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Trump’s Staff Have Taken Away His Twitter Account
(11-07-2016, 07:43 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You guys are acting like Hillary after she bumped her head. Both parties have people in them that don't follow the Party lines.
Mark Begich is a DINO.

Since Ryan has become Speaker, he's completely Flipped, he's opposing his own party constantly and kissing POTUS's butt..

Then as I said, Trump might have some leftist views on certain things, but he's not a RINO.

Trump isn't even a conservative.

Quote:Actually, Trump is far more populist than conservative — which means he has appeal to blue-collar Democrats, but also that he may not reliably stand by conservative principles in office. In fact, given his repeated position switching, the safe bet is that anything he says today will changed based on convenience. That should not encourage any conservative thinking of Trump in the primaries.
Quote:If you were waiting for Trump to champion individual liberty and limits on state power, you waited in vain — except for a couple of throw-away lines about preserving the Second Amendment and free-speech rights . . . which were impressive only if you were unfamiliar with Trump’s history of support for President Clinton’s ban on “assault weapons” and for looser libel laws that would make it easier for him to sue his legions of detractors.

Trump’s fury at radical Islam was not limited to ISIS. He inveighed that Egypt, with an assist from Mrs. Clinton, had been “turned over to the radical Muslim Brotherhood, forcing the military to retake control.” Unbeknownst to the adoring throng, Trump had no idea what he was talking about. Just a day before, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump effusively praised Turkey’s radical-Islamic strongman, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for putting down an attempted coup d’état. The military uprising aimed to thwart Erdogan’s sharia authoritarianism and restore the secular society guaranteed by the country’s constitution.

In defeating the putsch, he heavily relied on his Muslim Brotherhood allies, who led the pro-government resistance on the streets.  In sum, Turkey was a replay of Egypt, and Trump played it exactly as Clinton did: backing the Islamic supremacists. It is really no surprise in light of Trump’s long history of donating heavily to Clinton, praising her performance as secretary of state, and opining that she’d make a stellar president. Meanwhile, he told the Times that he hopes to get lots of help from Erdogan in confronting ISIS. Apparently, Trump is unaware that ISIS would not be ISIS were it not for Erdogan’s support.

Read more at:
Quote:In public statements, he has advocated government healthcare, a woman’s right to an abortion, an assault weapons ban, and paying off the national debt by forcing rich people to forfeit 14.25 percent of their total wealth. When the man married his third wife, he invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to the wedding, and he has given many thousands to their political campaigns and their foundation. He’s donated many thousands more that helped elect Democrats to the Senate and the House. And George W. Bush was “maybe the worst president in the history of this country,” the man said in 2008. “He was so incompetent, so bad, so evil.”
Quote:Thus it is worth noting that, after Mitt Romney’s 2012 loss, Donald Trump told the website Newsmax that Republicans would continue to lose elections if they came across as mean-spirited and unwelcoming to people of color. Democrats were kind toward illegal immigrants, Trump said, whereas Romney “had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal. It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote. He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.” He added that the GOP needs a comprehensive solution to  “this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful, productive citizens of this country.”
Quote:Other National Review writers concurred. “Donald Trump has been a conservative for about ten minutes,” Jim Geraghty wrote. Ramesh Ponnuru noted Trump’s bygone support for legal late-term abortion.
Quote:The truth is you don’t have to go way back to find that Trump always has been, and remains to this day, a typical New York City liberal. This explains why Trump so often engages in liberal tactics like victim blaming, blame-shifting, demagoguery, dishonesty, etc. And he does so usually through the exact same liberal media other liberals use. But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s Trump in his own words:
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when Trump joined Bernie Sanders in advocating for a taxpayer-funded, single-payer healthcare system in 2015?
Sourced here.
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview in which he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when the baby-killers at Planned Parenthood named Trump their “favorite Republican” in 2015?
Sourced here.
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when Trump failed to support religious liberty in 2015?
Sourced here.  
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when Trump said he wouldn’t tear up Obama’s Faustian Bargain with Iran back in 2015?
Sourced here.
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when Trump sounded like an anti-Israel liberal (claiming Israel may not want peace and will have to give up even more to Islamists) in 2015?
Sourced here and here
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when Trump came out for a 45% tariff on imported Chinese goods in 2015 (and then lied about it in last week’s GOP debate)?
Sourced here.
By the way, polls show middle and lower-middle class Americans are most likely to support Trump. They would be the ones most devastated by Trump’s tariff scheme, because the higher cost of goods they buy at big box stores like Wal-Mart and Target would be passed on to them.
But I digress.
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when Trump donated $50,000 to Obamaista Rahm “never let a good crisis go to waste” Emanuel in 2010?
Sourced here.
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when despite all his tough immigration talk, Trump came out for amnesty in 2015?
Sourced here.
If you think using Trump’s 1999 interview where he admits his liberalism is unfair because it’s too long ago, how about when Trump used his pro-baby killing sister as an example of the type of Supreme Court justices he’d appoint in 2015?
Sourced here.
Here’s the bottom line—there’s not a single issue on which Trump is a credible conservative.
Not. A. Single. One.
- See more at:
(11-07-2016, 07:43 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Since Ryan has become Speaker, he's completely Flipped, he's opposing his own party constantly and kissing POTUS's butt..

Then as I said, Trump might have some leftist views on certain things, but he's not a RINO.

Ryan has felt the weight or responsibility for the WHOLE COUNTRY and not just the Republican Party. And he is constantly opposing
his so-called "Freedom Caucus," the people who make the Congress and sometimes the entire country dysfunctional.  

Still, he has said enough disgusting things and put up enough resistance to Obama to certainly escape the charge of "kissing butt."

Trump may not be a RINO because he is a racist, but he certainly is not a conservative. Or perhaps he is a CINO.

And so far as I can tell, he has NO "leftist" views. He is a creature of the far right now, including the Alt right.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-07-2016, 09:25 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Trump isn't even a conservative.

Well done Oncemore. well supported.  Rep!  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-07-2016, 07:43 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You guys are acting like Hillary after she bumped her head. Both parties have people in them that don't follow the Party lines.
Mark Begich is a DINO.

Since Ryan has become Speaker, he's completely Flipped, he's opposing his own party constantly and kissing POTUS's butt..

Then as I said, Trump might have some leftist views on certain things, but he's not a RINO.

No, i accurately quoted you. The highest ranking Republican in our country is a RINO because he has some liberal positions while a former Democrat turned Republican is not a RINO because he ONLY has some liberal positions.

You're throwing around "RINO" to just mean "anyone I do not support". 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The whole RINO/DINO thing is a farce. Everyone is that for their party because our political parties don't care about public policy positions. Their sole concern is getting their people elected. They will switch their positions to whichever one is more advantageous for them and their candidates that are getting their money aren't required to have those same positions. A candidate's platform can be completely different from the party platform.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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