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Trump bails on Fox Debate

No matter how you feel about trump. This is a good thing that we had candidates pulling away from the networks .

Would be nice to take away the ratings bump these networks get as a payoff for contributions to the parties.
What a coward. He gets schooled by Megyn Kelly and is now running away from having to confront her again face to face.
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The network debates sure did take a turn towards the evil side one your boy Rand was kicked to the curb. LOL
(01-26-2016, 10:25 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: The network debates sure did take a turn towards the evil side one your boy Rand was kicked to the curb. LOL

If Trump bails, Paul is totally back on.

Quote:Rand Paul poised to make the cut for main debate stage

By Daniel Strauss and Steven Shepard
01/26/16 10:45 AM EST

Sen. Rand Paul is poised to make his return to the main-stage Republican presidential debate on Thursday.
The cutoff for the polls that will be used to decide which candidates qualify for the main stage and which are bumped down to the undercard debate is 5 p.m. Tuesday. The Paul campaign earlier in the day announced a conference call “with political reporters this evening to discuss the 2016 election cycle, Iowa caucus, and upcoming RNC/Fox News debate.”
Story Continued Below

Fox News has set the same criteria for qualification as last week’s Fox Business News debate: the top six candidates in national polls, plus any other candidates in the top five in either Iowa or New Hampshire. Those rankings are determined by averages of the five most recent national polls conducted by live telephone interviewers.
According to POLITICO’s calculations, while Paul is outside the top six nationally, the Kentucky senator is currently tied for fifth place in Iowa with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at an average of 4 percent. Moreover, if another Iowa survey is released prior to Fox’s 5 p.m. deadline, the oldest poll that would drop out of the average is a Loras College poll that has Bush at 6 percent and Paul at 3 percent — making it even easier for Paul stay tied with Bush or leap-frog him.
The rest of the main debate stage is expected to include the seven candidates who also made it last time: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and John Kasich.
Top Paul officials were optimistic Tuesday morning that he would also make the main-stage debate. “Looking good,” Paul campaign manager Chip Englander told POLITICO. “Our belief is that the next poll to be dropped would actually be Jeb’s best. So the last few polls we were in a bit of a precarious situation because we were losing polls that were good for us. But they were being replaced with polls that were equally good, so that was fine.”
Paul did not participate at all in the last debate after he fell short of qualifying for the main stage. Paul refused to participate in the undercard event, saying he had a “top-tier” campaign that deserved to be only on the main stage.
 CKw Wrote:The network debates sure did take a turn towards the evil side one your boy Rand was kicked to the curb. LOL

I have never been a proponent of the network debates.   If you have been paying attention I was supportive of the blaze idea for a debate that would be streamed and cataloged online.  

Please pay attention lol.

Rand is up in Iowa anyway.  I think he will show a lot better than everyone thinks.

Here is what the lineup was before the trump announcement.

[Image: 68XDHeN.jpg]
Grandstanding, Fox will pay Trump to speak at the debate.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
Do you think Trump backed out to actually HELP Paul ?

Will Paul pull from Cruz's support ?

Trump/Paul ticket ?
Trump once again creating headlines to get free publicity. Pulling out of the debate probably gives him a bigger bump in the polls then actually doing the debate.

I don't think much of Trump, at all, but give him his due - man knows his marketing and promotion.

It really is becoming comical. I'd almost wish Trump becomes POTUS to destroy our entire electoral system and two-party monolith, but he scares me.
Apparently he pulled out, because he learned it was just going to be a revenge-fest for Megyn Kelly.
(01-26-2016, 09:35 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

No matter how you feel about trump.    This is a good thing that we had candidates pulling away from the networks .  

Would be nice to take away the ratings bump these networks get as a payoff for contributions to the parties.


it leads to an even less informed public. Not everyone, especially the poor, have access to listening to them via the internet or other means.

campaign reforms need to happen. But so do debates easily accessible by the public.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
How did I know the usual suspects would see this as bad and the others woulod see this as good.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(01-26-2016, 10:41 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: If Trump bails, Paul is totally back on.

So it's like the Pro Bowl.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Bent Wrote:disagree.

it leads to an even less informed public. Not everyone, especially the poor, have access to listening to them via the internet or other means.

campaign reforms need to happen. But so do debates easily accessible by the public.

The poor argument would work if they only had them on basic programming channels. But having them on premium cable channels doesn't make them anymore accessible to the poor.
(01-27-2016, 11:46 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: The poor argument would work if they only had them on basic programming channels.   But having them on premium cable channels doesn't make them anymore accessible to the poor.

Valid point, but it's not just the poor.  Way to pick up on "especially the poor" out of the rest of the sentence.


From what I understood, they were showing the debates via antenna channels? I don't know how that works, but that's what I was told by people who watched the debates without cable.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Bent Wrote:Valid point, but it's not just the poor.  Way to pick up on "especially the poor" out of the rest of the sentence.


From what I understood, they were showing the debates via antenna channels? I don't know how that works, but that's what I was told by people who watched the debates without cable.

Well you mentioned uninformed. Those people are too busy watching hard copy, daily show and the view for their news. They don't pay attention to the debates anyway. So I thought it's not relevant to mention them. They are hopeless.

I watch everything via an online stream so I'm not sure what comes through via antenna.
(01-27-2016, 12:05 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Well you mentioned uninformed.   Those people are too busy watching hard copy, daily show and the view for their news.    They don't pay attention to the debates anyway.  So I thought it's not relevant to mention them.    They are hopeless.

I watch everything via an online stream so I'm not sure what comes through via antenna.

Nobody is hopeless. Case in point, I'm still convinced you can be saved.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Bent Wrote:Nobody is hopeless. Case in point, I'm still convinced you can be saved.


That's funny cause I'm still convinced you can be saved haha
O'Riely just had Trump on and I think Fox directed O'Riely to do everything in his power to get him back.

They had the upper hand on Trump in this and they gave it away; as did my former fav Ted Cruz.

Not ready to jump on the Trump express yet, but he is dragging a large percentage on both sides around by the nose.
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bfine Wrote:O'Riely just had Trump on and I think Fox directed O'Riely to do everything in his power to get him back.

They had the upper hand on Trump in this and they gave it away; as did my former fav Ted Cruz.

Not ready to jump on the Trump express yet, but he is dragging a large percentage on both sides around by the nose.

If you don't mind me asking ... What soured you on Cruz?
(01-27-2016, 10:30 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If you don't mind me asking ... What soured you on Cruz?

Just the pettiness he has shown lately. Basically calling Trump scared to debate and "challenging him to a duel". 

One of my main selling features of Cruz was he appeared "Presidential"; that has changed.

This is not to say I've kicked Cruz to the curb, I'll just say it has caused me to re-look. Hell it's very early in the process; I may jump a couple more times.

Good thing about being a conservative in this process: you have choices. 
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