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Steps a High Ranking Traitor Would Take
I just wanted to brainstorm some ideas about what a traitor may do to destabilize the US if some god foresaken reason people where duped into giving one power. That way maybe we would all be able to recognize the threat if it occured.

I'll get us started.

1. They would probably try to divide the country. Our enemies would love to see us fighting each other and in chaos.

2. They would probably do their best to disrupt normal government function. Something like a government shutdown could work. So maybe look at the history and check for patterns. There have only been like 21 total (may be wrong there). So anyone responsible for say 3 or more in a short time frame should raise some flags.

What are some other examples of traitorous behavior we should be on the lookout for?
Secret meetings that everyone says never happened, then they forgot they happened, then they remember exactly what they did NOT say in them but not what they did say.

Then private meetings that everyone knows happened but no on can be told what was said.

Oh, and claiming that anything that looks shady is a lie...but never explaining what happened.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I tend to wade slowly into saying things like "traitor" as it is an unneeded escalation, especially here, until we know all the facts. I will say trying to collect all the notes from the meeting is not a good look and now is probably under the purview of Mueller.
(01-15-2019, 11:20 AM)GMDino Wrote: Secret meetings that everyone says never happened, then they forgot they happened, then they remember exactly what they did NOT say in them but not what they did say.

Then private meetings that everyone knows happened but no on can be told what was said.

Oh, and claiming that anything that looks shady is a lie...but never explaining what happened.

The POTUS secretly meeting with Putin (a former KGB) and his "translator" with no American intel backup, or any American presence should alarm all. Regardless of party. A couple compliments and Trump likely gave up all Americas secrets. He's already gave up Israel's deep secrets to Russia. They probably know where all of our military posts are located, and everything about our top weapons. It's pretty scary in the big picture.

The fact he tore up the "notes" he claims to have taken and hid the meeting from even his advisors should tell us all we need to know about Putin's power over Trump.

Just a disgrace. And people who defend this are equally disgraceful and UnAmerican (then again, that's why no one will admit to voting for Trump, they think they can eat their cake and have it too).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
Yes! We need to get back to being united the way we were before 2017!
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-15-2019, 02:41 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Yes!  We need to get back to being united the way we were before 2017!

We were united as a country. Sure we fought in house. But you didn't see big chunks of the country falling head over hills for Putin, Kim, the Saudi's etc, and these other Dictators and enemy's of America as you see now with Trump and his supporters. They'll attack Canada and France before they dare say anything bad about Russia or NK.

You've never seen this behavior before from this many Americans. Sure there were American Nazi's sympathizers during WWII etc, but not this willingness to choose America's enemy's over Americas Intel and our Allies. This is unprecedented large scale treacherous behavior not just from Trump, but tens of millions of Americans, and the majority of the electorate.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
I don't see any motive to want to do Putin's bidding and destabilize the nation that makes Trump rich.

Colluding is a far different beast.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Starting a thread like this?
(01-15-2019, 07:46 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Starting a thread like this?

Kinda right, could use a better example. But good stuff, keep brainstorming. Everyone else is getting a little off topic. That's why I wanted to have this exercise so as patriots we can discuss and identify actions a traitor would probably take. Just to increase overall awareness. 

I'll use your concept and lets keep going with the list form for easy reference. Not necessarily chronological order yet. 

3. The traitor would be very active on social media and interested in controlling the news narrative. Making statements and taking positions beneficial to and in agreement with the adversary they are working with in order to gain support for their agenda. 

4. They would slander and degrade our intelligence agencies in an effort to sow distrust in the government. In combination with the shut down this one would really hurt the moral of our most crucial layers of defense and would probably be viewed as a big win.

5. (GMDino was a little long winded but good example.) We could expect the traitor to have some form of communication with the foreign adversary they are working for. This would probably be very secretive and the details heavily guarded.

6. As a high ranking traitor they would have decent size network of criminals and scoundrels around them. Its likely most patriotic Americans with a conscious who have intimate contact with the traitor would feel uneasy and have difficulty on the job. So a high turnover rate and un-ordinary staffing practices are probable. 

... keep it going
(01-15-2019, 11:39 AM)Au165 Wrote: I tend to wade slowly into saying things like "traitor" as it is an unneeded escalation, especially here, until we know all the facts. I will say trying to collect all the notes from the meeting is not a good look and now is probably under the purview of Mueller.

I'm with you. I never jump to conclusions before I know all the facts. I could be walking down the street and there is a dog biting and thrashing a small child. Who knows, ya know? I would have to let it play out to get all the facts before deciding if I should intervene. 

Stuff like that is when I think they created that great saying. "When there is smoke wade slowly until there are more facts."
(01-15-2019, 09:05 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: I'm with you. I never jump to conclusions before I know all the facts. I could be walking down the street and there is a dog biting and thrashing a small child. Who knows, ya know? I would have to let it play out to get all the facts before deciding if I should intervene. 

Stuff like that is when I think they created that great saying. "When there is smoke wade slowly until there are more facts."

Did you really just make that analogy?

Btw your OP is in direct opposition to your attempt at sarcasm which is in fact attempting to establish facts.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-15-2019, 09:50 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Did you really just make that analogy?

Btw your OP is in direct opposition to your attempt at sarcasm which is in fact attempting to establish facts.

I did. 

Please try to stay on topic and contribute to the brainstorm. Again we are looking for possible steps a high ranking traitor would take to destabilize the US. 

Picking back up...

7. The traitor would probably try to fray alliances and alienate allies. This would weaken America's reputation as a trustworthy partner for good and erode global security.

I feel like I am the only one contributing here.. Glad we are covering this stuff as many don't seem to know what to look for. 

I’ve read a lot of ridiculous things on this website...scratch that, the internet...this thread about takes the cake.

Seems everybody in here seems to know an awful lot more than the guy investigating Trump.

If a third of the things you said were remotely close to being true President Trump would have been impeached and arrested. Either that or the so-called intelligence agencies are absolute garbage.

Everything you guys posted is 100% propaganda slung by the left to sew discord and doubt trying to improve their chances for 2020.

Every week there’s something new they want people to be shocked and offended by. See how quickly Kavenaugh dropped off the radar.

Now it’s all of a sudden a bad thing to build a wall that not too long ago Democrat’s were themselves calling for. Difference is they know now if it were to happen Trump would get credit for fulfilling his promise of having a wall built...regardless of who pays for it.

It’s funny how as real information comes out that is damaging to the left it’s all conspiracy theories....yet everything you posted is absolutely all conspiracy theories. If it were even remotely true how do you explain Trump not impeached or arrested? You cannot.
(01-16-2019, 01:23 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: I did. 

Please try to stay on topic and contribute to the brainstorm. Again we are looking for possible steps a high ranking traitor would take to destabilize the US. 

Picking back up...

7. The traitor would probably try to fray alliances and alienate allies. This would weaken America's reputation as a trustworthy partner for good and erode global security.

I feel like I am the only one contributing here.. Glad we are covering this stuff as many don't seem to know what to look for. 

There's a hint. 

Again you are looking for facts when your analogy says the opposite.  Maybe people could contribute more if you knew what you wanted. 
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-16-2019, 02:42 AM)Stonyhands Wrote: Haha...

I’ve read a lot of ridiculous things on this website...scratch that, the internet...this thread about takes the cake.  

Seems everybody in here seems to know an awful lot more than the guy investigating Trump.  

If a third of the things you said were remotely close to being true President Trump would have been impeached and arrested.  Either that or the so-called intelligence agencies are absolute garbage.  

Everything you guys posted is 100% propaganda slung by the left to sew discord and doubt trying to improve their chances for 2020.  

Every week there’s something new they want people to be shocked and offended by.  See how quickly Kavenaugh dropped off the radar.  

Now it’s all of a sudden a bad thing to build a wall that not too long ago Democrat’s were themselves calling for.  Difference is they know now if it were to happen Trump would get credit for fulfilling his promise of having a wall built...regardless of who pays for it.  

It’s funny how as real information comes out that is damaging to the left it’s all conspiracy theories....yet everything you posted is absolutely all conspiracy theories.  If it were even remotely true how do you explain Trump not impeached or arrested?  You cannot.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I never mentioned Trump and I am not caught up on current events.

Which of the 7 examples i have posted so far upset you and make you think I would be talking about him?
(01-16-2019, 12:37 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Sorry for the misunderstanding. I never mentioned Trump and I am not caught up on current events.

Which of the 7 examples i have posted so far upset you and make you think I would be talking about him?

I did not specifically quote your post earlier as when I said “you” it was more of a collective “you,” referencing the ones specifically referring to the lies spread by MSM about our POTUS.

Your ambiguous 7 items could be easily argued for Obama’s presidency.
(01-16-2019, 02:42 AM)Stonyhands Wrote: Haha...

I’ve read a lot of ridiculous things on this website...scratch that, the internet...this thread about takes the cake.  

Seems everybody in here seems to know an awful lot more than the guy investigating Trump.  

If a third of the things you said were remotely close to being true President Trump would have been impeached and arrested.  Either that or the so-called intelligence agencies are absolute garbage.  

Everything you guys posted is 100% propaganda slung by the left to sew discord and doubt trying to improve their chances for 2020.  

Every week there’s something new they want people to be shocked and offended by.  See how quickly Kavenaugh dropped off the radar.  

Now it’s all of a sudden a bad thing to build a wall that not too long ago Democrat’s were themselves calling for.  Difference is they know now if it were to happen Trump would get credit for fulfilling his promise of having a wall built...regardless of who pays for it.  

It’s funny how as real information comes out that is damaging to the left it’s all conspiracy theories....yet everything you posted is absolutely all conspiracy theories.  If it were even remotely true how do you explain Trump not impeached or arrested?  You cannot.

This was just a random question, and you automatically thinking it was about Trump, without Trump being mentioned, means you fell right into this clever little trap.  He got you gooooood!  Nanny nanny boo boo.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-16-2019, 02:42 AM)Stonyhands Wrote: Haha...

I’ve read a lot of ridiculous things on this website...scratch that, the internet...this thread about takes the cake.  

Seems everybody in here seems to know an awful lot more than the guy investigating Trump.  

If a third of the things you said were remotely close to being true President Trump would have been impeached and arrested.  Either that or the so-called intelligence agencies are absolute garbage.  

Everything you guys posted is 100% propaganda slung by the left to sew discord and doubt trying to improve their chances for 2020.  

Every week there’s something new they want people to be shocked and offended by.  See how quickly Kavenaugh dropped off the radar.  

Now it’s all of a sudden a bad thing to build a wall that not too long ago Democrat’s were themselves calling for.  Difference is they know now if it were to happen Trump would get credit for fulfilling his promise of having a wall built...regardless of who pays for it.  

It’s funny how as real information comes out that is damaging to the left it’s all conspiracy theories....yet everything you posted is absolutely all conspiracy theories.  If it were even remotely true how do you explain Trump not impeached or arrested?  You cannot.

It has always been a dumb idea to build a wall. Illegal immigration is not fueled by border crossings, it is a fact. Walls were a good idea (1000 years ago).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-15-2019, 02:50 PM)jj22 Wrote: We were united as a country. Sure we fought in house. But you didn't see big chunks of the country falling head over hills for Putin, Kim, the Saudi's etc, and these other Dictators and enemy's of America as you see now with Trump and his supporters. They'll attack Canada and France before they dare say anything bad about Russia or NK.

You've never seen this behavior before from this many Americans. Sure there were American Nazi's sympathizers during WWII etc, but not this willingness to choose America's enemy's over Americas Intel and our Allies. This is unprecedented large scale treacherous behavior not just from Trump, but tens of millions of Americans, and the majority of the electorate.

None of this is true...You are very out of touch with reality and as such will never understand Trump supporters ever.

As a side note...

It’s hilarious how when Trump is going after NK he’s a danger to the world and he’s going to cause Armageddon and WW3...Yet when he attempts to create peace he’s all of a sudden a traitor.

Not to mention...why do we have to have enemies? I don’t symphasize with Russia but I believe we all have to share this planet and there’s no reason to constantly be in conflict. I get they probably meddled but I’d be willing to bet they aren’t the only country spying on us.
(01-16-2019, 12:54 PM)Stonyhands Wrote: None of this is true...You are very out of touch with reality and as such will never understand Trump supporters ever.  

As a side note...

It’s hilarious how when Trump is going after NK he’s a danger to the world and he’s going to cause Armageddon and WW3...Yet when he attempts to create peace he’s all of a sudden a traitor.  

Not to mention...why do we have to have enemies?  I don’t symphasize with Russia but I believe we all have to share this planet and there’s no reason to constantly be in conflict.  I get they probably meddled but I’d be willing to bet they aren’t the only country spying on us.

Right.  No way Russia has any nefarious intentions.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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