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Mueller shows some of his hand
(11-28-2018, 07:39 PM)Dill Wrote: LOL "us."

Yes, you.   Smirk    

Quote:You still haven't delineated "the one" in this thread. Then more gesturing towards others' posts.  Examples somewhere in JJ's threads?  

Really, I thought it was rather apparent?

Quote:And you were so angry about what you now couldn't care less to find. 

I was literally angry with rage.

Quote:So I'm "pretending" that what you can't, or couldn't care less to prove, doesn't happen? 

I don't know, are you?  It's odd that you kind find a leaf on a tree.

Quote:What would you think of a prosecutor who told a skeptical jury to just quit pretending the defendant is innocent or "go search for proof" themselves?  "Shouldn't need me to find evidence!"  If you don't have evidence, then they must have "fictions."

Not much.  I'm not trying to convince you or your buddy of anything though.  I'm merely pointing your behaviors out for those who pay attention.

Quote:Petition to advance ad hominem accusation without evidence--not granted from this quarter.

Was permission ever sought?
(11-28-2018, 08:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yes, you.   Smirk    

Really, I thought it was rather apparent?

I was literally angry with rage.

I don't know, are you?  It's odd that you kind find a leaf on a tree.

Not much.  I'm not trying to convince you or your buddy of anything though.  I'm merely pointing your behaviors out for those who pay attention.

Was permission ever sought?


Now quip time is over. Substance or, to borrow a phrase from Bfine, "carry on without me."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-28-2018, 08:32 PM)Dill Wrote: Yes. 

Now quip time is over. Substance or, to borrow a phrase from Bfine, "carry on without me."

I've long since stopped trying to carry on with you or your two buddies.  ThumbsUp
(11-28-2018, 08:35 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've long since stopped trying to carry on with you or your two buddies.  ThumbsUp

Long since post #37 of this thread.

(11-28-2018, 12:16 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Just a few things, as you and your buddies use this tactic frequently.  Many, if not most, of the people who respond to your bedwetting threads didn't vote for Trump.  You, and your ilk, also tend to conflate us pointing out that, in many instances, you're acting hysterical as a defense of Trump.  It is not.  Pointing out your shameless hypocrisy is also not defending Trump, it is holding your hypocrisy to the light.

I appreciate you're allowing me the time to point these things out.  

Always there for quip time.

Then with the demand for supported arguments, comes a round of talk-around--proof-begging, ad hominem, complaints about elevated language, imputing "fictions" to others--everything but evidence-based argument supporting your original claims.

And then the final out--no real engagement was ever intended. Because the three-headed sock puppet cannot be argued with--once they demand evidence-based argument rather than begged proof and quips.   That's how "hypocrisy" is held "to the light."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-28-2018, 08:59 PM)Dill Wrote: Long since post #37 of this thread.

Always there for quip time.

Me too! 

Quote:Then with the demand for supported arguments, comes a round of talk-around--proof-begging, ad hominem, complaints about elevated language, imputing "fictions" to others--everything but evidence-based argument supporting your original claims.

Indubitably, my good man.

Quote:And then the final out
Quote:--no real engagement was ever intended. Because the three-headed sock puppet cannot be argued with--once they demand evidence-based argument rather than begged proof and quips.   That's how "hypocrisy" is held "to the light."

Yawn   I love that you don't get how you're being played here.  You're like the guy who doesn't get the joke and thus decides it couldn't possible be funny.  Like I said in the other thread, benighted.  Sad really.
(11-28-2018, 01:10 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Just curious.  What will "we won't forget" amount to?  Like saying mean things?

As in majority of Trump Supporters refuse to acknowledge they voted for Trump because they don't want to be known for supporting someone who joined forces with an enemy nation to attack America, has attacked our military men and women (VETS, Gold Star Families, SEALS), and has sided with every Dictator on earth over our Allies and American Intel etc.

So they constantly try to leave themselves an out by claiming they didn't vote for him, as they defend and protect him till they're blue in the face (or numb in the fingertips). It's very telling that they know what he's done, hope he's not caught, and if he is want to make sure they weren't associated with him.

They elected a man who attacked America. And continues to side with Dictators and our enemy's over American Intel and our Allies. This is nothing to be proud of as Americans and they know it even tho they can't help themselves but to defend it (Thought they loved this nation?)

What I mean is we'll never trust their ability to judge character, define patriotism, and criticize politicians. They've given up all credibility by their defense of Trump and even tho they still get kicks from attacking Hillary and Obama, no one is taking them seriously as Trump is doing everything they needed conspiracy theories to attack HRC/Obama for. And they don't even seem to notice.

In the future, what really can these people (Trump Supporters) say to criticize future politicians/presidents? Nothing, after they've supported and defended Trump with all his scandals, attacking our Vets, and siding with our enemys. He's really hurt them in their future arguments against other politicians.

They can insult posters all they want for not supporting this, but the jokes on them as nobody (even them as they deny voting for him) thinks this is good for America. They unlike us, just don't care. And those who are willing to stand up for this Nation and the office of the presidency will never be shamed by them. It's an honor to stand up for this Nation.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(11-29-2018, 11:28 AM)jj22 Wrote: As in majority of Trump Supporters refuse to acknowledge they voted for Trump because they don't want to be known for supporting someone who joined forces with an enemy nation to attack America, has attacked our military men and women (VETS, Gold Star Families, SEALS), and has sided with every Dictator on earth over our Allies and American Intel etc.

So they constantly try to leave themselves an out by claiming they didn't vote for him, as they defend and protect him till they're blue in the face (or numb in the fingertips). It's very telling that they know what he's done, hope he's not caught, and if he is want to make sure they weren't associated with him.

They elected a man who attacked America. And continues to side with Dictators and our enemy's over American Intel and our Allies. This is nothing to be proud of as Americans and they know it even tho they can't help themselves but to defend it (Thought they loved this nation?)

What I mean is we'll never trust their ability to judge character, define patriotism, and criticize politicians. They've given up all credibility by their defense of Trump and even tho they still get kicks from attacking Hillary and Obama, no one is taking them seriously as Trump is doing everything they needed conspiracy theories to attack HRC/Obama for. And they don't even seem to notice.

In the future, what really can these people (Trump Supporters) say to criticize future politicians/presidents? Nothing, after they've supported and defended Trump with all his scandals, attacking our Vets, and siding with our enemys. He's really hurt them in their future arguments against other politicians.

They can insult posters all they want for not supporting this, but the jokes on them as nobody (even them as they deny voting for him) thinks this is good for America. They unlike us, just don't care. And those who are willing to stand up for this Nation and the office of the presidency will never be shamed by them. It's an honor to stand up for this Nation.

So you are pretty good at calling people liars.  You called me one the other day, and now you have decided certain people lie about who they voted for.    You seem to think you have some sort of voice to speak for the board and how you will treat people you've determined are lying.  One of those you call a liar has served in Afghanistan, and you are going to get all self-congratulatory because you think you are  standing up for this nation on a sub-forum with maybe 50 regular people?  It's true that you can't be shamed.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I stand up for the Nation everywhere I go. Just not on some forum. What exactly was your point? You asked me a question and I answered it.

If you believe posters on this forum, no one here voted for Trump.

Now do you believe that?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(11-29-2018, 12:35 PM)jj22 Wrote: I stand up for the Nation everywhere I go. Just not on some forum. What exactly was your point? You asked me a question and I answered it.

If you believe posters on this forum, no one here voted for Trump.

Now do you believe that?

Actually there are several that will happily tell you they voted for Trump.  And there are hundreds who never step foot in the forum.  As for me, there are two times I didn't vote for the Republican. I didn't like McCain, never had, and this year.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-28-2018, 10:56 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Me too! 

Indubitably, my good man.

Yawn   I love that you don't get how you're being played here.  You're like the guy who doesn't get the joke and thus decides it couldn't possible be funny.  Like I said in the other thread, benighted.  Sad really.

Lol, is that the next dodge? 

You threw up an angry, nasty post attacking another poster's character with claims that were at best impressions.

When challenged to support your attacks with anything like evidence,  you begged off the extra work. And when it was clear that's all you can do--attack via"impressions" and then beg off-- came the first dodge: you had stopped engaging long ago.  Ha ha it was all a joke!

But "long ago" turned out to be only a few posts back, when you were THE GUY who exposes hypocrisy.  Brings it TO LIGHT.  Your service to the forum. Then a few unanswered questions exposed you. You aren't THAT GUY. Embarrassing.

So now you play the "played" card. 

You made yourself look like a guy who accuses others of hypocrisy while violating his own claimed norms of conduct, a guy who can't back up wild sweeping claims about others' character with anything like evidence--just to "play" me? 

You were all out to expose hypocrisy until you were exposed--then your defense is you were just a TROLL all along?  And now you are in a safe space from which you can look down on those "benighted" (and "condescending"?) fools who fell for it?  This never really was what it still looks like--you can't put up and won't shut up?  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Going to go ahead and close this one down. Stay on topic and off each other.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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