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Steve Bannon's rise forces Breitbart News out of the shadows, and the basement

Quote:WASHINGTON —  Breitbart News has stepped out of the fringes of American politics and is now, quite literally, moving out of the basement as well.

The bare-knuckled conservative news organization has moved its office out of the house where former chief Steve Bannon lived, has begun to reluctantly disclose its ownership, and, in its quest for official recognition, may even go so far as to publicly declare who runs the place.

Breitbart has for the past several years operated, basically, out of Bannon’s house. Bannon was the executive chairman of Breitbart News and the ideological engine behind the site’s bareknuckled anti-immigration, anti-government ideology. He and the site both operated out of a townhouse on Capitol Hill a couple of blocks behind the Supreme Court. It became known as the "Breitbart Embassy," site of lavish parties upstairs and the typing of a staff of young reporters downstairs, whom Bannon  referred to as "the Valkyries."

But then Bannon became Trump’s campaign manager last summer and is now chief strategist in the White House.

Breitbart is rising with Bannon and is now trying to become a credentialed member of the Senate Daily Press Gallery, joining The New York Times, USA
TODAY and other mainstream news outlets. This would given them access to the Capitol that is on par with congressional staff. It would also allow them to participate in White House "pools," providing coverage of events to the rest of the press corps when space for reporters is limited.

But membership in that club requires a level of transparency Breitbart News has long shunned. The office location is the first hurdle. Breitbart News has declared the Breitbart Embassy as its office address, but that is not really true.

The Embassy is still the official address of Breitbart’s Washington Bureau, but “since the summer we have been transitioning people out of the house,” said spokesman Chad Wilkinson. One of the reasons for the move was security, Wilkinson said. “Some of our employees just weren't comfortable working at a Breitbart office there,” he said. It is, after all, just a townhouse, with no security desk.

Sometime this spring, Breitbart will have a regular office in downtown D.C., Wilkinson predicted. Meanwhile, most of the staff are telecommuting.

It is probably just as well: The Embassy is in a residential neighborhood where it is generally not legal to run an office.

Washington, D.C., property records show the building it is owned by Moustafa El-Gindy, a former Egyptian member of Parliament who has occasionally been quoted in Breitbart news stories. El-Gindy is receiving a homestead deduction on the property, a $72,000 tax credit that requires the owner to maintain residence in the building. He could not be located for comment on this story.

Breitbart CEO Larry Solov told the Senate press gallery that the company has a soon-to-expire lease in the building for corporate housing, offices and entertainment. But zoning rules for the block do not allow commercial leases.

“That area of Capitol Hill is zoned only for residential uses, with a very narrow set of ‘home occupation’ exceptions allowing a resident (as opposed to a rotating group of occasional visitors) to work as an in-home tailor, music tutor, doctor, or the like, or to run a small bed & breakfast,” said Mark Eckenwiler, longtime chair of the zoning committee for the local Advisory Neighborhood Commission, the city government unit for that area.

The uses Solov described to the press gallery “appear to violate the D.C. zoning regulations applicable to that location,” Eckenwiler said. Since the lease is not public, it is impossible to know whether the terms meet the neighborhoods restrictions.
[Image: 636258022654815117-AP-Trump.1.jpg]
Steve Bannon listens as President Trump speaks at a rally in Louisville, Ky., on March 20, 2017. (Photo: Andrew Harnik, AP)

Quote:When Breitbart does get a new office, it will presumably make the address more public than the current address, which appears nowhere on the Breitbart news site. The site also provides no phone number and no way to contact the editors or reporters.

Beyond the address, Breitbart's application for press credentials is also shining new light on the company's management and ownership structure.

The site offers no "masthead," the roster of editors and managers that news organizations traditionally publish in print editions or post on their websites. Solov told the Standing Committee of Correspondents last month that he would consider producing a masthead, but it still has not appeared on the site.

The bigger question is who owns the site, a piece of information Solov admitted he was loath to disclose.

The press gallery rules state that to qualify, a reporter "must not be engaged in any lobbying or paid advocacy, advertising, publicity or promotion work for any individual, political party, corporation, organization, or agency of the U.S. Government, or in prosecuting any claim before Congress or any federal government department, and will not do so while a member of the Daily Press Galleries. Applicants’ publications must be editorially independent of any institution, foundation or interest group that lobbies the federal government, or that is not principally a general news organization."

Solov reluctantly told the Standing Committee in February that Breitbart is partly owned by the Mercer family, one the largest sources of money behind committees supporting President Trump’s campaign last year. Solov would not say which of the Mercers was an owner. Rebekah Mercer helped persuade Trump to hire Bannon as campaign CEO last summer, and she served on the executive committee of Trump's transition team after the election.

Solov also told the committee that Bannon resigned from Breitbart last fall, shortly after the election, but was unable to provide any formal documentation to that effect. He said Bannon simply called him to say he is stepping down. The Standing Committee has asked for more details before its next meeting on Friday.

And while Solov says Bannon is no longer connected to Breitbart News, his influence clearly still lingers at the Breitbart Embassy.

Answering the door at the Breitbart Embassy on Monday was Dan Fleuette, who lists himself on LinkedIn as vice president of production of Victory Film Group, Bannon's political film enterprise. Fleuette shares screenwriting and production credits on several Bannon films, including the 2016 film Clinton Cash. Fleuette has also written for Breitbart News, largely as a sports columnist, but he said he is not on staff now.
Breitbart is LITERALLY that guy in the basement that everyone on the internet makes fun of.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I used to read their "Big Hollywood" blog/website YEARS ago (like 2008) when they were a small website that had a decent amount of libertarian reporting (that quickly changed). Adam Baldwin (from Chuck, Firefly, and ID4) would write for them and it was always interesting.

So funny how much they have evolved and the ideologies that gained ground there
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-24-2017, 12:06 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I used to read their "Big Hollywood" blog/website YEARS ago (like 2008) when they were a small website that had a decent amount of libertarian reporting (that quickly changed). Adam Baldwin (from Chuck, Firefly, and ID4) would write for them and it was always interesting.

So funny how much they have evolved and the ideologies that gained ground there

Maybe the executive chair from 2012 to 2016 had a hand in that.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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