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The Fight Against Fascists (I Can't Believe This Exists)
(06-15-2021, 07:40 AM)Dill Wrote: Would you vote for a presidential candidate who called people names because they disagreed with his politics?

Seems like that sort of candidate would amplify the problem by normalizing it. 

If s/he won, it would mean a party of millions of people accepted that behavior. 

You mean... like ALL of them lol. That is a small part of why I really cant stand democrats or republicans or politics in general and no I dont vote in presidential elections but I vote local. I've said that before on here. Big politics and their media has become so divisive it causes more harm than good. Obama, Hillary, Biden, same thing as Trump. Biden has made so many racist statements during his 50 years of being a politician its unreal. Our current VP was chosen because of damage control after Biden said "if you dont vote for me you aint black". It's not just Trump and his basket of deplorable's. Its a lot of them, and the worst ones seem to make it the furthest. 
(06-15-2021, 08:04 AM)Dill Wrote: What is your source for 1,000 cases out of over a billion votes? I am wondering if it includes election fraud.

You keep referring to evidence of voter fraud in the last election--but you don't acknowledge that so far all claims which have been adjudicated have not been sustained by evidence. Are there new claims whose status is any different? Links?

States all just stopped counting at the same time?? No idea what you are referring to. I watch tv too and saw final results coming in at different times.

What "never happened before" is that we had a POTUS, along with other state party officials, calling swing states to arm-twist election officials to produce the right vote count. Yet you don't seem concerned that a group willing to use their power illegally might be deploying "election fraud" as yet another tactic to undermine fair elections.

You seem to have a narrow definition of "election integrity" here. It only appears to include the kinds of "fraud" which are statistically miniscule and don't really skew elections. Like how many fraudulent votes out of a billion? 1 per million?

But it ignores the threat to election integrity created by voter id laws which target certain demographics with access hardship, and voter purges timed just before elections, and laws in Red states which can turn election certification over to Republican legislatures if there is a "question" about election results.

What about the threat to integrity created by illegal recounts with no bipartisan controls and transparency? 

You have not answered my question about Trump's repeated--and repeatedly debunked--claims of election fraud. Why do millions of Trump Republican voters, and "independents" like yourself, think every new conspiracy proposed by the Trump party is worthy of yet another recount--only this time under partisan circumstances? 

It's as if the term "election fraud" is becoming a synonym for "any free and fair election won by a Democrat," because that it what Republican election fraud legislation is now designed to prevent. 

I posted my source. Nearly 1000 since 1979 and keep in mind those are just the ones who got caught. Thats definitely not all of them because a lot of them cheat. I know there are some good ones out there, on both sides, but not nearly as many as needed. 

I'm not a Trump supporter, or a Obama/Hillary/Biden supporter. I'm an America supporter and all of the people in it. I want to see people look beyond the divisive nature of modern politics and get along. I would like to see the left and right unite to hold politicians accountable and get some things done that we can all agree on. There are more of those things than people think. Snowflakes and deplorables have more in common than ppl might think lol.
(06-15-2021, 12:25 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Some people consider it very presidential FYI.

Lol I reckon you may be right. I dont though. I dont even know what "presidential" is anymore. They all have sucked for a long time if you ask me, but its also the media ad how they spin things to divide people. That could be even worse. 
(06-15-2021, 11:03 AM)bengaloo Wrote: You mean... like ALL of them lol. That is a small part of why I really cant stand democrats or republicans or politics in general and no I dont vote in presidential elections but I vote local. I've said that before on here. Big politics and their media has become so divisive it causes more harm than good. Obama, Hillary, Biden, same thing as Trump. Biden has made so many racist statements during his 50 years of being a politician its unreal. Our current VP was chosen because of damage control after Biden said "if you dont vote for me you aint black". It's not just Trump and his basket of deplorable's. Its a lot of them, and the worst ones seem to make it the furthest. 

I'm frying other fish at the moment, but I cannot resist quick response to the bolded equivalence.

When Obama was running against Hillary in the 2008 primary, he did not call her "crooked Hillary," nor did he call the news media "fake news, nor did he call Biden "Crazy Joe/China Joe/Sleepy Creepy Joe." Why are you lumping him in with someone who called people names--especially other politicians--every day of his presidency? "Shifty Schiff"? "Pocahantas"? "low-IQ Maxine Waters"? "Low-energy Jeb" and "Little Marco"? There is now a Wikipedia page devoted solely to the names Trump called others.

Biden is someone who has generally fought for civil rights, walked the walk, and that is why so many Black voters chose him over Trump. Saying "you ain't black" was not "racism." It was an ironic, slang reference suggesting people who voted for Trump would be voting against their own interests by voting for someone who was racist. Every reference to race is not "racist."  Trump on the other hand insulted civil rights leaders and policies with abandon, called Mexican immigrants "rapists," called COVID the "China virus," wanted to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., told sitting Representatives of color to "go back to their countries"--that is all classic right wing stereotyping and scapegoating.

"Big politics and media" has not simply "become" divisive. Division and name calling have been an explicit tactic of the Republican right since 1996. When you lump both parties and all politicians together, the origins and causes of this divisiveness are hidden, not to mention what forces they really serve.

You still aren't answering my questions about Trump's repeatedly debunked claims of election fraud. The question fits with my comments above in that it speaks to how we vet politicians. 

Why is it that this one person, whose lies in most every arena of government have been exposed, along with attempts to misuse the powers of his office to punish enemies and nullify an election, still commands credibility for so many--including those claiming they are "independent" of party?  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-16-2021, 03:54 PM)Dill Wrote: Biden is someone who has generally fought for civil rights, walked the walk, and that is why so many Black voters chose him over Trump. Saying "you ain't black" was not "racism." It was an ironic, slang reference suggesting people who voted for Trump would be voting against their own interests by voting for someone who was racist.

Yeah, we shouldn't try to polish this turd. What Biden said in that moment was extremely problematic and was, most definitely, a racist comment. You're overall point is accurate, there has been no one in modern politics in the US that is on par with Trump on all of this, but don't try to excuse that comment from Biden.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-16-2021, 04:08 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Yeah, we shouldn't try to polish this turd. What Biden said in that moment was extremely problematic and was, most definitely, a racist comment. You're overall point is accurate, there has been no one in modern politics in the US that is on par with Trump on all of this, but don't try to excuse that comment from Biden.

I think the statement was bad judgment; Biden has a history of gaffes, and it cannot be denied and this was one. 

But I am not clear on how it is "racist," as it doesn't seem to imply one race is better than another. As I understand it, he was implying someone who voted for Trump over him would be voting for a representative of the tradition which has traditionally denied the goals of civil rights/Black politics in the U.S. So in effect he was using a cultural meme to question the identity and cultural "authenticity" of black voters who, from his perspective, were voting against the interests of Blacks as a group in the U.S. And he was speaking from a political platform which set the further advance of civil rights as a goal. 

I think it is not "racist" to advance such goals, whereas it may indeed be racist to obstruct or mock them. Were I working to portray the statement as racist, then the best I could probably do is claim Joe was "speaking for" Blacks and implying they couldn't determine their own interests without help from whitey or some such. I.e., whites are better. But I think that's a stretch. Same for his comment "They want to keep you in chains," also frequently cited as evidence of Biden racism.  

So I don't think I am "excusing" Biden's statement, not disputing it was a serious gaff and showed bad judgment. Rather I am saying it cannot set up some baseline equivalence with Trump's reference to "shithole countries" or the "great genes theory."  It does not at all establish some equality between Biden and Trump on the issue of race and civil rights in the U.S. It does not make Biden "racist too" in the sense Trump is racist, and perhaps the greatest mocker of minorities since Nixon.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-16-2021, 04:32 PM)Dill Wrote: But I am not clear on how it is "racist," as it doesn't seem to imply one race is better than another.

How about this one?

"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."

Or this one...

"You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That’s in reference to President Obama.)

Or this one...

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.

Or this one...

“In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Or this one...

"I don't want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle."  (On school intergration in the 1970's)

If you're a big fan of Joe Biden then that's fine.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend we can't find controversial quotes from any number of politicians.  But to pretend like he won the black vote because he's been some huge force in the civil rights movement is absurd.  He won the black vote because of his party.
(06-16-2021, 04:51 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: How about this one?

"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."

Or this one...

"You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That’s in reference to President Obama.)

Or this one...

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.

Or this one...

“In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Or this one...

"I don't want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle."  (On school intergration in the 1970's)

If you're a big fan of Joe Biden then that's fine.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend we can't find controversial quotes from any number of politicians.  But to pretend like he won the black vote because he's been some huge force in the civil rights movement is absurd.  He won the black vote because of his party.

Biden has shown more racism in his remarks than anyone in modern politics. 

I wasnt a fan of Trump calling people names, but they were attacking him relentlessly non-stop for 4 years to the point that they drove more people away from them than Trump drove away from himself. Thats another reason I think the election needs audited. Every person of color I know switched to Trump this past year. And I mean it, every black and hispanic person I know (and I come from a very large multi-racial family with lots of friends), voted Trump, and none of them will vote Democrat ever again is what they are saying. I expect a shift more in that direction in the future after years and years of democrats failing the black communities, especially in inner cities.

In fact, what is the democrat platform these days? Penis and vagina are anti-science lol? Does Biden have a platform at all? I mean with Trump everyone knew his platform. Maga, build the wall, energy independent, bring manufacturing back, no more wars, which he did a great job of not getting us into any new wars. Waaaay better than expected and he does deserve credit for that. But what did Joe Biden campaign on this past election though? I really havent found anyone who could give a decent answer to that yet. I dont think there is an answer to that lol. It was "orange man bad'. Thats all.
(06-16-2021, 04:32 PM)Dill Wrote: I think the statement was bad judgment; Biden has a history of gaffes, and it cannot be denied and this was one. 

But I am not clear on how it is "racist," as it doesn't seem to imply one race is better than another. As I understand it, he was implying someone who voted for Trump over him would be voting for a representative of the tradition which has traditionally denied the goals of civil rights/Black politics in the U.S. So in effect he was using a cultural meme to question the identity and cultural "authenticity" of black voters who, from his perspective, were voting against the interests of Blacks as a group in the U.S. And he was speaking from a political platform which set the further advance of civil rights as a goal. 

I think it is not "racist" to advance such goals, whereas it may indeed be racist to obstruct or mock them. Were I working to portray the statement as racist, then the best I could probably do is claim Joe was "speaking for" Blacks and implying they couldn't determine their own interests without help from whitey or some such. I.e., whites are better. But I think that's a stretch. Same for his comment "They want to keep you in chains," also frequently cited as evidence of Biden racism.  

So I don't think I am "excusing" Biden's statement, not disputing it was a serious gaff and showed bad judgment. Rather I am saying it cannot set up some baseline equivalence with Trump's reference to "shithole countries" or the "great genes theory."  It does not at all establish some equality between Biden and Trump on the issue of race and civil rights in the U.S. It does not make Biden "racist too" in the sense Trump is racist, and perhaps the greatest mocker of minorities since Nixon.

What some of my colleagues that are well versed in CRT have done to explain it is that a white person saying anything about the blackness of a member of the African American community is in itself an example of the white supremacy institutions in this country. It is 100% an example of racism. I would agree with you on many things in this argument, but trying to say that statement was not racist is not one of them.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-16-2021, 07:23 PM)bengaloo Wrote: Biden has shown more racism in his remarks than anyone in modern politics. 

I wasnt a fan of Trump calling people names, but they were attacking him relentlessly non-stop for 4 years to the point that they drove more people away from them than Trump drove away from himself. Thats another reason I think the election needs audited. Every person of color I know switched to Trump this past year. And I mean it, every black and hispanic person I know (and I come from a very large multi-racial family with lots of friends), voted Trump, and none of them will vote Democrat ever again is what they are saying. I expect a shift more in that direction in the future after years and years of democrats failing the black communities, especially in inner cities.

In fact, what is the democrat platform these days? Penis and vagina are anti-science lol? Does Biden have a platform at all? I mean with Trump everyone knew his platform. Maga, build the wall, energy independent, bring manufacturing back, no more wars, which he did a great job of not getting us into any new wars. Waaaay better than expected and he does deserve credit for that. But what did Joe Biden campaign on this past election though? I really havent found anyone who could give a decent answer to that yet. I dont think there is an answer to that lol. It was "orange man bad'. Thats all.

[Image: 3bIi.gif]
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-16-2021, 04:51 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: If you're a big fan of Joe Biden then that's fine.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend we can't find controversial quotes from any number of politicians.  But to pretend like he won the black vote because he's been some huge force in the civil rights movement is absurd.  He won the black vote because of his party.

He did do some good things on the side of civil rights, and he has a lot of support from black political leaders for that. That being said, there were some definite grumblings about Biden and he has a lot of work to do to regain some trust.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-16-2021, 04:51 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: How about this one?

"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."

Or this one...

"You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That’s in reference to President Obama.)

Or this one...

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.

Or this one...

“In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Or this one...

"I don't want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle."  (On school intergration in the 1970's)

If you're a big fan of Joe Biden then that's fine.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend we can't find controversial quotes from any number of politicians.  But to pretend like he won the black vote because he's been some huge force in the civil rights movement is absurd.  He won the black vote because of his party.

Well. The first quote is a Biden gaffe, he just misspoke and imho there's nothing more to read into it. The second one sure deserves critizism, though I doubt the racist intent. The third one, however, I got what he wanted to say and it's something quite true, that hispanics as a whole cover a way larger political spectrum from left to right. The fourth one, yeah, worthy of critizism again, but again more for bad phrasing than bad intent. The fifth one is truly bad, for sure, there are bad quotes of him and there's no denying that.

But overall? It's the black community that played the deciding part in Biden getting the nomination in the first place. Most of the alleged racism victims don't seem to consider him a racist. In that sense, I find it hard to be more appalled than the demographic that would have most reason to be if Biden really came across as such.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-17-2021, 07:17 AM)hollodero Wrote: But overall? It's the black community that played the deciding part in Biden getting the nomination in the first place. Most of the alleged racism victims don't seem to consider him a racist. In that sense, I find it hard to be more appalled than the demographic that would have most reason to be if Biden really came across as such.

This is the primary thing. Biden is gaffe prone, but he has also been a part of a system that has been set up against black people in this country for generations. There is little doubt he will have some questionable things with regards to race going for him. However, taking that into account, many leaders in the black community know him to be someone they can count on when they need him and he will be someone sympathetic to their concerns. He has been a known quantity in that regard for a long time and has voted in that manner.

He certainly isn't perfect by any means, but black politicians and other community leaders know that he is on their side. The same can't be said for many white politicians, and it certainly couldn't be said for Trump. Biden's statements are one thing, but how he has voted over the years are another. In addition to that, him spending eight years as second fiddle to the nation's first black president is something that cannot be undervalued. Spending eight years serving a younger, black president and not undermining him or showing resentment speaks volumes about his attitudes with regards to race.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-17-2021, 08:01 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: This is the primary thing. Biden is gaffe prone, but he has also been a part of a system that has been set up against black people in this country for generations. There is little doubt he will have some questionable things with regards to race going for him. However, taking that into account, many leaders in the black community know him to be someone they can count on when they need him and he will be someone sympathetic to their concerns. He has been a known quantity in that regard for a long time and has voted in that manner.

He certainly isn't perfect by any means, but black politicians and other community leaders know that he is on their side. The same can't be said for many white politicians, and it certainly couldn't be said for Trump. Biden's statements are one thing, but how he has voted over the years are another. In addition to that, him spending eight years as second fiddle to the nation's first black president is something that cannot be undervalued. Spending eight years serving a younger, black president and not undermining him or showing resentment speaks volumes about his attitudes with regards to race.

This ThumbsUp

Well said.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-17-2021, 07:17 AM)hollodero Wrote: Well. The first quote is a Biden gaffe, he just misspoke and imho there's nothing more to read into it. The second one sure deserves critizism, though I doubt the racist intent. The third one, however, I got what he wanted to say and it's something quite true, that hispanics as a whole cover a way larger political spectrum from left to right. The fourth one, yeah, worthy of critizism again, but again more for bad phrasing than bad intent. The fifth one is truly bad, for sure, there are bad quotes of him and there's no denying that.

But overall? It's the black community that played the deciding part in Biden getting the nomination in the first place. Most of the alleged racism victims don't seem to consider him a racist. In that sense, I find it hard to be more appalled than the demographic that would have most reason to be if Biden really came across as such.

Also well said.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-16-2021, 04:51 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: How about this one?
"Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."
Or this one...
"You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That’s in reference to President Obama.)
Or this one...
“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.
Or this one...
“In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
Or this one...
"I don't want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle."  (On school intergration in the 1970's)
If you're a big fan of Joe Biden then that's fine.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend we can't find controversial quotes from any number of politicians.  But to pretend like he won the black vote because he's been some huge force in the civil rights movement is absurd.  He won the black vote because of his party.

Easy Wes, the "goal" here is not to "pretend we can't find controversial quotes from any number of politicians." The question I was addressing was Bengaloo's equivalence of Obama, Hillary and Biden with Trump. That isn't established by a list of Biden race gaffes. 

Also, the contention is not that Biden has been a "huge force" in civil rights, but that, as his voting record shows, he has been a reliable partner in the struggle.* (Bels post states that connection much better than I have.) Trump was definitely NOT going to be that hoped for reliable partner. Because Trump is not the same as all the rest. "His [Biden's] party" is not separate from its record, and its record, in part, is the record of Biden votes and policies and support for the first Black president. Had he, instead, helped Trump spread the birther lie, he'd have not had their overwhelming support regardless of party. 

And Hollo's post also makes a very important point. Whatever they think of Uncle Joe's "racism," the vast majority of U.S. Black voters do NOT see an equivalence between Obama, Hillary, and Biden, on the one hand, and Trump on the other. They are not somehow the same because Hillary once called a portion of Trump voters (e.g., the alt right and others who celebrate his incivility and scapegoating of minorities) "deplorables." Or Biden called Obama "articulate and clean." 

*Except for that anti-busing interlude in the '70s.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-16-2021, 08:39 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: [Image: 3bIi.gif]
You mean Victoria's Secret ditching hot women models for fat, gay and transgender people?  Whoa boy, cant wait for that lingerie runway show.  Enjoy the wokeness!  lmfao!!!! Their new catch phrase can be "getting woke to go broke".

Bengaloo was correct by the way and Wokeness is insanely idiotic and it cannot end soon enough.
(06-16-2021, 07:23 PM)bengaloo Wrote: Biden has shown more racism in his remarks than anyone in modern politics. 

I wasnt a fan of Trump calling people names, but they were attacking him relentlessly non-stop for 4 years to the point that they drove more people away from them than Trump drove away from himself. Thats another reason I think the election needs audited. Every person of color I know switched to Trump this past year. And I mean it, every black and hispanic person I know (and I come from a very large multi-racial family with lots of friends), voted Trump, and none of them will vote Democrat ever again is what they are saying. I expect a shift more in that direction in the future after years and years of democrats failing the black communities, especially in inner cities.

In fact, what is the democrat platform these days? Penis and vagina are anti-science lol? Does Biden have a platform at all? I mean with Trump everyone knew his platform. Maga, build the wall, energy independent, bring manufacturing back, no more wars, which he did a great job of not getting us into any new wars. Waaaay better than expected and he does deserve credit for that. But what did Joe Biden campaign on this past election though? I really havent found anyone who could give a decent answer to that yet. I dont think there is an answer to that lol. It was "orange man bad'. Thats all.

Bengaloo, you offer more surprising statements for an "independent" who adheres to no party and is not a Trump supporter.

It looks like you are separating "attacks" on Trump from Trump's own behavior, as if there were no connection.  And you keep speaking as if the the election hasn't been audited, usually more than once, at least in the swing states.

But I'd be interested to know why every person of color you know switched to Trump and won't ever vote Democrat again. E.g., why doesn't it bother them that Trump abused his office to stay in power? To what degree do they buy into conspiracy theories like Q Anon or the Big Lie? Do they believe the MSM is all "fake news"? Do they want the FBI to come clean about Hunter Biden's laptop? What are their primary news sources?

As far as the "Biden agenda," one item near the top is repairing Trump damage to our relations with our allies, and supporting democracy rather than autocracy around the world; that means finally pushing back against Putin. End the nonsense with NK. Domestically he has already gotten a handle on the COVID epidemic. You don't remember him promising to do that? And to address infrastructure? Biden's agenda was not covered well on some networks, which on the other hand trumpeted Trump's "accomplishments" 24/7.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-17-2021, 02:03 PM)Dill Wrote: Bengaloo, you offer more surprising statements for an "independent" who adheres to no party and is not a Trump supporter.

It looks like you are separating "attacks" on Trump from Trump's own behavior, as if there were no connection.  And you keep speaking as if the the election hasn't been audited, usually more than once, at least in the swing states.

But I'd be interested to know why every person of color you know switched to Trump and won't ever vote Democrat again. E.g., why doesn't it bother them that Trump abused his office to stay in power? To what degree do they buy into conspiracy theories like Q Anon or the Big Lie? Do they believe the MSM is all "fake news"? Do they want the FBI to come clean about Hunter Biden's laptop? What are their primary news sources?

As far as the "Biden agenda," one item near the top is repairing Trump damage to our relations with our allies, and supporting democracy rather than autocracy around the world; that means finally pushing back against Putin. End the nonsense with NK. Domestically he has already gotten a handle on the COVID epidemic. You don't remember him promising to do that? And to address infrastructure? Biden's agenda was not covered well on some networks, which on the other hand trumpeted Trump's "accomplishments" 24/7. 

The only reason we have supposed "damage" with our allies is because they were being held accountable and people don't like to be held accountable.  Does your wife come in and fix the "damage" you did to relations with your child because you held them accountable and now they think you are a big "orange" meanie pants?

He got a handle on COVID? What?

Russia/NK? China is the real threat!

The infrastructure bill that has what 5-10% actual infrastructure in it?

It wasn't covered well cause he didn't have one and was hiding in his basement. Yes, he was. Which is why he is not allowed to answer off the cuff questions now.

Biden tells press they never ask a positive question. Ha ha ha!! He honestly believes every question should be about rainbows and ice cream.

"What the hell", "What do you do all day". lmao!! Biden scolds reporter.
(06-17-2021, 02:29 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: The only reason we have supposed "damage" with our allies is because they were being held accountable and people don't like to be held accountable.  Does your wife come in and fix the "damage" you did to relations with your child because you held them accountable and now they think you are a big "orange" meanie pants?

He got a handle on COVID? What?

Russia/NK? China is the real threat!

The infrastructure bill that has what 5-10% actual infrastructure in it?

It wasn't covered well cause he didn't have one and was hiding in his basement. Yes, he was. Which is why he is not allowed to answer off the cuff questions now.

Biden tells press they never ask a positive question. Ha ha ha!! He honestly believes every question should be about rainbows and ice cream.

"What the hell", "What do you do all day". lmao!! Biden scolds reporter.

Must be a wonderful land of rainbows and sunshine where your mind currently lives...
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]

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