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The Fallacy of White Privilege
(11-01-2016, 06:21 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Observer B posts a study that shows whites tip cabbies more handsomely than blacks; therefore, Observer B states the reason for the variance is because of propensity to tip instead of skin pigment.

But it is not based on rate of tipping because the cabbie has no idea how much the person he picks up will tip.

Instead it is based on the color of the skin.  White people receive a privilege (picked up more often) even if they tip zero based solely on the color of their skin.  

So now that we agree that a white privilege exists can we move on to the issue that everyone still refuses to address.  .  .  .  .  .

Is it okay to treat all men like criminals because they belong to the most criminally violent demographic in the United States?
(11-01-2016, 07:01 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Huzzah for random things said by my friends occasionally getting stored in my memory to be pulled out at random times.

Way to leap right over the meta-point here Lenny.
(11-01-2016, 07:08 PM)fredtoast Wrote: But it is not based on rate of tipping because the cabbie has no idea how much the person he picks up will tip.

Instead it is based on the color of the skin.  White people receive a privilege (picked up more often) even if they tip zero based solely on the color of their skin.  

So now that we agree that a white privilege exists can we move on to the issue that everyone still refuses to address.  .  .  .  .  .

Is it okay to treat all men like criminals because they belong to the most criminally violent demographic in the United States?

There comes that point when you realize that you are playing chess with a pigeon.
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(11-01-2016, 09:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There comes that point when you realize that you are playing chess with a pigeon.

And losing.

And, again.  .  .  .  .  

Is it okay to treat all men like criminals because they belong to the most criminally violent demographic in the United States?
(11-01-2016, 09:20 PM)fredtoast Wrote: And losing.

[Image: 1559854_706303186124054_1860253091_n.jpg]
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-01-2016, 04:34 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Everyone agrees that the study showed a privilege for white men over black men.  It proves white privilege.  

One study does not prove anything. Again, you are putting forth that if someone is given an advantage due to the color of their skin, then they are to be considered privileged. When before this term was floated years ago, we all agreed that it was called racism. The person who receives the advantage is not privileged. The person who gave them the advantage was racist. 
(11-02-2016, 06:49 PM)Beaker Wrote: The person who receives the advantage is not privileged. 

This is getting absurd.

You can't just ignore the clear definition of words.

An "advantage" is a "privilege".  And you agree that it exists.

"Racism" is different from "privilege" because minorities can be racists, but they don't have enough power or control to create a privilege through their racism.

Seriously, you can't just make up some argument by trying to say that words do not mean what they clearly mean.
(11-02-2016, 06:49 PM)Beaker Wrote: One study does not prove anything. 

How about if I list a dozen?
(11-03-2016, 06:52 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This is getting absurd.

You can't just ignore the clear definition of words.

An "advantage" is a "privilege".  And you agree that it exists.

"Racism" is different from "privilege" because minorities can be racists, but they don't have enough power or control to create a privilege through their racism.

Seriously, you can't just make up some argument by trying to say that words do not mean what they clearly mean.

Youre right, it is getting absurd. You keep claiming an advantage given is a privilege, and that only whites can be privileged. 

If an advantage is a privilege, then whoever receives that advantage is the privileged party. If the advantage is based solely upon skin color, then the advantage giver is racist for having given the advantage based solely upon that criteria. You cannot change the meaning of racism just because it doesn't assert your false claim.

And claiming minorities have no power is borderline racist too. Its thought processes like yours that are holding back race relations, not helping heal them. You are simply being more divisive.
(11-06-2016, 11:47 AM)Beaker Wrote: If an advantage is a privilege, then whoever receives that advantage is the privileged party. If the advantage is based solely upon skin color, then the advantage giver is racist for having given the advantage based solely upon that criteria. You cannot change the meaning of racism just because it doesn't assert your false claim.

Racism can exist without creating a privilege.  "Racism" and "privilege" are two different words with two different meanings.

That is the truth.  There is nothing false about it.  

And I can't really believe that you are so stupid to not see the difference.  So let me see if you are trolling or serious.  Answer these questions.

Do you think the slaves in the south in the 1800's held racists beliefs about their owners?  

I "racism" and "privilege" are the exact same thing then what privilege did these slaves enjoy because of their racists beliefs?

(11-06-2016, 11:47 AM)Beaker Wrote: And claiming minorities have no power is borderline racist too. Its thought processes like yours that are holding back race relations, not helping heal them. You are simply being more divisive.

I am not being.decisive by stating the truth.  People like you who deny the existence of "white privilege" are the ones denying the truth.  Your denial is insulting to every single minority that can see the truth.  Minorities see white people get special privilege because of their skin color and then hear white people claim "We don't get any special treatment." or even worse "We get treated better but that is only because we are the superior race."
(11-06-2016, 12:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Racism can exist without creating a privilege.  "Racism" and "privilege" are two different words with two different meanings.
I agree they are two different things. Therefore, the person giving any advantage based upon skin color is being racist. 
(11-06-2016, 12:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I am not being.decisive by stating the truth.  People like you who deny the existence of "white privilege" are the ones denying the truth.  Your denial is insulting to every single minority that can see the truth.  Minorities see white people get special privilege because of their skin color and then hear white people claim "We don't get any special treatment." or even worse "We get treated better but that is only because we are the superior race."

Oh yeah, we get special privileges. Like being openly proud of our race without being called a racist. Or how about getting a student loan simply based on the color of our skin? Or getting accepted to a college based on the color of our skin. Or how about getting a job simply based on the color of our skin? How about getting a whole bunch of tests thrown out because not enough people with my skin color passed? Or the ability to use ethnic slurs publicly without any  negative consequences?

There is NO such thing as white privilege because there is no privilege that ALL whites enjoy. Any example you have given of white privilege has only been examples of racism. And, as beaker has pointed out, it is YOU that is insulting to minorities; by continuing to perpetuate the myth of white privilege, you continue to push them down and keep them from achieving anything their hearts desire.
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(11-11-2016, 12:52 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Oh yeah, we get special privileges. Like being openly proud of our race without being called a racist.

Where did you get this claim?  From Stormfront?  Because I don't know of anyone other than a white supremacists wants to glorify the Confederacy who would make such a claim.  Every year millions of white people all across america have festivals to celebrate their heritage and white European ancestors without ever being called racist.

This is probably the saddest attempt I have ever seen by a white guy to try and play his "white race" victim card.

(11-11-2016, 12:52 PM)PhilHos Wrote:  Or getting accepted to a college based on the color of our skin.

Colleges claim that a racially diverse student population leads to a more complete educational experience for ALL students.  To accomplish this they guarantee that there are BOTH white and black students and white students benefit from from the diversity.  Currently whites still comprise a large majority of college admissions equal to their representation in the general population.

(11-11-2016, 12:52 PM)PhilHos Wrote:  Or how about getting a job simply based on the color of our skin?

Where exactly can a person get a job based "simply on the color of his skin"?  Nowhere.  This is another lie perpetuated by white supremacists.
(11-11-2016, 12:52 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Or the ability to use ethnic slurs publicly without any negative consequences?

What type of people cry about not being able to call black people niggers?   That's right, white supremacists.
Plus, black people who use racial slurs against other races are also subject to "negative consequences".  What makes you think that they are not?  All of us white people benefit from the lack of racial profiling against white people by law enforcement.

(11-11-2016, 12:52 PM)PhilHos Wrote: There is NO such thing as white privilege because there is no privilege that ALL whites enjoy. 

Wrong.  You are not allowed to just make up your own definitions.  There are clearly privileges out there available to all white people. 

(11-11-2016, 12:52 PM)PhilHos Wrote:  And, as beaker has pointed out, it is YOU that is insulting to minorities; by continuing to perpetuate the myth of white privilege, you continue to push them down and keep them from achieving anything their hearts desire.

  I'll let either you or Beaker explain how I am damaging black people by stating the truth.  I have never said that minorities can not advance in our society.  i have put no limits on what they can do.  I have not said that their abilities are not equal to white people.  all i have said is that white people have a privilege that they do not enjoy.  So how exactly does that "push them down and keep them from achieving anything their heart desires.
This is just another false argument straight from the white supremacists handbook with no logic or facts to back it up.
(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Where did you get this claim?  From Stormfront?  Because I don't know of anyone other than a white supremacists wants to glorify the Confederacy who would make such a claim. 

And thank you for proving my point. If you're white and want to be proud of your race, you're a white supremacist that wants to glorify the Confederacy.  ThumbsUp  

(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Colleges claim that a racially diverse student population leads to a more complete educational experience for ALL students.  To accomplish this they guarantee that there are BOTH white and black students and white students benefit from from the diversity.  Currently whites still comprise a large majority of college admissions equal to their representation in the general population.

Where exactly can a person get a job based "simply on the color of his skin"?  Nowhere.  This is another lie perpetuated by white supremacists.
Sooooooooooooo, there's no such thing as affirmative action programs? Huh. And here I thought they still existed. Well, it's good to know they no longer exist.
(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: What type of people cry about not being able to call black people niggers?   That's right, white supremacists.
Doesn't matter. The fact that blacks and hispanics can be racist to whites but whites can't be racist to them is a "privilege" that people of color share that whites do not.
(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Plus, black people who use racial slurs against other races are also subject to "negative consequences".  

Against other races but whites maybe, but not against whites.
(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: All of us white people benefit from the lack of racial profiling against white people by law enforcement.

False. I earlier linked to an article where a white person was the subject of racial profiling in a predominantly black neighborhood and she wasn't the only one.
(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Wrong.  You are not allowed to just make up your own definitions.  There are clearly privileges out there available to all white people. 

You claim I'm making up definitions but then go on to say that there ARE privileges that all white people enjoy. Pick an argument and stick to it.
First, a privilege is defined as "a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people." So, if you defined said privilege as "white" privilege, than that "special right, advantage, or immunity" is granted to all whites. If not, then you are incorrectly labeling said privileges as belonging to whites. And, as I've already demonstrated, not all white people benefit from "white privilege". Ergo, ipso facto, e pluribus unum, there is no such thing as white privilege.

(11-16-2016, 05:49 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I'll let either you or Beaker explain how I am damaging black people by stating the truth.  I have never said that minorities can not advance in our society.  i have put no limits on what they can do.  I have not said that their abilities are not equal to white people.  all i have said is that white people have a privilege that they do not enjoy.  So how exactly does that "push them down and keep them from achieving anything their heart desires.
This is just another false argument straight from the white supremacists handbook with no logic or facts to back it up.

You are promoting a false narrative whose only purpose is to keep them down. By telling them that it's whitey's fault they can't get ahead and that whitey needs to "check his privilege", you're telling them they can't and don't need to do anything to overcome obstacles in their lives. This causes them to become stagnant get nowhere in life. If you want people to become successful, you don't tell them that their problems are the fault of someone else and that other people need to change. Which runner has the better chance of succeeding in a footrace: the one who spends all his time telling the other runners not to run so fast or the one who spends all his time training and bettering himself?
But, hey, if you want to keep calling me a racist and/or white supremacist, go right ahead. Apparently, that's the only weapon you've got in your arsenal because the facts just don't back you up.
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Came across this video today, thought I'd share it.

Yes, I know Rebel Media is an unabashedly conservative channel, however, this dude does cite sources AND he doesn't call those that disagree with him black supremacists or whatever. ThumbsUp
[Image: giphy.gif]
(11-16-2016, 11:20 AM)PhilHos Wrote: And thank you for proving my point. If you're white and want to be proud of your race, you're a white supremacist that wants to glorify the Confederacy.  ThumbsUp  

Educate yourself.

Everywhere across America there are festivals held by white people to celebrate their Irish, German, Greek, English, etc heritage.  None of them are accused of racism.

The only problem with "white pride" is when it is symbolized by a Confederate flag or a swastika.  
(11-16-2016, 11:20 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Sooooooooooooo, there's no such thing as affirmative action programs? Huh. And here I thought they still existed. Well, it's good to know they no longer exist.

Yers therec are affirmative action programs.  But in order to get a job through affirmative action you still have to be qualified for the job.  There is not place that a black person can walk in a get a job just because he is black.  It is insulting to suggest that people who get jobs through affirmative action are not qualified for the job they get.
(11-16-2016, 11:20 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Doesn't matter. The fact that blacks and hispanics can be racist to whites but whites can't be racist to them is a "privilege" that people of color share that whites do not.

Please give me an example of blacks or hispanics being allowed to be "racists to whites" without suffering the same consequences as white who are racists to minorities.
(11-16-2016, 11:20 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Against other races but whites maybe, but not against whites.

This is just a complete lie.

A black person who uses a racial slur against a whoite person is just as likely to get beaten up or ostricized as the other way around.

Please give me an example to back up your claim.
(11-16-2016, 11:20 AM)PhilHos Wrote: First, a privilege is defined as "a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people." So, if you defined said privilege as "white" privilege, than that "special right, advantage, or immunity" is granted to all whites. If not, then you are incorrectly labeling said privileges as belonging to whites. And, as I've already demonstrated, not all white people benefit from "white privilege". Ergo, ipso facto, e pluribus unum, there is no such thing as white privilege.

1.  Your definition includes the word "available".  So by your own definition not all white people have to benefit.  All that matters is that the benefit is available to all white people.

2.  I missed where you demonstrated how all white people did not benefit from "white privilege".  I guarantee that you have never been stopped, detained, or searched by the police just because you are white.  You have never been denied a job interview because you are white.  You have never been denied a housing opportunity because you are white.

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