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Target removes gender based signage for kids
(08-27-2015, 10:51 AM)djs7685 Wrote: A school with all boys in it.

Your move, Sherlock.

He doesn't seem to understand that concept. But Ofc its dino. If it doesn't have a meme he won't get it
(08-27-2015, 10:55 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: He doesn't seem to understand that concept.  But Ofc its dino.    If it doesn't have a meme he won't get it

Which magical hat are you pulling something out of in this parallel universe that you live in where HE is the one that's not "getting it"???
(08-27-2015, 10:58 AM)djs7685 Wrote: Which magical hat are you pulling something out of in this parallel universe that you live in where HE is the one that's not "getting it"???

It's called reality.

They will eventually make up a meme so he can understand it I'm sure.
(08-27-2015, 10:50 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: What exactly is your concept of an all boys school?


What is your concept of an all boys school? 

(This should be good.)
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-27-2015, 11:01 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It's called reality.  

They will eventually make up a meme so he can understand it I'm sure.

What in the world are you even talking about?

Do you even understand what the argument here is? You're "not getting it", it seems.
(08-27-2015, 01:11 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Show me where I wrote CF is a multifactorial disorder.  Was it where I wrote it was autosomal recessive?  Show me.

Then why did you bring up CF when we were talking about multifactorial disorders and you knew it wasn't one?

Just so we're all clear here.
Multifactorial Disorders you are not born with the disease active. It requires some type of environmental trigger to activate it and you can be predisposed to a disorder, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will get it.

Monogenetic you can be born with a disease already active in your system, such as CF.
Chromosome disorders you can be born with a disease already active as well, such as Down Syndrome.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-27-2015, 03:51 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Then why did you bring up CF when we were talking about multifactorial disorders and you knew it wasn't one?

Just so we're all clear here.
Multifactorial Disorders you are not born with the disease active. It requires some type of environmental trigger to activate it and you can be predisposed to a disorder, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will get it.

Monogenetic you can be born with a disease already active in your system, such as CF.
Chromosome disorders you can be born with a disease already active as well, such as Down Syndrome.

I asked you to show me where I wrote cystic fibrosis is a multifactorial disorder.  You failed.  Why?  Because I never wrote that it was.  So two sentences into your last post confirms you didn't understand what you had just read.  With you, it's like that with everything.

After one sentence of this post you confirmed you didn't understand what you read.  If you had understood what I wrote you would know perfectly well why I mentioned cystic fibrosis.

What is the name of the web site you used as a reference?  "Genetics Home Reference" followed by "Your guide to understanding genetic conditions."

So, Mike, why do you think I brought up a genetic condition while I was discussing genetic conditions?  Because it is a genetic condition and that website discusses genetic conditions.  Both, cystic fibrosis and multifactorial disorders genetic conditions are inherited genetic conditions.  I get the impression you don't believe multifactorial disorders are genetic conditions because they are multifactorial.  It seems you have also assumed homosexuality is a multifactorial disorder, but I'm unaware of any evidence which supports that assumption.  It's ironic you claim homosexuality isn't genetic because you assume it is a multifactorial disorder which are genetic disorders.

Autism is a multifactorial genetic disorder.  Can you diagnose a newborn with autism?  No.  Because of the diagnostic criteria needed, it is impossible to diagnose a newborn with autism.  So how can you claim a newborn doesn't have autism when it is impossible to say that they do have autism at that age?  You can't.
(08-27-2015, 07:53 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I asked you to show me where I wrote cystic fibrosis is a multifactorial disorder.  You failed.  Why?  Because I never wrote that it was.  So two sentences into your last post confirms you didn't understand what you had just read.  With you, it's like that with everything.

After one sentence of this post you confirmed you didn't understand what you read.  If you had understood what I wrote you would know perfectly well why I mentioned cystic fibrosis.

What is the name of the web site you used as a reference?  "Genetics Home Reference" followed by "Your guide to understanding genetic conditions."

So, Mike, why do you think I brought up a genetic condition while I was discussing genetic conditions?  Because it is a genetic condition and that website discusses genetic conditions.  Both, cystic fibrosis and multifactorial disorders genetic conditions are inherited genetic conditions.  I get the impression you don't believe multifactorial disorders are genetic conditions because they are multifactorial.  It seems you have also assumed homosexuality is a multifactorial disorder, but I'm unaware of any evidence which supports that assumption.  It's ironic you claim homosexuality isn't genetic because you assume it is a multifactorial disorder which are genetic disorders.

Autism is a multifactorial genetic disorder.  Can you diagnose a newborn with autism?  No.  Because of the diagnostic criteria needed, it is impossible to diagnose a newborn with autism.  So how can you claim a newborn doesn't have autism when it is impossible to say that they do have autism at that age?  You can't.

You were the one that brought up CF (post #372), after I stated that I'm talking only about Multifactorial diseases (post #367). So I figured you seemed to think that CF was a MF disease, since I had already cleared up that I was only referring to MF diseases and then you continue to go on and on about it, when it has no bearing on how MF diseases work.

Now in the event that you were trying to educate me about how monogenetic diseases work, then it's ok cause I already understand that, and didn't post a link about it or talk about it because it's not what we've been talking about in the thread up to that point. Which is why I quickly clarified in post #367 so that the confusion would be minimal.

Knock it off, your websites contained/verified the same damn information that was in my link. I chose that particular one because it was simpler and shorter for people to understand than trying to get them into reading a long boring one.

Again, bringing up CF just confuses the issue of talking about MF diseases. Yes, CF is an inherited genetic disorder, but it doesn't work in the same was as MF diseases do. I know you understand that and how they are different, so no need to go further.

If homosexuality is genetic as many claim, then it only fits into the MF category. Which is my point, that you are not born gay and that some environmental/behavior trigger happens to activate the genes involved as you age. Then again, many disorders can be treated by restoring a semblance of a chemical balance with in the body.

IE Depression, it can be controlled thru various means via medicine and/or psychotherapy. It will always be there in the back of your mind, but you have to learn to over come it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-28-2015, 05:42 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You were the one that brought up CF (post #372), after I stated that I'm talking only about Multifactorial diseases (post #367).

If you had read the reference you would realized the reference brought up cystic fibrosis.  Not me.

Quote:Knock it off, your websites contained/verified the same damn information that was in my link. I chose that particular one because it was simpler and shorter for people to understand than trying to get them into reading a long boring one.
It is the same website.  I included all the information without editing.
Quote:If homosexuality is genetic as many claim, then it only fits into the MF category.
You are so uninformed regarding science you don't even recognized that is an opinion completely unsupported by any evidence.  Without evidence, I am unwilling to rule out other genetic mechanisms of inheritience and how the genotype is expressed as the phenotype.  Even if it is a multifactorial disorder it is still a genetic disorder.

Quote:Which is my point, that you are not born gay and that some environmental/behavior trigger happens to activate the genes involved as you age.
Can you ask a neonate if they are gay?  No.  Can a neonate demonstrate any sort of observable homosexual activity?  No.  So how can you tell if so called homosexuality gene is active or inactive?  You can't.
Remember I told you autism is considered a multifactorial disorder?  It is diagnosed by multiple people making multiple observations in multiple settings of a child's behavior over a period of time compared to "normal" development.  It is impossible to diagnosis a neonate with autism because you can't make the necessary observations needed to make the diagnosis at birth.  However, that doesn't mean the child wasn't born with the disease active.  It means we can't diagnose it at birth. 
One more point which you aren't aware of is the environment includes the mother's womb.  Anything which affects the mother during pregnancy affects the fetus.  So the environmental factor needed to activate a multifactorial disorder can occur while in the womb and the child can be born with the active disease.
Quote:Then again, many disorders can be treated by restoring a semblance of a chemical balance with in the body.

IE Depression, it can be controlled thru various means via medicine and/or psychotherapy. It will always be there in the back of your mind, but you have to learn to over come it.
That is completely 100% pure, unadulterated bullshit.  Many people suffer situational depression after a death in the family, a divorce, a job loss, etc.  They get over it.  But, it is not always in the back of their mind.  You don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about and if I locked you in a closet with a 10 digit grid coordinate and a GPS you wouldn't be able to find a clue.
(08-28-2015, 08:30 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: If you had read the reference you would realized the reference brought up cystic fibrosis.  Not me.

Who posted the reference?
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Wait, how did we get to debating gay genes?
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-28-2015, 11:29 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Wait, how did we get to debating gay genes?

Some people are evidently worried about catching the ghey.

The plan for a so-called "love bomb" envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the military called a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.
(08-28-2015, 11:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Who posted the reference?

He did.

I just read and posted the entire section instead of editing it down to one sentence and presenting it out of context. Kinda like the alien comment which was taken out of context to start this stupid thread.
(08-28-2015, 11:29 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Wait, how did we get to debating gay genes?

Mike M.

Do you really need more of an explanation?
(08-28-2015, 11:39 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Some people are evidently worried about catching the ghey.

The plan for a so-called "love bomb" envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the military called a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.

A blow to morale.  Shocked
(08-29-2015, 12:08 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: A blow to morale.  Shocked

Tongue Well played, sir.  
(08-28-2015, 11:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Who posted the reference?

Of the 3 links that I posted, not a single one of them mentioned CF.

(08-29-2015, 12:01 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: He did.

I just read and posted the entire section instead of editing it down to one sentence and presenting it out of context. Kinda like the alien comment which was taken out of context to start this stupid thread.

No need to add lying to your unimpressive resume on the boards here.

I didn't present anything out of context, I stated MF diseases only and that's what my links referred to.

You're the first that actually posted a link containing references to CF within this thread.
Look it up and take your smugness down a notch or two.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-25-2015, 09:49 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: He means they could share a common etiology and there are other psychiatric disorders you could use in your comparison. However, those other psych disorders don't share the same stigma as pedophilia. You specifically compare pedophilia to homosexuality because of that stigma. Your goal is for people to associate the stigma of pedophilia to homosexuality. But, of course, you already knew this.

(08-26-2015, 12:28 AM)Benton Wrote: In the same way I'd admit liking kidney beans and liking heroin could be related.

Liking the color mauve and liking the taste of ear wax could be related.

Being left handed and be proficient at astrophysics could be related.

Having green eyes and being an alcoholic. They could be related.

Obese? Maybe it's because you have thick cuticles. 

 Because I don't consider any connection outside of the realm of the possibilities doesn't mean I really consider a connection likely.

And that's why I'm brilliant. Why? Because I don't try to draw connections to things that could be related in the same way rocks are related to diamonds or the same way milk is related to mucous. 

 You should have just let oncemoreuntothejimbreech answer for you and left it at that.
 I don't quite understand all the bickering. Both are mental disorders, except that one has victims, the other one is victimless.
Things happen in nature for a reason. Attraction toward the opposite sex results in procreation. So for anyone to suggest that homosexuality is natural or normal is wrong because there is no rhyme or reason for it. Attraction for the same sex is meaningless, it results in nothing, serves no useful purpose in nature.
(09-01-2015, 09:26 AM)Blutarsky Wrote:  I don't quite understand all the bickering. Both are mental disorders, except that one has victims, the other one is victimless.
Things happen in nature for a reason. Attraction toward the opposite sex results in procreation. So for anyone to suggest that homosexuality is natural or normal is wrong because there is no rhyme or reason for it. Attraction for the same sex is meaningless, it results in nothing, serves no useful purpose in nature.

Thank you for scientific and well cited opinion.  Good to know that homosexuality but isn't natural because no one has babies.  I've never heard that argument before.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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