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Trump Continues to Lead After Debate
(09-05-2015, 01:59 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I'm not the one that looks to government to be my wet nurse.

Fred has many posts here expressing little-to-no desire to suck on a tit.
(09-05-2015, 02:11 AM)fredtoast Wrote: [Image: fig2.jpg]

[Image: ep_chart_001.gif]

What does that have to do with anything?  Do you have a graph that shows what the unemployment rates or for all of the fly by night colleges that keep popping up everywhere due to guaranteed government loans, grants, and everyone gets a trophy liberal policies that ensure everybody really IS college material?

Sorry, but your vast and powerful overreaching nonsensical federal government has led to this.  How long before our government overlords are seeking student loan forgiveness for all? 

Probably not far off, since Comrade Sanders is proposing free college tuition.  That's pretty much an admission by your own party that there's a crisis coming.
(09-05-2015, 10:34 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: What does that have to do with anything?  Do you have a graph that shows what the unemployment rates or for all of the fly by night colleges that keep popping up everywhere due to guaranteed government loans, grants, and everyone gets a trophy liberal policies that ensure everybody really IS college material?

That is a problem with the free market.   I believe we need stronger government action to control this problem.

Now tell me what YOU think should be done to end this problem.  Have people stop going to college?  is that how you are going to help our economy and advance our work force?
(09-05-2015, 10:34 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: What does that have to do with anything? 

Well, I know this may be way to complicated for you to figure out, but the first graph shows that there has been a major increase in the number of Americans getting higher education since the beginning of government assistence programs like the GI Bill and the Federal Student Loan program.

The second graph shows what a big advantage it has been for these people to get some college education.

Understand now?
(09-05-2015, 01:32 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: You need some new material.  Your bumper sticker line is getting as old as your "faux news" line. 

I don't watch fox news, if that will save you any time in the future. 

With all due respect (and very little is due), it's you who need new material, namely reading material, so you can actually know what you're talking about from time to time. Thus the reason I recommended you research Sanders's actual policy proposals. But alas, to my great astonishment, you announced research to be "unnecessary" since your bumper sticker slogans had it all figured out for you.

It must be great believing the world is as simple as the quick cliche phrases which you repeatedly and exclusively employ to back up your inane positions.
(09-05-2015, 01:37 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: No, the cause that's dear to my heart is understanding why so many people are so incapable of taking care of themselves that they look to government to play santa clause. 

It's amazing to me how many supposedly grown men have so little self-worth and self-reliance that they apparently see themselves and so many other Americans as incapable of providing a decent life for themselves because of those evil big bad corporations just take everything, so they need their wet nurse government to come in and rescue them and provide them with everything they need to get by. 

What's more amazing is how many grown men have such low self esteem that they must delude themselves into believing everything they have in life was purely a result of how awesome they are without any help or luck whatsoever, and that those who struggle are just lazy ***** who aren't as manly as they are and therefore deserve their lot in life.

It's especially amazing since most of those same individuals aren't particularly impressive people at any level.
(09-05-2015, 01:59 AM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I'm not the one that looks to government to be my wet nurse.  I have that thing called self-reliance and personal responsibility.  I don't need government to buy my food, pay my rent, pay my health care, or otherwise support me.

You are John Galt!!!!!

(09-05-2015, 12:03 PM)fredtoast Wrote: That is a problem with the free market.   I believe we need stronger government action to control this problem.

Now tell me what YOU think should be done to end this problem.  Have people stop going to college?  is that how you are going to help our economy and advance our work force?

Not everyone is college material, would you agree?

Do you think a business degree from Southern Ohio College is anywhere equivalent to a business degree from UC?

People are wasting time and money with that crap.  If you can't compete enough with other people to get into a legitimate school, what makes these people think they can compete with them in the workforce? 

Schools like this pop up to take advantage of idiots as well as guaranteed grant money from mother government.  Their degrees are normally not worth the paper they're printed on, credits rarely transfer to any legitimate school, and the people are stuck with a worthless degree while being saddled with debt and either unemployed or underemployed. 

I think government should get out of the student lending business for one.  Another thing would be stricter standards for university accreditation.  Stop offering grants and financial aid to these types of schools, and start encouraging people that aren't college material to attend an accredited trade school instead.  Learning skills like nursing aid, HVAC, welding, plumbing, computer networking and the like are cheaper than attending a 4 year school and can all be a pretty good career.  
(09-05-2015, 12:08 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: With all due respect (and very little is due), it's you who need new material, namely reading material, so you can actually know what you're talking about from time to time. Thus the reason I recommended you research Sanders's actual policy proposals. But alas, to my great astonishment, you announced research to be "unnecessary" since your bumper sticker slogans had it all figured out for you.

It must be great believing the world is as simple as the quick cliche phrases which you repeatedly and exclusively employ to back up your inane positions.

Yeah, it's such an inane position for me to keep more of my money that I've worked hard for and earned. 

What a crazy position I have here.  Hopefully someday you'll grow up and stop looking to government to take care of you. 
(09-05-2015, 12:12 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: What's more amazing is how many grown men have such low self esteem that they must delude themselves into believing everything they have in life was purely a result of how awesome they are without any help or luck whatsoever, and that those who struggle are just lazy ***** who aren't as manly as they are and therefore deserve their lot in life.

It's especially amazing since most of those same individuals aren't particularly impressive people at any level.

Oh yeah, I worked two jobs and put myself through undergrad and grad school without being a trust fund baby or amassing a large student loan debt, but it's luck that got me where I am. 

I'd say my story is pretty impressive, considering I was once a high school dropout that slept in my car. 

Fortunately for me, I had enough pride and self-worth to overcome the stupidity of my youth, rather than just claim that I'm a victim of big bad businesses and slurp on the government boob for the rest of my life.  I'd say that people that do that and those that enable them aren't impressive at any level. 
(09-05-2015, 04:43 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Oh yeah, I worked two jobs and put myself through undergrad and grad school without being a trust fund baby or amassing a large student loan debt, but it's luck that got me where I am. 

I'd say my story is pretty impressive, considering I was once a high school dropout that slept in my car. 

Fortunately for me, I had enough pride and self-worth to overcome the stupidity of my youth, rather than just claim that I'm a victim of big bad businesses and slurp on the government boob for the rest of my life.  I'd say that people that do that and those that enable them aren't impressive at any level. 

First of all, your obsession with breast feeding is beginning to concern me. Is this the only uncontrollable thought about bodily functions you suffer from, or are there others?

As for your personal story, you'll excuse me for completely dismissing it out of hand without a second thought. Given that this is, after all, the Internet, where everybody was born dirt poor, miraculously worked themselves to millions of dollars all by themselves, hold a PhD in whatever field is being discussed at the time, and all while making time to bang Victoria's Secret models... And use message boards for sports teams.
Hello, I went to a private school and bumbled my way into the local tech school for 3 years while eventually applying and lucking into a 4 year college at which point I made good grades but got kicked out of my internship to go back to that same tech school to get a degree that taught me just enough to learn how to do something from an entry level job in which no one is hiring. I still live with my parents and they paid for most of my schooling the past 8 years.

There's you a real story lol
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-05-2015, 05:07 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: First of all, your obsession with breast feeding is beginning to concern me. Is this the only uncontrollable thought about bodily functions you suffer from, or are there others?

As for your personal story, you'll excuse me for completely dismissing it out of hand without a second thought. Given that this is, after all, the Internet, where everybody was born dirt poor, miraculously worked themselves to millions of dollars all by themselves, hold a PhD in whatever field is being discussed at the time, and all while making time to bang Victoria's Secret models... And use message boards for sports teams.

I don't have a PhD in anything.  I'm not a millionaire, and I haven't banged any Victoria's Secret models. 

I do however have a job I love, a great family, an amazing daughter, and I'm very happy where I am in life.  Just sucks that people like you want to encourage government to take what I've worked hard for to give it to someone else. 

Most liberals I know are pretty miserable people.  They often look to blame others (successful people, businesses, society) for all of their problems. 

I'd say you fit into this group as you think that anyone that's opposed to your nanny state government is inferior to you in someway. 

Like I said, hopefully someday you'll grow up and achieve something on your own, rather than begging your government overlords to give you the scraps off of somebody else's plate.

(09-05-2015, 05:33 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I don't have a PhD in anything.  I'm not a millionaire, and I haven't banged any Victoria's Secret models. 

I do however have a job I love, a great family, an amazing daughter, and I'm very happy where I am in life.  Just sucks that people like you want to encourage government to take what I've worked hard for to give it to someone else. 

Most liberals I know are pretty miserable people.  They often look to blame others (successful people, businesses, society) for all of their problems. 

I'd say you fit into this group as you think that anyone that's opposed to your nanny state government is inferior to you in someway. 

Like I said, hopefully someday you'll grow up and achieve something on your own, rather than begging your government overlords to give you the scraps off of somebody else's plate.


Like I said, I dismiss everything people on message boards have to say about their personal lives out of hand, and if you had a lick of intelligence (which you do not appear to), I'd expect you'd do the same.
(09-05-2015, 05:48 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Like I said, I dismiss everything people on message boards have to say about their personal lives out of hand, and if you had a lick of intelligence (which you do not appear to), I'd expect you'd do the same.

Has nothing to do with intelligence. You hate people that are happy. You want them to be miserable like you.
(09-05-2015, 04:38 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote:  Hopefully someday you'll grow up and stop looking to government to take care of you. 

The government loaned you the money you needed to go to school.
(09-05-2015, 05:33 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Most liberals I know are pretty miserable people.  They often look to blame others (successful people, businesses, society) for all of their problems. 

They are only miserable when you are around.

Conservatives are more miserable than liberals.  All they do is cry about taxes, poor people, and immigrants.
(09-05-2015, 09:14 PM)Blutarsky Wrote: Has nothing to do with intelligence. You hate people that are happy. You want them to be miserable like you.

So now because I refuse to believe what people on an anonymous website have to say about their personal lives,  I am "miserable" and hate people because they're happy?

Alrighty then. Just so you know, I make 10 billion dollars a day and have 20 different degrees and have the hottest wife in the world and I did all of it without any help whatsoever despite the fact that I was born deaf and blind with no arms or legs.

I know you'll believe me. Unless you hate happy people and want great amazing guys like me to be miserable like you.  ThumbsUp
(09-05-2015, 10:38 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: So now because I refuse to believe what people on an anonymous website have to say about their personal lives,  I am "miserable" and hate people because they're happy?

Alrighty then. Just so you know, I make 10 billion dollars a day and have 20 different degrees and have the hottest wife in the world and I did all of it without any help whatsoever despite the fact that I was born deaf and blind with no arms or legs.

I know you'll believe me. Unless you hate happy people and want great amazing guys like me to be miserable like you.  ThumbsUp

I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."
(09-05-2015, 10:43 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."

And you were grateful for all of it, because you were self-reliant and an individualist who didn't need no help from no nanny state gubbmint.

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