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Trump's First 100 Days
white spice sure has talent
People suck
(02-02-2017, 03:25 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Business as usual.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(02-02-2017, 03:25 PM)GMDino Wrote:

So they hacked and released genuine emails, and that's an attack on our democracy?  It's a crime, but it's not an attack on our democracy.  I wonder how many people think they hacked our voting system.  I know that doesn't sound right, but it's hard for me to call people reading something truthful as an attack on our democracy.

Oh yeah...the 1980's called. They want their foreign policy back.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-02-2017, 03:45 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: Business as usual.

looks like iran needs some freedom
People suck
(02-02-2017, 04:13 PM)michaelsean Wrote: So they hacked and released genuine emails, and that's an attack on our democracy?  It's a crime, but it's not an attack on our democracy.  I wonder how many people think they hacked our voting system.  I know that doesn't sound right, but it's hard for me to call people reading something truthful as an attack on our democracy.

Unless it was designed to affect the outcome of an a election--and may have.

A hostile power giving people something "truthful" to read from the side they don't want to win, so the weaker side does win, is certainly an attack on our democracy.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:Israeli settlements not 'helpful' to peace process, Trump's White House says

Israel forcibly removes settlers days after planning more construction
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WASHINGTON — New Israeli settlements in Palestinian-occupied territories "may not be helpful" in resolving the decades-old conflict, the White House said Thursday, signaling an abrupt change in tone in President Trump's approach to the issue.

The White House statement hewed much closer to the longstanding bipartisan approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than some of Trump's previous comments might have suggested. In December, Trump condemned the Obama administration's decision not to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution censuring Israel for its settlement activity, calling it "extremely unfair to all Israelis."

But hours after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced another 5,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank Thursday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer emphasized that the Middle East peace process remains "unchanged."

"While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal," Spicer's statement read. "The Trump administration has not taken an official position on settlement activity and looks forward to continuing discussions, including with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he visits with President Trump later this month.”

That meeting is scheduled to take place Feb. 15 in Washington.

Trump has made support for Israel a cornerstone of his foreign policy, promising Netanyahu in a phone call last week that he had an "unprecedented commitment to Israel's security."

Trump is also weighing a decision on whether to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. That move is required by the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, but every president since has delayed it under a renewable, six-month waiver provision in the law.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
More for "Black Alternative Facts Month".

Quote:Mike Pence Recognized Black History Month By Honoring A White Man

[Image: 58939c9c2800001f00996841.jpeg]


Vice-President Mike Pence posted a tweet on Wednesday in which he recognized the beginning of Black History Month by honoring a white man.

The tweet acknowledged President Abraham Lincoln and his work around the abolishment of slavery, but fails to mention the contributions of any black trailblazer.   

Quote:[/url] Follow
[Image: 5Ezfo6EK_normal.jpg]Vice President Pence 

As #BlackHistoryMonth begins, we remember when Pres. Lincoln submitted the 13th Amendment, ending slavery, to the states #NationalFreedomDay
9:00 PM - 1 Feb 2017

Pence’s tribute to Lincoln didn’t sit well with many on Twitter, who called out the tone-deaf tweet and implored the vice president to become better acquainted with the achievements of black men and women. 

As kind Twitter users reminded our newbie vice president, Black History Month is a time to honor black people in American history.  

Quote: Follow
[Image: u2DIp3rK_normal.jpg]Ava DuVernay 

Maybe remember when ACTUAL BLACK PEOPLE did stuff? Besides Ben Carson + Omarosa of course. And um, about the 13th amendment... oh nevermind. …
12:40 AM - 2 Feb 2017

Quote: Follow
[Image: XgVUUIyV_normal.jpg]Joel J. Gibbs @JoelJGibbs
"As Black History Month begins, let's somehow find a way to make this about white people I think blacks should be thankful for." -Mike Pence
7:40 AM - 2 Feb 2017

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[Image: qCqnfCBV_normal.jpg]Symone D. Sanders 

What the hell is wrong with Mike Pence and the Trump Administration? This is just down right stupid. I implore you RAISE THE BAR. …
9:52 PM - 1 Feb 2017

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[Image: oQUlqN5m_normal.jpg]Franchesca Ramsey 

can't wait for women's history month when Pence & Tr*mp thank the brave dudes who let us have a month outside the kitchen
10:16 PM - 1 Feb 2017

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[Image: 0hh5-eGf_normal.jpg]William J. Simmons 

.@VP it's part of the racist imagination that Black history began when white men "freed the slaves" - #BHM is timeless.
9:56 PM - 1 Feb 2017 · Queens, NY

Quote:[url=] Follow
[Image: ujD21luV_normal.jpg]Evie @evie_136
i just saw the tweet from mike pence about black history month and i hate him even more now
11:05 PM - 1 Feb 2017

Note to Pence: Two weeks ago the leader of the free world was black. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

More here plus some good old NRA loving....

Quote:The Republican-controlled Congress on Thursday scrapped Obama-era rules on the environment and guns, counting on a new ally in the White House to help reverse years of what the GOP calls excessive regulation.

The Senate gave final approval to a measure eliminating a rule to prevent coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby streams, while the House backed a separate resolution doing away with extended background checks for gun purchases by some Social Security recipients with mental disabilities.

The Senate's 54-45 vote sends the repeal of the stream protection rule to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it. The gun measure awaits Senate action.

Republicans and some Democrats say the coal-mining rule could eliminate thousands of coal-related jobs and ignores dozens of federal, state and local regulations already in place.

The Interior Department, which announced the rule in December
, said that it would protect 6,000 miles of streams and 52,000 acres of forests, preventing coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby waters.

The vote was the first in a series of actions Republicans are expected to take in coming weeks to reverse years of what they call excessive regulation during President Barack Obama's tenure. Rules on fracking, federal contracting and other issues also are in the cross-hairs as the GOP moves to void a host of regulations finalized during Obama's last months in office.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called the stream rule "an attack against coal miners and their families" and said it would have threatened coal jobs and caused major damage to communities in Kentucky and other coal-producing states.

"The legislation we passed today will help stop this disastrous rule and bring relief to coal miners and their families," McConnell said.

Democrats called the vote an attack on clean water and a clear win for big coal-mining companies and other polluters.

Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., said the stream rule had nothing to do with the decline of coal, which faces stiff competition from cheap natural gas.

"This rule was not in place" when coal production began declining in the past half-dozen years
, Cantwell said.

In the House, the issue was an Obama rule extending background checks for disabled Social Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs. The House voted 235-180 to scuttle it.

Under the rule, the Social Security Administration had to provide information to the gun-buying background check system on recipients with a mental disorder so severe they cannot work and need someone to handle their benefits. The rule, also finalized in December, would have affected an estimated 75,000 beneficiaries.

"There is no evidence suggesting that those receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration are a threat to public safety," said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

"Once an unelected bureaucrat unfairly adds these folks to the federal background check system, they are no longer able to exercise their Second Amendment right," he said.

After the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Conn., Obama directed the Justice Department to provide guidance to agencies regarding information they are obligated to report to the background check system.

In Newtown, 20 children and six educators were shot to death when a gunman entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012. The gunman had earlier killed his mother inside their home, and he used a gun and ammunition that she had purchased. His mental health problems have been extensively reported since the shooting.

Democrats said Republicans were doing the bidding of the National Rifle Association, which opposed the Social Security Administration's rule.

"These are not people just having a bad day," Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., said. "These are not people simply suffering from depression or anxiety or agoraphobia. These are people with a severe mental illness who can't hold any kind of job or make any decisions about their affairs, so the law says very clearly they shouldn't have a firearm."

Republicans are employing a rarely used tool to roll back some of the rules issued in the final months of Obama's tenure. The Congressional Review Act provides a temporary window for a simple majority of both chambers to invalidate the rule. Trump would have to sign the disapproval measure for a regulation to be deemed invalid.

The law also prevents the executive branch from imposing substantially similar regulations in the future.

On the coal mining vote, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was the sole Republican to oppose the repeal measure, which was supported by four Democrats: Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Claire McCaskill of Missouri. All four face re-election next year in states Trump won.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:[url=]There's no recording of Trump's talk with Putin—because Trump's team turned off the recorder

One of the great questions of the Donald Trump "presidency" has been to what extent members of his campaign team worked with Russian officials or go-betweens in their attempt to get the already-unstable, already-incompetent authoritarian-minded bumbler elected to the lead the most powerful democracy in the world. We know of multiple campaign staffers who met with Russian officials over the last few years. We know of payments to several of those staffers. We were told by a foreign intelligence investigator of numerous alleged links between Trump, Trump's team, and Russia, from blackmail to business ties. And we know it's the subject of an active American investigation—unless Team Trump scuttled that investigation and the FBI obligingly listened.

So in a presidency that's already being compared to Nixon's on a daily basis and by people who were there, this is a real humdinger.

Quote:Ilan Berman, vice president of the conservative American Foreign Policy Council think tank, reported that the White House turned off its recording equipment during President Donald Trump’s call with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While Donald Trump was talking to the world leader known by American intelligence officers to have worked to assist Trump's rise to the presidency, Trump's White House turned off the recorder.

This would be why the White House "readout" of the call consisted of a one-sentence summary of the call's supposed contents. The Kremlin crafted a more detailed version, and so our American understanding of the events will rely entirely on Vladimir Putin's commitment to disclosure and accuracy. From our end, there's nothing.

There's no explanation for this. There's no "oops, our secretary's finger slipped and she erased it" or "Have you seen the price of reel-to-reel tapes these days?
Donald Trump isn't made of money." There's nothing. There's simply no recording of what the two talked about, at least on our end, in Donald's call to the one and only world leader the ever-insulting Trump has never, ever had an unkind word for.

If Trump is trying to look like a puppet for the Putin regime, he could not possibly do a better job.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-02-2017, 11:16 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Very interesting. Could Netanyahu actually be getting some pushback from Trump on this? 
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Quote:Senate Votes To Kill Dodd Frank Anti-Corruption Rule

The rule was aimed at curbing corruption at big oil, gas and mining companies.

WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) - The Republican-led Congress killed a controversial U.S. securities disclosure rule early on Friday aimed at curbing corruption at big oil, gas and mining companies.

In a 52 to 47 vote, the Senate approved a resolution already passed by the House of Representatives that wipes from the books a rule requiring companies such as Exxon Mobil and Chevron Corp to publicly state the taxes and other fees they pay to foreign governments.

Republican President Donald Trump is expected to sign it shortly.

Exxon and other major energy corporations have fought for years to prevent the rule, required by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law, from seeing the light of day.

After a series of legal battles, the Securities and Exchange Commission in June 2016 completed the regulation, which supporters say can help expose questionable financial ties U.S. companies may have with foreign governments.

Democrats in the Senate had raised concerns during debate late on Wednesday that Exxon’s chief executive during those legal fights was Rex Tillerson, recently confirmed as Secretary of State, the country’s top diplomatic post.

Tillerson, who has done extensive business in Russia, had raised Democrats’ hackles at his confirmation hearing by saying he did not know Exxon had lobbied against U.S. sanctions on Russia.

“It should be lost on no one that in less than 48 hours, the Republican-controlled Senate has confirmed the former head of ExxonMobil to serve as our Secretary of State, and repealed a key anti-corruption rule that ExxonMobil and the American Petroleum Institute have erroneously fought for years,” said Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the foreign relations committee.

Cardin had written the Dodd-Frank section on the payments with former Senator Richard Lugar, a Republican. 
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-02-2017, 10:32 PM)Dill Wrote: Unless it was designed to affect the outcome of an a election--and may have.

A hostile power giving people something "truthful" to read from the side they don't want to win, so the weaker side does win, is certainly an attack on our democracy.

I'm really torn on this topic, honestly.

On one hand I really don't like the fact that other countries are getting involved in our election process.
On the other hand, would we have found out about the DNC rigging their primaries if they didn't?

Weird when interference in our election also unearths interference in our election. Still not really sure how I feel about it. I lean towards liking corruption in our election process being exposed, but I can't feel proper good about how it happened either.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(02-03-2017, 04:46 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: I'm really torn on this topic, honestly.

On one hand I really don't like the fact that other countries are getting involved in our election process.
On the other hand, would we have found out about the DNC rigging their primaries if they didn't?

Weird when interference in our election also unearths interference in our election. Still not really sure how I feel about it. I lean towards liking corruption in our election process being exposed, but I can't feel proper good about how it happened either.

I think we can condemn both the DNC and the hacking. Wasserman Schultz is out now. The DNC has to bend over backwards on transparency from here on out.

But we shouldn't thank Russia for giving us what looks to be the worst president in history. Trump said many things publicly on the campaign trail that worry me far more than the DNC favoritism to Clinton or "taco bowl" comments. I shudder to think what one might see in Trump/Bannon emails, which the Russians may indeed have but chose not to share with us.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-03-2017, 05:29 PM)Dill Wrote: I think we can condemn both the DNC and the hacking. Wasserman Schultz is out now. The DNC has to bend over backwards on transparency from here on out.

But we shouldn't thank Russia for giving us what looks to be the worst president in history. Trump said many things publicly on the campaign trail that worry me far more than the DNC favoritism to Clinton or "taco bowl" comments. I shudder to think what one might see in Trump/Bannon emails, which the Russians may indeed have but chose not to share with us.

..and found a job in Hillary's campaign in less than 24 hours. She was replaced by Donna Brazile, who was then fired from her news job for giving debate questions, but I believe still is in charge of the DNC? Not like it was really cleaned up.

But yeah, I can agree with you that both can be condemned. I'm not sure Russia gave us Trump, though. I think enough blame can be landed squarely on the shoulders of both of the major parties for giving us such a messed up situation where he actually could win. I mean, Wisconsin went red for the first time in 8 elections. Pennsylvania and Michigan voted red for the first time in 7 elections. Maine didn't give all 4 votes to the Democrats for the first time in 7 elections. That doesn't happen just because of Russia, there was setup for that in the works.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

Quote:During today's press briefing, Sean Spicer claimed that the rise in job creation was due to confidence in Trump, even if he only served 11 days in January by claiming, "Today's report reflects the consumer confidence that the Trump presidency has inspired."

The new jobs report said there were 227K new jobs created and the Trump administration wants to own those numbers.

However, throughout the campaign season, Trump, Republicans and every right wing pundit claimed that the good unemployment numbers were a scam to make Obama look good.

On Dec., 2nd, I tweeted these figures to show the stark difference between the disaster President Obama inherited and the comparably good job numbers Trump would inherit.

Quote:[/url][url=] Follow
[Image: Jamato-msnbc_normal.jpg]JohnAmato @JohnAmato
Obama economy: Dec. 2008, lost 632K jobs. unemploy 7.2%

Trump economy: Dec. 2016, gained 178K jobs, unemploy 4.6%
3:10 PM - 2 Dec 2016

But Trump kept claiming the job numbers were total fiction.

On Dec., 8th in a Des Moines rally, Trump said, "The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction. If you look for a job for six months and then you give up, they consider you give up. You just give up. You go home. You say, ‘Darling, I can’t get a job.’ They consider you statistically employed. It’s not the way. But don’t worry about it because it’s going to take care of itself pretty quickly.

On December 12th, I wrote: I Can't Wait To Hear Donald Trump Discuss 'HIS' Unemployment Numbers

Quote:Donald Trump said this about the "real" unemployment rate back in February 8th, "I am going to be the greats jobs president that God ever created. Don't believe those phony numbers. When you hear 4.9 and 5% unemployment. The numbers probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently, 42%."

As you know, that's a bald-faced lie.
Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post gave him Four Pinocchio's, for that ridiculous claim.

This morning CNN's Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans called out the Trump administration for "accepting" the "jobs report" today as they are after months of calling them a “hoax, phony, fake, and a fraud.”

Romans said, "So it seems he's accepting these numbers, at least as a baseline for now. There's no conspiracy in the numbers when they belong to him."

Ain't that the truth.

During the January 23rd press briefing, Spicer refused to explain what actual employment numbers the Trump administration would use.

The numbers they like today come from the Bureau Of Labor Statistics.

This afternoon, Spicer was not so wishy-washy on the numbers he was using, since he could spin them to his benefit.

Spicer said, "Let's turn to the jobs report, the economy added more than 227,000 new jobs, significantly more than the 175,000 that had been expected."

He continued, "Today's report reflects the consumer confidence that the Trump presidency has inspired. According to a recent Gallop poll, economic confidence is at a new high and ADP showed strong private sector hiring."

Here's where the high comedy comes into play.

Spicer said, "The markets knew Trump would deliver on the promise, the president's already taken significant steps to turn our economy around and he's looking forward to ensuring that every American who wants a job has the opportunity to find one. The president's definitely pleased that the job growth far surpassed expectations and that the labor force participation is rising he also recognizes that there's a lot more work to be done."

If the economy is growing and jobs are plentiful, what exactly does Spicer want to turn around?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-03-2017, 06:01 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: ..and found a job in Hillary's campaign in less than 24 hours. She was replaced by Donna Brazile, who was then fired from her news job for giving debate questions, but I believe still is in charge of the DNC? Not like it was really cleaned up.

But yeah, I can agree with you that both can be condemned. I'm not sure Russia gave us Trump, though. I think enough blame can be landed squarely on the shoulders of both of the major parties for giving us such a messed up situation where he actually could win. I mean, Wisconsin went red for the first time in 8 elections. Pennsylvania and Michigan voted red for the first time in 7 elections. Maine didn't give all 4 votes to the Democrats for the first time in 7 elections. That doesn't happen just because of Russia, there was setup for that in the works.

Totally agree with you on that Leonard. We aren't sure that Russia actually tipped the election in favor of Trump, but if it did, it was only because alternatives were already in balance which should not have been.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-03-2017, 06:01 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: ..and found a job in Hillary's campaign in less than 24 hours. She was replaced by Donna Brazile, who was then fired from her news job for giving debate questions, but I believe still is in charge of the DNC? Not like it was really cleaned up.

But yeah, I can agree with you that both can be condemned. I'm not sure Russia gave us Trump, though. I think enough blame can be landed squarely on the shoulders of both of the major parties for giving us such a messed up situation where he actually could win. I mean, Wisconsin went red for the first time in 8 elections. Pennsylvania and Michigan voted red for the first time in 7 elections. Maine didn't give all 4 votes to the Democrats for the first time in 7 elections. That doesn't happen just because of Russia, there was setup for that in the works.

Many were sickened at what the DNC did to it's own as we watched it happen in real time. HRC/DWS are as responsible for their own failure as anyone imo. Russia just made sure that those who weren't following the Dems that closely knew about it. Where there's confusion, there's money to be made. And power to be had. That's the moral to this story.
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

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On Friday, Donald Trump signed an executive order intended to roll back Dodd-Frank, the sprawling regulatory framework President Obama signed into law in 2010 to avoid another financial crisis, which was not entirely beloved on Wall Street. He also scrapped a fiduciary rule intended to protect retirees by forcing brokers and advisers to “work in the best interest of their clients.“ (This, too, was controversial.)

According to its defenders, Dodd-Frank has been a modestly successful, if tortuous affair, requiring banks to bend over backwards to comply with regulations that protect investors and consumers from abusive practices and excessive risk. According to Trump, it was inconveniencing his friends:

“There is nobody better to tell me about Dodd-Frank than [JP Morgan C.E.O.] Jamie [Dimon]. So he has to tell me about it, but we expect to be cutting a lot from Dodd-Frank because, frankly, I have so many people, friends of mine, that have nice businesses, they can’t borrow money,” Trump said Friday morning, shortly before signing the executive orders. “They just can’t get any money because the banks just won’t let them borrow because of the rules and regulations in Dodd-Frank.”

And here’s how Gary Cohn, Goldman Sachs president turned White House National Economic Council Director made the case for getting rid of the fiduciary rule unveiled last spring:

“We think it is a bad rule. It is a bad rule for consumers. This is like putting only healthy food on the menu, because unhealthy food tastes good but you still shouldn’t eat it because you might die younger.”

That is literally the greatest analogy we’ve ever heard, and we challenge Cohn and the Trump administration to top it. (In fact, the only way they could is if Cohn appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday and said, “The fiduciary rule is like only putting out vape pens at a party, because crystal meth feels good but you still shouldn’t smoke it because you might die younger.” Let the consumer have their meth! How could more choice be bad, in an industry defined by vast asymmetries of information between brokers and consumers?

Oh, and in case you were wondering: Elizabeth Warren is obviously pissed about all of this.

“Donald Trump talked a big game about Wall Street during his campaign—but as president, we're finding out whose side he's really on,” the Massachusetts senator said in a statement. “Today, after literally standing alongside big bank and hedge fund C.E.O.s, he announced two orders—one that will make it easier for investment advisers to cheat you out of your retirement savings, and another that will put two former Goldman Sachs executives in charge of gutting the rules that protect you from financial fraud and another economic meltdown.”

Warren, along with Senator Tammy Baldwin, also sent a letter to Gary Cohn telling him he ought to “recuse himself from decisions directly or indirectly related to Goldman Sachs.”

Wall Street puts Trump on notice

Many business people who might not otherwise have voted for Trump because of his comments on MuslimswomenMexicodisabled people, and more, were ultimately seduced by the idea of tax reform and other pro-growth policies. Strangely, Trump’s priorities in his first 14 days in office focused far more on exciting executive orders to keep out Mexicans and Muslims than boring policies to cut tax rates or close loopholes. Still, investors don’t want to judge the president too quickly, so they’re going to give him just over three months to prove he’s only floating his ultra-nationalist policies for yuks before getting down to the business of being pro-business. Per the Journal:

Quote:Mr. Trump’s election victory initially boosted stocks—the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose above its 20,000-point landmark in January—but markets have traded sideways over the past month. The next 100 days is seen as a crucial period for some investors to gauge whether the policy mix they want—all of the pro-business, none of the protectionist—will materialize.

Quote:“The next 100 days will be important to see what he will implement and how,” said Monica Defend, Pioneer Investments’s head of global asset-allocation research. Pioneer is betting the price of risky U.S. assets, such as equities, will continue to gain but has also increased allocations of gold as insurance against political turmoil.

Quote:Nicolò Carpaneda, investment director of the retail fixed-interest team at M&G Investments, believes money managers won’t have much patience and could suddenly decide to either jump in or sell off. “If you want a number, I’ll say 30 days instead of 100,” he said.

Presumably, his actions Friday regarding the wholesale nuking of Dodd-Frank will be seen as a step in the right direction, though the government revoking 100,000+ visas is not a great look.

Quote:Wells Fargo Asset Management’s Analytic Investors LLC, the Wall Street quant shop that has accurately predicted 10 of the last 13 Super Bowls against the point spread, says take the Atlanta Falcons and the three points over Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots.

On the bright side, perhaps we’ll get to see Trump, a noted Tom Brady fan, trot out some amazing “alternative facts” for why the Pats lost or, better yet, claim that they didn’t actually lose at all. We’re hoping voter fraud will play a role.

Ivanka Trump held a business ladies dinner

The First Daughter hosted a group of female C.E.O.s Thursday night to “solicit ideas on how to promote women in the work force and fight for issues like paid maternity leave.” Ivanka, you may recall, received a little blowback for discussing these topics—and how her father is a yuge, yuge proponent of them—at the Republican National Convention last summer after one of her former employees said that the Ivanka Trump clothing line didn’t actually offer any paid maternity leave. (A spokesperson for the company called the claims a “mischaracterization” and said their team offers paid leave, flexible work schedules, and unlimited vacation and sick days.)

Layoffs Watch: Deutsche Bank

It will probably not come as much of a surprise to anyone keeping up with the multi-billion dollar fines Deutsche has been paying left and right to hear that the German bank is going to have to ask a bunch of employees to clean out their desks. According to Bloomberg, C.E.O. John Cryan “is eliminating 9,000 jobs across the company to raise profitability and capital levels eroded by misconduct costs.” (Some of those notable instances of misconduct include peddling toxic mortgages and letting wealthy Russians launder $10 billion, both allegations that Deutsche settled with prosecutors.)

Team Trump now trusts the unemployment rate enough to take credit for it

Quote:[/url] Follow
[Image: Z29PJodR_normal.jpg]Kellyanne Conway 

Jobs numbers already like @POTUS @realDonaldTrump …
1:17 PM - 3 Feb 2017

That’s Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway apparently giving her boss credit for today’s US non-farm payrolls being up 227k in January versus the expected 175k, and unemployment rate now being at 4.8 percent. As a reminder, when he was campaigning for president, Donald Trump claimed the government’s official unemployment numbers were “phony” and that the true rate was [url=]as high as 42 percent.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:H.R.861 - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.115th Congress (2017-2018)

Latest Action:
02/03/2017 Referred to House Science, Space, and Technology

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Long read.  Good read.

Quote:Trump and Staff Rethink Tactics After Stumbles
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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