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The Big Lie: Continuing Fallout
(06-24-2021, 10:45 PM)Dill Wrote: Very early, but some signs the U.S. may be turning the corner on The Big Lie. I still see this as the most serious domestic problem in the U.S. right now, given the potential for disrupting legitimate election processes/results in 2022. 1. and 2. below look to place accountability back at the center of fraud debates. 3. may potentially do that.

1. Rudy Giuliani's law license is suspended.
For the reasons that follow, we conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020. These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential
election was stolen from his client. We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law, pending further proceedings before the Attorney Grievance Committee (sometimes AGC
or Committee).

NYT coverage: Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York over bogus election fraud claims

2. Michigan Republicans' Senate Report on 2020 election systematically debunks Trump/GOP claims of election fraud in that state--rigged Dominion machines, dead people voting, ballet harvesting all quashed.

Most significant, though is the recognition that some of those falsely charging fraud were themselves perpetrating a kind of fraud. The Chair, Sen. Edward McBroom, warns: "We must all remember: 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof' and 'claiming to find something extraordinary requires first eliminating the ordinary.' Also, sources must lose credibility when it is shown they promote falsehoods, even more when they never take accountability for those falsehoods (5).

Unfortunately, the recognition of fraudulent fraud claims as such, and the role they played in de-legitimizing the election for many MI voters, won't dissuade MI Republicans from pushing for more restrictive voter laws. And Trump is already attacking the Report as a "cover up" So a number of MI GOP voters may repudiate it.

3. Pelosi announces formation of House committee to probe Jan. 6 insurrection.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday announced the establishment of a new committee to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. "It is imperative that we establish the truth of that day and ensure that an attack of that kind cannot happen and that we root out the causes of it all," the California Democrat told reporters during a briefing. Pelosi earlier this week signaled that she was poised to create the committee after Senate Republicans blocked the creation of an independent probe.

The Senate may block accountability, but the House may step up. If they were able to hold seven Benghazi hearings to produce a giant nothingburger, they should be able to get at least ONE for an insurrection which breached the Capitol at the moment power was to be peacefully transferred.

On the down side, MI and PA are still pushing for "audits" like the one conducted by Cyber Monkeys in AZ. And the Department of Homeland Security has concerns about the NEW conspiracy theory, namely that Trump will be re-instated in August.

Most Republican politicians understood that there was no fraud, that Trump just lost, but they had to play this up for their base. 

The last decade has seen effort after effort aimed at making voting harder and less frequent. The goal is to reduce Democratic voter participation, primarily through enacting policy changes that disproportionately impact minority voters. Inventing a scenario of massive fraud gives justification for these laws, especially since data consistently shows that voter fraud is virtually nonexistent. 

So we won't see Kevin McCarthy saying Trump will be reinstated, but we'll see them claim that this election proved we need voter overhaul to prevent fraud.  
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(06-25-2021, 10:25 PM)Goalpost Wrote: Latest poll from Monmouth, question 31, has a rather large majority...80 percent.

That combines with 69% supporting mail in voting and 71% thinking making voting should be easier.  Mixed messages for sure, but people seem like they want to make voting easier and more accessible while attempting to do things like implement voter ID laws to increase security.  I don't have all the facts, but people supporting ID laws but also supporting mail in voting seems a bit like a conflict of interests.  Either you want people to show  up in person with an ID or you're ok with them just signing their name...can it be both?

The issue is that democrats don't want ID laws and republicans don't want voting to be easier and Trump made a point to really hammer home that mail in voting was rampant with fraud.  Basically, what people want...the two major parties aren't looking to give them and the idea that politicians are going to be able to resist crying "NO FAIR" just because voter ID laws are on the books is hard to swallow. If you can convince voters that communist computers changed votes you're going to be able to convince them that a bunch of liberal politicians printed out and distributed fake IDs.

Another thing to take away is that a mere 14% of respondents will never accept Biden as president.  That just seems like too slim a margin of voters to cater to...they're on Trump's side so if he or any GOP candidate should probably get back to catering to the casuals if they want to win back the white house.  Even 16% of people who think Biden cheated to win want to just move on, so the numbers don't look to be supporting the GOP strategies.  
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(06-25-2021, 11:38 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Most Republican politicians understood that there was no fraud, that Trump just lost, but they had to play this up for their base. 

The best way I can relate to this is how it's fun for me to, when attending a home game of a sports team I like, to intentionally go 150% into booing all the calls that I know aren't bad but that negatively affect my team.  There are few things as fun as knowingly booing the hell out of a completely fair call that goes against your team along with a bunch of people who are as biased as you are.

But yea, admitting that the 2020 election was fair is a deathwish at the moment, just ask Liz Cheney. 

Maybe I'm just a cynic, but both sides can scream that they want fairness all they want, but we know damn well that they're just calling for what will slant the field in their favor. 
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(06-25-2021, 11:38 PM)Nately120 Wrote: That combines with 69% supporting mail in voting and 71% thinking making voting should be easier.  Mixed messages for sure, but people seem like they want to make voting easier and more accessible while attempting to do things like implement voter ID laws to increase security.  I don't have all the facts, but people supporting ID laws but also supporting mail in voting seems a bit like a conflict of interests.  Either you want people to show  up in person with an ID or you're ok with them just signing their name...can it be both?

The issue is that democrats don't want ID laws and republicans don't want voting to be easier and Trump made a point to really hammer home that mail in voting was rampant with fraud.  Basically, what people want...the two major parties aren't looking to give them and the idea that politicians are going to be able to resist crying "NO FAIR" just because voter ID laws are on the books is hard to swallow. If you can convince voters that communist computers changed votes you're going to be able to convince them that a bunch of liberal politicians printed out and distributed fake IDs.

Another thing to take away is that a mere 14% of respondents will never accept Biden as president.  That just seems like too slim a margin of voters to cater to...they're on Trump's side so if he or any GOP candidate should probably get back to catering to the casuals if they want to win back the white house.  Even 16% of people who think Biden cheated to win want to just move on, so the numbers don't look to be supporting the GOP strategies.  

Or it could just be people being more prone to being intrigued by the option of mail in voting due to just having to vote during a pandemic.
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(06-25-2021, 06:37 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Can you give me some examples, or define the bulltet points of this legislation that you feel is designed to restrict voter access?
You're not talking Voter ID and the free water bottles are you?  I'm assuming there must be something else you've seen proposed that is leading you to come to this conclusion.
I'll wait to comment further, just in case there is something I am missing.

Sure, though this list is not exhaustive and links only to individual examples--

One type frequently advanced involves purging voter rolls before elections. E.g. AZ's new law purging voters who have not voted in the last two election cycles. AK, AL and LA have proposed or passed similar laws.
Another involves reducing mail in balloting. Arizona Republicans Push New Laws to Limit Mail Voting.

Still another involves reducing the number of polling sites in heavily populated districts with high Dem turnout.

This WaPo article provides a more comprehensive graphic/visual overview of the new push for voting restrictions. of
I said "voter access," and there are myriad examples of that sort of restriction, but I should have made the stronger claim that in some states, the GOP is pushing legislation enabling them to more directly control the outcome of elections. 

My own state of PA offers one innovative example. The GOP controlled legislature wants to shift election of state supreme court judges from statewide to gerrymandered districts. That should reduce the risk of judges ruling against party wishes, as they did in the 2020 PA election challenges.

The worst measures are those taken in places like Arizona and Georgia, which shift control of election certification from neutral offices to party officials and legislatures.
House Bill 2720 would allow the House, by a majority vote, to revoke the secretary of state’s certification of presidential electors chosen by Arizona voters to cast the state’s electoral college votes.

Remember how relieved Dems were when GA Sec. of State Raffensberger stood up to Trump? Don't count on that happening the next time around.
Georgia's Restrictive New Voting Law Explained: The very worst provisions enable partisan Republicans to seize control of election boards in Democratic Counties.

Under current law, key issues in election management — including decisions on disqualifying ballots and voter eligibility — are made by county boards of election. The new law allows the State Board of Elections to determine that these county boards are performing poorly, replacing the entire board with an administrator chosen at the state level;

At the same time, the bill enhances the General Assembly’s control over the state board.
It removes Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican who famously stood up to Trump’s attempts to overturn the election results in Georgia, from his role as both chair and voting member of the board. The new chair would be appointed by the legislature, which already appoints two members of the five-person board — meaning that a full majority of the board will now be appointed by the Republican-dominated body.

To simplify: The state board, which now will be fully controlled by the Republican legislative majority, is unilaterally empowered to take over (among other things) the process of disqualifying ballots across the state. Given that Georgia Republicans have helped promote false allegations of voter fraud[/url], it’s easy to see why handing them so much power over local election authorities is so worrying.

The greatest area of concern here for Democrats is Fulton County, home to Atlanta and a disproportionate number of Black voters. Republicans have baselessly alleged that this Democratic bastion was a major site of fraud, citing (among other things) a purported video of ballot-stuffing in the county. Though official investigations, court cases, and independent fact-checks found no evidence of such fraud — in the video or otherwise — the myth that it happened persists.

In addition to this nationwide blitzkrieg to make voting harder, one could add the extra legislative issue of re-districting, both at the national and state level. PA is certainly a trouble spot here, but Texas may be a better example.
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(06-26-2021, 08:05 AM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: Or it could just be people being more prone to being intrigued by the option of mail in voting due to just having to vote during a pandemic.

People are supportive of a form of voting Trump said was completely fraudulent and would lead to a rigged election. Wacky. 
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(06-25-2021, 05:55 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Are you speaking for as of right now?
I would argue a more proper and fair equivalent would be what they were, or weren't convinced of at the time of the election, and the months that followed.

There's no way to prove this, or to do this, but I would be willing to bet that the percentage of Republicans in 2021 who think the election was unfair or that fraud occured are almost identical to the Democrats that believed the same in 2017.  

There is a way. We can compare available polls.

E.g.,  yougov poll in Nov. 2016 showed that 58% of Dems thought Trump was "fairly elected." 42% thought the election "rigged" according to the Federalist. Yougov. has taken down the poll though so I cannot get to their wording.  

This needs some sorting. Some Democrats felt the Dem primaries were "rigged" against candidates like Sanders. That's not the same as presuming national elections run by state officials were rigged.

Polling from 2016-17 showed that a number of Democrats (33%) thought that Russian interference affected the election in Trump's favor.
Again, that is not a claim of election "fraud" as in one party stuffing ballots or whatever. And if our intel services are to be believed, there was indeed Russian interference in an election in which razor thin margins gave one candidate an electoral victory. That has never been "debunked."

If we compare past to present, we find that as late as February 4 this year, some 76% percent of Republicans thought the election was rigged--without any substantial proof.

Six months AFTER the election and months of fraud debunking, some 58% of Republicans still believe Dems stole the election from Trump--roughly the number of Dems who believed he was fairly elected in 2016.

So actually the number of Dems who believed Trump fairly elected in Nov. 2016, just shy of 2/3rds,  is about the same as the number of Republicans who still believe Biden stole the elections six months AFTER nov. 2020, just shy of 2/3rds. 
(06-25-2021, 05:55 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote:  I remember just as many idiots back then going nuts as I'm seeing now.  The only difference is the party.  

Wes, I just do NOT get this claim. 

Who was the Dem counterpart of Giuliani, suspended from law practice for pushing the Big Lie to the point it threatened national/election security? 

In how many states did Hillary voters mob buildings during vote counts? 

How many bogus lawsuits did Dem operatives and supporter bring in swing states? 

In how many states did Dems demand--and allow--a 3rd recount by a partisan and unprofessional "cyber monkeys" in contravention of Federal Law? 

7 house members objected to certification of Trump's election in 2017; how is that "just as many idiots" as the 7 senators and 131 house members who objected in 2021--without any basis beyond Trump's word and a conspiracy theory, and while the Capitol was being mobbed. 

Did you see Hillary refuse to concede the election and send a mob of her people to the Capitol to disrupt certification of the election? I did not.

The "only difference" is the party????Say What
(06-25-2021, 05:55 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: There were many prominent democrats who were leading the charge for impeachment due to Russian collusion.  Hillary said that the election was stolen from her, and that Trump was an illigitimate President.  Nadler filed a resolution that started a whole chain of events that called into the question of election integrity. 

Maxine Waters said "get ready for impeachment" some 5 months after the election...

So if you say that the dem base isn't convinced fraud can be demonstated now then you might be correct.  But then?  That's going to be a tough sell.  Why would they go through all that they did if they didn't believe fraud could be proved or found?  Are we pretending all of those hearings didn't occur, all those statements weren't made, all of those news segments didn't happen, or that a ton of voters weren't up in arms about the election results?  Really????

Go through all what?  It was Trump and Republicans who pursued "voter fraud" after 2016, to prove Trump won the popular vote.

No one is "pretending" voters weren't up in arms about election results in 2016--an unfit president who had been calling the election "rigged" months before hand won amidst foreign interference and a questionable FBI call. I'm just not pretending there was back then anything like the current threat to the electoral process and democracy that we are seeing now.

What does the "charge for impeachment," based on Trump's documented abuse of power, have to do with election fraud? I have no idea what Nadler resolution you are referring to.
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(06-25-2021, 03:16 PM)Au165 Wrote: I get your whataboutisim position but like most things it feels disingenuous. Did the election interference the Russians carried out in 2016 damage democracy? The answer is yes because it shook the confidence of the country. She was actually right, we will never know how much it helped Trump but it occurred. There was actually something that occurred then, there is nothing that occurred now, so comparing them as the same thing is nonsensical. Did Abrams or Clinton attempt 60 court cases where they lost each one in regards to their defeat and then STILL claim there was fraud? No, of course they didn't because these situations are nothing alike but you know that.

Hiding behind "both sides do it" is a disingenuous tactic to try to claim neutrality but disregards scale. Life isn't black or white, but when we see people like you play "both sides" you tend to throw away scale and just say A is same as B when no one really believes that it's just a way to try and appear rational and fair. 

Hillary's doubts after CONCEDING the election to Trump are the exact same action as 60 frivolous Trump-driven lawsuits and Trump refusing to concede and sending a mob to the Capitol to insure Pence would do the right thing.  Just a difference in "scale," as you concede.

And if the actions are "the same," then clearly "both sides do it."

Either you believe questioning the integrity of our electoral process damages our democracy or it does not.

Or wait--maybe you just believe, as most people do, that questioning the integrity of our electoral process is necessary and justified when there is evidence of fraud, but NOT when there is no evidence and the goal has become to disrupt the process and open it to manipulation. Forget the false either/or.

No doubt both Hillary and Trump were doing the latter. So both are damaging democracy. Just on a different scale.

Maybe in the future you could fairly criticize BOTH candidates instead of the one you don't like just because he is the actual and continuing threat to democracy. Wink
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I have zero doubt that Scalise and his ilk will do everything in their power moving forward to steal elections.

Zero doubt.


But please, tell me that now that Trump is out of office the Republicans won't bend over for him.

The GOP is the party of Trump.  Plain and simple.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
It's interesting watching Mike Lindell go from being a crack addict to being successful to being addicted to non existent voter fraud. At least when he blew his money on blow he actually got something tangible in return.
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Quote:Trump Claimed Thousands of Dead Voted in Georgia Election, Investigation Found Only Four

Despite former President Donald Trump's claims that thousands of dead voters cast a ballot in Georgia's 2020 presidential election, investigators found that only four absentee ballots were cast in the name of dead Georgia voters.

An investigation conducted by the Georgia attorney general's office, first reported by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, found that just four of the over 4 million ballots cast were signed by a voter who had died, all of them sent by relatives of the deceased.

The number is much smaller than the 5,000 Trump alleged voted in the election during a phone call with state election officials, in which he tried to overturn the results in Georgia.

President Joe Biden won the state with 49.5 percent of the vote, according to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office. Biden's victory in Georgia has also been affirmed by three vote counts.

In his call to Raffensperger and other state officials earlier this year, Trump said, "So dead people voted. And I think the number is close to 5,000 people [in Georgia]."

Raffensperger heads the State Election Board, which referred the cases to the attorney general's office this month for investigation. He has repeatedly rejected Trump's assertions and disputed dozens of allegations that a substantial number of ballots were cast by "dead" voters. The investigation found that almost all of the voters were alive.

"What I tell people is what really happened in Georgia, because we proved that none of that was what happened," Raffensperger said during a recent telephone town hall meeting, according to the Journal-Constitution.

The State Election Board said there will be repercussions for those who cast ballots on behalf of dead relatives, even if they regret doing so.

"Remorse is something we hear a lot, and it's something I appreciate because sometimes we do make these mistakes unknowingly," Anh Le, a member of the State Election Board, said during a meeting earlier this month, according to the Journal-Constitution. "However, the law is what it is."

The board has the authority to issue fines between $100 and $5,000, depending on the violation.
In one instance, a 74-year-old widow submitted an absentee ballot on behalf of her husband, who had died in September 2020.

"He was going to vote Republican, and she said, 'Well, I'm going to cancel your ballot because I'm voting Democrat.' It was kind of a joke between them," an attorney for the widow told the State Election Board, according to the Journal-Constitution. "She received the absentee ballot and carried out his wishes.... She now realizes that was not the thing to do."

The state investigation found that two other ballots were cast by widows on behalf of their recently deceased spouses and that one ballot was cast by a mother for her deceased son, the Journal-Constitution reported.
Newsweek reached out to Trump for comment but did not hear back before publication.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
You can google this yourself and look for a news source you trust, but Mike Lindell claimed that he has evidence to lock up something like 91% of the population of the United States in regards to fraud in the 2020 election.

“It’s so amazing, all the things that we have,” he told conservative news channel Real America’s Voice in an interview that aired on Tuesday. “We have all the pieces of the puzzle. You talk about evidence. We have enough evidence to put everyone in prison for life, 300 and some million people, we have that back all the way to November and December.”

I guess it wouldn't have been crazy enough for him to say everybody who voted for Biden is going to jail, no...he is going to have all democrats, most of the people who voted for Trump, and even a significant portion of our population that is under 18 locked up for life. Dear lord, I almost hope he isn't making this up. Lock us all up.

On a slightly more serious note, it appears like conspiracy theories are like a drug and you need to keep upping the doses to get the same high as your become more and more tolerant of them.
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(01-13-2022, 02:02 PM)Nately120 Wrote: You can google this yourself and look for a news source you trust, but Mike Lindell claimed that he has evidence to lock up something like 91% of the population of the United States in regards to fraud in the 2020 election.

“It’s so amazing, all the things that we have,” he told conservative news channel Real America’s Voice in an interview that aired on Tuesday. “We have all the pieces of the puzzle. You talk about evidence. We have enough evidence to put everyone in prison for life, 300 and some million people, we have that back all the way to November and December.”

I guess it wouldn't have been crazy enough for him to say everybody who voted for Biden is going to jail, no...he is going to have all democrats, most of the people who voted for Trump, and even a significant portion of our population that is under 18 locked up for life.  Dear lord, I almost hope he isn't making this up.  Lock us all up.

On a slightly more serious note, it appears like conspiracy theories are like a drug and you need to keep upping the doses to get the same high as your become more and more tolerant of them.
I think it maybe time for someone to administer the pillow to him as he sleeps. all kidding aside and WTF ?! He is obviously not all there..... but seriously ...what the hell is going on with these idiots day after day? Is he being paid by Trump to continue the lies up to 2024? why is he sooooo far up Trumps ass over a yr later?
(01-13-2022, 02:48 PM)kalibengal Wrote: I think it maybe time for someone to administer the pillow to him as he sleeps. all kidding aside and WTF ?! He is obviously not all there..... but seriously ...what the hell is going on with these idiots day after day? Is he being paid by Trump to continue the lies up to 2024? why is he sooooo far up Trumps ass over a yr later?

Seems to me like he's just replaced his drug addiction with a Trump addiction.  I don't even say that in jest, because he's going down the same path of losing his money, his sanity, his family etc yet again.  I've met people who say things as crazy as he does, but they aren't famous so they don't get to talk to the president or various news networks.

At some point people are going to be digging holes in their yards to find all the hidden Trump votes and/or sex trafficker hideouts.  But this conspiracy stuff is a life-destroying addiction and the people on top make money peddling the life-ruining stuff to people who get miserably hooked on it.
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(01-13-2022, 02:02 PM)Nately120 Wrote: You can google this yourself and look for a news source you trust, but Mike Lindell claimed that he has evidence to lock up something like 91% of the population of the United States in regards to fraud in the 2020 election.

“It’s so amazing, all the things that we have,” he told conservative news channel Real America’s Voice in an interview that aired on Tuesday. “We have all the pieces of the puzzle. You talk about evidence. We have enough evidence to put everyone in prison for life, 300 and some million people, we have that back all the way to November and December.”

I guess it wouldn't have been crazy enough for him to say everybody who voted for Biden is going to jail, no...he is going to have all democrats, most of the people who voted for Trump, and even a significant portion of our population that is under 18 locked up for life.  Dear lord, I almost hope he isn't making this up.  Lock us all up.

On a slightly more serious note, it appears like conspiracy theories are like a drug and you need to keep upping the doses to get the same high as your become more and more tolerant of them.

Well he knows the people who listen to his drivel aren't going to know the rough population of the US. They're also not going to know that 300 million people didn't cast votes. They're going to hear a big number and be like 'oh hell yeah'. **** suckers like Lindell have a voice because folks not known for their critical thinking skills are amplifying his nonsense.
(01-14-2022, 09:51 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Well he knows the people who listen to his drivel aren't going to know the rough population of the US. They're also not going to know that 300 million people didn't cast votes. They're going to hear a big number and be like 'oh hell yeah'. **** suckers like Lindell have a voice because folks not known for their critical thinking skills are amplifying his nonsense.

If you follow the money and his past actions it's hard to see Lindell as being in on the grift.  Seems more like he's the biggest victim of it, in a sense. 
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(01-14-2022, 10:15 AM)Nately120 Wrote: If you follow the money and his past actions it's hard to see Lindell as being in on the grift.  Seems more like he's the biggest victim of it, in a sense. 

Cocaine does rot the brain after extended use. But that makes him as much a victim as anyone else not born addicted; as such I have zero sympathy for him.
Now that Oath Keeper members have been charged with Seditious Conspiracy, that means anyone who aided them is in the cross hairs of the DOJ for the conspiracy. Lots of potential communication between the Oath Keepers and politicians as well as Trump inner circle members to look at.
(01-14-2022, 04:18 PM)Au165 Wrote: Now that Oath Keeper members have been charged with Seditious Conspiracy, that means anyone who aided them is in the cross hairs of the DOJ for the conspiracy. Lots of potential communication between the Oath Keepers and politicians as well as Trump inner circle members to look at.

The seditious conspiracy charges should also shut up all of those being like "it wasn't an [attempted] insurrection." I know it won't, but it should.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(01-14-2022, 04:18 PM)Au165 Wrote: Now that Oath Keeper members have been charged with Seditious Conspiracy, that means anyone who aided them is in the cross hairs of the DOJ for the conspiracy. Lots of potential communication between the Oath Keepers and politicians as well as Trump inner circle members to look at.

(01-14-2022, 04:52 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The seditious conspiracy charges should also shut up all of those being like "it wasn't an [attempted] insurrection." I know it won't, but it should.

It won't because it's Biden's DOJ doing the prosecution.  Many people will interpret it as a partisan witch hunt or, even better, an attempt to suppress political enemies.  In that regard these charges are only significant to those facing them.  

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