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Trump investigating Google
(08-28-2018, 11:02 PM)Vlad Wrote: Aww this is nothing, no big deal.

Steven Pierre, Twitter engineer explains “shadow banning,” says “it’s going to ban a way of talking”

Former Twitter software engineer Abhinav Vadrevu on shadow banning: “they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it”

Former Twitter Content Review Agent Mo Norai explains banning process: “if it was a pro-Trump thing and I’m anti-Trump… I banned his whole account… it’s at your discretion”

W[b]hen asked if banning process was an unwritten rule, Norai adds “Very. A lot of unwritten rules… It was never written it was more said”
Olinda Hassan, Policy Manager for Twitter Trust and Safety explains, “we’re trying to ‘down rank’… shitty people to not show up,” “we’re working [that] on right now”

“Shadow banning” to be used to stealthily target political views- former Twitter engineer says, “that’s a thing”
Censorship of certain political viewpoints to be automated via “machine learning” according to Twitter software engineer

Parnay Singh, Twitter Direct Messaging Engineer, on machine learning algorithms, “you have like five thousand keywords to describe a redneck…” “the majority of it are for Republicans”
(San Francisco) In the latest undercover Project Veritas video investigation, current and former Twitter employees are on camera explaining steps the social media giant is taking to censor political content that they don’t like.

Poor Vlad.  Does not even realize that he posted a link where someone from twitter said the Trump government was behind taking down Julian Assanges account because it could be harmful to Trump.

Also he does not realize what a joke these "Project Veritas" videos are with there creative editing that makes them completely unreliable.
He only wants to regulate the internet because Al Gore invented it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
It's unfortunate that people actually think all this whining is strength. But they do. Personally, I think it's lame and thin-skinned. But I am in the minority. He should have more work to do then searching Google for Trump News at 6am in the morning.

How much longer will Americans think this what is needed in a POTUS?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-29-2018, 11:26 AM)jj22 Wrote: It's unfortunate that people actually think all this whining is strength. But they do. Personally, I think it's lame and thin-skinned. But I am in the minority. He should have more work to do then searching Google for Trump News at 6am in the morning.

How much longer will Americans think this what is needed in a POTUS?

Are you saying he's acting like a helpless snowflake victim here?  Tough, but fair.  Anyways, Trump is rich and awesome, so he can just make a TRUMPENGINE search thing and put Google out of business in no time.  Then again, I don't know why people who only want to read "real things" about Trump even bother googling the guy when you can just go to his twitter page for your real news.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-29-2018, 08:28 AM)Au165 Wrote: So we don't want net neutrality......except when we want net neutrality. Got it.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
All of this will be irrelevant as blockchain technology grows bigger. The old ways of surfing the net are almost over. All of this stuff will be completely irrelevant soon and people on all 'sides' will be better off for it.
(08-30-2018, 10:10 AM)bengaloo Wrote: All of this will be irrelevant as blockchain technology grows bigger. The old ways of surfing the net are almost over. All of this stuff will be completely irrelevant soon and people on all 'sides' will be better off for it.

Huh? I am pretty well versed in block chain so I'd love to hear how block chain tech will impact surfing. If you're strictly talking privacy I can see some uses but this really isn't a privacy issue in terms of "biased" search results.

Quote:President Donald Trump intensified his criticism of Google today, posting a native video of unknown origin to his Twitter account this afternoon claiming the search giant stopped promoting the State of the Union (SOTU) address on its homepage after he took office. It turns out the video he posted is not only misleading, but also contains what appears to be a fake screenshot of the Google homepage on the day in question. It has since been viewed more than 1.5 million times.

As Gizmodo notes, however, whoever made the video could have simply pulled the first screenshot of the Google homepage for those dates from the Wayback Machine, which doesn’t accurately reflect changes to the interactive portions of the page, like Google Doodles and links to YouTube Live.

In a statement given to The Verge, a Google spokesperson clarifies that the company promoted neither former President Barack Obama nor Trump’s inaugural SOTU addresses in 2009 and 2017, respectively. That’s because they were not technically State of the Union addresses, but “addresses to a joint session” of Congress, a tradition set back in 1993 so that new presidents didn’t have to immediately deliver SOTU addresses after holding office for just a few weeks. Google resumed promoting Obama’s SOTU address in 2010 and continued to do so through 2016, as he held office for all six of those years.

With regards to the 2018 SOTU, Google says it did in fact promote it on its homepage. “On January 30th 2018, we highlighted the livestream of President Trump’s State of the Union on the homepage,” reads Google’s statement. “We have historically not promoted the first address to Congress by a new President, which is not a State of the Union address. As a result, we didn’t include a promotion on for this address in either 2009 or 2017.” Interestingly enough, a screenshot posted to the Trump-centric subreddit, r/The_Donald, shows the Google homepage on January 30th promoting Trump’s SOTU address that evening. It was posted seven months ago, while the address was ongoing.

Trump’s posting of the video to his official Twitter account is just the latest attack in a series of heightened criticism against tech companies this week, with Trump singling out Google after watching a Fox News segment about a report that claimed 96 percent of search results were for from “national left-wing media.” (The author of the report has since distanced herself from the claims, calling them “not scientific” and “based on only a small sample size” of 100 results.)
Trump parroted the report’s findings in a tweet early yesterday morning, saying Google search results are “rigged” and claiming the US government would “address” the situation. Since then, Trump has expanded his criticism of Silicon Valley and its perceived liberal bias to Facebook and Twitter, which he said later that day “are on troubled territory” and “better be careful.” However, it’s unlikely Congress can or will do anything at all about this, as Trump loves threatening policy and legal challenges against his adversaries without actually following through.

It's also been noted by some that there is a good chance the video trump is referencing has been doctored anyways. There are inconsistencies of the google logo on the video with what was used at the time, as well as other problems.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-30-2018, 10:20 AM)Au165 Wrote: Huh? I am pretty well versed in block chain so I'd love to hear how block chain tech will impact surfing. If you're strictly talking privacy I can see some uses but this really isn't a privacy issue in terms of "biased" search results.

I would say it will end up being numerous ways. People will simply be using google a lot less for starters. When people truly figure out how their data is being stored and managed now, vs how it will be, its just going to be automatic. Google will lose some of its power over people just like they all do as technology advances. I'm not one who cares about this search biased crap, but I am concerned with how companies like google handle our data and treat us as money-making objects in general. I am concerned that a company like google stores too much important info in insecure ways. More and more people on all sides of politics are fed up with it. Google will eventually lose their easy ways of tracking peoples surfing habits and selling it to the highest bidder. Once that happens, they will lose a lot of their clout with people. Blockchain technology is going to change a lot, imo.

Just remember, even if you agree with google political views, you are still just a money-making object to them and they dont give a rats ass about anything about you except selling your data.
(08-30-2018, 10:41 AM)bengaloo Wrote: I would say it will end up being numerous ways. People will simply be using google a lot less for starters. When people truly figure out how their data is being stored and managed now, vs how it will be, its just going to be automatic. Google will lose some of its power over people just like they all do as technology advances. I'm not one who cares about this search biased crap, but I am concerned with how companies like google handle our data and treat us as money-making objects in general. I am concerned that a company like google stores too much important info in insecure ways. More and more people on all sides of politics are fed up with it. Google will eventually lose their easy ways of tracking peoples surfing habits and selling it to the highest bidder. Once that happens, they will lose a lot of their clout with people. Blockchain technology is going to change a lot, imo.

Just remember, even if you agree with google political views, you are still just a money-making object to them and they dont give a rats ass about anything about you except selling your data.

This is a pipe dream mixed with some ignorance of technology. Block chain is simply a buzz word people throw around to act like they are cutting edge, heck companies do it to as a way to pivot of failed business models. The issues with the decentralized net (really what you are talking about) is that is disregards people's desire for ease of use which is a core tenet of the internet. There is nothing easy about decentralization as it requires you to in fact manually interact with every online location you engage. The idea is Utopian but not practical and will not scale to the general public. People don't want to remember 15 passwords, they want one system to talk to another so they can easily operate there whole life from a single point. 

There are companies trying to do this, but they are moving at a snails pace because they are figuring out adoption is just not there. As more and more tech devices are introduced into our every day life the idea of a decentralized net actually becomes less and less likely.
(08-30-2018, 10:20 AM)Au165 Wrote: Huh? I am pretty well versed in block chain so I'd love to hear how block chain tech will impact surfing. If you're strictly talking privacy I can see some uses but this really isn't a privacy issue in terms of "biased" search results.


How will block chain effect surfing?  What changes are going to be locked in the blocks?
(08-30-2018, 10:41 AM)bengaloo Wrote: I would say it will end up being numerous ways. People will simply be using google a lot less for starters. When people truly figure out how their data is being stored and managed now, vs how it will be, its just going to be automatic. Google will lose some of its power over people just like they all do as technology advances. I'm not one who cares about this search biased crap, but I am concerned with how companies like google handle our data and treat us as money-making objects in general. I am concerned that a company like google stores too much important info in insecure ways. More and more people on all sides of politics are fed up with it. Google will eventually lose their easy ways of tracking peoples surfing habits and selling it to the highest bidder. Once that happens, they will lose a lot of their clout with people. Blockchain technology is going to change a lot, imo.

Just remember, even if you agree with google political views, you are still just a money-making object to them and they dont give a rats ass about anything about you except selling your data.

I understand what you are saying about Google, Facebook, et all making money off personal info, but people will not be willimng to pay for something they think is free (or seemed "free" to them)

Don't know what block chain has to do with this.
(08-30-2018, 11:07 AM)Au165 Wrote: This is a pipe dream mixed with some ignorance of technology. Block chain is simply a buzz word people throw around to act like they are cutting edge, heck companies do it to as a way to pivot of failed business models. The issues with the decentralized net (really what you are talking about) is that is disregards people's desire for ease of use which is a core tenet of the internet. There is nothing easy about decentralization as it requires you to in fact manually interact with every online location you engage. The idea is Utopian but not practical and will not scale to the general public. People don't want to remember 15 passwords, they want one system to talk to another so they can easily operate there whole life from a single point. 

There are companies trying to do this, but they are moving at a snails pace because they are figuring out adoption is just not there. As more and more tech devices are introduced into our every day life the idea of a decentralized net actually becomes less and less likely.

Ive been using and exploring all the possibilities of the software because a company I work for is starting to build apps for blockstack. My physicist father's company who is a major player in tech is really starting to develop some amazing apps based on this technology. I would say maybe you need to learn more about it, not the other way around. The surface is just being scratched, but the best technologist in the world are predicting its going to change everything, and from what I've seen with my own eyes, and from using blockstack daily, I would say they are right and you are not --sorry Au, but I gotta go with 'them' on this one. But thanks for you're opinion. I may actually share it with some developers to see what they think of your take on it. i'm still learning about it. I'm pretty excited about what I've seen tho, and it sure seems like a lot of people in the world are.
(08-31-2018, 09:10 AM)bengaloo Wrote: Ive been using and exploring all the possibilities of the software because a company I work for is starting to build apps for blockstack. My physicist father's company who is a major player in tech is really starting to develop some amazing apps based on this technology. I would say maybe you need to learn more about it, not the other way around. The surface is just being scratched, but the best technologist in the world are predicting its going to change everything, and from what I've seen with my own eyes, and from using blockstack daily, I would say they are right and you are not --sorry Au, but I gotta go with 'them' on this one. But thanks for you're opinion. I may actually share it with some developers to see what they think of your take on it.

So again, how will blockchain be used in internet browsing? This topic has nothing to do with block chain but you wanted to jump in to sell your miracle cure so let's hear it. I don't even need high level details, throw out a theoretical explanation of how an average user would use, or need, blockcahin to browse. You can go as detailed on it as you like though, I'm well enough versed in the technology to have a pretty deep discussion.

As I said, a decentralized internet is more relevant to this discussion than blockchain and I already explained the issues of adoption there.
[Image: jrvuzkkpboaxnq_retina.png]
(08-31-2018, 09:34 AM)Au165 Wrote: So again, how will blockchain be used in internet browsing? This topic has nothing to do with block chain but you wanted to jump in to sell your miracle cure so let's hear it. I don't even need high level details, throw out a theoretical explanation of how an average user would use, or need, blockcahin to browse. You can go as detailed on it as you like though, I'm well enough versed in the technology to have a pretty deep discussion.

X 2

Give me some details.
(08-31-2018, 09:34 AM)Au165 Wrote: So again, how will blockchain be used in internet browsing? This topic has nothing to do with block chain but you wanted to jump in to sell your miracle cure so let's hear it. I don't even need high level details, throw out a theoretical explanation of how an average user would use, or need, blockcahin to browse. You can go as detailed on it as you like though, I'm well enough versed in the technology to have a pretty deep discussion.

As I said, a decentralized internet is more relevant to this discussion than blockchain and I already explained the issues of adoption there.

You are so kind. Anyway, lol, blockstack is an actual internet browser that is built on block chain technology. Go download it, read up on it and give it a try. Maybe you havent heard of it, apparently. I guess being that it is basically an internet browser, it has a good bit to do with internet browsing. It still in its infancy, so there arent a lot of obvious apps but Im only one of thousands who have been working on building apps for it, and listening to a lot of tech conferences about blockstack. The growing list of investors into blockstack is impressive to say the least. It will most likely revolutionize using the internet along with crypocurrency. It is coming out of the desire for more security and stability, and anonymity.

(08-31-2018, 06:53 PM)fredtoast Wrote: X 2

Give me some details.

There is a lot of info out there. To see how blockchain tech is going to impact the internet user experience, do a web or youtube search for blockstack. Here is a tedx video from one of the founders of blockstack. There are many many more. Lots of info out there.

Edit: I am an old school programmer from personal interest starting back in the late 70's. I do this on the side more as a hobby and for extra cash here and thete. My day job is much much different than writing apps lol. My daughter is entering into grown-up life as a software engineer and she has gotten me into this, and my dad's company has a few developers working on blockstack apps and other block chain related stuff.
(08-31-2018, 07:59 PM)bengaloo Wrote: You are so kind. Anyway, lol, blockstack is an actual internet browser that is built on block chain technology. Go download it, read up on it and give it a try. Maybe you havent heard of it, apparently. I guess being that it is basically an internet browser, it has a good bit to do with internet browsing. It still in its infancy, so there arent a lot of obvious apps but Im only one of thousands who have been working on building apps for it, and listening to a lot of tech conferences about blockstack. The growing list of investors into blockstack is impressive to say the least. It will most likely revolutionize using the internet along with crypocurrency. It is coming out of the desire for more security and stability, and anonymity.

I know what block stack is and no it isn't an "internet" browser, Block stack is at best an intranet browser. This is a closed system with little value, hardly the internet killer you want it to be. Again, it's not the internet because it's not accomplishing the basic goal of 90% of internet use and that is simply browsing simple mundane information. These are all apps that have practical uses but not the novelty use that still dominates the internet. It's a fad that will never catch on because the large majority of internet users use it for mundane tasks that require no real special privacy considerations and therefor will not submit to the more difficult on boarding task.

I get it you think you are part of some sort of revolution...but you aren't. You think what your doing is a noble cause...but it's not. Block chain is the 2010's snake oil a cure all that has little value in most applications. It has a place in ownership mechanisms but basic browsing there is none. The whole concept is counter intuitive to what the internet is, it is about openness and exploration not hiding. As I explained the interconnection of devices and services that the block chain evangelicals  want to pretend is a problem is actually the thing most common internet users want. It's a fools errand to believe that people want security, no the majority of people want ease of use. Block chain is not ease of use and therefor it is obsolete before it begins.

Fun Fact: block stack has 113k monthly visits....Google has 3.5 billion searches per day.

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