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Trump’s Press Secretary Begs The American People To Stop Mocking Donald Trump
(01-02-2017, 06:35 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Sure you can. But don't play like you don't already have one:

[Image: men-s-i-hate-donald-trump-men-s-t-shirt.webp]

Probably the most true thing you ever posted.  I feel Trump is a bad human being.  However I will stick to calling him out (being disrespectful in your words) every time he does something as long as I can prove it.

But back tot he OP...should we all stop criticizing him because he wants us too?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-02-2017, 05:22 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: This is getting ridiculous.

There are racists and people who are simply ignorant.  That's not news.  Nor is it news that the left parades these anecdotal stories as proof that "most of the hate is racist".  It is, again, a meme manufactured to protect and shield Obama from criticism  (which seems a pretty racist thing to do, to me).

According to your own misguided definition of racism, shielding Obama from criticism can't be racist because no one was harmed. 
(01-02-2017, 02:19 PM)CageTheBengal Wrote: Where have you been? The majority of people don't care about policies they care about how big your presidents marbles are. If anybody cared about policies they would be interested in Trumps tax returns and be more bothered by his lack of detail throughout this last election cycle.

It's all about showmanship. Why else would people elect a reality television blowhard with no experience?

"Lock her up!" "Drain the swamp!"

That was all for show and the public that elected him don't even care. His campaign revolved around rattling the hornets nest with no substance and one false statement after another manipulating the public using their disdain for politics. No accountability.

A lot of people don't care about policies. You choose a side and you stick with it because that's your team. It's like watching the Bengals vs Steelers. People vote with emotion not their brain.

I'm glad you used that phrase.
It reminded me to give you all a look into the Alt-Right/Nat. Soc. minds.
I'll start another thread.
(01-02-2017, 05:48 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If you want to disrespect the President Elect for things other that his policy choices; have at it. Just don't point at those that disrespected the current POTUS for things other than his policy choices as validation for your behavior. Own the disrespect and accept that you are no better than those you previously loathed.


Difference is no one will be accused of "hating" because he's orange.

(01-02-2017, 07:30 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: According to your own misguided definition of racism, shielding Obama from criticism can't be racist because no one was harmed. 

It's not misguided.  If no one is harmed, if there is no overt action, then it's simply bigotry or bias not acted on.  Not sure why that is such a difficult concept for you to grasp.  It was also explained to you that I wasn't referring only to physical harm.

And, yeah, shouting down debate with malicious and false accusations of racism can be pretty harmful.  And false accusations actually are harmful to the people you would intend to protect.

(01-03-2017, 02:39 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: It's not misguided.  If no one is harmed, if there is no overt action, then it's simply bigotry or bias not acted on.  Not sure why that is such a difficult concept for you to grasp.  It was also explained to you that I wasn't referring only to physical harm.

And, yeah, shouting down debate with malicious and false accusations of racism can be pretty harmful.  And false accusations actually are harmful to the people you would intend to protect.

That means if I hate you for no other reason than the color of your skin, but I don't act on my hatred of your skin color I'm a bigot, not a racist. LMFAO!

(01-02-2017, 05:22 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: This is getting ridiculous.

There are racists and people who are simply ignorant.  That's not news.  Nor is it news that the left parades these anecdotal stories as proof that "most of the hate is racist".  It is, again, a meme manufactured to protect and shield Obama from criticism  (which seems a pretty racist thing to do, to me).

You're claiming a meme of a chimpanzee labeled as Obama's baby picture was created  to protect him from criticism. That's ridiculous. You're also claiming the person who posted the meme was trying to protect Obama. That's ridiculous. And you're claiming using a chimp meme to protect Obama is racist. A hat trick of ridiculous bullshit. 

Who was harmed by false accusations of racism by posting a meme of a chimpanzee labeled as Obama's baby picture?

The truly ridiculous part of this is you're claim it is racist to create and use a picture of a chimpanzee to protect  Obama from criticism rather than a picture of a chimpanzee used to mock Obama's appearance. Do you really expect me to believe you are so naive you are completely unaware of the historical significance of comparing black people to chimpanzees, monkeys, apes, etcetera?
(01-03-2017, 04:49 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Do you really expect me to believe you are so naive you are completely unaware of the historical significance of comparing black people to chimpanzees, monkeys, apes, etcetera?

I was, until a year or two ago.
I was under the impression that it was a presidential thing, as George W was portrayed as a chimp quite often.
(01-03-2017, 02:42 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: I was, until a year or two ago.
I was under the impression that it was a presidential thing, as George W was portrayed as a chimp quite often.

I believe that. Over the last several decades a lot of things dropped out of pop culture and our every day usage. I'm not 40 yet, but I grew up in rural western Kentucky. It wasn't uncommon to hear, in passing, black people referred to by a lot of terms I won't use. On the rare occasion my kids (who are growing up in the same area) hear them, they thankfully don't usually know what they mean.

As far as the use of chimps and presidents, I can buy that to a degree... given the circumstance. If it's a monkey holding a book upside down and the caption "Obama reading up on economics" I wouldn't think the intent was racist. If it's a picture of a chimp with "Obama baby picture" then there's no reason it would be referencing anything other than the supposed similarities to Africans and monkeys.

Which takes me back to my earlier comments. People like the Kentucky State Rep who post obviously racist things and then shout "satire" or "over sensitive liberal media" are hiding. They need to grow a pair and accept the criticism coming their way. You can't foster contempt and difference while expecting to not be the target of someone else's contempt and attempt to exclude.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-03-2017, 02:31 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Yep.

Difference is no one will be accused of "hating" because he's orange.

Or that his ancestor's last name was once Drumpf. Nope these will be legitimate concerns.  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-03-2017, 04:16 PM)Benton Wrote: I believe that. Over the last several decades a lot of things dropped out of pop culture and our every day usage. I'm not 40 yet, but I grew up in rural western Kentucky. It wasn't uncommon to hear, in passing, black people referred to by a lot of terms I won't use. On the rare occasion my kids (who are growing up in the same area) hear them, they thankfully don't usually know what they mean.

As far as the use of chimps and presidents, I can buy that to a degree... given the circumstance. If it's a monkey holding a book upside down and the caption "Obama reading up on economics" I wouldn't think the intent was racist. If it's a picture of a chimp with "Obama baby picture" then there's no reason it would be referencing anything other than the supposed similarities to Africans and monkeys.

Which takes me back to my earlier comments. People like the Kentucky State Rep who post obviously racist things and then shout "satire" or "over sensitive liberal media" are hiding. They need to grow a pair and accept the criticism coming their way. You can't foster contempt and difference while expecting to not be the target of someone else's contempt and attempt to exclude.

I hadn't looked into it, but I always assumed that George W and Barrack were portrayed that way for having somewhat large ears.

[Image: 27d4f864f85e49fbf0ed1fb4c95cc634.jpg]

I do agree that some representations seem slanted towards a racial tone.
I imagine the slight is less about physical appearance and more towards the suggestion of being less evolved.

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