingly, both men are married to quite attractive women as well. Normally I say who cares what goes in a politician's bedroom. In this case, I gotta admit some curiosity. Tongue
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(02-21-2017, 04:18 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: Hey, who needs to read books and learn about history when you can know everything about everything and explain why with three word sentences? 

Between what is indisputably known about the Church Committee Hearings and Operation Condor, it is not very difficult to make the case that people within US intelligence agencies are capable of operating outside of the rule of law. 

As to whether Trump is actually doing anything to curtail such behavior, I can't pretend to know, but it would help to explain some recent happenings. 
If you can honestly read that article and take it as anything more that a politically charged pipe dream I am not sure you can have a rationale discussion on the topic. You can't reference books and history then be okay with the source of this article.That is as bad as people thinking Trump is going to be impeached. 
(02-21-2017, 09:37 AM)Au165 Wrote: If you can honestly read that article and take it as anything more that a politically charged pipe dream I am not sure you can have a rationale discussion on the topic. You can't reference books and history then be okay with the source of this article.That is as bad as people thinking Trump is going to be impeached. 
So, you place zero stock in Kucinich ?
Even being a Dem ?
The source in the OP was just the last one out of three that I had looked at.
You can hand me the tin-foil, but I don't think this can be completely discounted.

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i don't doubt the ability of the intelligence community and other nefarious actors within the government to frame things so as to best suit their agenda, specifically the military industrial complex. there is obvious precedence there.

the one piece of this i am absolutely tired of hearing is the 'paid protestors' bit. even if a couple of organizers are being compensated (which i don't even believe tbh), 99.9999% of the protestors are not 'paid'. they are ***** pissed and want to get together with other likeminded individuals to show as such. they are protesting because they agree with the message being put forth. i just don't understand how anyone can put that narrative forward as some kind of knock against protestors. well, i guess i do, because there are dumb ***** out there that will eat that shit up. but, fml thats stupid.

the violence stuff has been rehashed here a million times over. its stupid, they should be punished accordingly, but certainly not the norm.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-21-2017, 07:40 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: i don't doubt the ability of the intelligence community and other nefarious actors within the government to frame things so as to best suit their agenda, specifically the military industrial complex.  there is obvious precedence there.  

the one piece of this i am absolutely tired of hearing is the 'paid protestors' bit.  even if a couple of organizers are being compensated (which i don't even believe tbh), 99.9999% of the protestors are not 'paid'.  they are ***** pissed and want to get together with other likeminded individuals to show as such.  they are protesting because they agree with the message being put forth.  i just don't understand how anyone can put that narrative forward as some kind of knock against protestors.  well, i guess i do, because there are dumb ***** out there that will eat that shit up.  but, fml thats stupid.

the violence stuff has been rehashed here a million times over.  its stupid, they should be punished accordingly, but certainly not the norm.

I believe a few riots, preceding this administration were lightly funded and started with "seed" protesters.
I would say a couple may have been done the same way, immediately after the inauguration.
However, I think those in the weeks after were genuine.
UC Berkley may have had a paid organizer or two, but I in now way believe the false flag narrative on that one.

Besides, Soros is being appeased by Trump.
Go check out all the coal related purchases by Soros, in the past couple of years.
Buffett has been at it longer.
(02-21-2017, 09:37 AM)Au165 Wrote: If you can honestly read that article and take it as anything more that a politically charged pipe dream I am not sure you can have a rationale discussion on the topic. You can't reference books and history then be okay with the source of this article.That is as bad as people thinking Trump is going to be impeached. 

I would recommend listening to Kucinich's own words from his interview on the subject. Discount the article if you would like, but Kucinich has never been the type to sell out or to say things just for the sake of being politically expedient.
(02-22-2017, 01:32 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: I would recommend listening to Kucinich's own words from his interview on the subject. Discount the article if you would like, but Kucinich has never been the type to sell out or to say things just for the sake of being politically expedient.
Yeah, I guess I should have just started with the video of DK.

But we probably wouldn't have the fun we're currently having, had I done that.
(02-22-2017, 01:32 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: I would recommend listening to Kucinich's own words from his interview on the subject. Discount the article if you would like, but Kucinich has never been the type to sell out or to say things just for the sake of being politically expedient.

I have a close family friend (Trump Supporter) who retired as a high up in the FBI after 30 years who worked in counter terrorism and cyber crimes. I showed him the article and he also laughed. As he put it, a former POTUS is off limits and everyone in the community knows it. Basically, short of them shooting someone on live television you aren't able to touch them. The fact the OP's article mentions people thinking they could actually charge a former POTUS with treason is why it is laughable and can't be taken serious. If there were real sources used in that story they would have known better than to think it is even possible to charge a former POTUS with treason.
(02-22-2017, 09:22 AM)Au165 Wrote: I have a close family friend (Trump Supporter) who retired as a high up in the FBI after 30 years who worked in counter terrorism and cyber crimes. I showed him the article and he also laughed. As he put it, a former POTUS is off limits and everyone in the community knows it. Basically, short of them shooting someone on live television you aren't able to touch them. The fact the OP's article mentions people thinking they could actually charge a former POTUS with treason is why it is laughable and can't be taken serious. If there were real sources used in that story they would have known better than to think it is even possible to charge a former POTUS with treason.

But isn't that exactly what a guy in on it would say?  Ninja
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-22-2017, 09:41 AM)michaelsean Wrote: But isn't that exactly what a guy in on it would say?  Ninja

He isn't "in" really anymore, but he does do "consulting" work for the military still. He doesn't deny the intelligence community can do a lot, or that they may have in history, he laughed at the thought that anyone in know would say you could actually charge a former POTUS with a crime, let alone treason.
(02-21-2017, 04:08 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: So, you place zero stock in Kucinich ?
Even being a Dem ?
The source in the OP was just the last one out of three that I had looked at.
You can hand me the tin-foil, but I don't think this can be completely discounted.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk

That warning Eisenhower issued about the military industrial complex was poppycock too. No one in American industry or intelligence or military has any personal or financial stake in the war machine. Zero. None. They will be mining tin forever and may run our before they have enough tin for a hat for the likes of you.

(And I ordered mine first, which is even worse news for you! Wink )
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(02-21-2017, 07:40 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: i don't doubt the ability of the intelligence community and other nefarious actors within the government to frame things so as to best suit their agenda, specifically the military industrial complex.  there is obvious precedence there.  

the one piece of this i am absolutely tired of hearing is the 'paid protestors' bit.  even if a couple of organizers are being compensated (which i don't even believe tbh), 99.9999% of the protestors are not 'paid'.  they are ***** pissed and want to get together with other likeminded individuals to show as such.  they are protesting because they agree with the message being put forth.  i just don't understand how anyone can put that narrative forward as some kind of knock against protestors.  well, i guess i do, because there are dumb ***** out there that will eat that shit up.  but, fml thats stupid.

the violence stuff has been rehashed here a million times over.  its stupid, they should be punished accordingly, but certainly not the norm.

Vas, Vas, Vas - step away from the fake news. They have you right where they want you. Breitbart, RT, Cable Access channel 4318 at 4 AM - these are your friends. These are the news sources you can trust. They will get you right where you need to be. BTW, how do you look in brown?
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(02-22-2017, 09:48 AM)Au165 Wrote: He isn't "in" really anymore, but he does do "consulting" work for the military still. He doesn't deny the intelligence community can do a lot, or that they may have in history, he laughed at the thought that anyone in know would say you could actually charge a former POTUS with a crime, let alone treason.

You're silly of me.

They'd just assassinate him.

(02-22-2017, 02:41 PM)xxlt Wrote: That warning Eisenhower issued about the military industrial complex was poppycock too. No one in American industry or intelligence or military has any personal or financial stake in the war machine. Zero. None. They will be mining tin forever and may run our before they have enough tin for a hat for the likes of you.

(And I ordered mine first, which is even worse news for you! Wink )

Would you share yours with me, were I to proclaim deep affection for you ?
The real conspiracy every one should be paying attention to is the fact that for years those in charge (aliens) have convinced us that wearing tinfoil hats will protect us form the alien transmissions. The reality is that they only amplify them... Cool
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(02-22-2017, 03:13 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: The real conspiracy every one should be paying attention to is the fact that for years those in charge (aliens) have convinced us that wearing tinfoil hats will protect us form the alien transmissions. The reality is that they only amplify them... Cool

No, the tinfoil blocks the transmissions, aluminum amplifies. This is why they changed the common material. Ninja
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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