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Transgender Bathroom/Locker Room Question
(04-27-2016, 01:39 PM)fredtoast Wrote: But here is my favorite....

Tracy Murphree, the GOP candidate for Denton County sheriff, posted on Facebook that he’d beat the hell out of a transgender person who tried to piss in a bathroom where Murphree’s daughter was peeing.

That's right.  In Texas it is just fien to threaten to beat the hell out of a person just because he/she is transgender and using the restroom.

No one has a comment on this?
(04-28-2016, 10:48 AM)fredtoast Wrote: No one has a comment on this?

He's a candidate. Any moron can pay the $50 filing fee and spout of nonsense.
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(04-28-2016, 10:48 AM)fredtoast Wrote: No one has a comment on this?

"Dog bites man"

I have a friend who lives in Texas...from what I've been told this is no surprise.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-27-2016, 01:39 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Examples of transgender people assaulted in bathrooms

After further review it is correct that most of these involve transgenders being attacked in the bathroom of their sexual identity, but one of them was a transgender woman beaten up by a man in the women's room calling her a "******" so it is hard to argue that she would have been safe using the men's room.

Hate crimes against transgenders are so common that they are tabulated in hate crime statistics.  There has been a long history of men beating up "*****" and transgender women.  This is common knowledge by anyone who is willing to admit the truth.  Anyone who claims this is not true is in denial.  So it is only logical to assume that transgender women would feel very threatened using the men's public restrooms.  And I assume that there are very few cases of transgender women getting attacked in men's public restrooms because they NEVER use men's public restrooms.  They should not be labeled as criminals just for using the bathroom that makes them feel safe.
(04-28-2016, 10:48 AM)fredtoast Wrote: No one has a comment on this?

he issued a backhanded apology for it the following day from what i saw
People suck
Anyone think it is sad that this has become this big of an issue in our society? Murder rates, Unemployment, Childhood hunger, all take a back seat to where people piss....
(04-28-2016, 11:53 AM)Au165 Wrote: Anyone think it is sad that this has become this big of an issue in our society? Murder rates, Unemployment, Childhood hunger, all take a back seat to where people piss....


I just finished a long discussion on Facebook about that.

The actual "bathroom bill" in NC is more about allowing businesses to discriminate based on their "religious beliefs" than about bathrooms.

Meanwhile we are still in two wars we can't win and our infrastructure is falling apart.

Bright, shiny objects to distract us is all this is.  They have to keep us divided so we can't unite against them.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-28-2016, 11:04 AM)fredtoast Wrote: After further review it is correct that most of these involve transgenders being attacked in the bathroom of their sexual identity, but one of them was a transgender woman beaten up by a man in the women's room calling her a "******" so it is hard to argue that she would have been safe using the men's room.

Hate crimes against transgenders are so common that they are tabulated in hate crime statistics.  There has been a long history of men beating up "*****" and transgender women.  This is common knowledge by anyone who is willing to admit the truth.  Anyone who claims this is not true is in denial.  So it is only logical to assume that transgender women would feel very threatened using the men's public restrooms.  And I assume that there are very few cases of transgender women getting attacked in men's public restrooms because they NEVER use men's public restrooms.  They should not be labeled as criminals just for using the bathroom that makes them feel safe.

So after all this you finally admit it is about feeling comfortable.
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(04-28-2016, 12:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So after all this you finally admit it is about feeling comfortable.

I have never changed my position.

Transgenders have a LEGITIMATE reason to feel threaten if forced to use the wrong restroom.  This is based on the long history of hate crimes against transgenders.

People who oppose this letting them use the correct restroom have NO legitimate reason to feel threatened.

So I am saying exactly the same thing I have said all along.
(04-28-2016, 12:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So after all this you finally admit it is about feeling comfortable.

Only one group is allowed to worry about what MIGHT happen.

The whole "we want equality, but want special treatment" call used by all special interest groups.
(04-28-2016, 12:32 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Only one group is allowed to worry about what MIGHT happen.

The whole "we want equality, but want special treatment" call used by all special interest groups.

In this case only one group has a legitimate history of violence against them that justifies their fear of what might happen.  Transgender women, and even men who exhibit feminine characteristics, have often been the target of violence and abuse, but there is not an extensive history of transgender people attacking gender normative people.

And no one is asking for "special" treatment.  All they want to do is be treated equal and be allowed to use the restroom of the sex they identify with.  Everyone else gets to do this, so all they are asking for is equality.
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(04-28-2016, 12:28 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I have never changed my position.

Transgenders have a LEGITIMATE reason to feel threaten if forced to use the wrong restroom.  This is based on the long history of hate crimes against transgenders.

People who oppose this letting them use the correct restroom have NO legitimate reason to feel threatened.

So I am saying exactly the same thing I have said all along.

Cap locks legitimate all you want; but, when asked to post numbers about trans getting assaulted for using the facility based on their biological sex you could not. All you could do is prove that rarely one gets assaulted for using the "right" restroom. As to saying the same thing: no you have not, you continued to spout off about it being a matter of safety, until shown it might actually be safer for them to you the facility that matches their biological sex. 

So as I've said all along these laws are about nothing more than making someone feel comfortable. A point you have flatly denied in the past. 

[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-28-2016, 03:33 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Cap locks legitimate all you want; but, when asked to post numbers about trans getting assaulted for using the facility based on their biological sex you could not. All you could do is prove that rarely one gets assaulted for using the "right" restroom. As to saying the same thing: no you have not, you continued to spout off about it being a matter of safety, until shown it might actually be safer for them to you the facility that matches their biological sex. 

So as I've said all along these laws are about nothing more than making someone feel comfortable. A point you have flatly denied in the past. 


And you continue to deny that there is a long history of transgender, and even effeminate men, being the victims of violence.  

Making it criminal for them to use the proper restroom forces them to sacrifice their safety.  Basically they are forced to chose between being a criminal or being threatened with the possibility of violence.

If you want to get into semantic about people "feeling comfortable" then I can show that transgenders have a legitimate reason to fear for their safety while gender normative people do not. Transgenders can point to a long history of being targets of violence based on their gender identity while gender normative people can not.

I even posted  a direct quote from a candidate for sheriff that threatened to beat up a transgender woman for no reason other than using a ladies public restroom.
(04-28-2016, 02:43 PM)fredtoast Wrote: In this case only one group has a legitimate history of violence against them that justifies their fear of what might happen.  Transgender women, and even men who exhibit feminine characteristics, have often been the target of violence and abuse, but there is not an extensive history of transgender people attacking gender normative people.

And no one is asking for "special" treatment.  All they want to do is be treated equal and be allowed to use the restroom of the sex they identify with.  Everyone else gets to do this, so all they are asking for is equality.

I'm inclined to agree with you in regard to your statement on statistics, but how many police depts specifically mark down transgender instead of straight up male/female ?
Pretty sure they do not mark gay m/f either.
So, I think the statistics are skewed in favor of your position.

The last part of my quoted post was centering on discussion of "might happen", so it's not really worded as I should have.

Again, my position is that I really don't care about the bathroom thing so much.
I think things were fine and would've continued to be, if it were not blown up.

(04-28-2016, 03:30 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: [Image: c4qjnEd.jpg]

Lucie was going to post nearly the same pic, but he figured he'd get banned immediately.
I also advised against it.
(04-28-2016, 04:03 PM)fredtoast Wrote: And you continue to deny that there is a long history of transgender, and even effeminate men, being the victims of violence.  

Making it criminal for them to use the proper restroom forces them to sacrifice their safety.  Basically they are forced to chose between being a criminal or being threatened with the possibility of violence.

If you want to get into semantic about people "feeling comfortable" then I can show that transgenders have a legitimate reason to fear for their safety while gender normative people do not. Transgenders can point to a long history of being targets of violence based on their gender identity while gender normative people can not.

I even posted  a direct quote from a candidate for sheriff that threatened to beat up a transgender woman for no reason other than using a ladies public restroom.

You keep arguing against yourself. You start off with:  "Making it criminal for them to use the proper restroom forces them to sacrifice their safety." Yet you post numerous example of them being attacked for using the "proper" restroom.  

You just cannot continue to make up stuff others have said. Nowhere have I denied transgenders are assaulted and have stated that anyone that assaults someone unprovoked should be punished. I simply asserted that making it legal for a male to use a women's facility (or as you say the "proper" one) is not an answer and will only lead to making more people uncomfortable. To which you responded those that would fell uncomfortable have "issues". If the assaults continue either way; simply make the punishment more severe. 

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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-28-2016, 04:12 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Lucie was going to post nearly the same pic, but he figured he'd get banned  immediately.
I also advised against it.

Lucie was going to post the same pic, but his previous indiscretions stunted his posting capabilities.  SCS on the other hand, being a mature contributor to discussions on the boards, is capable of doing as such because he does not have a history of bigoted, vile comments regarding the subject.

Funny how that works.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-28-2016, 04:26 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You keep arguing against yourself. You start off with:  "Making it criminal for them to use the proper restroom forces them to sacrifice their safety." Yet you post numerous example of them being attacked for using the "proper" restroom.  

You just cannot continue to make up stuff others have said. Nowhere have I denied transgenders are assaulted and have stated that anyone that assaults someone unprovoked should be punished. I simply asserted that making it legal for a male to use a women's facility (or as you say the "proper" one) is not an answer and will only lead to making more people uncomfortable. To which you responded those that would fell uncomfortable have "issues". If the assaults continue either way; simply make the punishment more severe. 


I also postee links to them being attacked for using the wrong public restroom.

I am not making up anything.  Transgenders have a history of victimhood to justify their apprehension.  Gender normative do not.  That is why transgenders feeling fearful is understandable while gender normative people feeling fearful is not justified. 

A normal person who is deadly afraid of paper cuts has issues.  A hemophiliac who is afraid of paper cuts does not have issues.

And the law does not allow all men to use a ladies restroom, only men who are transgender women.
(04-28-2016, 04:39 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I also postee links to them being attacked for using the wrong public restroom.

I am not making up anything.  Transgenders have a history of victimhood to justify their apprehension.  Gender normative do not.  That is why transgenders feeling fearful is understandable while gender normative people feeling fearful is not justified. 

And the law does not allow all men to use a ladies restroom, only men who are transgender women.

So you have posted links to them being assaulted in both; so using your logic, they should not be allowed to use any public restroom. Of course Transgenders have been victims of assault, but letting them use whichever facility they want will do very little to stem this; however, it will make a new population fell more uncomfortable using a public facility. All it will do if make those like you feel better about themselves, because you made a difference and give like-minded another opportunity to call those that disagree with the logic racist=bigots. 

Do African Americans "have a history of victimhood to justify their apprehension"? If your answer to this is yes, then do you think we should go back to segregated facilities. Sometimes you just have to sit back, watch a liberal with a "cause", and chuckle.  
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