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The Future of Europe - Hipsters slam Migration catastrophe

Quote:“Future of Europe” is the title of a powerful new video (above) created by the German branch of the Identitarian, anti-mass migration youth movement.

“You do politics that sacrifices our values and traditions for a multicultural utopia,” the video begins and leads into a series of short soundbytes by young men and women.

The youth in the video don’t have the typical “right wing” look often seen in the media. The young men and women look like average 20 somethings, no bald heads or combat boots, but plenty of hipster beards and fashionable haircuts.

The video is addressed to not only leading politicians like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, but to the entire generation known in Europe as the ’68ers, or as we know them “baby-boomers,” whose name is derived from the May 1968 protests in France.

The video talks about the migrant crisis as a colossal cultural and political event. Speaking directly to European leaders they say, “you impose tolerance and diversity but you mean self-hatred, self-denial, and self-abolishment. You love and support the foreign and hate and fight what is our own. You want to talk us into believing that we have no identity, that we are too homogeneous. We shall be repressed and replaced. You preach of the diversity of cultures yet you destroy them.”

The demands for the Identitarians are in their words, “an end to the politics that take away our rights to our identity and our self-determination,” and, “the end of the societal mainstream in which common sense yields to political correctness.”

A place at the table is not what the Identitarians want. They aren’t interested in being part of the conversation. They aren’t looking to get involved with the traditional system of political parties either. “We do not want to join the conversation, we want a new language,” they say.

The Identitarian movement began in France and has it’s roots in the French Nouvelle Droit or “New Right” and the ideas of political theorists like Alain de Benoist and Guillaume Faye who remain controversial political figures in France today.

Since the beginning of the migrant crisis, the Identitarians in France, Austria and Germany have staged elaborate, yet always controversial, protests to attract attention to their message. Breitbart London reported on the Austrian Identitarians’ protest that made headlines in Austria when they staged a mock beheading of people holding “Refugees Welcome” signs while dressed up as jihadists.

Other protests that have caught attention of national media have been their various “grenze” or border protests where they have attempted to physically block migrants crossing borders in Austria and Germany. They even had a campaign where they built their own border fence to protest the European Union’s migrant policies.

In France the Identitarians have staged marches in the streets in the wake of the Paris attacks last year calling for the deportation and expulsion of Islamists. Since Christmas the group has started a new campaign called “Generation Solidaire” or Generation Solidarity in which they have been giving presents to poor French families for Christmas and helping to feed and clothe the homeless they feel the French government and the EU have abandoned in light of the migrant crisis.

It hasn’t all been smooth sailing for the group though as Breitbart London has reported that the Austrian group had their bank account shut down in what they alleged as a political attack. They have since moved their account to another bank according to their spokesman.

After the sex attacks in Cologne the group has been handing out pepper spray to women in Germany and Austria and told Breitbart London they intend a demonstration in Cologne soon.

[Image: 7hi52.jpg]
This topic and video was actually shared to me by another board member .  Not sure if they were concerned about any backlash from others or what....    Obviously I am not too worried about it lol

So I can't take credit for finding this, but these growing movements all over Europe are an interesting development.
I don't speak german ... I didn't understand antything.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(01-24-2016, 10:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: This topic and video was actually shared to me by another board member .  Not sure if they were concerned about any backlash from others or what....    Obviously I am not too worried about it lol

So I can't take credit for finding this, but these growing movements all over Europe are an interesting development.

Here is one in Britain where people are staging a provoking demonstration.
Be forewarned, there is a lot of foul language, and the reason I will not embed it.

Britain Demonstration *foul language*
Moral of the story:

Be careful what you ask for.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Rotobea Wrote:Here is one in Britain where people are staging a provoking demonstration.
Be forewarned, there is a lot of foul language, and the reason I will not embed it.

Britain Demonstration *foul language*

Thanks for the warning on the language. It's crazy how those Muslims were treating those activists. No matter how much you disagree there is no reason to resort to the levels they were going. Reminds me of a documentary I watched a few years ago on how Luton has Changed so much. Well worth the watch and dovetails nicely into this video you posted.
Europes betrayal of women by my favorite atheist Pat Condell.

This guy is amazing and spot on. 

Talks about how barbaric Europe once was which should delight some of you.

(01-24-2016, 10:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: This topic and video was actually shared to me by another board member .  Not sure if they were concerned about any backlash from others or what....    Obviously I am not too worried about it lol

So I can't take credit for finding this, but these growing movements all over Europe are an interesting development.

Nah... not concerned.  Just know that you know more about what is going on in the world, and can understand the significance what this video shows.

Not only that but the site I found it on is not something that the people here wouldn't be able to look past.  To them they think the source somehow makes the information irrelevant.  
Sovereign Nati Wrote:Nah... not concerned.  Just know that you know more about what is going on in the world, and can understand the significance what this video shows.

Not only that but the site I found it on is not something that the people here wouldn't be able to look past.  To them they think the source somehow makes the information irrelevant.  

All good man. its an interesting story to say the least.
(01-25-2016, 02:54 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: All good man.   its an interesting story to say the least.

Yep.  Seems like history is repeating itself. 
(01-24-2016, 11:16 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Here is one in Britain where people are staging a provoking demonstration.
Be forewarned, there is a lot of foul language, and the reason I will not embed it.

Britain Demonstration *foul language*

I saw this one as well.  There is also a video of teenage Muslims that actually say that they don't hang out with Germans, and they think Germans are gross.
Sovereign Nati Wrote:I saw this one as well.  There is also a video of teenage Muslims that actually say that they don't hang out with Germans, and they think Germans are gross.

So why are they running to Germany then lol.

What a joke. I saw where the Merkel's party is getting hammered in the polls now and even some Syrians want to return to Syria because they aren't getting the home and money they thought they were going to get to open up a business. This was all either a money grab or just trying to swamp the socialism boats of Europe.
(01-24-2016, 11:16 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Here is one in Britain where people are staging a provoking demonstration.
Be forewarned, there is a lot of foul language, and the reason I will not embed it.

Britain Demonstration *foul language*

When the British end up with their back to the wall, they are as fierce a defender of their homeland as there is.  The Muslims may want to remember that.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I wonder if the Europeans are regretting letting the governments take their guns?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Mike M (the other on Wrote:I wonder if the Europeans are regretting letting the governments take their guns?

Austria sold out of shotguns back in October.
(01-27-2016, 09:47 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

Austria sold out of shotguns back in October.

Firearm sales are on the rise in Germany as well.
Belsnick Wrote:Firearm sales are on the rise in Germany as well.

Yeah I saw that the other week. I couldn't quickly find a story to link there.

I think people are going to wind up taking matters into their own hands and it's gonna get bloody. It's already ugly. I hope I am wrong but history doesn't show that Europeans like getting pushed around in their own counties by outsiders.
Can't say I blame any of them.
I wonder how Sweden feels to be the Rape Capital of the world now, with Norway a close 2nd.

And I bet that family in France wishes that their Rifle had been real instead of an Air Soft Rifle, while they were being attacked by migrants.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Here is my take on it. It is a big issue, but I don't see it as resulting in the demise of the EU or even sweeping government reform across Europe.

There has always been an anti-muslim immigration issue in Europe. I had a friend 25 years ago in college whoes mother was born and raised in France. Way back then she was blaming Muslim immigrants for ruining France. Just like there has always been anti-black issue with a portion of the US population. I have said all along that this flood of immigrants would be a major problem for Europe. In fact I predicted that it would justify a strong coalition to stabilize Syria. That has not happened yet, but the immigration issue is blowing up.

So far none of the anti-immigration groups have won anything close to a majority anywhere in Europe. They are making a lot of noise, but so far they have not shown that they have the votes to take over anything.

If I was in another country I could selectively choose news articles that could make it look like either (1) radical black mobs have taken over the country or (2) military type government forces have taken control of the country. I think that is what we are seeing here. A flood of stories about a group that does not really represent the majority position.

It is an issue that every one needs to keep en eye one. But I just recommend we wait and see what actually happens in elections before we decide how much weight to give all this noise.

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