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Trump's First 100 Days
(03-10-2017, 06:00 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Today only marks the halfway point of his first 100 days. Folks are not going to be able to keep it up for another 1410 days, they will have a breakdown.

Keep what up?

Watching what the President does and comment on it?

You're funny.

I think I personally can spare that few minutes out of the day most days.

But if you'd like to discuss the actual posts instead of casting aspersions on the posters maybe you could try that instead.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-10-2017, 05:39 PM)GMDino Wrote: So Trump and his supporters are raving about the February jobs report.

And it is a good one.


...not as good as the last two years.

What's really funny is to read the release from the chair of Ways and Means from last year's February jobs report and this year's. You want to see blatant partisan asshattery, there is a prime example.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-10-2017, 06:58 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: What's really funny is to read the release from the chair of Ways and Means from last year's February jobs report and this year's. You want to see blatant partisan asshattery, there is a prime example.

But the sheeple love it Matt.

Quote:WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement in response to the Department of Labor’s February 2016 jobs report:

“While it’s good news that more Americans have joined the labor force, it’s disappointing to see so little growth in full time work and wages.

“In order for our economy to help all Americans, Washington must act on a pro-growth agenda that will create jobs, increase paychecks, and expand opportunity. Members of the Ways and Means Committee are leading this effort by advancing bold solutions, such as overhauling our broken tax code and repealing and replacing the President’s failing heath care law.”

: The Department of Labor reported today the economy added 242,000 jobs in February and the unemployment rate remained 4.9 percent.

Quote:WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement in response to the Department of Labor’s February 2017 jobs report:

“This is a great report. The fact that hundreds of thousands more people found new jobs last month is a good sign that our economy is moving in the right direction. While we still have much more work to do, I’m optimistic that the actions that President Trump and House Republicans are taking will add to this momentum—creating more jobs, growing families’ paychecks, and improving the lives of all Americans. Just this week, Ways and Means Republicans voted to deliver relief from hundreds of billions of dollars in health care taxes that have crushed our workers and job creators. And we’re not stopping there. We are committed to fully repealing and replacing Obamacare, delivering a tax code ‘built for growth,’ and cutting Washington’s red tape to create even more economic opportunities in America.”

Note: The Department of Labor reported today the economy added 235,000 jobs in February and the unemployment rate was 4.7 percent.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Trump team knew Michael Flynn might register as a foreign agent for Turkey work

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The White House says lawyers for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told President Donald Trump's transition team before the inauguration that Flynn might need to register with the government as a foreign agent, but Trump was not aware of the move. (March 10) AP

[Image: 636231151307050476-B01-FLYNN-0216-88788794.JPG]

(Photo: Carolyn Kaster, AP)

WASHINGTON — A lawyer for former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn told the Trump transition team before President Trump took office that Flynn might have to register as a foreign agent because of his work for a Turkish client.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Friday said that Flynn's representative reached out to the transition team about potentially registering with the Justice Department because his lobbying work may have benefited the government of Turkey, but Spicer said the transition lawyer viewed it as a personal matter and not an issue for transition officials to decide.

Spicer also rejected the notion that Flynn's lobbying work for a client with ties to Turkey's government should have raised red flags about Flynn's appointment as Trump's top national security adviser. He said Flynn had "impeccable credentials" to serve in that role.

"We trust people to fill out the appropriate forms," Spicer added,
when asked whether other Trump advisers also might be lobbying on behalf of foreign governments.

Trump fired Flynn last month for making misleading statements to Vice President Pence and others about his discussions with Russia's ambassador to the United States.

But documents Flynn filed this week with the Justice Department raised fresh questions about his ties to the Turkish government, even as he was serving as top adviser to Trump's presidential campaign. His now-shuttered firm, Flynn Intel Group, earned $530,000 last year for work on behalf of Inovo BV, a Dutch firm, whose Turkish founder has ties to Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As part of its contract, the firm undertook research into an Erdogan political opponent, Fetulleh Gulen, an Islamic cleric who lives in exile in rural Pennsylvania.

On Election Day, The Hill newspaper published a Flynn op-ed that criticized Gulen and said the United States should no longer provide a safe haven to him.

Flynn's work on behalf of Inovo had been the subject of earlier news reports. He also disclosed the work in lobbying documents filed with Congress. But he did not register as a foreign agent until this week and retroactively provided details about the nature of Flynn Intel's work and how much his firm earned.

Read more:


Turkish client paid $530,000 to Michael Flynn's consulting firm

This week, Spicer said Trump had been unaware of Flynn's foreign agent work. In an interview Thursday with Fox News, Pence also said he did not learn of Flynn's foreign-agent registration until this week. The revelation, Pence said, was "an affirmation of the president's decision to ask General Flynn to resign."

Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, noted Friday that he had [url=]written to Pence three months ago
, raising questions about Flynn's work on behalf of Turkish interests.

"If the Vice President had heeded my warnings, it’s clear now he could have prevented the problems that occurred with Lt. General Flynn," Cummings said
in a statement.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-10-2017, 09:46 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Just to get this straight... Flynn cashed in half a million dollars for lobbying for Turkish de facto-dictator Erdogan when transition took place... and no one noticed or had a problem with making him security advisor anyway?

What is happening?
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(03-11-2017, 03:29 AM)hollodero Wrote: Just to get this straight... Flynn cashed in half a million dollars for lobbying for Turkish de facto-dictator Erdogan when transition took place... and no one noticed or had a problem with making him security advisor anyway?

What is happening?

Draining the swamp
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It's wonderful to see non-career politicians get a long-awaited chance to serve.
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(03-11-2017, 10:31 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Draining the swamp

By appointing Turkish agents... makes sense.

Really, why this is such a small story confuses me. Paid by Erdogan! Every single second a guy like that spends as security adviser should be cause for an outrage. In Moldova. Ah well, the US is not Moldova, I hope for Moldova it stays that way.
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(03-11-2017, 03:29 AM)hollodero Wrote: Just to get this straight... Flynn cashed in half a million dollars for lobbying for Turkish de facto-dictator Erdogan when transition took place... and no one noticed or had a problem with making him security advisor anyway?

What is happening?

It's pretty shocking (and we thought not telling them about discussing Russian sanctions was bad!).  Granted, it's frickin' Turkey...but how do you miss this?

The only thing I would say is the Trump team, being politically inexperienced, didn't know what to look for or simply how to vet people.  But being the super duper great businessman he is, you'd think he'd also hire someone in the know to say "I know you don't care about X, Y and Z.....but you really need to look at X, Y and Z and also these other things".  Of course, most good CEO's also want to be challenged and want a healthy mix of opinions.  But Trump is obviously not a good CEO.

This will be an interesting test, which mainly is can an idiot unlock economic value simply by following basic free market principles?  Won't be a pure test after 8 years of overreach and pseudo central-planning.

Interestingly enough, Obama basically plagiarized Romney on corporate tax reform after pillorying him for that in the election...except nothing ever got done, mainly because it's not truly supported by most Democrats and Obama barely ever gave lip service to actual bipartisanship.  So this is a freebie for Repubs and Trump if they are committed to actually doing something, though to be fair it's much much more complicated than simply tweaking a few rates.  On the other hand, it COULD easily be revenue neutral and it's such an obvious and necessary thing politicians should be berated for NOT doing it....but, partisan agendas....

(03-12-2017, 01:47 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: It's pretty shocking (and we thought not telling them about discussing Russian sanctions was bad!).  Granted, it's frickin' Turkey...but how do you miss this?

I don't know anything about your tax code and leave that to others to comment on.

But just regarding Turkey, I don't know what you meant here, but Turkey is a big country and a key player in the Syrian conflict, has their own interests there, strongly opposes your plan to work with the Kurds, is a country on the verge of becoming a dictatorship, a NATO country possibly leaving this alliance and crawling under Putin's cloth, playing politics all over Europe through their migrants... it's Turkey, not frickin' Austria. This Flynn thing isn't exactly harmless. Seems like playing politics in the US. The ISIS fight implications alone...

On how can you miss this? You really can't. Reports say they haven't. I wouldn't know if it were comforting if they had, though. Troubling either way. Who else is a foreign agent in this administration?

Again, what is happening?
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(03-12-2017, 02:07 AM)hollodero Wrote: but Turkey is a big country and a key player in the Syrian conflict, has their own interests there, strongly opposes your plan to work with the Kurds, is a country on the verge of becoming a dictatorship, a NATO country possibly leaving this alliance and crawling under Putin's cloth, playing politics all over Europe through their migrants... it's Turkey, not frickin' Austria.

Can you show me more than one article expressing this prior to the Flynn disclosure?   This is the first time I've ever heard we should care about Turkey.

(03-12-2017, 03:12 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Can you show me more than one article expressing this prior to the Flynn disclosure?   This is the first time I've ever heard we should care about Turkey.

Sure... (ok, 9th of March, this is about the time) (this is from February) (January) (from August, regarding US military bases in Turkey) (some fact-peppered opinion about Turkey, NATO and Syria, one year old) (some more US-Turkey tension facts that might threaten the fight against ISIS, from June) (the step towards dictatorship Erdogan plans to install via referedum, hurting the Kurds, your "ally")

...and that were just 10 minutes of googling. Have fun. For more information about this, please google yourself.

(Note: the articles I read before your request were, of course, from German/Austrian outlets. So yeah, please, spare me the additional googling English sources.)
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(03-12-2017, 03:31 AM)hollodero Wrote: ...and that were just 10 minutes of googling. Have fun. For more information about this, please google yourself.

Fair enough.  Thank you.

This is why I generally don't comment on foreign policy, even if I think it's more or less whack-a-mole.

A massage therapist who worked on the Trump campaign and was later appointed by Trump to work in the Office of Technology Transition, has resigned after his twitter account was revealed to have called Muslims "maggots".

No one in the office is quite sure why he even was appointed as he had no experience in the field and previously was just a massage therapist for the campaign.
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(03-12-2017, 02:07 AM)hollodero Wrote: I don't know anything about your tax code and leave that to others to comment on.

But just regarding Turkey, I don't know what you meant here, but Turkey is a big country and a key player in the Syrian conflict, has their own interests there, strongly opposes your plan to work with the Kurds, is a country on the verge of becoming a dictatorship, a NATO country possibly leaving this alliance and crawling under Putin's cloth, playing politics all over Europe through their migrants... it's Turkey, not frickin' Austria. This Flynn thing isn't exactly harmless. Seems like playing politics in the US. The ISIS fight implications alone...

On how can you miss this? You really can't. Reports say they haven't. I wouldn't know if it were comforting if they had, though. Troubling either way. Who else is a foreign agent in this administration?

Again, what is happening?
You must have a heart attack when Obamas Secretary of State Clinton helped the Russians buy all of that uranium
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(03-12-2017, 10:24 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: You must have a heart attack when Obamas Secretary of State Clinton helped the Russians buy all of that uranium

Oooooh my.
Couple things. First off, Russia has enough nuclear weapons to begin with, I don't like them to have more, but who gives. I don't like you to have more of those either. That is the tip of the iceberg.
Then, it was a canadian company that was sold to Russia, one that has mining rights in the US. Why they have that rights, I do not know.
Then, it was not, not, not Hillary who was responsible for approving that deal. It was the state department, but another department of said department. (I even googled it, it's called the CFIUS, which Clinton has not interfered with).
Then, obviously eight other departments and additional regulators had to sign off this deal as well.
Then, the uranium is not intended to be enriched for nuclear weapons in the first place.
Then, Russia used to send enriched material back to the US in other deals.

And last not least, what does Hillary Clinton have to do with anything regarding Trump or Flynn or other foreign agents Trump (at best) carelessly appoints? Even if she were at fault (PolitiFact disagrees), what gives? I don't care, Hillary is history, I'm not Team Hillary, I don't even like Hillary, mostly I don't care about Hillary. And neither should you, that is all just deflection.
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(03-12-2017, 10:24 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: You must have a heart attack when Obamas Secretary of State Clinton helped the Russians buy all of that uranium

you sure like being wrong all the time, eh cupcake
People suck
(03-12-2017, 10:46 PM)hollodero Wrote: what gives? I don't care, Hillary is history, I'm not Team Hillary, I don't even like Hillary, mostly I don't care about Hillary. And neither should you, that is all just deflection.

I'll back this up.
He's always keyed on defeating Trump.
It just happened to be that Hills was the most likely to accomplish that.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
Wait, if Clinton sold Russia uranium from her secret stash, shouldn't that be a good thing? Now that we're apparently on the same side?

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Rachel Maddow claims to have Trump's tax returns and will discuss them on air tonight at 9.

I'll be watching MTV's the Challenge, but if someone watches, let us know what happens.
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