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Transgender Bathroom/Locker Room Question
(05-05-2016, 04:47 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Daily? Probably not.
Do you honestly think they never flip-flop?

How could they be trans and not have flip-flopped at least once.  That being said.  My response was to a question about them doing it daily.  At no point have I indicated that I don't think they can and do change, especially earlier on in there development.  Not sure how it's an issue though.

I deleted your armchair psych - 100 diagnosis as it's purely conjecture on your part.  I read your last statement as well.
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(05-05-2016, 04:47 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: *note, this is just a general statement/observation and not a all or nothing statement, I'm very well aware that there is always exceptions and varying shades of gray.

** this is coming from someone with absolutely no real life experience with the matter. 
***  one of the reasons people in this situation could be unhappy is the way people like this poster treats them. 
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(05-05-2016, 04:53 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: How could they be trans and not have flip-flopped at least once.  That being said.  My response was to a question about them doing it daily.  At no point have I indicated that I don't think they can and do change, especially earlier on in there development.  Not sure how it's an issue though.

I deleted your armchair psych - 100 diagnosis as it's purely conjecture on your part.  I read your last statement as well.

Quote:Gender fluid
Quote: is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as malefemaleneutrois, or any othernon-binary identity, or some combination of identities. Their gender can also vary at random or vary in response to different circumstances. Gender fluid people may also identify as multigendernon-binary and/or transgender.

Gender fluid people who feel that the strength of their gender(s) change(s) over time, or that they are sometimes agender, may identify as gender flux.

So there very-well may be those that often change their identity. If you consider daily far-fetched; what frequency would you consider in the realm of possibility:

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(05-05-2016, 05:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So there very-well may be those that often change their identity. If you consider daily far-fetched; what frequency would you consider in the realm of possibility:


I don't know.  You seem to have some ideas.  How bout you tell me what you think.  The only trans person I ever knew never changed in the time that I have known him.  
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(05-05-2016, 04:51 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I know someone very well that has gone through the transition (not full, but appearance wise).   One of the toughest and most psychologically stressful experiences I've seen someone go through on their own direction.  A lot of that struggle is from outside pressures where people are unwilling to accept their choices (sound familiar?).   I will say that individual is happier today than at any point I've known them, multiple years after the treatments etc and after moving with their significant other to a completely new city where their previous gender identity doesn't cloud others perception of the present person before them.  

Nobody would bat an eye at this dude if he came into your pisser.  Even so, that nickle-dick piss any wouldn't say a ***** thing bc he'd beat the ever living shit out of them...  She would have too to be clear.  That's not "I walk around my gated community with a revolver" kind of peacocking.  That's real. 

All these supposed christians need to start acting with the compassion they preach rather than shunning someone going through something you don't even understand.  But I guess that's what you get when someone is raised to be closeminded so as to not question the bullshit being shoved down their throat. 

And there is a real life experience that I was asking for.
It wasn't about gender-fluid, but still nice to hear.
I live in a town of around 12k people.
I don't get to experience things like I used to, with being married and having kids.
So, I ask others.
I trust a few of you here, more than random webpages, written by people I don't know or may have a agenda.
I'm sure every gender-fluid person is different, so I doubt there is any "pattern " to which way fluidity swings.
This why it is a question I bring up when talking about the whole bathroom rights....ect.
How do you legislate something that undefined ?
I'm far more empathetic than I ever let on here, so don't think I'm attacking a group, when I'm attempting to provoke conversations.
I may not word things kindly sometimes, but at times it's necessary to get people to be involved in the discussion.
To be honest though, most of the time I am fighting off my 4yr old while trying to post and don't get to complete most of my thoughts.
I then have to roll with it, in attempt to not look like a backtracking oaf.
Well.... I guess I'll never get away from the oafish part.
(05-05-2016, 05:10 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: I don't know.  You seem to have some ideas.  How bout you tell me what you think.  The only trans person I ever knew never changed in the time that I have known him.  

So this is just more of my unofficial motto of this forum:

"I don't know what's right, I just know you're wrong".

As to what I think I thought I did provide that when I stated with the given descriptive it could happen quite frequently. Would I discount there may be a time in a person's life that  they could struggle with gender identity daily?  No
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(05-05-2016, 05:13 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: And there is a real life experience that I was asking for.
It wasn't about gender-fluid, but still nice to hear.
I live in a town of around 12k people.
I don't get to experience things like I used to, with being married and having kids.
So, I ask others.
I trust a few of you here, more than random webpages, written by people I don't know or may have a agenda.
I'm sure every gender-fluid person is different, so I doubt there is any "pattern " to which way fluidity swings.
This why it is a question I bring up when talking about the whole bathroom rights....ect.
How do you legislate something that undefined ?
I'm far more empathetic than I ever let on here, so don't think I'm attacking a group, when I'm attempting to provoke conversations.
I may not word things kindly sometimes, but at times it's necessary to get people to be involved in the discussion.
To be honest though, most of the time I am fighting off my 4yr old while trying to post and don't get to complete most of my thoughts.
I then have to roll with it, in attempt to not look like a backtracking oaf.
Well.... I guess I'll never get away from the oafish part.

Don't think I ever really take your comments as insulting RB. Might just get your tone better than others though.  

Also hope we're all better people than we put on around here.  Otherwise were ******. 

Side note. Wrote that last comment after a nice crapper session in SFO. Some suspect activity involving a loose pair of sandals in one stall.  But other than that, no genitals seen yet again. 
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(05-05-2016, 05:16 PM)bfine32 Wrote: "I don't know what's right, I just know you're wrong".


(05-05-2016, 05:16 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As to what I think I thought I did provide that when I stated with the given descriptive it could happen quite frequently. Would I discount there may be a time in a person's life that  they could struggle with gender identity daily?  Yes. 


(05-05-2016, 05:16 PM)bfine32 Wrote: "I don't know what's right, I just know you're wrong".
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-05-2016, 05:28 PM)GMDino Wrote: Mellow


Good catch; that should have been no. Thanks for paying such close attention and helping out. 
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(05-05-2016, 05:16 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So this is just more of my unofficial motto of this forum:

"I don't know what's right, I just know you're wrong".

As to what I think I thought I did provide that when I stated with the given descriptive it could happen quite frequently. Would I discount there may be a time in a person's life that  they could struggle with gender identity daily?  Yes. 

Who did I say was wrong....Other than the armchair psych major?  I think the idea that a person that is early in their understanding of their gender, and who is struggling with it, needs to be legislated against is wrong, But I don't see where I weighed in on the daily change issue.  I merely asked if he believed that.  I also provided the only interaction I have ever had knowingly with a trans person.  You seem to have placed some value to that question. 

But hey you keep on truckin. 
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(05-05-2016, 05:35 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: Who did I say was wrong....Other than the armchair psych major?  I think the idea that a person that is early in their understanding of their gender, and who is struggling with it, needs to be legislated against is wrong, But I don't see where I weighed in on the daily change issue.  I merely asked if he believed that.  I also provided the only interaction I have ever had knowingly with a trans person.  You seem to have placed some value to that question. 

But hey you keep on truckin. 
So we both agree it could happen daily.

At least your "honest question" was answered. 
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Here is the story of the only trans person I have dealt with personally (that I know about). This was in a very small town (Rutledge) in one of the most rural parts of East Tennessee. Pretty much everyone in that town is a Conservative Christian. She was an older translady (50's) who dressed like Aunt Bee and was the main reporter for the tiny local newspaper. I saw her in the courthouse all the time and everyone treated her with total respect. I am sure she probably had few problems from time to time, but everyone I knew treated her properly in public.
(05-05-2016, 05:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So there very-well may be those that often change their identity. If you consider daily far-fetched; what frequency would you consider in the realm of possibility:


(05-05-2016, 05:16 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  Would I discount there may be a time in a person's life that  they could struggle with gender identity daily?  No

(05-05-2016, 05:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So we both agree it could happen daily.

I don't think anyone here has even made a guess.  Seems you are the only one claiming to be expert enough to offer an opinion.

Here is what I recommend.  Instead of just trying to make an argument based ona wild guess why not go do doem research.
(05-05-2016, 06:27 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I don't think anyone here has even made a guess.  Seems you are the only one claiming to be expert enough to offer an opinion.

Here is what I recommend.  Instead of just trying to make an argument based ona wild guess why not go do doem research.

If you were to keep up you would see that the debate started when someone was challenged when they suggested trans could choose daily which facility they wanted to use. That person has since said he was simply asking an honest question, but whatever.

I simply suggested it is not far-fetched to think a gender-fluid person could change identity with frequency and even posted a definition (or as you may call research) to support this assumption. I simply asked what that person would consider reasonable fluidity. Somehow, someway this has evolved into me "making an argument on a wild guess".

You guys are amazing.  
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If I'm a guy which restroom should I use?
Chances of encountering a problem in the bathroom due to unsanitary conditions: decent

Chances of encountering a problem in a bathroom due to a trans person: pretty effin' slim

IJS.  This seems like a case of a non-issue getting people unbelievably riled up.  
(05-05-2016, 09:35 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If you were to keep up you would see that the debate started when someone was challenged when they suggested trans could choose daily which facility they wanted to use. That person has since said he was simply asking an honest question, but whatever.

I simply suggested it is not far-fetched to think a gender-fluid person could change identity with frequency and even posted a definition (or as you may call research) to support this assumption. I simply asked what that person would consider reasonable fluidity. Somehow, someway this has evolved into me "making an argument on a wild guess".

You guys are amazing.  

I think if you read Roto and I's conversation paying close attention to post 358 then read your conversation with me you will see why I will always maintain deeper and richer interpersonal relationships than you.  I don't believe this is the only place you are this cantankerous.

Though, based on your inability to do exactly what it is I am pointing out I highly doubt you will even get what I am saying and thus once again fail at the point of my first sentence.

My amazement in you is equal.  So keep on truckin!
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(05-06-2016, 08:51 AM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: I think if you read Roto and I's conversation paying close attention to post 358 then read your conversation with me you will see why I will always maintain deeper and richer interpersonal relationships than you.  

Somebody done let their eharmony profile go to their head. 
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(05-06-2016, 03:13 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: If I'm a guy which restroom should I use?

If some have their way you can just transform to any gender you need to suit whatever desire you wish. 

Maybe now they can get rid of quotas for jobs and admission to university.    Since anyone can be any gender or any race now 
(05-06-2016, 06:08 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If some have their way you can just transform to any gender you need to suit whatever desire you wish. 

Maybe now they can get rid of quotas for jobs and admission to university.    Since anyone can be any gender or any race now 

Interesting choice of words.  How often do you have desires relating to using the restroom?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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