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Transgender vets now have a VA clinic
(11-18-2015, 10:35 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Oops, you got me.  Congratulations.  His character blames his iPhone/tablet/pc for autocorrecting "you're" to "your" in part due to his "wife" because she uses his devices and English is her second language.  (Hint:  it's a lie because iPhones don't autocorrect "you're" to "your" and "you're" doesn't begin with "y" in his "wife's" native language.)  I preemptively supplied him with his character's usual excuse/lie.

If I did point to a post from five days ago that would still be in chronological order, right?  Right.  You should probably go back to plagiarizing websites you don't understand because you're not very good at thinking for yourself.

Why do you care if I post what I did this weekend?  If I want to post it, I will.  I posted it because he was discussing "RL" so I discussed what I actually did in real life.  I'm surprised I actually need to explain that part.  His character actually has to be married in order for me to discuss his family.  Watch this: Lucie, what day did you get married?

Instead of being able to say, you're right, family should be off limits, you have to go back to the old attack attack attack method cause that's that only way you understand how to communicate with others. Lemme guess, your response to this one is going to again contain more insults. Yawn

(11-12-2015, 03:42 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Now that's kinda confusing, whether someone has made the transition or not, aren't they still classified under GID?

Has there ever been any cases where the person had the surgery and later regretted it? or was still confused? or does this surgery basically cure them of their GID?

Back to the topic on hand, my question seems to have been missed.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-19-2015, 12:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why on earth would I give you any details about my life?  

You don't send a stalker your bio .  

What's sad is that you rail on my wife and family constantly.  Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this other than making yourself look sad and pathetic.  

When did attacking someone's family become the normal around here?

Poor choice of words, Homie.

Besides that, yeah.... family should be off limits.
(11-19-2015, 12:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why on earth would I give you any details about my life?  

You don't send a stalker your bio .  

What's sad is that you rail on my wife and family constantly.  Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this other than making yourself look sad and pathetic.  

When did attacking someone's family become the normal around here?

First, I have never written a single derogatory comment about your "wife" or your family.  Suggesting I have is another lie in a long series of lies.  I have teased you for being a liar.  If you don't like being teased about being a liar then stop lying.  Quit pretending to be a victim and start acting like a man. Cry

Second, I know the stalker comments are meant to be irritating, but they aren't.  The idea someone is stalking you because they reply to the person who posts more than any other member is just laughable.  Just so you know, your character is inducing the opposite effect of what you intend. Hilarious

Third, you give out details of your life almost daily.  Like that picture in your avatar for instance. :crazy:

Fourth, my anniversary is August 2nd.  What can you do with that information?  Not a god damn thing. Yawn

Fifth, the reason you don't want to answer the question is because you're trying to hide something.  You're a habitual liar and the odds you will guess your "anniversary" correctly is slim to none. Wink
(11-19-2015, 12:55 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Instead of being able to say, you're right, family should be off limits, you have to go back to the old attack attack attack method cause that's that only way you understand how to communicate with others. Lemme guess, your response to this one is going to again contain more insults. Yawn

Back to the topic on hand, my question seems to have been missed.

The topic at hand is troll bait. :hooked:
He has cited inconsistencies in things Lucie has said, in this case about his marriage, to support his claims that he makes up crap and is a troll.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
My last comments on this.... I will just start reporting posts from this point forward.

1. You constantly talk about them almost daily. You do not go a day without a mention of my family in some negative capacity .

2. I could care less if stalker bothers you or not. That's what you do..... It's just a description. I don't say it to insult you. I have never insulted anyone on this board directly. Some of my topical comments may have bothered some.... But I have never attacked anyone's personal life. Or constantly brought up their family on a daily basis.

3. Yes I have made general comments when pertinent to explain why I believe one way or another. And who cares about my avatar? There is about 3 people here who care about it . You, VD, And djs . Never seen so much outrage or attention paid to an avatar. What's sad is that I swapped to Woody woodpecker for a couple of days and VD congratulates me on the change...... Love how you guys monitor me haha.

4. Good for you. Just because you want to share some things doesn't mean that everyone does... Plus if you were any kind of detective you could figure it out. Reading my posts should be plenty to figure out what we were doing in June and why. It was enough for a few to figure out And the. ask me how things were going privately.. You are too much into insulting me instead of putting it together and knowing why.....which is fine because you don't care what I do.... You just want to toss the latest insult at me or another poster .... Instead of staying on topic you want to get personal. Which is just the type of man you are I suppose.

5. Of course I am hiding something ..... It's a bengals message board ... Not Facebook. Why on earth would anyone go into detail on their life given the childish nature of some on this board. Vast majority of people here are respectful but then there are the few who take things way overboard and who needs that in their life away from this board.

Btw you are one of the ones who take things way to far.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-20-2015, 03:47 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

I didn't see anything in the links about GID.
No need to cry about being left out of the recent conversation. Your tissues and Snickers will be there shortly.  Wink

On a side note, did you see my questions about GID and those that have the surgery?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-20-2015, 02:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: My last comments on this....   I will just start reporting posts from this point forward.  

1. You constantly talk about them almost daily.   You do not go a day without a mention of my family in some negative capacity .  

2. I could care less if stalker bothers you or not.   That's what you do..... It's just a description.   I don't say it to insult you.   I have never insulted anyone on this board directly.   Some of my topical comments may have bothered some.... But I have never attacked anyone's personal life.   Or constantly brought up their family on a daily basis.

3. Yes I have made general comments when pertinent to explain why I believe one way or another.    And who cares about my avatar?  There is about 3 people here who care about it .  You, VD, And djs .   Never seen so much outrage or attention paid to an avatar.    What's sad is that I swapped to Woody woodpecker for a couple of days and VD congratulates me on the change......  Love how you guys monitor me haha.    

4. Good for you.  Just because you want to share some things doesn't mean that everyone does...    Plus if you were any kind of detective you could figure it out.   Reading my posts should be plenty to figure out what we were doing in June and why.   It was enough for a few to figure out And the. ask me how things were going privately..  You are too much into insulting me instead of putting it together and knowing why.....which is fine because you don't care what I do.... You just want to toss the latest insult at me or another poster ....  Instead of staying on topic you want to get personal.  Which is just the type of man you are I suppose.  

5. Of course I am hiding something ..... It's a bengals message board ... Not Facebook.    Why on earth would anyone go into detail on their life given the childish nature of some on this board.   Vast majority of people here are respectful but then there are the few who take things way overboard and who needs that in their life away from this board.  

Btw you are one of the ones who take things way to far.

Sorry Lucie, but you are the one who is constantly trying to use elements from your personal life to back up your arguments.

You claim to be an exert on teaching because of your background in teaching.

You claim to know what Cubans think because of all the ones you have met in your life and the discussions they had with you about their racial identity.

You claim to have secret information based on the work with "your clients."

You claim to know that Chinese restaurant owners are hiding their child labor from everyone in a restaurant other then you.

You claimed that when your wife was discriminated against because of her nationality it did not upset you at all.

In fact most of your lame arguments have nothing to back them up other than your own claims from your personal life.

The fact that you clearly lied about being married pretty much proves that none of your "personal experience" can be accepted as true.

So stop crying and man up about this.  And never ever make any claims based on your personal experience if you are going to start crying anytime mentions that you lie about your personal experiences.  You can't have it both ways.  You can't make arguments based on your own personal experience and then claim that no one should be allowed to talk about his own personal life.
(11-20-2015, 02:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: My last comments on this....   I will just start reporting posts from this point forward.  

1. You constantly talk about them almost daily.   You do not go a day without a mention of my family in some negative capacity .  

I have never written a single negative comment about your family and I defy you to show me where I did.
(11-20-2015, 04:51 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Sorry Lucie, but you are the one who is constantly trying to use elements from your personal life to back up your arguments.

You claim to be an exert on teaching because of your background in teaching.

You claim to know what Cubans think because of all the ones you have met in your life and the discussions they had with you about their racial identity.

You claim to have secret information based on the work with "your clients."

You claim to know that Chinese restaurant owners are hiding their child labor from everyone in a restaurant other then you.

You claimed that when your wife was discriminated against because of her nationality it did not upset you at all.

In fact most of your lame arguments have nothing to back them up other than your own claims from your personal life.

The fact that you clearly lied about being married pretty much proves that none of your "personal experience" can be accepted as true.

So stop crying and man up about this.  And never ever make any claims based on your personal experience if you are going to start crying anytime mentions that you lie about your personal experiences.  You can't have it both ways.  You can't make arguments based on your own personal experience and then claim that no one should be allowed to talk about his own personal life.

Coming from the guy who offered to sexually groom my daughter. At least breech didn't go there, he at least has the sense to draw the line there my.

I have noticed you have stayed clear of that type of language since, which is appreciated.

I have never cared about be questioned on the merits of the debate.

I stand by everything you mentioned above. And more than willing to go into detail. But that's not what we are talking about here. What we are talking about here is common courtesy given to any member of the board.
(11-20-2015, 05:17 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I have never written a single negative comment about your family and I defy you to show me where I did.

I challenge you to treat others with respect. The same respect you demand in return.
(11-20-2015, 02:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: 3. Yes I have made general comments when pertinent to explain why I believe one way or another.    And who cares about my avatar?  There is about 3 people here who care about it .  You, VD, And djs .   Never seen so much outrage or attention paid to an avatar.    What's sad is that I swapped to Woody woodpecker for a couple of days and VD congratulates me on the change......  Love how you guys monitor me haha.    

Didn't congratulate you.  I thanked you... 

(10-28-2015, 04:44 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Appreciate the new avatar btw.

Nothing personal, just not a fan of starring at some random person's family.  Also don't think its appropriate to post pictures of children on public forums.   I think it shows complete disregard for your children's privacy.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-20-2015, 06:46 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I challenge you to treat others with respect.  The same respect you demand in return.

I'm going to take your failure to show me a single derogatory statement as an admission you lied again.

August 2nd.  It's that damn simple. Go ahead and shut me up.
The guy who makes racist comments wants people to show respect?

[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-19-2015, 12:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why on earth would I give you any details about my life?  

When are you changing your name from StLucieBengal to UndisclosedLocationBengal?
(11-20-2015, 08:59 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The guy who makes racist comments wants people to show respect?


Please learn the definition and proper use of racist. You guys throw that around so much on these boards it's lost it's Meaning. Which is a shame when there is actual legitimate racism it will be passed off as the usual joke you have made that word .
(11-20-2015, 08:41 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I'm going to take your failure to show me a single derogatory statement as an admission you lied again.

August 2nd.  It's that damn simple. Go ahead and shut me up.

lol lied.... Whatever you say. Hilarious
(11-20-2015, 11:31 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: When are you changing your name from StLucieBengal to UndisclosedLocationBengal?

Come on down. there are two of us from the boards down here.... I'm not the only one.
(11-21-2015, 02:34 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: lol lied....   Whatever you say.     Hilarious

You accused me of constantly writing negative things about your family, yet you can't produce a single negative comment.

You claim you are married, but can't recall when it happened.

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