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Transexual threatens to send a fellow show guest home in an ambulance
(07-19-2015, 03:44 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If you go back to post 72 you will see that you reponded to a post where my thoughts of sexuality occuring in the brain were referenced. You asked to show how it was a choice. Not sure how me replying is "not being on topic".

At this point we are just debating the definition of a word. When you asked me when did I choose to be "straight". I assumed you were asking when did I make the choice ti be stright (follow normal mores). Apparently you were asking when did I choose to be attracted to females. As I said, that question is more difficult to answer; however, I have zero doubt that I made it.

Why did it take 5 posts telling you that I was asking about attraction for you to admit that i was asking about attraction?
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(07-19-2015, 04:44 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: They said little or no sense of choice because it wasn't something they actively decided. It was innate.

Stop ruining this for him
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(07-19-2015, 04:53 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: Just wanted to highlight this to bring up a previous question i asked. If you have zero doubt that you made the "choice", was there an internal debate where you weighed the pros and cons; or did you stop and consciously decide whether you liked the way boys looked versus girls? For you to say you made the choice, it implies that there was a real chance, in your mind, that you could have been attracted to males but you decided for one reason or the other that you would be attracted to girls.

I think I've already explained about subconscious decision. For me it seems as if that was the case. Was there an instant where I saw a male and dopamine fired in one of the synapses in my brain? Most likely; however, it never manifested to the stage of consciousness.

I think the disconnect is that people truly do not understand the full function and capacity of the brain. It is a simple: "I don't require making that decision; so I didn't make it."

I think the issue is that when people see choice they immediately say it cannot be a choice because I didn't weigh the pros and cons and come to a logical solution.

I'll ask the question once again: When did you choose not to be a serial killer? Or do you think it is not a choice?
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(07-19-2015, 05:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: No doubt I am reaching because I agree with the APA on the matter.

Funny, you don't know what it is; you just know my POV is wrong and makes no sense.

You never answered when you made the choice not to be a serial killer?

No, you're reaching because you're trying really hard to find something that fits your preconceived ideas.  If the APA said "being gay is genetic", you'd ignore it and find another source for your info.  

You're right.  I don't know what causes someone to be gay....I'm not pretending that I do though.  I know that it wasn't a choice for me, and if it wasn't a choice for me or any gay dude alive, I don't see why random straight guys would have gotten the choice.  You may have been tempted by wiener and chose to abstain, but there was never that moment for me.  In my opinion, if bfine every had to repress his gay feelings and make the choice to bang chicks, he's probably still got those gay feelings.

I didn't make the choice to not be a serial killer.  Now compare being a serial killer to being gay, because that makes total sense.

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(07-19-2015, 05:24 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: I didn't make the choice to not be a serial killer.  Now compare being a serial killer to being gay, because that makes total sense.

...and there for a second I thought you were seriously trying to discuss the matter; unfortunately, you fell right back in line.

"bfine used serial killer while discussing brain function as it relates to sexual orientation. bfine is comparing being gay to being a serial killer".

Sure you made the choice or were you just "born that way".

Of course I have an opinion on the matter and it has been peaked by a few psychology classes. Nothing in my biology classes has led me to believe it is genetic. I suppose I should just go with" I don't know"; nobody could dispute that.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-19-2015, 05:34 PM)bfine32 Wrote: ...and there for a second I thought you were seriously trying to discuss the matter; unfortunately, you fell right back in line.

"bfine used serial killer while discussing brain function as it relates to sexual orientation. bfine is comparing being gay to being a serial killer".

Sure you made the choice or were you just "born that way".

Of course I have an opinion on the matter and it has been peaked by a few psychology classes. Nothing in my biology classes has led me to believe it is genetic. I suppose I should just go with" I don't know"; nobody could dispute that.

It's strange how you feel that you need to be snarky and sarcastic in 90% of your posts, but when someone else does it to you, you get all defensive and somehow it's no longer a "serious discussion".  Don't talk to people one way and then expect for them to not talk to you in a similar way.  It's a double standard and it leaves people confused about how to approach you in a conversation or debate.

Let's see...Was I born as someone who was not a serial killer?  I believe so.  I don't think that I have the sociopathic tendencies that serial killers typically display early on in their lives.  I don't know if there is a 'serial killer gene', but I do think that if so many of them have similar childhood tendencies, then just maybe there is something to that.  If it's true that they are born that way, it's truly unfortunate for them.  I know that mental illnesses can be genetic, so why not?

Furthermore, I think that homosexuality may also be a mental illness, but whether it is or not, doesn't really matter that much to me. Either way, there doesn't seem to be much of a choice in the issue. It's obvious to me, though not a fact, that people do not have a choice in the matter.  You may say you did, but really, I don't believe you when you say that you chose to be straight. You were born to like boobs....some dudes just don't seem to be the same there.

I use personal evidence as well as the testimony of every single gay person that I know, as well as most straight people that I know to say that homosexuality is not a choice.  I value that evidence more than I value an outsider's opinion.  If it were the consensus opinion, that gay people were making a decision to be that way and they could show me some evidence of it, I'd probably fall in line, but even then, I don't think it would matter all that much regarding my stance on how they deserve to be treated.

I'll gladly admit that I only have my personal experience, and that I truly don't know why gay people are the way that they are rather than searching out only the information that fits my preconceived ideas. 

You can change my mind with some solid information though.  Can you give me some links to some of the scientific writings that you know of that say that this may be a choice, regardless of whether these writings are from biologists, psychologists, or geologists that dabble in the world of gaydom.  I'll definitely read through it.

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Of all who are not gay. When have you been presented with the option of being gay?

Your all claiming your straight when none of us had been given the opportunity to even be gay. So your choice was a single choice of women. You don't get another choice unless you strike out with women repeatedly. Or unless another gay moves in to groom.

Puberty aged children are very impressionable and with hormones raging ... If they can't close the deal with a woman they will move to the next option. A dude. Who they become emptionally connected.

Now they also think they didn't make a choice because they never had closed the deal with a girl and made a romantic emotional connections. During these time when hormones are raging is where we get imprinted. So both sides see it as never making a choice but in fact the choice is there it's just made during puberty as we are changing.

Once again i go back to old days where fathers took their sons to the brothel. It's not only was a right of passage but also a guide to putting them on track to have a family.
(07-19-2015, 05:19 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think I've already explained about subconscious decision. For me it seems as if that was the case. Was there an instant where I saw a male and dopamine fired in one of the synapses in my brain? Most likely; however, it never manifested to the stage of consciousness.

I think the disconnect is that people truly do not understand the full function and capacity of the brain. It is a simple: "I don't require making that decision; so I didn't make it."

I think the issue is that when people see choice they immediately say it cannot be a choice because I didn't weigh the pros and cons and come to a logical solution.

I'll ask the question once again: When did you choose not to be a serial killer? Or do you think it is not a choice?

I've chosen not to be one on, probably, many occasions. I think there are people who are predisposed more than others to violence but i don't really think it manifests itself to serial killer level without social causes triggering it. I know that i'm more open to physical violence than some others based on my youth and how i responded to situations and how i've known that i would resort to it again if necessary without hesitation in certain situations i've been in as an adult. I still have a temper and a pretty short fuse, but maturity has allowed me to control it better. 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
(07-19-2015, 11:52 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Of all who are not gay.  When have you been presented with the option of being gay?  

Your all claiming your straight when none of us had been given the opportunity to even be gay.    So your choice was a single choice of women.   You don't get another choice unless you strike out with women repeatedly.   Or unless another gay moves in to groom.    

Puberty aged children are very impressionable and with hormones raging ... If they can't close the deal with a woman they will move to the next option.   A dude.    Who they become emptionally connected.    

Now they also think they didn't make a choice because they never had closed the deal with a girl and made a romantic emotional connections.   During these time when hormones are raging is where we get imprinted.     So both sides see it as never making a choice but in fact the choice is there it's just made during puberty as we are changing.  

Once again i go back to old days where fathers took their sons to the brothel.   It's not only was a right of passage but also a guide to putting them on track to have a family.

This is really a poor line of thinking you keep pushing about "continued striking out with women leads to men". I've never seen it suggested anywhere until you suggested it.

I don't know about anyone else, but i've been presented the opportunity to be gay every time i've looked at another man, past the age of 6-8 when i became 'sexually aware'. Never once has the thought crossed my mind that i would like to engage in a sexual activity with one.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
(07-19-2015, 11:56 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: I've chosen not to be one on, probably, many occasions. I think there are people who are predisposed more than others to violence but i don't really think it manifests itself to serial killer level without social causes triggering it. I know that i'm more open to physical violence than some others based on my youth and how i responded to situations and how i've known that i would resort to it again if necessary without hesitation in certain situations i've been in as an adult. I still have a temper and a pretty short fuse, but maturity has allowed me to control it better. 

This really made me chuckle, as I had smashed my weed-eater to bits in my driveway, today.
Big Grin
(07-19-2015, 11:52 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Of all who are not gay.  When have you been presented with the option of being gay?  

Your all claiming your straight when none of us had been given the opportunity to even be gay.    So your choice was a single choice of women.   You don't get another choice unless you strike out with women repeatedly.   Or unless another gay moves in to groom.    

Puberty aged children are very impressionable and with hormones raging ... If they can't close the deal with a woman they will move to the next option.   A dude.    Who they become emptionally connected.    

Now they also think they didn't make a choice because they never had closed the deal with a girl and made a romantic emotional connections.   During these time when hormones are raging is where we get imprinted.     So both sides see it as never making a choice but in fact the choice is there it's just made during puberty as we are changing.  

Once again i go back to old days where fathers took their sons to the brothel.   It's not only was a right of passage but also a guide to putting them on track to have a family.

You consider it a choice, right?  If so, then you're presented with the option of being gay at all times.  All you have to do I grab ahold of a wiener and start thinking it's awesome.

Really, I don't get it.  The option of being doing gay things is always with you. The option of actually being gay has never been with you, because you were born straight. That's just not how things work.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The fact is that the only reason why anyone cares about this is religious beliefs. Those of us who don't believe the Babble is the inspired word of God don't particularly care that it says being homosexual is bad, and same for the Quran, Torah, etc. al. As long as they aren't hurting anybody, I don't care whatsoever whether it's "biologically determined" or a "free choice" to be gay/transsexual/whatever.

I would just love for a straight, married Christian sometime to share with us everything they do/have ever done in the bedroom. I've yet to meet one willing to. I assume that's because they engage, with some degree of regularity, in behavior that is well outside of the requirements for "procreation"; yet they insist on using this euphemism for "the meaning of sex". Go ***** figure.
(07-19-2015, 11:52 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Once again i go back to old days where fathers took their sons to the brothel.   It's not only was a right of passage but also a guide to putting them on track to have a family.

Sometimes I wonder if you are trolling or really this insane.

You think fathers taking their underage sons to exploited, abused women who have sex to feed their families is a "rite of passage" that puts "them on track to have a family"?

I wouldn't want my father to use and abuse women. I see you feel differently. As a "True Christian©", would you like to share which verse of the Bible endorses prostitution?
(07-20-2015, 12:29 AM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: You consider it a choice, right?  If so, then you're presented with the option of being gay at all times.  All you have to do I grab ahold of a wiener and start thinking it's awesome.

Really, I don't get it.  The option of being doing gay things is always with you. The option of actually being gay has never been with you, because you were born straight. That's just not how things work.

Well if you have a choice at all times then would that not explain the bisexuals?

Btw I'm not discussing this to be an Ahole... Just think it's a legitimate topic and is often dismissed due to lack of perspective. I think there is enough evidence just in basic instincts that supports its a mental/emotional connection vs a genetic connection. This doesn't mean I am in anyway trying to make it out as a mental illness or anything of that matter. Just think there is a mental connection that deserves further investigation. At least until they find the genetic connection in the dna.
(07-20-2015, 01:01 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Sometimes I wonder if you are trolling or really this insane.

You think fathers taking their underage sons to exploited, abused women who have sex to feed their families is a "rite of passage" that puts "them on track to have a family"?

I wouldn't want my father to use and abuse women. I see you feel differently. As a "True Christian©", would you like to share which verse of the Bible endorses prostitution?

Now we have had a civil discussion from many for pages. Now you come in with nonsense. Please stop with your shenanigans and allow reasonable people to continue our discussion.

Not one person has made any direct insults, until you, and its a credit to all involved.
(07-20-2015, 02:00 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Now we have had a civil discussion from many for pages.   Now you come in with nonsense.   Please stop with your shenanigans and allow reasonable people to continue our discussion.  

Not one person has made any direct insults, until you, and its a credit to all involved.

Sorry you feel insulted by having the consequences of your own words laid out in a clear way. Anyway, my question remains. Where does fathers taking their sons to exploited women for paid sex fit into the Christian worldview?
(07-19-2015, 11:52 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:   

Once again i go back to old days where fathers took their sons to the brothel.   It's not only was a right of passage but also a guide to putting them on track to have a family.
I noticed this too
(07-20-2015, 01:01 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Sometimes I wonder if you are trolling or really this insane.

You think fathers taking their underage sons to exploited, abused women who have sex to feed their families is a "rite of passage" that puts "them on track to have a family"?

I wouldn't want my father to use and abuse women. I see you feel differently. As a "True Christian©", would you like to share which verse of the Bible endorses prostitution?
I was also asking myself WTF?!
(07-20-2015, 02:00 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Now we have had a civil discussion from many for pages.   Now you come in with nonsense.   Please stop with your shenanigans and allow reasonable people to continue our discussion.  

Not one person has made any direct insults, until you, and its a credit to all involved.

Meh he has a strong point.   Don't get all indignant when you were the one that is suggesting that one of our fatherly duties is to take our sons to brothels.  I'm not even sure what point you were trying to make with that.
Yeah... Basically, and I *THOUGHT* this didn't need to even be said these days, but women are not a "rite of passage" for boys (or men). Women are living, breathing, human beings with feelings just as strong and relevant as men's. They are NOT objects. They are NOT toys. There are NOT "some women" who are respectable and "some women" who are dirty and deserve to be used like human toilets for the sole purpose of making sure your son grows up to be straight.

Prostitution is a tragedy, a scar upon humanity. Regardless of whether you fall into the "pro-legalization" camp for prostitution or not, MOST human beings in the 21st century recognize that prostitution is humanity at its absolute WORST. And for this guy to endorse it for the purpose of making sure his son never likes to wear dresses is ***** disgusting. Period.
(07-20-2015, 02:41 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Sorry you feel insulted by having the consequences of your own words laid out in a clear way. Anyway, my question remains. Where does fathers taking their sons to exploited women for paid sex fit into the Christian worldview?

What does this discussion have to do with religion? We are talking science.
(07-20-2015, 03:10 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: What does this discussion have to do with religion?  We are talking science.

As a professed Christian (which you are), I feel you have an obligation to back up your assertions about morality with your religious views. Scientifically, I don't think that's much to ask.

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