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Trump bans transgender people from serving in U.S. military 'in any capacity'
(08-30-2017, 06:27 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: They are obviously close to being finalized

What is obvious is the lack information you have provided supporting these studies "ran by the military" as you claim. So how is it obvious the studies are close to being finalized when there isn't any indication they are even being conducted.

Quote:and if there was any shred of info to say transgenders wer good in the military None of this would have been brought up.

Trump brought it up in another idiotic tweet unsupported by an evidence.

Quote:The issue isn't not letting any in ....


Then why have you been going on and on and on and on and on and on ABOUT LETTING THEM IN?

Quote:the issue is firing people who are already on the job.

The military seperates service members everyday.

Quote:Iam sure they will need time to craft some paperwork to allow those currently in to finish their contract.

Paperwork like, oh, I don't know, their contract? Just spit ballin' here.

Quote:As I said earlier. It's obviously going to happen and they are merely buying time to get the wording right to avoid a bunch of leftist nonsense with lawsuits.

You just called freedom "nonsense."
so with the ban, the ones that are already in get to stay in

whats the point then?

and it seems like this wont be anything to worry about as long as Mattis has a spine and uses his brain like he has been doing
People suck
(08-30-2017, 06:39 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: So he wasn't a coward he was just too busy spending Daddy's money to volunteer?
That'd be my guess. It's usually why most rich kids didn't get drafted.
(08-30-2017, 06:39 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Of course it does. 
Not the topic that you and I are discussing, it doesn't.
(08-30-2017, 06:39 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I'm ready, willing, and able to review Trump's 2A, 201 file, and DD 214 whenever you would like to submit them as evidence. 

I don't have them, but surely, you have SOME evidence that Trump is a coward. Dodging the draft, in and of itself, is not evidence of cowardice (though that certainly could be the reason for it).
(08-30-2017, 06:39 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Mark it down: August 30th, 2017. The day Trump defenders turned draft dodging into a virtue. (But, I'm willing to bet it is only a virtue for the wealthy.)

I'm far from a Trump defender and nowhere did I so much as imply that dodging the draft is a virtue, but as you've already shown, facts aren't that important to you. 
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(09-12-2017, 08:11 AM)Belsnickel Wrote:

The trolls will just ignore this.
(09-12-2017, 08:11 AM)Belsnickel Wrote:

Lol pro transgenders are just trying to move the ball. Just like when pro climate change people did when the planet wasn't warming.

Nothing new here.

We still do not want people in our military who have high suicide rates.

And if they are somehow claiming transgenders are not suicidal then there is no need to use these other pronouns or play along with their fantasies for the sake of their mental health. As we have been told time and time again. Which btw none of this lowers their suicide rates.
(09-12-2017, 01:18 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Lol pro transgenders are just trying to move the ball.   Just like when pro climate change people did when the planet wasn't warming.  

Nothing new here.  

We still do not want people in our military who have high suicide rates.  

And if they are somehow claiming transgenders are not suicidal then there is no need to use these other pronouns or play along with their fantasies for the sake of their mental health.    As we have been told time and time again.    Which btw none of this lowers their suicide rates.

I guess this emotional outburst is an appropriate response to the fact based arguments made in his link.
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(09-12-2017, 01:22 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I guess this emotional outburst is an appropriate response to the fact based arguments made in his link.

You know I said the same thing when I read that article.

Just pro transgenders trying to have things every way.
(09-12-2017, 01:23 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You know I said the same thing when I read that article.  

Just pro transgenders trying to have things every way.

If professional discussions of methodology and statistics seems like an emotional outburst to you, it may be a little above your reading level. Maybe the Daily Wire can dumb it down for you. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-12-2017, 01:18 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Lol pro transgenders are just trying to move the ball. Just like when pro climate change people did when the planet wasn't warming.

Nothing new here.

We still do not want people in our military who have high suicide rates.

And if they are somehow claiming transgenders are not suicidal then there is no need to use these other pronouns or play along with their fantasies for the sake of their mental health. As we have been told time and time again. Which btw none of this lowers their suicide rates.

"Our" military. LOL

If a person is qualified I don't give a damn about their gender in our military.
(09-12-2017, 03:11 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: "Our" military. LOL

If a person is qualified I don't give a damn about their gender in our military.


Male. Female. Undecided. Trapped in the wrong body.....I could care less.

Can they accomplish the mission? THAT I care about.

If Pvt. Jenner can take out that sniper, I don't care what gender that soldier is, was or identifies with.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(09-12-2017, 11:07 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: Amen.

Male. Female. Undecided. Trapped in the wrong body.....I could care less.

Can they accomplish the mission? THAT I care about.

If Pvt. Jenner can take out that sniper, I don't care what gender that soldier is, was or identifies with.

Given the large cost to train and maintain a member of the military isn't it prudent to not allow those who have a high risk of mental illness or suicide.

These stats are from pro transgender groups and used to show us all that we need to carry on with the pronoun of their desire. And pretend they are something that they physically are not. If the suicide numbers are not real and they can go into the military then there is no need for any of us to pretend they are the opposite sex or use their choice of pronoun.

You can't argue (not saying you personally) both sides of this issue and win both. They are both at odds with each other. The argument made why I can't call a transgender female a he/she or even the T word that some here love so much.

If they are ok to serve In the military then they are ok to be called these other words. We certainly call fat people fat or ugly people ugly.
(09-12-2017, 03:11 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: "Our" military. LOL

If a person is qualified I don't give a damn about their gender in our military.

Good then you have no problem allowing us to call them whatever we wish. Just as we would do anyone else who joined the military.
(09-13-2017, 02:03 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Good then you have no problem allowing us to call them whatever we wish.   Just as we would do anyone else who joined the military.

Why would you need to call them anything other than Soldier, Seaman, Airman, or Marine? Or by their rank? Or by what they want to be called?

You have been suspended multiple times for up to a year and the language filter has been amended due to your behavior.  You know better than anyone else here you can't "call them whatever we wish" without consequence which means you're intentional trying to antagonzie people for your own amusement.  My question is why?
(09-13-2017, 02:02 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Given the large cost to train and maintain a member of the military isn't it prudent to not allow those who have a high risk of mental illness or suicide.  

These stats are from pro transgender groups and used to show us all that we need to carry on with the pronoun of their desire.  And pretend they are something that they physically are not.    If the suicide numbers are not real and they can go into the military then there is no need for any of us to pretend they are the opposite sex or use their choice of pronoun.    

You can't argue (not saying you personally) both sides of this issue and win both.    They are both at odds with each other.   The argument made why I can't call a transgender female a he/she or even the T word that some here love so much.    

If they are ok to serve In the military then they are ok to be called these other words.   We certainly call fat people fat or ugly people ugly.

For the umpeteenth mother ***** time, people who are suicidal aren't allowed to join the military.  Additionally for the umpteenth time, people in the military are at an increased risk of suicide compared to the civilian population so using your flawed logic no one in the military can be in the military because everone of them is at an increased risk of suicide.  Especially white males.  
(09-13-2017, 02:02 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Given the large cost to train and maintain a member of the military isn't it prudent to not allow those who have a high risk of mental illness or suicide.  

These stats are from pro transgender groups and used to show us all that we need to carry on with the pronoun of their desire.  And pretend they are something that they physically are not.    If the suicide numbers are not real and they can go into the military then there is no need for any of us to pretend they are the opposite sex or use their choice of pronoun.    

You can't argue (not saying you personally) both sides of this issue and win both.    They are both at odds with each other.   The argument made why I can't call a transgender female a he/she or even the T word that some here love so much.    

If they are ok to serve In the military then they are ok to be called these other words.   We certainly call fat people fat or ugly people ugly.

If Pvt. Gender-in-Question is my sniper and can take out the enemy sniper wasting my 1st Platoon, I don't give a rat's ass if the Army invested $2 or $2 million on their training. That's my soldier. It was worth every penny. Similarly if that private can review a hundred 201 files in an hour and keep the Colonel off my back, I don't really care if they have to miss duty to go to suicide counseling or what pronoun they prefer to be called by. I'd rather boot Pvt. Joe Hetro Macho who isn't pulling his weight and is razzing Pvt. Gender-in-Question. In my experience, my superior officer would have backed me on that personnel move every time.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(09-13-2017, 05:02 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: If Pvt. Gender-in-Question is my sniper and can take out the enemy sniper wasting my 1st Platoon, I don't give a rat's ass if the Army invested $2 or $2 million on their training. That's my soldier. It was worth every penny. Similarly if that private can review a hundred 201 files in an hour and keep the Colonel off my back, I don't really care if they have to miss duty to go to suicide counseling or what pronoun they prefer to be called by. I'd rather boot Pvt. Joe Hetro Macho who isn't pulling his weight and is razzing Pvt. Gender-in-Question. In my experience, my superior officer would have backed me on that personnel move every time.

Then they need no special treatment in normal society. Which is fine.
(09-13-2017, 08:39 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Then they need no special treatment in normal society. Which is fine.

Special treatment like banning them from the military based upon ignorant comments from Trump and losing your collective shit when someone tries to pee?
(09-13-2017, 09:48 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Special treatment like banning them from the military based upon ignorant comments from Trump and losing your collective shit when someone tries to pee?

Look if they wanna serve then whatever. My point is that you can't claim they are some delicate mental flower on one hand which can't handle basic ways of addressing normal people.

But hey if you say they can serve and everyone want them to serve then we can by all means treat them as we do anyone else.

As for your comment on how I address those people here and the consequences I have been subjected too..... I guess it was in haste since we are now to accept them and treat them as we do anyone else. And in almost everyone else's world that includes not tip toeing around pronouns or labels.
(09-13-2017, 10:04 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Look if they wanna serve then whatever.  My point is that you can't claim they are some delicate mental flower on one hand which can't handle basic ways of addressing normal  people.  

But hey if you say they can serve and everyone want them to serve then we can by all means treat them as we do anyone else.  

As for your comment on how I address those people here and the consequences I have been subjected too.....   I guess it was in haste since we are now to accept them and treat them as we do anyone else.    And in almost everyone else's world that includes not tip toeing around pronouns or labels.

I think the point be deliberately overlooked missed is that ANYONE who is a "delicate mental flower" is generally weeded out long before they serve.

So *if* transgenders are more likely to commit suicide (or have those tendencies) less would serve anyway.  However the ones that DO make it through are NOT "delicate mental flowers."

Basically all they want is to be treated like "everyone else" without people feeling the need to create new names for them because of a bias or phobia.

And based on the posts on this board and in general on social media the only ones who are in agreement that that no transgenders should serve in the military are those who either a) never served or b) already hated/feared anyone different from them that they can't understand.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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