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London gay pride march is islamaphobic: per Muslim complaints.

To be more inclusive lol. I guess leftists hate being polite.

Quote:London Tube Just Banned The Phrase 'Ladies And Gentlemen' To Be More 'Inclusive'

Censorship is so progressive.

ByAmanda Prestigiacomo July 14, 2017
Passengers at Westminster underground station in London, after seven people were arrested in raids in London, Birmingham and elsewhere linked to the Westminster terror attack.
Gareth Fuller/PA Images via Getty Images
The London tube is policing innocuous language in the name of inclusion.

According to The Independent, Transport for London drivers will now be banned from using the apparently offensive phrase "ladies and gentlemen" in exchange for more inclusive, gender-neutral words, like "everyone" and "all."

The ban comes after LGBT activists spoke out, claiming the common phrase "belonged to yesterday" and was "outdated."

Even pre-recorded announcements with the phrase, and written guidelines, will be amended, notes The Independent.

"We want everyone to feel welcome on our transport network," Mark Evers, director of Transport for London's customer strategy, told Metro.

"We have reviewed the language that we use in announcements and elsewhere and will make sure that it is fully inclusive, reflecting the great diversity of London," he added.

Apparently London Mayor Sadiq Khan is on board with the speech policing, noting in June that he's "keen that [Transport for London] addresses these concerns by speaking in a more neutral way when referring to gender."

The tube "has made a commitment to transition from gender-specific phrases like ‘ladies and gentlemen’ which are currently used in announcements, to a gender-neutral alternative such as ‘good morning/good afternoon everyone," he added.

"Language is extremely important to the lesbian, gay, bi and trans community, and the way we use it can help ensure all people feel included," said a spokesperson for Stonewall, an LGBT charity.

“We welcome gender neutral announcements to be rolled out across [Transport for London], as it will ensure that everyone – no matter who they identify as – feels accounted for," added the spokesperson.

But how exactly is "ladies and gentlemen" offensive? Don't gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and even trans people identify as either a gentleman or a lady? Well, some people might "identify" as neutrois, a hippopotamus, or perhaps a lamp, and how bigoted would it be if we did not completely alter our perception of gender, which is rooted in biology, and police our language in light of such feelings?

As noted by The Independent, the U.K. saw more speech policing earlier this year: "Institutions across the UK have made similar commitments this year, including Cardiff Metropolitan University's decision to ban phrases like 'forefathers' and 'right-hand man' in March."

Censorship is so progressive.

I think these parades are generally worthless but if it makes someone feel better ...... then whatever. Not sure why the Muslims can't just let the gays have their parade and let it finish. Seems overly dramatic and petty.

Quote:Official Complaint Lodged Over ‘Islamophobic’ Signs at London Pride March

Oliver JJ Lane14 Jul 2017


Placards carried by former Muslims and allies at the London Pride march at the weekend have triggered a complaint from an Islamic group who claim the messages displayed are “Islamophobic”.

A spokesman for the East London Mosque confirmed that a complaint had been lodged with both the organisers of London Pride and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), the organisation responsible for the signs.

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London’s Evening Standard reports the remarks of spokesman Salman Farsi, who said the placards, which included slogans such as ‘Allah is Gay’, ‘F*ck Islamic Homophobia’, and ‘Ex Muslim & Proud’, incited hatred against Muslims.

He also said placards that contained phrases like “East London Mosque Incites Murder of LGBTs” and “Green Lanes Mosque Incites Murder of Gays” besmirched “our good name”, and were “based on absolutely groundless reasons”, citing “our track record for challenging homophobia in East London”.

Rights campaigner Maryam Namazie is confronted by police at Gay Pride for the ‘Allah is Gay’ placards carried by her group /

Farsi complained of the signs within the world-famous gay pride event: “For us to see such a mainstream event that is supposed to celebrate tolerance and love used as a hate platform was really quite shocking.

“One of the signs said ‘Islamophobia is an oxymoron’.

“Our religion doesn’t promote hatred or homophobia. Yes, there might be theological topics dealing with homosexuality in Islam, but that’s clearly very separate from promoting hatred and homophobia.”

While it has taken nearly a week for the complaint to surface, CEMB revealed they had met some opposition on the day in their own account of events.

In a blog post on their website, the group said: “CEMB was at Pride in London in full force highlighting the plight of LGBT in countries under Islamic rule.”

“The march went ahead as planned, though police initially tried to remove placards with the slogan ‘Allah is Gay’ because of complaints of ‘offence’.

“Whilst a few were not pleased to see apostates in Pride, we were met with overwhelming and heart-warming support and solidarity.”

In addition to placards with other slogans like “We’re Here, We’re Kaffir, Get Used to It”, some also wore body art depicting crying eyes trapped behind the burqa shroud.

Responding to what she described as “back and forth” with police officers who wanted to remove their ‘Allah is Gay’ placards, CEMB spokesman Maryam Namazie said: “Pride is full of ‘God is Gay’ and ‘Jesus Had Two Fathers’ placards as well as those mocking the church and priests and pope, yet hold a sign saying ‘Allah is gay’ – as we did – and the police converge to attempt to remove them for causing offence.”

The organisers of Pride itself said of the incident “We will not tolerate Islamophobia” and that they were now reviewing whether they’d allowed CEMB to join the march again next year.

The controversy from the Islamic community over ex-Muslims marching at Pride comes just days after Britain’s first married gay Muslim couple went public with the high level of abuse they had received from other Muslims.

The Daily Mail reported one of the pair as saying: “I know that Islam will never accept homosexuals. It is written there in black and white. But this is how I chose to live my life.”
And liberal heads explode.
Progressive like cancer.

Liberals/democrats the party of perpetual bitching about something.

Now milk is racist.

So is wood in buildings.

White people free day on campus. All white people stay home.
Hope you indoctrinating lib professors have fun with the monsters you've created.
It's all crazy stuff lol

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