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Trump attacks Haley for absence of her husband, who is deployed
Nobody loves the troops more than P01135809!

Quote:CNN — 

Former President Donald Trump used a rally in South Carolina on Saturday to attack rival Nikki Haley in her home state — and to mock the absence of her husband, who is deployed overseas.

“Where’s her husband? Oh, he’s away. … What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone,” Trump said at his rally in Conway, his first visit to the state this year.

Michael Haley is deployed in Africa with the South Carolina Army National Guard in support of the United States Africa Command, his second active-duty deployment overseas.

Nikki Haley fired back at Trump’s comments later Saturday, saying, “If you mock the service of a combat veteran, you don’t deserve a driver’s license, let alone being president of the United States.”

“Donald, if you have something to say, don’t say it behind my back; get on a debate stage and say it to my face,” she told a crowd in Gilbert, South Carolina.

In a rare move, Michael Haley fired back at the former president, posting a meme on Twitter reading, “The difference between humans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack,” while mentioning Trump’s account in the caption.

Notably, former first lady Melania Trump has not joined her husband for any public campaign events since his presidential announcement in November 2022 and has not appeared alongside him at any of his court appearances.

Following overwhelming victories in four early presidential nominating contests, Donald Trump has become more emboldened by his staying power as the GOP front-runner. The former president and his campaign are more confident than ever that he will clinch enough delegates by mid-March to declare him the presumptive Republican nominee over former South Carolina Gov. Haley — months before the GOP national convention in July, multiple Trump campaign advisers told CNN.

Trump’s South Carolina stop came on the heels of a busy few days of travel. He appeared in Nevada on Thursday to declare victory in the state’s GOP caucuses before traveling to Pennsylvania, where he addressed a friendly crowd at a National Rifle Association forum Friday.

Thursday saw several positive developments for Trump, including the gift of new campaign fodder against President Joe Biden following the release of a searing special counsel report. While the report didn’t recommend charges against Biden, it included damning language about his mishandling of classified documents and raised concerns about his memory and age.
Also Thursday, the Supreme Court 
appeared primed to side with Trump and dismiss an attempt in Colorado to declare him an insurrectionist and remove him for the state’s presidential ballot.

Haley has insisted she plans to stay in the race through her home state’s February 24 primary and beyond — buoyed by her enduring fundraising prowess. But Trump and his team view the Palmetto State primary as the place they will deliver the final blow to his last-standing major rival.

That confidence stems in part from Trump’s continued success in internal and public polls, which have consistently shown him with staggering leads over Haley at the national and state levels.

That optimistic view of the remaining 2024 primary contests has led Trump’s campaign to take a less aggressive approach to the South Carolina primary, especially compared with the intensity of their ground game and get-out-the-vote strategies in the earlier nominating states.

And unlike the weeks leading up to the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, when Trump and his campaign relentlessly crisscrossed the states and poured millions into advertising against his rivals, Trump has had a comparably lighter schedule in South Carolina.

Saturday’s rally in Conway, about 15 miles from Myrtle Beach, was Trump’s first visit to the state in 77 days. He plans to host several more campaign events in the state before the February 24 primary, but his team has had a more laid-back attitude toward the contest as it increasingly focuses its attention on the looming general election rematch with Biden.

Trump’s advisers insist that doesn’t mean he’s taking South Carolina for granted.

“At the end of the day, we can’t take any state for granted. But we see this as a done deal,” a senior Trump adviser told CNN, referring specifically to South Carolina.

The Trump campaign’s ground game efforts in South Carolina this year are also substantially more sophisticated than they were during his initial presidential run in 2016, his advisers say, thanks in large part to the team they’ve built under the leadership of senior adviser Susie Wiles.

The campaign has staff spread out across South Carolina’s 46 counties, dispatched mailers touting Trump’s candidacy and deployed top state lawmakers and surrogates — including Gov. Henry McMaster; US Sen. Tim Scott, a former presidential rival; and several top members of the state’s congressional delegation — to attack Haley in her own backyard.

“Nikki is persona non grata at this point,” Justin Evans, Trump’s director of special projects in South Carolina, told CNN. “Nikki represents the brand of Republicanism that Trump stands against; everything the George Bush-Karl Rove wing of the party is embodied in Nikki Haley and represented by Nikki Haley. This is their last gasp, and they know that if they lose this, they’re going to have almost an impossible task of regaining any kind of foothold not only in this election, but in the party.”

Trump ramped up his attacks against Haley during his Saturday speech, calling her “brain dead” and saying he thought the former South Carolina governor would not pass a cognitive test. His assertion came hours after Haley’s campaign handed out mental competency tests during her campaign stop in Newberry, South Carolina. Haley, 52, has questioned Trump’s mental fitness and has called for mental competency tests for any politician over the age of 75. Trump is 77 and Biden is 81.

“The radical-left Democrats want Nikki Haley because they know that she’s easy to beat,” Trump said Saturday as he flexed his lead in polling.

Those remarks reflect the broader view of Trump’s campaign, which wants him to become the presumptive GOP nominee as soon as possible. 
According to multiple conversations with Trump’s advisers, they are eager to use the full weight of the GOP infrastructure, including [url=]that of the Republican National Committee, to begin pivoting in earnest toward a general election fight against Biden.

Haley, for her part, seems unaffected by the pressure. A day after losing to “none of these candidates” in Nevada’s nonbinding primary Tuesday, she held a fundraiser and a rally in California, one of several Super Tuesday states she plans to compete in next month, urging voters to stick with her.
In both private and public conversations, Haley has insisted she has no plans to drop out of the race anytime soon — and says she’s committed to competing against Trump through Super Tuesday on March 5.

The former South Carolina governor has also sharpened her attacks on Trump in recent weeks, attacking his mental fitness and lumping him together with Biden as one of two “grumpy old men.”

This story and headline have been updated with additional developments.

Where's Melania?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Dirt ball. Also an idiot.

Every time:
Quit your bitching and endorse Trump, Nimroda.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
What a human waste ...

It looks some wicked devil deal.

You will have everything you want without consequences but you will never be happy. Even for one second.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(02-11-2024, 10:55 AM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Dirt ball. Also an idiot.

Every time:

What baffles me is that we have two major party candidates that are just doing everything they can to lose the election, yet we can't ***** get rid of them.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(02-11-2024, 02:59 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: What baffles me is that we have two major party candidates that are just doing everything they can to lose the election, yet we can't ***** get rid of them.

I've said it for well over a year now, I do not expect Biden to end up the nominee.  This week provided the set up for that move, expect it to happen some time this summer.  I wouldn't be shocked if they inserted Newsome after finding an off stage way to get Harris to bow out.

(02-11-2024, 03:05 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've said it for well over a year now, I do not expect Biden to end up the nominee.  This week provided the set up for that move, expect it to happen some time this summer.  I wouldn't be shocked if they inserted Newsome after finding an off stage way to get Harris to bow out.

Yeah, as far as "winning over all else" goes, Newsom seems like he'd give Trump a lot more trouble than Biden or Harris. If democrats pivot to Newsom and he wins, the amount of "no fair" sour grape-ing the right will engage in will be palpable. How dare democrats pretend they are going to run an old candidate and let us talk about how being old is terrible and THEN switch to a guy who isn't 77+ years old. It may be legal, but it sure isn't fair. 

It is interesting seeing conservatives and the right-wing media pile on how miserably terrible and hopeless Biden is in 2024 to the point where it may force democrats to run a far more electable candidate. Maybe they figure the worse they make Biden look the more democrats will rally around him with support?  Biden to Newsom has come somewhat out of left-field to become what conservates were hoping Trump passing the baton to DeSantis was going to be.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
What has Newsom shown as governor that would make anyone think he would be good for America?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-11-2024, 03:10 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yeah, as far as "winning over all else" goes, Newsom seems like he'd give Trump a lot more trouble than Biden or Harris. If democrats pivot to Newsom and he wins, the amount of "no fair" sour grape-ing the right will engage in will be palpable. How dare democrats pretend they are going to run an old candidate and let us talk about how being old is terrible and THEN switch to a guy who isn't 77+ years old. It may be legal, but it sure isn't fair. 

It is interesting seeing conservatives and the right-wing media pile on how miserably terrible and hopeless Biden is in 2024 to the point where it may force democrats to run a far more electable candidate. Maybe they figure the worse they make Biden look the more democrats will rally around him with support?

The piling on by right wingers won’t do anything. It’ll take the rest of the media deciding it’s time to throw him overboard before something happens.
(02-11-2024, 03:13 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: What has Newsom shown as governor that would make anyone think he would be good for America?

He isn't Trump and he isn't 81+ years old.  What else do people want?  This is what it has come to.  A lot of people are saying that "democracy" itself depends on the 2024 election, which to me indicates that a lot of folks see it as democracy vs letting Trump reshape our government.

So the ways I sees it:

What do you want? 
Not Trump.

How about Biden, he isn't Trump?
He's extremely old.

How about Newsom, he isn't Trump and he isn't old?

Newsom doesn't have to be good, he just has to not be 81 and not be Trump and that may be enough to beat Trump in 2024 and in 2028.

(02-11-2024, 03:13 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: The piling on by right wingers won’t do anything. It’ll take the rest of the media deciding it’s time to throw him overboard before something happens.

What I'm saying is that Biden isn't Trump. When Biden looks bad he doesn't become more awesome in the eyes of his base.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-11-2024, 03:13 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: What has Newsom shown as governor that would make anyone think he would be good for America?

Not a thing.  You actually think that'll prevent him getting the nod?  For some reason some people find him likeable.  I wouldn't pee in his face if his eyebrows were on fire, guy's the definition of an empty suit.

(02-11-2024, 03:05 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've said it for well over a year now, I do not expect Biden to end up the nominee.  This week provided the set up for that move, expect it to happen some time this summer.  I wouldn't be shocked if they inserted Newsome after finding an off stage way to get Harris to bow out.

I'd say something is in the works.  He served his purpose.  Now he will absorb the majority of the fire from the right while the dems figure out who they want to run.  It's not a great field of candidates, but grandpa Joe is going to buy them as much time as possible.  

It kind of sucks for the right in the end.  Celebrating the demise of a weak candidate such as Biden is probably not wise.  He and Trump mirror each other as highly flawed opponents that may only be good for beating the other guy and not much else.  Unfortunately for the GOP, it will be a hell of a lot harder to displace Trump than it will for the dems to remove Biden.  

If the adults in the GOP had the balls to try to take down DJT, they would face a wrath from his brainwashed hordes that would tear the party to shreds.  Dem voters are practically begging for someone other than Biden.  This will amplify after the events of this past week.  Both parties have huge liabilities leading them.  Only one has the realistic option to disabuse themselves from the millstone.  
(02-11-2024, 03:54 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Not a thing.  You actually think that'll prevent him getting the nod?  For some reason some people find him likeable.  I wouldn't pee in his face if his eyebrows were on fire, guy's the definition of an empty suit.

I'm kind of bewildered that he's portrayed as the defacto nominee.  I think he's a horrific option to win in swing states.  It seems impossible for the dems to run a centrist candidate.  It's the most obvious strategy to win, but for some reason they'd rather continue to placate the weirdos in the party.  
(02-11-2024, 04:17 PM)samhain Wrote: I'm kind of bewildered that he's portrayed as the defacto nominee.  I think he's a horrific option to win in swing states.  It seems impossible for the dems to run a centrist candidate.  It's the most obvious strategy to win, but for some reason they'd rather continue to placate the weirdos in the party.  

He's been tacking to the center for about half a year now, maybe a little longer.  It couldn't have been more obvious why.  I don't disagree with you regarding his swing state appeal, but as you correctly pointed out in your other post, Trump isn't exactly a barn burner in that regard either.  The only real obstacle for the Dems is Harris.  They've got to find a way for her to go quietly, and "voluntarily".  She'd likely do worse than Biden against Trump, but the Dem base would shit itself if a black woman was forced out for a guy who's whiter than mayonnaise.  

(02-11-2024, 04:42 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: He's been tacking to the center for about half a year now, maybe a little longer.  It couldn't have been more obvious why.  I don't disagree with you regarding his swing state appeal, but as you correctly pointed out in your other post, Trump isn't exactly a barn burner in that regard either.  The only real obstacle for the Dems is Harris.  They've got to find a way for her to go quietly, and "voluntarily".  She'd likely do worse than Biden against Trump, but the Dem base would shit itself if a black woman was forced out for a guy who's whiter than mayonnaise.  

I disagree.  The Democrats watched going woke cost them 2016 and start the Trump nightmare.  They'll gladly look to another white dude to beat Trump.  That's all that matters.   They knew Elizabeth Warren would lose to Trump so they accepted grampa Joe for the time being. 

Winning is more important to Democrats than picking a diverse candidate now.  Plus newsom can put some diversity at vp. I think a Mark Kelly and Josh Shapiro ticket would be better and swing state safer, but I can't see anything other than Biden or Newsom happening.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-11-2024, 04:51 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I disagree.  The Democrats watched going woke cost them 2016 and start the Trump nightmare.  They'll gladly look to another white dude to beat Trump.  That's all that matters.   They knew Elizabeth Warren would lose to Trump so they accepted grampa Joe for the time being. 

Winning is more important to Democrats than picking a diverse candidate now.  Plus newsom can put some diversity at vp.

I agree about the party, I'm referring to their voters.  The Dems have already lost support for their majority stance on Israel.  Kicking a black woman to the curb will only alienate a further block of their voters.  These voters won't turn around and vote for Trump, not at all.  But it is very possible, even likely, that they'll choose to not vote at all.  I think Trump has an excellent chance in Michigan now because of the former issue.  The Dems losing a large chunk of the black female vote would help Trump in several states.

(02-11-2024, 03:13 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: What has Newsom shown as governor that would make anyone think he would be good for America?

More than most Republicans do in their entire political careers, anymore. Although that bar is literally "one half decent thing for the working man", so it's not hard.
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
(02-11-2024, 05:04 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I agree about the party, I'm referring to their voters.  The Dems have already lost support for their majority stance on Israel.  Kicking a black woman to the curb will only alienate a further block of their voters.  These voters won't turn around and vote for Trump, not at all.  But it is very possible, even likely, that they'll choose to not vote at all.  I think Trump has an excellent chance in Michigan now because of the former issue.  The Dems losing a large chunk of the black female vote would help Trump in several states.

Maybe. Democrats being screwed if they don't make a woman with an approval rating in the 20s their candidate seems like conservative wishful thinking to me. Not citing you, but I hear a lot of arguments that Biden and harris are both hopeless but moving on from them will cause Democrats to stay home and forfeit to Trump. 

A lot of people seem to think there is no way Trump can lose in 2024, and that is shades of 2020 not the 2016 they want it to be. 
(02-11-2024, 06:38 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Maybe. Democrats being screwed if they don't make a woman with an approval rating in the 20s their candidate seems like conservative wishful thinking to me. Not citing you, but I hear a lot of arguments that Biden and harris are both hopeless but moving on from them will cause Democrats to stay home and forfeit to Trump. 

A lot of people seem to think there is no way Trump can lose in 2024, and that is shades of 2020 not the 2016 they want it to be. 

You're missing the point.  It doesn't take a sizeable amount of votes to swing an election.  The Dems have leaned heavily into racial politics, one need only see Biden's "white supremacy" is our biggest threat trope to realize this.  I won't lie and say I wasn't surprised Biden got the nod in 2020, because he's a old white man.  What I will say, and completely stand by, is that if they don't figure out a clever way to sideline Harris, and simply pointing out her dismal approval numbers will not cut it, they will significantly anger a significant number of a core Dem voting block.  She's the VP, ditching her entirely to make way for Patrick Bateman is terrible optics if viewed through a racial lens, and that's going to be the lens many Dem voters use to view the move.  Like it or not.

(02-11-2024, 07:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You're missing the point.  It doesn't take a sizeable amount of votes to swing an election.  The Dems have leaned heavily into racial politics, one need only see Biden's "white supremacy" is our biggest threat trope to realize this.  I won't lie and say I wasn't surprised Biden got the nod in 2020, because he's a old white man.  What I will say, and completely stand by, is that if they don't figure out a clever way to sideline Harris, and simply pointing out her dismal approval numbers will not cut it, they will significantly anger a significant number of a core Dem voting block.  She's the VP, ditching her entirely to make way for Patrick Bateman is terrible optics if viewed through a racial lens, and that's going to be the lens many Dem voters use to view the move.  Like it or not.

So they either run Harris and lose or sideline Harris and lose. As Billy Joel sang, you may be right. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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