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The Future of Europe - Hipsters slam Migration catastrophe
fredtoa Wrote:Here is my take on it.  It is a big issue, but I don't see it as resulting in the demise of the EU or even sweeping government reform across Europe.

There has always been an anti-muslim immigration issue in Europe.  I had a friend 25 years ago in college whoes mother was born and raised in France.  Way back then she was blaming Muslim immigrants for ruining France.  Just like there has always been anti-black issue with a portion of the US population.  I have said all along that this flood of immigrants would be a major problem for Europe.  In fact I predicted that it would justify a strong coalition to stabilize Syria.  That has not happened yet, but the immigration issue is blowing up.

So far none of the anti-immigration groups have won anything close to a majority anywhere in Europe.  They are making a lot of noise, but so far they have not shown that they have the votes to take over anything.

If I was in another country I could selectively choose news articles that could make it look like either (1) radical black mobs have taken over the country or (2) military type government forces have taken control of the country.  I think that is what we are seeing here.  A flood of stories about a group that does not really represent the majority position.

It is an issue that every one needs to keep en eye one.  But I just recommend we wait and see what actually happens in elections before we decide how much weight to give all this noise.

Forcing the conservatives and liberals to form a coalition in France to hold off National Front from winning several regions. Especially considering National Front has a history of being Facist. That's pretty big news.

In the UK it also forced a coalition under the conservatives to hold off UKIP. They were able to force a referendum on the EU.

Poland Far right won control of their country.

Even the anti immigrant and anti Eu party in Portugal.

Merkel's party is losing favor in Germany as well. While far right groups grow.

Times are changing and mood is moving towards bad news in Europe.
(01-28-2016, 05:25 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Forcing the conservatives and liberals to form a coalition in France to hold off National Front from winning several regions.    Especially considering National Front has a history of being Facist.   That's pretty big news.    

In the UK it also forced a coalition under the conservatives to hold off UKIP.   They were able to force a referendum on the EU.    

Poland Far right won control of their country.  

Even the anti immigrant and anti Eu party in Portugal.  

Merkel's party is losing favor in Germany as well.   While far right groups grow.  

Times are changing and mood is moving towards bad news in Europe.

Was getting ready to say, I thought Poland's far right won.

And here's a good update for the entire EU.

Denmark also is now far right.

The lady that barely lost in France, is now going to be running for President.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Mike M (the other on Wrote:Was getting ready to say, I thought Poland's far right won.

And here's a good update for the entire EU.

Denmark also is now far right.

The lady that barely lost in France, is now going to be running for President.

Good article. Thanks for posting.

I think it's been easy to dismiss the movement In Europe because it just seems so far fetched that far right parties could gain power again but the economy now these mass immigrants just swarming Europe with their lawless behaviors. It's really made good people take a hard look at what's really important.

Not to mention the typical European politician is just oblivious to the border problems they were having before the mass immigrant invasion. It's just amazing how much power in law making the EU has over its members.

UKIP put out some info breaking down how much of the EU laws are constricting Britains freedom and security. If I can find it again I will post it.... Was interesting to read.
(01-28-2016, 10:19 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I think it's been easy to dismiss the movement In Europe because it just seems so far fetched that far right parties could gain power again but the economy now these mass immigrants just swarming Europe with their lawless behaviors.    

Except I have never been dismissing it at all.  All I have been doing is pointing out how many of your stories contain exaggerations about the power the far-right has gained.  I am just waiting for it to actually happen before I say it has happened.

For example Mike claimed that Denmark is now "far right" when in fact the far right party only controls 37 of 179 seats in parliament and only received 21% of the vote in the most recent election.
fredtoa Wrote:Except I have never been dismissing it at all.  All I have been doing is pointing out how many of your stories contain exaggerations about the power the far-right has gained.  I am just waiting for it to actually happen before I say it has happened.

For example Mike claimed that Denmark is now "far right" when in fact the far right party only controls 37 of 179 seats in parliament and only received 21% of the vote in the most recent election.

So it's not alarming that fascist style leadership are gaining support. It's not like here where you need 50% .... Multiple parties means you typically only need 30%.
(01-29-2016, 12:49 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So it's not alarming that fascist style leadership are gaining support.   It's not like here where you need 50% .... Multiple parties means you typically only need 30%.

But 20% is far from "in control".
fredtoa Wrote:But 20% is far from "in control".

ok stay in denial.

When I brought this up months ago before any of this mass immigration stuff. I was called a crazy person. Everyday that passes we get closer and closer to what I said would come to pass.
(01-29-2016, 10:09 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: ok stay in denial.    

When I brought this up months ago before any of this mass immigration stuff.  I was called a crazy person.    Everyday that passes we get closer and closer to what I said would come to pass.

You also said you can admit when you are wrong.

So you're not crazy you're a liar.

Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
GMDi Wrote:You also said you can admit when you are wrong.

So you're not crazy you're a liar.

Rock On

And I have yet to be wrong on this matter.
(01-30-2016, 01:34 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: And I have yet admit to being wrong on this matter...or any matter.  Ever.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Rotobea Wrote:

And so it begins.... And that's only Sweden.
GMDi Wrote:Fixed.

I have admitted when I am wrong. I won't just jump to admitting it on some things until I see it play out. But I think that's the feeling most have here.

On the Europe subject however.... I have been accurate on my projections and all over this for quite some time. Along with a handful of others who have also seen this coming for quite a while
(01-30-2016, 02:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I have admitted when I am wrong.    I won't just jump to admitting it on some things until I see it play out.   But I think that's the feeling most have here.    

On the Europe subject however.... I have been accurate on my projections and all over this for quite some time.    Along with a handful of others who have also seen this coming for quite a while

Well then show where that happened.

Not where you changed the subject, refused to answer, said you were "waiting for more info", or simply stopped posting.

Were you admitted you were wrong.

As to Europe, your obsession with it is only equaled by your obsession with PP.  You have provided isolated cases and the occasional news story that supports your opinion and routinely ignore any and all information that goes against your predetermined point of view.

Carry on.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
GMDi Wrote:Well then show where that happened.

Not where you changed the subject, refused to answer, said you were "waiting for more info", or simply stopped posting.

Were you admitted you were wrong.

As to Europe, your obsession with it is only equaled by your obsession with PP.  You have provided isolated cases and the occasional news story that supports your opinion and routinely ignore any and all information that goes against your predetermined point of view.

Carry on.

well if I post more angles of a topic you guys start crying that I post too many threads and want to garbage bin everything.

And why would I post artlciee on how great these refugee invaders were? It goes against the exact point I was bringing up. You want to make out that I never admit when I am wrong but I have mentioned when I was mistaken . Benton and Fred both fairly recently I believe have brought up points that I thought wAs better than my position.

Now you want me to admit this and that yet you won't admit that I was absolutely correct on the Europe topic. Not that I care one way or the other, I just find it funny.
(01-30-2016, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: well if I post more angles of a topic you guys start crying that I post too many threads and want to garbage bin everything.  

Not if you kept it all in one thread and didn't have 20 threads about the same thing.

(01-30-2016, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: And why would I post artlciee on how great these refugee invaders were?    It goes against the exact point I was bringing up.  

Exactly! Finally a breakthrough! You have a bias and won't even TRY to see the other side!

(01-30-2016, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You want to make out that I never admit when I am wrong but I have mentioned when I was mistaken .  Benton and Fred both fairly recently I believe have brought up points that I thought wAs better than my position.  


Word play. Show where you said you were wrong.

(01-30-2016, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Now you want me to admit this and that yet you won't admit that I was absolutely correct on the Europe topic.  

Because you have not been. But since you refuse to believe anything other than what you already "know" you can't see that.

(01-30-2016, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Not that I care one way or the other, I just find it funny.

Oh, you care. You care a LOT. That's why you can't admit you were wrong about anything. It is your nature and has been shown over and over on these boards.

And please feel free to continue to be that way. But please stop playing the "they are picking on me" card when people point out where you are wrong...excuse me..."mistaken".
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
GMDi Wrote:Not if you kept it all in one thread and didn't have 20 threads about the same thing.

Exactly!  Finally a breakthrough!  You have a bias and won't even TRY to see the other side!


Word play.  Show where you said you were wrong.

Because you have not been.  But since you refuse to believe anything other than what you already "know" you can't see that.  

Oh, you care.  You care a LOT.  That's why you can't admit you were wrong about anything.  It is your nature and has been shown over and over on these boards.

And please feel free to continue to be that way.  But please stop playing the "they are picking on me" card when people point out where you are wrong...excuse me..."mistaken".

1. You can't keep all European issues in one thread. That's just silly and to think we can do that and still have an actual discussion is a joke. You just don't like the facts of the situation because you refuse to be critical of anyone with dark skin or Muslim .

2. I am also against human trafficking does that mens that I have to post articles showing how great that is ? Or is this just some ridiculous standard you are holding me to because it involves dark skinned people or Muslims?

3. Plenty of times. Feel free to waste your personal time and search my posts. Roto, mike, Benton, sunset, bfine all find stuff where I mixed it up. It gets sorted an we move on in the discussion. No one stops the presses. This sounds like a you problem... So as I said .... Waste your personal time and search away .

4. Haha ok. Believe as you wish. There is one thing I have been correct on every step of the wag and that's been Europe. When some start making a coalition with Russia like I called before .... Then maybe you will finally admit it lol

5. It's a bengals message board.

I have been the same way since the I started posting. The fact you guys are still getting upset is sad yet hilarious.

Please keep obsessing over me.
Rotobea Wrote:

You know I was thinking about this and I wonder how soon until we see this cropping up more. That video in Luton UK was one that I thought could have potentially. Went there had the group's of Brits had more than a few people .

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