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Transgender Bathroom/Locker Room Question
(04-26-2016, 08:00 PM)GMDino Wrote: Just like it should not have taken a law to allow blacks to use the same water fountains as whites, or to allow gay couples to get married, or any other time a law was required for people to be treated as equals.

But some people will say there is no need for the law while using the same mouth to say they don't think transgender people should be allowed in the bathroom they are dressed for and use the same mouth to say they don't really care but use the same mouth to argue for weeks about it.


Valid point, but I dunno if it applies. Unless you're walking around with a shirt that says "I'm really a man." Not that anyone should have to hide their sexual orientation, but if you're taking a leak, it shouldn't be coming up anyway.

Race and sex are easily discriminated against.
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(04-26-2016, 04:36 PM)Griever Wrote: i love the ol "i have -insert type of person here- friends and i love -insert type of person here-" 

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(04-26-2016, 06:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Folks will tell you that you shouldn't focus on this as there are laws in place to protect anyone assaulted in a bathroom and with the same mouth they will say we need these transgender laws because there is a chance a trans may get assaulted in a bathroom.

I have been over this ten times with you already.  I don't know how to use any smaller words to explain the difference.

Law allowing transgenders to use the proper bathroom DOES NOT INCREASE the chances of a non-transgender getting assaulted in a bathroom.  It is not that people tell you not to focus on an increased threat.  They tell you that it does not exist.

Law allowing transgenders to use the proper bathroom DOES DECREASE that chances of a transgender being assaulted.

I can't believe that you still can not grasp such a simple concept.
(04-26-2016, 10:16 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I have been over this ten times with you already.  I don't know how to use any smaller words to explain the difference.

Law allowing transgenders to use the proper bathroom DOES NOT INCREASE the chances of a non-transgender getting assaulted in a bathroom.  It is not that people tell you not to focus on an increased threat.  They tell you that it does not exist.

Law allowing transgenders to use the proper bathroom DOES DECREASE that chances of a transgender being assaulted.

I can't believe that you still can not grasp such a simple concept.

I suppose your words are still too big for me to comprehend. There are already cases of dudes dressing up like girls to enter women's rooms for other reasons than just using the facility when they don't have the legal right to do so (the words you put in bold). Your logic leads you to believe making this legal will not increase the frequency of this happening (You even made the words all big, so much for using smaller words; maybe you meant less complex). 

You have 0 idea if widespread making it legal for males to use women's bathrooms will not create an issues; it's just something you but in bold on a message board and roster around like it is a fact. Do  you have any number showing how many time transgenders were assaulted in a restroom last year for using the facility that matches their birth sex? Just because you say something that is complete BS 10 times, doesn't make it any more sensible, Maybe if you say the same double talk 11 times it will work.
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(04-26-2016, 10:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I suppose your words are still too big for me to comprehend. There are already cases of dudes dressing up like girls to enter women's rooms for other reasons than just using the facility when they don't have the legal right to do so (the words you put in bold). Your logic leads you to believe making this legal will not increase the frequency of this happening (You even made the words all big, so much for using smaller words; maybe you meant less complex). 

[Image: arts-snark-cover-220.jpg]

(04-26-2016, 10:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You have 0 idea if widespread making it legal for males to use women's bathrooms will not create an issues; it's just something you but in bold on a message board and roster around like it is a fact. Do  you have any number showing how many time transgenders were assaulted in a restroom last year for using the facility that matches their birth sex? Just because you say something that is complete BS 10 times, doesn't make it any more sensible, Maybe if you say the same double talk 11 times it will work.


(04-26-2016, 01:34 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You find a point you cannot dispute, you just turn it into a different point. Like you have done in your last few replies.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-26-2016, 10:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I suppose your words are still too big for me to comprehend. There are already cases of dudes dressing up like girls to enter women's rooms for other reasons than just using the facility when they don't have the legal right to do so (the words you put in bold). Your logic leads you to believe making this legal will not increase the frequency of this happening (You even made the words all big, so much for using smaller words; maybe you meant less complex). 

You have 0 idea if widespread making it legal for males to use women's bathrooms will not create an issues; it's just something you but in bold on a message board and roster around like it is a fact. Do  you have any number showing how many time transgenders were assaulted in a restroom last year for using the facility that matches their birth sex? Just because you say something that is complete BS 10 times, doesn't make it any more sensible, Maybe if you say the same double talk 11 times it will work.

Congratulations.  You finally understood the point I was trying to make.

Even though you don't agree with me at least i don't have to listen to you repeat the wrong argument over and over and over and over again.
(04-26-2016, 10:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I suppose your words are still too big for me to comprehend. There are already cases of dudes dressing up like girls to enter women's rooms for other reasons than just using the facility when they don't have the legal right to do so (the words you put in bold). Your logic leads you to believe making this legal will not increase the frequency of this happening (You even made the words all big, so much for using smaller words; maybe you meant less complex). 

You have 0 idea if widespread making it legal for males to use women's bathrooms will not create an issues; it's just something you but in bold on a message board and roster around like it is a fact. Do  you have any number showing how many time transgenders were assaulted in a restroom last year for using the facility that matches their birth sex? Just because you say something that is complete BS 10 times, doesn't make it any more sensible, Maybe if you say the same double talk 11 times it will work.

So since you have no numbers to back up your position does that mean you are calling your own argument "complete BS"?

I don't have any numbers that are specific to bathrooms. but I do have years of common knowledge that homosexuals and transgenders have always been the target of sex crimes. And in 2012 the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) found that people who identify as transgender were 28% more likely to be victims of violence than people who are gender normative.

I'm sure I can find more proof if you want to come out and claim that transgenders have never been victims of hate crimes based on their gender identity.

And this is not surprising based on the obvious derisive insults used by some members here towards transgenders comparing them to "pervs", "shitflingers", "dangerous mentally ill", and "Donkeys who think they are Elephants".  The hatred is thick toward transgenders.  
Just went to ACE to pick up some parts for my busted ass mower. Older lady in there might not have passed brad's smell test. I know I'd go ballistic if my grandmother's gentialia were called into question bc of a law like this.

But blowback has never been a forethought of the extremist christian right wing. Guess we'll just need a security details to look down everyone's shorts before entering. Or is this just a precursor to installing TSA body scanners at every public john. Thought that was a GA company that builds those things.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-26-2016, 07:58 PM)Benton Wrote: I dont see a need for a law either way. Not having one allows courts flexibility to address either side of the issue. Unfortunately, lawmakers seem to think judges and juries are all incompetent and unable to consider each case individually.

This is actually my position as well. I don't know when all of this started across the nation, but the first one I recall is a call for a law in response to a policy at Planet Fitness. Some places the laws against came first, in others the laws for. In my opinion, leave it up to the business. You have probably used the facility a number of times next to a trans person and never known it. If an assault happens then prosecute it.
(04-27-2016, 01:25 AM)fredtoast Wrote: So since you have no numbers to back up your position does that mean you are calling your own argument "complete BS"?

I don't have any numbers that are specific to bathrooms. but I do have years of common knowledge that homosexuals and transgenders have always been the target of sex crimes. And in 2012 the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) found that people who identify as transgender were 28% more likely to be victims of violence than people who are gender normative.

I'm sure I can find more proof if you want to come out and claim that transgenders have never been victims of hate crimes based on their gender identity.

And this is not surprising based on the obvious derisive insults used by some members here towards transgenders comparing them to "pervs", "shitflingers", "dangerous mentally ill", and "Donkeys who think they are Elephants".  The hatred is thick toward transgenders.  
Why should I provide numbers; I'm not the one that has been spouting off about assaults and laws required to reduce them. I good with just following the sign on the outside of the door and handeling your business.

Kindly provide the number of Transgenders that were assualted in bathroom over the last year because they tried to use the facility that matches their biological sex and we will discuss if it is such an issue do drastic that we need specificfor laws to safeguard them or STFU.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-27-2016, 12:55 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  I'm not the one that has been spouting off about assaults and laws required to reduce them. 
Oh really?

(04-24-2016, 02:52 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There will be those that will feel less safe once this becomes law, but according to you: those folks have "issues". Not good issues that need laws like wanting to use the other bathroom, but bad issues that require no protection under the law.  

(04-26-2016, 06:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Folks will tell you that you shouldn't focus on this as there are laws in place to protect anyone assaulted in a bathroom
Examples of transgender people assaulted in bathrooms

But here is my favorite....

Tracy Murphree, the GOP candidate for Denton County sheriff, posted on Facebook that he’d beat the hell out of a transgender person who tried to piss in a bathroom where Murphree’s daughter was peeing.

That's right.  In Texas it is just fien to threaten to beat the hell out of a person just because he/she is transgender and using the restroom.
(04-27-2016, 12:55 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Kindly provide the number of Transgenders that were assualted in bathroom over the last year because they tried to use the facility that matches their biological sex and we will discuss if it is such an issue do drastic that we need specificfor laws to safeguard them or STFU.


(04-27-2016, 01:39 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Examples of transgender people assaulted in bathrooms

But here is my favorite....

Tracy Murphree, the GOP candidate for Denton County sheriff, posted on Facebook that he’d beat the hell out of a transgender person who tried to piss in a bathroom where Murphree’s daughter was peeing.

That's right.  In Texas it is just fien to threaten to beat the hell out of a person just because he/she is transgender and using the restroom.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-27-2016, 02:12 PM)GMDino Wrote: Shocked


does that have butter and salt?
People suck
(04-27-2016, 02:34 PM)Griever Wrote: does that have butter and salt?

Of course!  As I always say: I didn't get this fat by taking a day off.   Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Is there really a need for legislation here? If a trans truly looks like the opposite sex of what they are, is anyone even gonna notice if they use the bathroom of the gender they look like?

Are dudes that look like dudes gonna really just stroll into a woman's room claiming they "feel" like a woman?

Whole lot of hand wringing for some thing that functionality speaking is going to police itself, so to speak.

I saw some state level legislator from somewhere say they were worried about a kid getting molested in the bathroom. Who leaves their young kids to their own devices in public restrooms?

The amount of stupid that leads to this even being a discussion is huge man, huge.
Being a Bengals fan is like being in love with a narcissist.  It's a brutal, emotionally abusive relationship but I never leave and just keep making excuses for them.
(04-27-2016, 01:26 PM)fredtoast Wrote:  
Oh really?

I have 0 idea why you quoted those posts.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-27-2016, 01:39 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Examples of transgender people assaulted in bathrooms

But here is my favorite....

Tracy Murphree, the GOP candidate for Denton County sheriff, posted on Facebook that he’d beat the hell out of a transgender person who tried to piss in a bathroom where Murphree’s daughter was peeing.

That's right.  In Texas it is just fien to threaten to beat the hell out of a person just because he/she is transgender and using the restroom.
Must say I only clicked on the first of your 5 links and it appears someone was attacked for trying to use a bathroom opposite of their sex. Maybe you didn't understand what I asked when I asked for someone being attacked for going into a bathroom of their sex
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-28-2016, 02:06 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Must say I only clicked on the first of your 5 links and it appears someone was attacked for trying to use a bathroom opposite of their sex. Maybe you didn't understand what I asked when I asked for someone being attacked for going into a bathroom of their sex

Looks like the others are the same, which is typical of Fred- just posts links and assumes that people will take his word for it and no one will actually investigate.
(04-28-2016, 03:13 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Looks like the others are the same, which is typical of Fred- just posts links and assumes that people will take his word for it and no one will actually investigate.

Well if that is the case, then he pretty much destroyed his own argument
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